Digital Equipment RW504-ZA, RW524-ZA Service Manual

SmallOpticalDiskLibrary ServiceManual
Part Number: EK–SOL10–SV.B01
Revision/Update Information: This manual supersedes Part Number
Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts
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Preface ................................................ xi
1 Introduction
1.1 Optical Disk Libraries Overview .................... 1–1
1.2 Product Features . ............................... 1–1
1.3 Optical Library Components ....................... 1–2
1.3.1 The Optical Drive Mechanism ................... 1–4
1.3.2 Magneto-Optical Disks . . ....................... 1–5
1.4 SCSI Interface Options ........................... 1–5
1.4.1 Single-ended SCSI Interface .................... 1–5
1.4.2 Differential SCSI Interface ..................... 1–6
1.5 Product Matrix . . . ............................... 1–6
1.6 Specifications ................................... 1–7
1.7 Optical Disk Specifications . . ....................... 1–12
1.8 Related Documents .............................. 1–14
2 Environmental/Installation/PM
2.1 Environmental Requirements ...................... 2–1
2.2 Operating Temperature/Clearance Requirements. . ...... 2–1
2.3 Location Requirements ........................... 2–1
2.4 Primary Power/External Ground .................... 2–2
2.5 Unpacking Procedure ............................. 2–2
2.6 Installation Procedures ........................... 2–3
2.6.1 Contents of Shipment . . ....................... 2–3
2.6.2 Uncrating the RW504/RW524 Optical Library . ...... 2–4
2.6.3 Installing the RW504/RW524 Optical Library . ...... 2–4
2.6.4 Checking the Fuse and Voltage Setting ............ 2–9 Changing the Voltage Configuration ........... 2–10
2.6.5 Connecting an Uninterruptible Power Supply
(UPS) ...................................... 2–10
2.7 Hardware Verification ............................ 2–11
2.8 Moving the RW504/RW524 Optical Disk Library . . ...... 2–12
2.8.1 Moving a Short Distance ....................... 2–12
2.8.2 Shipping the RW504/RW524 Optical Disk Library .... 2–13
2.9 Preventative Maintenance . . ....................... 2–15
3 Product Operation and Configuration
3.1 Front Panel/Control Panel Operations . ............... 3–1
3.2 Rear Panel Features and Controls ................... 3–3
3.3 Setting and Displaying Configurations . ............... 3–5
3.3.1 Setting a Configuration (CONF) . . . ............... 3–5
3.3.2 Displaying Information Logs (INFO) .............. 3–5
3.3.3 Choosing Tests and Displaying Results (TEST) ...... 3–6
3.3.4 Setting the SCSI Address....................... 3–7
3.3.5 Securing the Optical Disk Library . ............... 3–8
3.3.6 Setting a New Security Code .................... 3–8
3.3.7 Restricting Disk Insertion and Removal ........... 3–10 Setting CONF 15 or CONF 20 . ............... 3–10
3.3.8 Controlling Mailslot Rotation .................... 3–11
3.3.9 Host Configuration ............................ 3–11
3.4 Autochanger Configuration Choices . . . ............... 3–12
4 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
4.1 Operation/Installation Error Information.............. 4–2
4.2 Power-on Self-tests............................... 4–6
4.3 Optical Disk Cleaning ............................ 4–7
4.3.1 Cleaning Tools Available ....................... 4–8
4.4 Using the Eject Tool to Remove a Disk from the Drive . . . 4–9
4.5 Troubleshooting Using the Control Panel and
Observation .................................... 4–10
4.5.1 The Autochanger Lists the First ‘‘Possibles’’ . . ...... 4–11
4.5.2 How to Use the Results of the Internal Tests. . ...... 4–12
4.5.3 The FRU Isolation Test Sequence . ............... 4–14
4.6 Information Logs . ............................... 4–15
4.7 Recovery from Hardware Errors .................... 4–20
4.7.1 Hardware Error Codes and Recovery Procedures ..... 4–20
4.8 Error Information Through SCSI Commands .......... 4–30
4.9 Diagnostics..................................... 4–31
4.9.1 Offline Diagnostics ............................ 4–32
4.9.2 Internal Diagnostic Tests ....................... 4–32
4.10 Diagnostic Test Command Descriptions ............... 4–33
4.10.1 Sequence Tests ............................... 4–34
4.10.2 Electronic Core Tests . . ....................... 4–38
4.11 The FIND HOME Sequence and Information Logs ...... 4–41
4.11.1 Specific Steps of the FIND HOME Sequence . . ...... 4–41
4.12 Micro-Move Reference Table for Viewing FIND HOME
Sequence ...................................... 4–44
5 Removal and Replacement
5.1 Field-Replaceable Assemblies ....................... 5–1
5.2 ESD Precautions . ............................... 5–1
