Digital Equipment VAX 4000 Series, 505A, 600A, 500A, 705A, 700A Troubleshooting And Diagnostics
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
Order Number: EK–495AB–TS. B01
Digital Equipment Corporation
Maynard, Massachusetts
First Printing, December 1991
Revised, February 1992
Revised, April 1992
Revised, July 1992
Revised, July 1993
Revised, July 1994
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This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1.
Troubleshooting is the process of isolating and diagnosing problems. When
your system does not operate as described in your Operation manual, use the
information in this manual to isolate and diagnose the problem.
This manual contains three chapters and two appendixes:
•Chapter 1 lists problems you may experience at power-up and provides
corrective actions.
•Chapter 2 lists problems you may experience during normal operation and
provides corrective actions.
•Chapter 3 tells you how to run the MicroVAX Diagnostic Monitor (MDM),
a diagnostic tool you can use to test your system periodically or to isolate a
particular problem.
•Appendix A contains illustrations showing the location of your system controls
and indicators.
•Appendix B describes how to write-protect your EF/RF-Series ISE.
If the corrective actions suggested in Chapters 1 and 2 do not solve the problem,
call your Digital Services representative.
The following conventions are used in this manual.
NOTEProvides general information about the current topic.
CAUTIONProvides information to prevent damage to equipment or software.
A terminal key used in text and examples. For example,
indicates that you press the Break key on your terminal keyboard.
Hold down the Ctrl key while you press the C key.
Troubleshooting During Power-Up
After you turn on your system, the processor performs a series of self-tests
and startup routines. After successful completion of the self-tests, if the Break
Enable/Disable switch is set to disable (down), your system autoboots system
1.1 Autobooting the System Software
Your system boots automatically (autoboots) from a specified drive if you have
specified a boot device by way of the command SET BOOT device-name from
console mode. Your system continues to boot from the specified drive each time
it is turned on, until you specify a different device by entering the SET BOOT
device-name command again.
Your system stores the following console parameters in nonvolatile memory.
Language1 - 15Sets the language and the
ControlP0,1 (disabled,enabled)Sets ControlP as a halt condition
Halt0 - 4 (or DEFAULT,
DSSI_ID Bus 0/A0 - 7The DSSI node ID for the CPU
DSSI_ID Bus 1/B0 - 7The DSSI node ID for the CPU
keyboard type used under the
instead of a break, if the break
enable switch is set for enable.
Defines the action on halt
DSSI adapter 0
DSSI adapter 1
Troubleshooting During Power-Up 1–1
DSSI_ID Bus 2/C0 - 7The DSSI node ID for the CPU
DSSI_ID Bus 3/D0 - 7The DSSI node ID for the CPU
BFLGHex number up to 8
BOOTBoot deviceSets the default boot device
DSSI adapter 2
DSSI adapter 3
Sets the default R5 boot flag
If ac power is lost, this information is retained. When ac power is restored,
type SHOW SAVED_STATE at the >>> prompt. Your system displays these
parameters with the values they had at the time of the ac power loss. You can
then change any of these values. To boot your system, type B at the >>> prompt.
If you do not enter the SET BOOT device-name command, your system boots
from the Ethernet port, EZA0.
1.2 Troubleshooting Power-Up Problems
Refer to the descriptions of problems and corrective actions in the following
sections. If the action(s) listed do not solve the problem, call your Digital service
1.2.1 Problems During Self-Tests
ProblemPossible CauseCorrective Action
No response when
Power switch turned
on; AC
Present indicator not lit.
System not plugged in.Set Power switch to 0. Plug in
No power at wall outlet.Use different wall outlet or check
Power switch (circuit
breaker) tripped (in
position 0).
Power cable incorrectly
system. Set Power switch to 1.
circuit breaker controlling power to
wall outlet.
Wait 1 minute, then set Power
switch to position 1. If it trips
again, call your Digital Services
Set Power switch to 0. Check that
cable is fully seated in socket. Set
Power switch to 1.
1–2 Troubleshooting During Power-Up
ProblemPossible CauseCorrective Action
AC Present indicator lit;
DC OK indicator not lit.