5.3 Tools Required . . . ............................... 5–2
5.4 Assembly/Disassembly Procedures ................... 5–2
5.4.1 Service Access ............................... 5–2
5.4.2 Replacing the Autochanger Controller PCA . . . ...... 5–4
5.4.3 Replacing the Front Bezel Assembly .............. 5–8
5.4.4 Replacing the Front Operation Switch/Cable
Assembly ................................... 5–10
5.4.5 Replacing the Fan/Display/Operation Button
Assemblies . . . ............................... 5–12
5.4.6 Replacing the Mailslot Assembly . . ............... 5–14
5.4.7 Replacing the Optical Drive Mechanism ........... 5–16
5.4.8 Replacing the Interconnect PCA . . ............... 5–22
5.4.9 Replacing the Picker/Carriage Assembly ........... 5–23
5.4.10 Replacing the Leadscrew Assembly ............... 5–26
5.4.11 Replacing the Power Supply .................... 5–29
5.4.12 Replacing the Magazine Guides . . . ............... 5–31
5.4.13 Replacing the Internal UPS Cable . ............... 5–33
5.4.14 Replacing the SCSI Cable ...................... 5–33
5.5 Reinitializing the Autochanger Controller PCA RAM after
Service . ....................................... 5–34
5.5.1 Variables Set by Configuration 16 . ............... 5–34
5.5.2 Variables Set by Configuration 18 . ............... 5–35
5.6 Replaceable Parts. ............................... 5–36
5.6.1 Recommended Service Kit ...................... 5–36
6 Theory of Operation
6.1 The Autochanger . ............................... 6–1
6.1.1 Movements . . . ............................... 6–1
6.1.2 Mechanics . . . ............................... 6–4
6.2 The Autochanger Controller PCA .................... 6–4
6.3 The Power Supply ............................... 6–7
6.4 The Multifunction Optical Drive and Drive Controller.... 6–8
6.4.1 Controller PCA............................... 6–8 SCSI Controller ........................... 6–9 Data Buffer .............................. 6–9 Formatter/Sequencer ....................... 6–9
6.4.2 Servo PCA . . . ............................... 6–9 DSP Microprocessor and Support/Servo Control
Loops ................................... 6–9 Read and Write Channel Electronics ........... 6–10
6.4.3 Mechanism Assembly . . . ....................... 6–10 Loader Mechanism . . ....................... 6–10 Optical Head ............................. 6–10
6.5 Optical Disk Layout and Error Correction ............. 6–10
6.5.1 Optical Disk Layout—650-Mbyte Capacity.......... 6–11
6.5.2 User Zone Layout—650-Mbyte Capacity ........... 6–11
6.5.3 Optical Disk Layout—1.3-Gbyte Capacity .......... 6–14
6.5.4 User Zone Layout—1.3-Gbyte Capacity ............ 6–14
6.5.5 Drive Defect Management ...................... 6–18
6.5.6 Slip Sparing Algorithm . ....................... 6–20
6.5.7 Replacement Sparing Algorithm . . ............... 6–20
6.5.8 Error Thresholds ............................. 6–21
6.6 Error Detection and Recovery ...................... 6–22
6.6.1 Error Detection .............................. 6–23
6.6.2 Error Recovery Processes ....................... 6–24
6.6.3 SCSI Detected Errors . . . ....................... 6–24
6.6.4 Move Errors . . ............................... 6–25
6.6.5 Hardware Error Codes . . ....................... 6–26
6.6.6 Real Time Event Logging ....................... 6–26
6.7 The SCSI Interface .............................. 6–27
6.7.1 SCSI Command Set ........................... 6–27
A Offline Diagnostic Information
A.1 System Error Report ............................. A–1
A.2 Autochanger Error Codes . . . ....................... A–3
A.3 Drive SCSI-2 Reference ........................... A–13
A.4 Offline Diagnostics ............................... A–27
B Basic Supplies and Reorderable Parts
B.1 Basic Supplies and Reorderable Parts . ............... B–1
C Connecting Multiple Optical Libraries
C.1 Connecting Two Optical Library Units to Two SCSI Ports
.............................................. C–1
C.2 Connecting Two Optical Library Units to One SCSI
Port . . . ....................................... C–2
C.3 Resetting Controller and Drive SCSI Addresses . . ...... C–3
1–1 Optical Disk Library Components . ............... 1–3
2–1 Removing the Shipping Screw ................... 2–4
2–2 Attaching the SCSI Cable to the RW504/RW524
Optical Disk Library . . . ....................... 2–6
2–3 Rear Panel . . . ............................... 2–8
2–4 Replacing the Shipping Screw ................... 2–14
3–1 Front Panel . . ............................... 3–1
3–2 Rear Panel . . . ............................... 3–3
4–1 Information and Tests Through the Control Panel .... 4–10
4–2 The Autochanger Returns Suspect FRUs ........... 4–11
4–3 How Service Views the Suspect FRUs ............. 4–13
4–4 Information and Tests Through the SCSI Bus . ...... 4–31
5–1 Controller PCA Cable Connections . ............... 5–5
5–2 Removing the Autochanger Controller PCA . . . ...... 5–6
5–3 Dip Switch Location on the Controller PCA . . . ...... 5–7
5–4 Front Bezel Mounting Screws ................... 5–9
5–5 Disconnecting the Mailslot Sensor Cable and Front
Panel Cable . . ............................... 5–10
5–6 Removing the Display Assembly . . ............... 5–13
5–7 Mailslot Mounting Screws ...................... 5–15
5–8 Picker Service Position . . ....................... 5–17
5–9 Optical Drive Mechanism Cable Connections . . ...... 5–18
5–10 Drive Mounting Screws and Optical Sensor Cable
Locations ................................... 5–19
5–11 Sliding the Drive Mechanism Out of the Library ..... 5–20
5–12 Removing the Drive Plate and Optical Sensor . ...... 5–21
5–13 Removing the Interconnect PCA . . ............... 5–23
5–14 Removing the Carriage/Picker Assembly ........... 5–24
5–15 Removing the Carriage Shaft .................... 5–25
5–16 Removing the Leadscrew Mounting Screw .......... 5–26
5–17 Securing the Picker to the Top of the Autochanger . . . 5–27
5–18 Removing the Leadscrew Assembly ............... 5–28
5–19 Preparing the Leadscrew Assembly for
Replacement. . ............................... 5–29
5–20 Removing the Power Supply Assembly ............ 5–30
5–21 Removing the Magazine Guides . . . ............... 5–32
5–22 Optical Disk Library Exploded View (Sheet 1 of 3) . . . 5–39 5–23 Optical Disk Library Exploded View (Sheet 2 of 3) . . . 5–40 5–24 Optical Disk Library Exploded View (Sheet 3 of 3) . . . 5–41 6–1 SCSI Command Translation for Autochanger
Operation ................................... 6–2
6–2 Autochanger Controller PCA Block Diagram . . ...... 6–5
6–3 Functional Diagram ........................... 6–8
6–4 Optical Disk Layout ........................... 6–12
6–5 User Zone Layout for 650-Mbyte Media ............ 6–13
6–6 User Zone Layout for 1.3-Gbyte Media, g=1 . . . ...... 6–15
6–7 User Zone Layout for 1.3-Gbyte,g=16 .............. 6–16
6–8 Error Detection and Recovery ................... 6–22
A–1 System Error Report . . . ....................... A–2
A–2 Jukebox Request Sense Data Parameter Block
Format ..................................... A–3
A–3 Jukebox Request Sense—Additional Sense Data ..... A–5
A–4 Drive Request Sense Data Parameter Format . ...... A–14
C–1 Connecting Two Optical Library Units (RW504/RW524)
to One SCSI Port ............................ C–2
1 Conventions Used in This Guide . . ............... xii
1–1 RW504/RW524 Components ..................... 1–4
1–2 Optical Disk Library Products Matrix ............. 1–6
1–3 Specifications and Characteristics of Optical Disks . . . 1–12
1–4 Related Documentation . ....................... 1–14
1–5 Pass Documents .............................. 1–14
2–1 Fuse Specifications and Part Numbers ............ 2–9
2–2 UPS Power Requirements ...................... 2–11
3–1 Front Panel Controls . . . ....................... 3–2
3–2 Rear Panel Features and Controls . ............... 3–3
3–3 Autochanger Configuration Choices ............... 3–12
4–1 Operation/Installation Troubleshooting ............ 4–2
4–2 Information Logs (INFO Logs) ................... 4–16
4–3 Recovery Procedures for Specific Hardware Errors . . . 4–21
4–4 Sequence Tests ............................... 4–34
4–5 Exerciser Tests ............................... 4–36
4–6 Electronic Core Tests . . . ....................... 4–38
4–7 RW504/RW524 Micro-Move ID Table .............. 4–44
5–1 SW2 Default Settings . . . ....................... 5–8
5–2 Exchange Assemblies . . . ....................... 5–36
5–3 Non-exchange Assemblies ...................... 5–37
6–1 Values for n and m for 1.3-Gbyte with g=16 (1024
media) ..................................... 6–17
6–2 Physical Revolution to Logical Track Layout . . ...... 6–17
6–3 Error Thresholds ............................. 6–22
6–4 Group 0 Commands (6-byte command) ............ 6–28
6–5 Group 1 and 2 Commands (10-byte command) . ...... 6–29
6–6 Group 5 Commands (12-byte command) ............ 6–30
A–1 Sense Key and Additional Sense Length Values ..... A–4
A–2 Autochanger Move Errors ...................... A–9
A–3 Autochanger Micro-Move Error Codes ............. A–11
A–4 Drive Request Sense - Additional Sense Code
Values ..................................... A–16
A–5 HP-Specific Drive Error Codes ................... A–19
This manual assumes you are familiar with computer terms. It is divided into seven chapters and three appendixes and is organized to allow you to quickly find the information that you need.