System has power; AC
Present and DC OK
indicators lit; nothing
displays on console
System has power; DC
OK indicator lit; nothing
displays on console
terminal; LED on
console module displays
E or F.
Power Control Bus cable
connected to Secondary
In (SI) connector on
power supply.
BA400-series expander
not turned on.
Power supply or module
Console terminal off.Turn on console terminal.
Console terminal off
Hold key activated.Deactivate hold key.
Console terminal cable
incorrectly installed.
Console terminal setup
not done correctly.
Baud rate of system and
terminal do not match.
Power-Up Mode switch
on console module set to
Terminal defective.Turn off terminal and turn it on
If printer connected to
obtain copy of console
interaction, fault in
Problem in CPU.Call your Digital Services
Problem in CPU.Call your Digital Services
Turn on system or expander
connected to Power Bus Out (MO)
connector on power supply.
Turn on expander.
Call your Digital Services
Put terminal on line as described
in terminal document.
Make sure cable is installed
properly at both ends.
Reread setup instructions in
terminal manual.
Set terminal baud rate to match
system rate.
Set that switch to Run (indicated
by arrow).
again. If it fails self-tests, call your
Digital Services representative.
Turn off printer and turn it on
again. If it fails self-tests, call your
Digital Services representative.
Troubleshooting During Power-Up 1–3
ProblemPossible CauseCorrective Action
Self-tests halt; error
message or error
summary displays on
console terminal.
Language Selection
Menu does not appear.
System detected error
while running self-tests.
Baud rate on console
terminal different from
baud rate on system.
Terminal does not
support multinational
character set (MCS).
Copy number following question
mark in error message or summary
and call your Digital service
Check that baud rate on console
terminal agrees with system rate.
Obtain terminal that supports
MCS, or use the default language
(English). If this is not a problem
1.2.2 General Problems During Boot Sequence
ProblemPossible CauseCorrective Action
System returns to BOOT
prompt after 4 minutes.
displays on console
displays on console
terminal; Break Enable
/Disable switch set to
disable (down).
twice on console
Countdown does not
continue from 2 through
0; Break Enable/Disable
switch set to disable
Sanity timer enabled on
DESQA module.
Break Enable/Disable
switch set to enable (up);
system in console mode.
User-defined halt action
set to HALT.
No bootable medium
System cannot load
software from disk
tape drive or Ethernet.
Disable sanity timer as described
in DESQA Option InstallationGuide.
To autoboot, set Break Enable
/Disable switch on console module
to disable (down). Reset system by
pressing Restart button on system
control panel. To boot manually
from console mode, use BOOT
device-name command.
From console mode, enter SET
See actions listed for boot device in
subsequent sections.
See actions listed for boot device in
subsequent sections.
1–4 Troubleshooting During Power-Up
1.2.3 Problems Booting from an EF/RF-Series Integrated Storage
Element (ISE)
ProblemPossible CauseCorrective Action
Countdown continues
from 2 through 0;
console terminal
displays operating
system error messages;
Write-Protect button
in (glows orange). For
DCL command SHOW
DEVICE DI is issued.
Countdown continues
from 2 through 0;
console terminal
console error messages.
Countdown does not
continue from 2 through
0; Break Enable/Disable
switch set to disable
(down); Run/Ready
button out.
Fault indicator lit or
displays when
System disk
System disk contains no
bootable software.
System disk off line.Press Run/Ready button to in
Problem in controller or
Bus node ID plug not
Push in and release Write-Protect
button to out (unlit) position.
Make sure Write-Protect button
corresponds to system disk. For
EF/RFs, remove Write-Protect per
Appendix B.
Install system software.
position. Press Restart button on
system control panel.
If Fault indicator stops blinking,
system may have corrected
itself. Run MDM as described
in Chapter 3. If Fault indicator
remains lit, call your Digital
Services representative.
Install unique Bus node ID plug.