This manual contains the following information:
Chapter 1 provides an introduction that lists the features and components, product configurations, and the characteristics of the drive mechanism and the disks for the RW504-ZA and the RW524-ZA optical disk libraries. This manual refers to these optical disk libraries as RW504 and RW524.
Chapter 2 provides environmental, installation and preventive mainte­nance information on the RW504 and RW524 optical disk libraries.
Chapter 3 provides configuration and operating information on the RW504 and RW524 optical disk libraries.
Chapter 4 provides troubleshooting and diagnostics information on the RW504 and RW524 optical disk libraries.
Chapter 5 provides removal and replacement procedures for the field­replaceable assemblies in the RW504 and RW524 optical disk libraries.
Chapter 6 provides theory of operation information on the RW504 and RW524 optical disk libraries.
Appendix A provides offline diagnostic information, a VAX system error report sample and SCSI-2 reference.
Appendix B provides a list of basic supplies and reorderable parts.
Appendix C lists information about, and procedures for, connecting multiple optical libraries.
Conventions Used in This Guide
Table 1 Conventions Used in This Guide
Convention Use
Italics Italic text is used for titles of manuals and other publications.
Monospace type Anything that is displayed on the control panel of the
optical disk library is set in this monospace type.
Boldface type Anything that you are asked to type is set in this
Keys Keys
Note A note calls attention to information which is helpful in
CAUTION Caution notes provide information that protects your optical
WARNING Warning notes provide information that protects you from being
boldface type.
indicate the key to press on the control panel of the
optical disk library.
understanding the operation of the product.
disk library from being damaged.
1.1 Optical Disk Libraries Overview
The RW504-ZA and RW524-ZA are optical disk libraries that contain a multifunction optical drive. They have storage slots for sixteen 5.25-inch optical disks for a total storage capacity of 10 Gbytes or 20 Gbytes, respectively. Both rewritable and write-once optical disks can be used; they must be 512 bytes per sector format.
There are two basic optical disk libraries:
RW504-ZA (known as the RW504)
RW524-ZA (known as the RW524) The main difference between these two library versions is storage capacity. The
RW524 has approximately twice the storage capacity of the RW504. This added capacity is due to a difference in the optical drives contained in the libraries. The RW524 contains a 1.3-Gbyte drive, an enhanced version of the 650-Mbyte drive that is used in the RW504 version libraries. The 1.3-Gbyte drive supports the use of 1.2-Gbyte disks as well as the 594-Mbyte disks that are supported for use with 650-Mbyte drives. Other than the added support of 1.2-Gbyte disks, the RW524 libraries are mechanically, electrically, and operationally the same as the RW504 libraries, and both versions support the SCSI-2 command set.
1.2 Product Features
The optical disk library has the following features and meets the following specifications:
Direct online access to data
High reliability and data security when using rewritable and write-once
5.25-inch optical disks
Introduction 1–1
DEC magneto optical disks meet the following standards:
594 Mbyte rewritable optical disks are Continuous Composite (CC) format, conform to ISO/IEC 10089A; ANSI X3.212-199x and 1.2 Gbyte optical disks meet ECMA 184 standard for CC format.
594 Mbyte write-once disks are Continuous Composite Write-Once (CCW) format, conform to ISO/IEC DIS 11560; ANSI X3.220-199x and 1.2 Gbyte optical disks meet ECMA 184 standard for CCW format.
Data security through the ability to ‘‘lock’’ the library, preventing disk removal.
SCSI Interface
Single-ended SCSI-2 command set
Autochanger reliability of:
40,000 hours MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) 300,000 MSBF (Mean Swaps Between Failure)
Modular replacement of all major assemblies
Digital signal processor (DSP) based servo built into the drive mechanism for faster seek times and lower error rates
Split optics resulting in the use of a lighter optical head for faster and more accurate data access
Full read and write data caching to optimize system performance
1.3 Optical Library Components
Usually each SCSI-connect peripheral requires one SCSI address. With the disk library, however, there are two unique SCSI interface addresses— one SCSI address for the autochanger controller and one for the drive contained in the disk library.
The autochanger controller and the host operating system manage communication through the SCSI bus to each drive’s unique SCSI address.
Table 1–1 is a discussion of the optical library components. Refer to Figure 1–1 for component locations.
1–2 Introduction
Figure 1–1 Optical Disk Library Components
Carriage & Rails
Storage Slots
Disk Drive
Introduction 1–3
Table 1–1 RW504/RW524 Components
Component Description
Disk Drive The optical disk library contains one multifunction optical
Storage Slots The optical disk library contains 16 storage slots for holding
Mailslot The mailslot is used to insert or remove optical disks from the
Front Panel The front panel includes a control panel used to manage and
Rear Panel The rear panel includes SCSI and power cord connections,
Rail and Carriage The rail and carriage support the picker for its movement
Picker The picker rotates, flips, and transports optical disks to and
disk drive for read/write data transfer. The drive requires its own unique SCSI address and is located next to the front panel at the bottom of the optical library. See Section 1.3.1 for additional drive information.
optical disks.
disk library.
display library functions and a mailslot for inserting and removing disks. Control panel functions are described in Section 3.1.
a fuse receptacle, a 9-pin serial connector for attaching an uninterruptable power supply (UPS), and a voltage select switch.
within the disk library.
from the storage slots, mailslot, and optical drive.
The RW504/RW524 is available as a single-ended SCSI interface.
1.3.1 The Optical Drive Mechanism
The optical drive mechanism is a multifunction drive and, therefore, operates in both rewritable and write-once modes. The drive uses both rewritable and write-once 5.25-inch magneto-optical disks that comply with ANSI and ISO standards for Continuous Composite format. The drive senses the disk type and automatically operates in either rewritable or write-once mode.
The drive has a 3600 rpm rotational speed and can achieve a maximum sustained write transfer rate of 0.5 to 0.8 Mbytes per second and a maximum sustained read transfer rate of 1- to 1.6-Mbyte per second, depending on the media and drive capacity. The error rate is less than one block in error per
Immediate response mode and write caching are used by the drive mechanism to achieve its high write performance. However, if a power failure occurs while write data is in the buffer, the drive may not have enough power to complete the write operation and empty the buffer. Therefore we recommend that an
1–4 Introduction
uninterruptable power supply (UPS) be used with battery backup to ensure that no data is lost if a power failure occurs.
1.3.2 Magneto-Optical Disks
Magneto-Optical (MO) disks are more durable, more reliable, removable, and cost far less per megabyte than magnetic disks. MO disks are made of the same kind of plastic used in bullet-proof windows. Data can be read through fingerprints and minor scratches. MO disks can withstand x-rays, magnetic interference, and can be dropped from desk height without damage.
Magneto-Optical disks store data on a magnetic layer in the form of magnetic flux reversals rather than on a pitted surface used in other optical technologies. Because surfaces of the MO disk are not physically changed, they can be written to and erased repeatedly with no measurable data degradation. Optical disks have an archival life of thirty years based on accelerated life tests for data retention.
The disk is mounted in a rigid plastic case with a metal shutter, similar to a
3.5-inch magnetic flexible disk. Optical disk storage capacity varies depending
on the disk type. (Check the host system documentation to determine which disk format is supported.) The MO disk has two recording sides. To access the second side, the cartridge must be ejected, turned over, and reinserted into the drive.
There are two types of magneto-optical disks: rewritable optical disks and write­once optical disks. (Check the host system documentation to determine which disk type(s) are supported.) The two disk types can be differentiated by the words ‘‘rewritable’’ or ‘‘write-once’’ printed on the disk’s metal shutter.
For data safety, you can independently write-protect each side of the disk by setting the write-protect tab on the corner of the cartridge.