Troubleshooting During Power-Up 1–5
1.2.4 Problems Booting from a Tape Drive
ProblemPossible CauseCorrective Action
Countdown does not
continue from 2 to 0
or system boots from
another device (wrong
displays on console
No tape cartridge in
tape drive.
Fixed disk on line.Place fixed disk off line.
Tape not bootable (does
not contain bootstrap
Tape worn or damaged.Try another tape cartridge.
Problem in controller or
tape drive.
Insert cartridge containing system
software into tape drive.
Use bootable tape to start system
Call your Digital Services
1–6 Troubleshooting During Power-Up
Troubleshooting During Normal
Problems that occur during normal operation of your system may result from a
system defect, faulty setting, or incorrect procedure.
The following sections list problems, possible causes, and corrective actions. If the
action(s) listed do not solve the problem, call your Digital Services representative.
2.1 System Problems
ProblemPossible CauseCorrective Action
System has power; DC
OK indicator lit; nothing
displays on console
terminal; LED on
console module displays
E or F.
System loses power; AC
Present indicator not lit.
System loses power; DC
OK indicator not lit.
System loses power;
Power switch off
(position 0).
Problem in CPU.Call your Digital Services
System not plugged into
wall outlet.
No power at wall outlet.Use different wall outlet or check
Power cable incorrectly
Power supply failed.Turn off system and call your
Power switch (circuit
breaker) tripped.
Set Power switch to 0. Plug in
system. Set Power switch to 1.
circuit breaker controlling power to
wall outlet.
Set Power switch to 0. Check
that cable is seated in socket. Set
Power switch to 1.
Digital Services representative.
Wait 1 minute, then set Power
switch to 1. If it trips again,
call your Digital Services
Troubleshooting During Normal Operation 2–1
ProblemPossible CauseCorrective Action
Alarm sounding and
Over Temperature
Warning indicator
Over Temperature
Condition indicator
lit; system loses
power; Power switch
on (position 1).
System loses power; Fan
Failure indicator lit;
Power switch on
(position 1).
System halts;
displayed on console
Terminal display halts.Hold Screen key on
System reboots.Restart button pressed.Let rebooting complete. To prevent
For DSSI configuration:
performance degrades,
operating system
crashes, or
Virtual Circuit
displays on console
Systems internal
temperature rising and
approaching maximum
System shut down to
prevent overheating.
One or two fans failed.Call your Digital Services
terminal pressed.
Terminal data cable
Ground offset voltage
between enclosures
exceeds limit listed
in system Installation
pressed.Type C and press
Make sure that the system air
vents are not blocked. Keep system
away from heat sources, Check
room temperature per your Site
Preperation manual.
Make sure vents are clear, system
is not near heat source, and room
temperature is within guidelines in
Site Preparation manual. Then set
Power switch to 0. Wait 5 minutes.
Set Power switch to 1. If system
shuts down again, call your Digital
Services representative.
prevent recurrences, set Break
Enable/Disable switch to disable
(down) and press Run/Ready
button to restart system. Pressing
Restart button reboots system.
Press Hold Screen key again.
Reconnect data cable.
recurrences, ask your Digital
Services representative to disable
Restart button.
Make sure site power distribution
system does not have any
grounding faults listed in system
Site Preparation manual. Then
measure ground offset voltage(s)
as described in system Installation
Make sure ground cable connects
any two enclosures sharing
common DSSI bus.
ISE write-protected.Press and release Write-Protect
Bus node ID plug not
Two or more devices
have same node ID on
same bus.
Problem in controller or
ISE not spun up.Press Run/Ready button to in
button. For EF/RF, remove WriteProtect per Appendix B.
Install that plug.
Make sure all devices and
controllers or adapters on same
bus have unique IDs.
If Fault indicator stops blinking,
system may have corrected
itself. Run MDM as described
in Chapter 3. If Fault indicator
remains lit, call your Digital
service representative.
position. After green indicator
lights, ISE is available for use.
2–4 Troubleshooting During Normal Operation
2.3 RRD3 Compact Disc Drive Problems
ProblemPossible CauseCorrective Action
The drive does not
accept the disc.
The eject button fails to
release the disc tray.