1.4 SCSI Interface Options
The optical disk library connects to the host system with a single-ended SCSI interface This interface conforms to SCSI standards ANSI X3.131-SCSI-2.
1.4.1 Single-ended SCSI Interface
The single-ended interface specifies the use of a single-ended SCSI repeater PCA. This PCA enables the library to be connected to an external single-ended SCSI bus. The total SCSI cable length between peripherals and the host is 6 meters. In addition, an internal SCSI cable length of 2.1 meters must be included in this calculation.
Introduction 1–5
1.4.2 Differential SCSI Interface
The differential SCSI interface specifies the use of a differential SCSI repeater PCA. This PCA enables the library to be connected to an external differential SCSI bus. The differential SCSI repeater PCA uses the equivalent of 10 meters of SCSI cable internally, so the allowable external cable length is limited to 15 meters instead of the 25 meters usually allowed on a differential SCSI bus.
1.5 Product Matrix
The following products are discussed in this manual. To determine the product and option numbers, find the product information labels located on the library’s rear panel and check the corresponding information in Table 1–2.
Table 1–2 Optical Disk Library Products Matrix
Product No. /Options Description HP Designation
RW504-ZA 10.4-Gbyte multifunction optical disk library—
includes one 650-Mbyte 5.25-inch multifunction optical drive mechanism and a single-ended SCSI interface.
RW524-ZA 20.8-Gbyte multifunction optical disk library—
includes one 1.3-Gbyte 5.25-inch multifunction optical drive mechanism and a single-ended SCSI interface.
RW524-UB Converts 650-Mbyte multifunction drives to 1.3
Gbyte multifunction drives to be used with a RW504 jukebox. Consists of one 1.3-Gbyte drive, RFI shield, and installation guide.
Model 10LC (C1718C)
Model 20LT (C1718T)
1–6 Introduction
1.6 Specifications
This section provides:
Performance Specifications
Physical Characteristics
Environmental Specifications
Power Requirements
Service Characteristics
Product Certification
Introduction 1–7
Performance Specifications
Optical Disk Library System
Capacity 16 disks
10.4 Gbytes (RW504) or
20.8 Gbytes (RW524)
Drives 1, 5.25-inch multifunc-
Average disk exchange time (excluding drive load/unload sequences)
Interface Single-ended asyn-
Multifunction Optical Drives
Rotational speed 3600 rpm 2400 rpm Average seek 25 ms 23.5 Short stroke seek (across 2.2 Mbytes) 8 ms 4 ms Full stroke seek 50 ms 45 ms Single track seek (track-to-track) 2 ms 2 ms Average rotational delay 8.33 ms 12.5 ms Bias magnet rotation time 8 ms (maximum) 8 ms (maximum) Average access time 35 ms Burst transfer rate 3 Mbytes/s (asyn-
Data transfer rate (host dependent) 1 Mbyte/s (read) .8-1.6 Mbyte/s
Load time (including spin-up) 2.5 seconds (average) 2.3 seconds
Unload time (including spin-down) 2.0 seconds (average) 1.4 seconds
tion 650-Mbyte (RW504) or 1.3-Gbyte (RW524) optical disk drive
7 seconds
chronous SCSI
650 Mbytes 1.3 Gbytes
chronous) 5 Mbytes/s (syn-
.5 Mbytes/s (write) .4-.8 Mbytes/s
3 Mbytes/s (asynchronous)
5 Mbytes/s (synchronous)
1–8 Introduction
Multifunction Optical Drives
650 Mbytes 1.3 Gbytes
Read/Write error rate Less than 1 block in
error per
Seek error rate Less than 1 per
Interface SCSI-2
RW504/RW524 Physical Characteristics
Height 493.8 mm (19.4 in) Width 220.0 mm (8.7 in) Depth 693.4 mm (27.3 in) Weight (net) 34.9 kg (77.5 pounds) Weight (packaged) 40.8 kg (90.0 lbs)
RW504/RW524 Environmental Specifications
Temperature gradient 10° C per hour Temperature (operating) 10° to 40° C Temperature (nonoperating) -40° to 70° C Relative humidity (noncondensing) operating 10 to 90% nonoperating 5 to 95% Max. wet bulb temperature 29° C Shock (nonoperating) 292 ips (30 g trape-
zoidal) Vibration (5-500 Hz) operating ~0.21 g rms nonoperating, random ~2.09 g rms nonoperating swept-sine 0.5 g peak Altitude (operating) 15,000 ft (4,572 m) Altitude (nonoperating) 50,000 ft (15,240 m) Acoustic emissions
Less than 1 block in error per
SCSI-2 single-ended
Introduction 1–9
RW504/RW524 Environmental Specifications
operating 61.5 dB (L noise power
emission level) idle 47 dB (L noise power
emission level) Particulates Less than 200
micrograms/cubic meter
particles suspended Electrostatic discharge Airgap (operating) 0 to 10 kV Airgap (nonoperating survival) 0 to 25 kV Direct contact (operating) 0 to 5 kV Direct contact (nonoperating survival) 0 to 8 kV Cooling requirements 15 CFM bidirectional
through drive
RW504/RW524 Power Requirements
Line voltage (115V setting) 100-127V Line voltage (230V setting) 200-240V Line frequency 50-60Hz Power consumption (typical) Less than 70 W Power consumption (maximum) 100 W
RW504/RW524 Service Characteristics
Mean time between failure 40,000 power-on hours Mean swaps between failure 300,000 Mean time to repair 1 hour Preventive maintenance none required
RW504/RW524 Product Certifications
Safety EN 60950/IEC 950
1–10 Introduction
UL 1950 listed or
CSA 950-M89
TUV approved to VDE
0805 05.90
RW504/RW524 Product Certifications
Electromagnetic emissions FCC 47 CFR Part 15
Subpart J - Class ‘‘B’’
EN 55022/CISPR 22,
Level ‘‘B’’; SABS
VCCI Level 2 Laser CDRH 21 CFR Chapter
1, Subpart J Registered
IEC 825
TUV approved to
VBG93, VDE 0837
TTL to Decision 472
BS 4803 part 2
Introduction 1–11
1.7 Optical Disk Specifications
Table 1–3 Specifications and Characteristics of Optical Disks
Physical Characteristics Rewritable Write-once
Disk 5.25 in. diameter (130 mm) 5.25 in. diameter (130
Capacity (512-byte sectors) (1x)
Capacity (512-byte sectors) (2x)
594 Mbytes (297 Mbytes/side) (formatted)
1.2 Gbytes (594 Mbytes/side) (formatted)
Format (1x) Continuous Composite (CC)
594 Mbytes (297 Mbytes /side) (formatted)
1.2 Gbytes (594 Mbytes /side) (formatted)
CCW (ISO 11560)
(ISO 10089)
Format (2x) Continuous Composite (CC)
(ISO 10089),ECMA 184 for CC format
CCW (ISO 11560), ECMA 184 standard for CCW
format Bytes per sector 512 (medium dependent) 512 (medium dependent) Sectors per track 31 (medium dependent) 31 (medium dependent) Physical tracks per side
18751 18751
(1x) Physical tracks per side
21600 21600
(2x) Physical tracks per inch
15875 15875
(1x) Physical tracks per inch
18273 18273
(2x) Error Rate Less than 1 block in error per
Less than 1 block in error
Security Write protect tab (1 per side) Write protect tab (1 per
side) Medium archival life 30 years 30 years
In this table, 1x refers to 594-Mbyte.
In this table, 2x refers to 1.2-Gbyte.
1–12 Introduction
(continued on next page)
Table 1–3 (Cont.) Specifications and Characteristics of Optical Disks
Environmental Specifications Rewritable Write-once
Temperature (operating) 10° to 50° C 10° to 50° C Temperature (nonoperat-
Temperature gradient 10° C per hour 10° C per hour Maximum wet bulb
temperature Humidity (operating) 10 to 80 percent (noncondensing) 10 to 80 percent
Humidity (nonoperating) 10 to 90 percent (noncondensing) 10 to 90 percent
-10° to 50° C long term (> 14 days)
-10° to 55° C short-term ( days)
-10° to 50° C long term
(> 14 days)
-10° to 55° C short-term (
14 days)
29° C 29° C
Introduction 1–13
1.8 Related Documents
Table 1–4 Related Documentation
Item Part Number
Optical Disk Library Conversion Kit Installation Guide EK–OLCON–IG Optical Library User’s Guide (Shipped with each unit) EK–STSOP–UG Optical Storage Desktop Software Installation Guide AA–PXYKA–TE Optical Storage Desktop Software User’s Guide AA–PXYLA–TE Optical Storage Management Software Installation Guide AA–PXYPA–TE Optical Storage Management Software Installation Guide AA–PXYQA–TE Storage Server 100 Installation Guide EK–D59SS–IN Small Optical Disk Library Service Manual EK–SOL10–SV Medium Optical Disk Library Service Manual EK–MOL20–SV Large Optical Disk Library Service Manual EK–SS100–SV Storage Server 100 Optical Disk Service Manual EK–STSOP–SV‡ Optical Disk Library System Technical Reference Manual 5959-3559 (GSD)† Technical Guide Optical Drives and Libraries 5960-7605† Optical Drive and Library SCSI-2 Command Reference 5960-7606† Offline Diagnostics for HP Optical Products 5960-7626†
†These documents can be ordered directly from Hewlett-Packard ‡Only for older model 10/20 Jukebox shipped with (Ninja) storage server systems
Table 1–5 Pass Documents
Pass Entry Number
RW5xx Hardware Pass 7174 Ninja Hardware Pass 6060 Optical Storage Management Software Pass 3731 Optical Storage Desktop Software Pass 3750
1–14 Introduction
2.1 Environmental Requirements
The environmental requirements listed here apply when the RW504 /RW524 optical disk library is not connected to a system. When this device is connected to a system, the more stringent environmental specifications listed for any single device within the system are applicable and supersede these specifications.