The disc is upside-down
in the tray or it is not
placed correctly in the
A disc is already
The eject button is
disabled by software.
The system does not
have power.
The RRD43 compact disc
drive is faulty.
Remove the disc from the tray and
reinsert it properly.
Remove the disc and replace it
with a new one.
Reenable the eject button or
manually release the disc tray.
Set the system unit on/off switch to
the on ( | ) position and press the
eject button again.
If you want to release the disc
tray manually, see MicroVAX 3100
Model 85/95 Operator Information
for instructions. If the problem
persists, contact your Digital
services representative.
Troubleshooting During Normal Operation 2–5
2.4 TF-Series Tape Drive Problems
ProblemPossible CauseCorrective Action
Tape not software
Does not mount or read
Orange Use Cleaning
Tape light lit.
Four lights blinking.Failed self-test or
Green light on; yellow
light not lit.
Cartridge stuck in drive;
tape on takeup reel.
Cartridge does not load.Mispositioned leader.Try another cartridge.
Drive not loaded, or
unloaded by software.
Cartridge has TK50
or TK70 format (drive
cannot write to those
Bad cartridge or
improperly written
calibration tracks.
Cartridge load error.Try another cartridge. If problem
Hard drive error.Press Unload button. If problem
Load drive. Ensure that yellow
indicator is lit.
Use cartridge with correct format.
Try another cartridge.
Reboot operating system.
Push Unload button. If lights
continue blinking, call your Digital
Services representative.
persists, call your Digital Services
persists, call your Digital Services
2–6 Troubleshooting During Normal Operation
2.5 TK50 Tape Drive Problems
ProblemPossible CauseCorrective Action
Red light blinking; no
unusual sounds.
Red light blinking;
whirring sound.
Cartridge release handle
does not move.
Cartridge release handle
does not lock.
Cartridge does not
Passes self-test; does not
Problem in drive.Press Load/Unload button four
Tape leader not coupled
Self-test in progress.Press Unload button and wait for
Drive active.Press Unload button and wait for
Cartridge not inserted
Load/Unload button in
load (in) position.
Load/Unload button not
working properly.
Problem in controller
or connection between
drive and controller.
times. If problem persists, do not
use drive or remove cartridge.
Call your Digital Services
Turn off system. Do not remove
cartridge. Call your Digital
Services representative.
red light to go out and green light
to remain on. Then try again.
red light to go out and green light
to remain on. Then try again.
Reinsert cartridge. If problem
persists, call your Digital Services
Press button to unload (out)
position. Wait for red light to
go out and green light to remain on
before trying to remove cartridge.
Press button to load (in) position,
wait a few seconds, then press
button to unload (out) position.
After red light goes off and green
light comes on, move cartridge
release handle. If problem
persists, call your Digital Services
Call your Digital service
Troubleshooting During Normal Operation 2–7
2.6 TK70 Tape Drive Problems
ProblemPossible CauseCorrective Action
Green light blinking
after tape insertion.
Orange, yellow, and
green lights blinking.
Handle does not move.Self-test in progress.Do not move handle while yellow
Handle does not lock.Cartridge not inserted
Cartridge does not
Passes self-test; does not
Tape leader defective.Pull handle open and remove
Problem in drive.Press Unload button once. If
Drive active.Do not move handle while yellow
Unload button not
working properly.
Problem in controller
or connection between
drive and controller.
cartridge. Use another cartridge.
orange and green lights go out
and yellow light starts blinking,
cartridge is unloading. After green
light comes on and you hear beep,
remove cartridge. If three lights
start blinking after you press
Unload button, fault is not cleared.
Do not remove cartridge. Call your
Digital Services representative.
light is on. Press Unload button
and wait for orange and yellow
lights to go off and green light to
remain on. Then try again.
light is on. Press Unload button
and wait for yellow light to go off
and green light to remain on. Then
try again.
Reinsert cartridge. If problem
persists, call your Digital Services
Unload cartridge with command
described in your system software
Call your Digital Services
2–8 Troubleshooting During Normal Operation
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