2.2 Operating Temperature/Clearance Requirements
The RW504/RW524 optical disk library is designed to operate with an ambient air temperature range of 10° to 40° C (50° to 104° F) with a rate of temperature change not to exceed 10° C (50° F) per hour.
A minimum 70-80 mm (3 in.) is required behind the RW504/RW524 optical disk library rear panel to allow air circulation.
2.3 Location Requirements
Position the autochanger away from sources of particulate contamination such as frequently-used doors and walkways, stacks of supplies that collect dust, and smoke-filled rooms.
Environmental/Installation/PM 2–1
2.4 Primary Power/External Ground
The power outlet to be used to supply AC power to the RW504/RW524 optical disk library must be checked to ensure that the proper voltage is available for the drive. Permitted voltage range(s), depending on configuration and assuming 50-60 Hz, are 100 to 120 Vac and 200 to 240 Vac. Also check the earth (safety) ground in the power outlet.
2.5 Unpacking Procedure
Check that all materials are included with the disk library (Section 2.6.1). If any items are missing, please contact the factory Order Processing Center with the following information:
Original order number or unit serial number
Receiving address If the unit is damaged, it will be repaired or replaced. Billing of the charges
depends on whether the damage was caused by the carrier or the factory packaging. The cause of damage will be determined by the field service representative.
Problems determined to be caused by factory packaging should be reported, in detail, to the factory so a warranty claim can be submitted.
Be sure to include the product number and full serial number in any correspondence concerning the unit.
2–2 Environmental/Installation/PM
2.6 Installation Procedures
This section provides information on:
Contents of shipment
Uncrating and installing an RW504/RW524 optical library
Connect multiple optical library systems together Setting up the optical disk library is the customer’s responsibility; however this
service may be contracted for on a time-and-materials basis. Setup instructions for the disk library are in the Optical Library User’s Guide, part number EK–STSOP–UG, which is shipped with the product.
The installation and configuration instructions are provided for situations where the customer has arranged for this service.
Before you connect the optical disk library to the host, verify that the host supports it. Refer to the Product Support Plan for the most current list of host systems that support the RW504/RW524 optical disk library.
The shipping screw must be removed from the disk library before connecting power. Directions for removing the shipping screw are printed on the carton, or see Figure 2–1 for the location of the shipping screw.
2.6.1 Contents of Shipment
You should receive a crate containing the RW504/RW524 optical library, and a box, shipped separately, labeled OPEN FIRST. Inside this box are several additional packages containing the following:
READ ME FIRST instructions
Optical Library User’s Guide
SCSI cable
SCSI terminator
Power cord
Environmental/Installation/PM 2–3
In addition to these items, to complete the installation you may need two wrenches—a 1/2 inch wrench and a 9/16 inch wrench—and a TORX T10, T15, T20, and T25 screwdriver (the blade is star-shaped) as well as wire cutters or a knife.
2.6.2 Uncrating the RW504/RW524 Optical Library
1. Uncrate the Optical Library. Remove the packaging material.
2. Lay the unit on its side and remove the shipping screw as shown in
Figure 2–1.
Figure 2–1 Removing the Shipping Screw
Shipping screw
2.6.3 Installing the RW504/RW524 Optical Library
The optical disk library has a single-ended SCSI interface. The total allowable cable lengths for a single-ended SCSI is 3.9 meter.
Do not switch off power to any peripheral on the SCSI bus if the bus is active. Switching off power to a peripheral on an active bus may cause data loss, indeterminite bus states, or both.
2–4 Environmental/Installation/PM
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