Digital Equipment LA600 MultiPrinter Field Service Manual

LA600 MultiPrinter
Field Service Manual
Order No.: ER-LA600-SV
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.
Copyright © by Digital Equipment Corporation 1998. All rights strictly reserved. Reproduction or issue to third parties in any form is not permitted without written authorization from the publisher.
Pub. No. 5112 991 12933 November 1998
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 5. Printer Subassemblies ....................................5-1
1. Introduction ............................................ 1-1
2. Safety Precautions ....................................... 2-1
3. Keeping the Printer Running ............................... 3-1
3.1 Basic Rules .......................................... 3-1
3.2 Cleaning ............................................. 3-2
3.2.1 Cleaning the Platen and Surrounding Areas ................ 3-2
PRINT TEST 3 .......................................... 3-3
3.2.2 Cleaning Procedures ................................. 3-4
3.3 Status and Error Messages .............................. 3-5
4. Specific Printer Functions ................................. 4-1
4.1 Print Gap Ajustment .................................... 4-1
4.1.1 Principle .......................................... 4-1
4.1.2 AGC Procedure ..................................... 4-2
4.1.3 AGC Adjust ........................................ 4-3
4.1.4 Automatic Gap Control (AGC) .......................... 4-4
4.1.5 Programmed Copy Control (PCC) ....................... 4-5
4.2 Print Head - Tilting Principle and related Print Speed ........... 4-6
4.2.1 Print Speed in DATA (DRAFT) Mode ..................... 4-7
4.4.2 Print Speed in NLQ Mode ............................. 4-7
4.4.3 Print Speed in LQ Mode 1 ............................. 4-8
4.4.4 Print Speed in LQ Mode 2 ............................. 4-8
4.3 Positioning System - Horizontal Positioner ................... 4-9
4.4 Paper Run / Paper In Control ............................ 4-10
4.5 Paper Path .......................................... 4-11
4.5.1 Paper Transportation Principle ......................... 4-11
5.1 Basic Elements of the Printer .............................5-1
5.2 Main Subassemblies ....................................5-2
5.3 Internal Wiring Scheme ..................................5-3
6. Built In Diagnostics and Trouble Shooting ....................6-1
How to use this Section .....................................6-1
6.1 Power related Problems .................................6-2
6.2 Error Messages ........................................6-2
6.3 No Printout ...........................................6-5
6.4 Operator related Problems ...............................6-6
6.5 Print related Problems ...................................6-7
6.6 Ribbon or Carriage-related Problems .......................6-9
6.7 Print Tests ...........................................6-9
Table of Contents Table of Contents
7. Procedures for Removal and Reassembly of Spare Parts ........ 7-1
Housing 405 ............................................. 7-2
Top Cover LA600 ......................................... 7-2
Top Cover 405 ........................................... 7-2
Front Cover 405 .......................................... 7-2
Front Insertion 405 ........................................ 7-2
Stacker Support 405 ....................................... 7-2
Print Engine LA600 ....................................... 7-4
PSU-40A ............................................... 7-6
DEV-40AE .............................................. 7-8
DEV-40A ............................................... 7-8
CU-40K ............................................... 7-10
Print CU-40L ........................................... 7-12
EEPROM CU-40X ....................................... 7-14
Operator Panel 40B ...................................... 7-16
Power Switch 40A ....................................... 7-18
Print Head Cable 405 ..................................... 7-20
Encoder Stripe 2 ........................................ 7-22
Kit Lubrication Felt ....................................... 7-24
Print H-Encoder ......................................... 7-26
H-Motor ............................................... 7-28
Carriage ............................................... 7-30
Protection Schield ....................................... 7-32
Ribbon Gear ........................................... 7-34
Stepper Motor 7.5 DEG (Palten Gap Control) ................... 7-36
Stepper Motor 1.8 DEG (Vertical Paper Transport) ............... 7-38
Tractor Gear ........................................... 7-40
Stacker Elements ........................................ 7-42
Paper Sensor ........................................... 7-44
Kit Pressure Rolls ........................................ 7-46
Kit V-Transport ..........................................7-48
Belt Stepper ............................................7-48
Belt Form Feed .......................................... 7-48
Kit Belt Pulley 2 ......................................... 7-50
Kit Cont. Form Exit .......................................7-52
Kit Tractor 2 ............................................7-54
Kit H-Drive Belt ..........................................7-56
Kit ASF Lever 2 ..........................................7-58
Kit Spring D-Axis ........................................7-60
Kit Screws and Springs .................................... 7-62
Noise Absorber ..........................................7-64
Rep Kit ASF-Cassette .....................................7-66
8 Wearing Parts ...........................................8-1
Print Head DH3024/2 ......................................8-2
Platen Assy .............................................8-4
ASF Pick-up Rollers .......................................8-6
9. List of Spare Parts, Wearing Parts, and Tools ..................9-1
9.1 List of Spare Parts ........................................9-1
9.2 List of Wearing Parts ......................................9-3
1-1 1-2
1. Introduction proper handling of the wearing parts of the printer.
The manual is divided into the following chapters:
1 Introduction
This chapter gives an overview about the manual and some basic informations.
2 Safety Precautions
This chapter contains all the important instructions a service technician should obey during a service action.
3 Keeping the Printer Running
This chapter instructs the user about preventive meassures for troublefree operation of the printer.
4 Specific Printer Functions
This chapter describes some basic functions of the printer, which should be known by persons who are performing the technical support for this product.
5 Printer Subassemblies
This chapter comprises diagrams, depicturing the printer´s subassemlies, the internal wiring scheme and arrangement of the collective connectors.
6 Built In Diagnostics and Trouble Shouting
This chapter gives a description of some problem symptoms and how to isolate the failures with regard to spare parts and field replaceable units concerned.
7 Procedures for Removal and Reassembly of Subassemblies and
Spare Parts
This chapter contains all removal and reassembly procedures for an on­site- or workshop-repair of the printer.
8 Wearings Parts
This chapter describes the removal procedures which are necessary for
9 List of Spares and Repairs
This chapter lists all actually defined Spare Parts and Wearing Parts and contains the relevant reference to the different chapters of this manual as far as requested.
2-1 2-2
2. Safety Precautions
S Some of the maintenance procedures described in this section require that
the printers top housing is removed. This exposes the internal working parts of the printer. During operating touching some of these parts may be potentially dangerous.
S All replacement and cleaning procedures should be performed with the
printer switched OFF and the mains connector disconnected.
S Only recommended parts should be used to replace defective parts. Details
of field exchangeable parts, including part number and order number are listed in Chapter 9.
S Switch the printer OFF while connecting or disconnecting a Personality
S Don´t touch the print head after long peroids of printing, because it can be
very hot.
Keeping the Printer Running
3-1 3-2
3. Keeping the Printer Running
3.1 Basic Rules
S Never print over the area of pin holes nor the edges of the fanfold paper.
Otherwise the print head can be damaged.
S Never print with no papaer loaded or no ribbon cartridge is installed in the
S Put the printer in stop mode immediately a paper jam occurs, using the
[START/STOP] key at the operator pannel.
The following points should be additionally checked on a service call.
Item Problem Remedial Action
Platen Paper feeding problems Remove platen and clean
surface thoroughly using platen cleaner S/CP 09.
Paper input transport Paper feeding problems Disconnect mains cable, rollers remove the ribbon, and
remove housing (see chapter 3, Part: Housing). Also remove the paper guide secured with two green screws. Clean all transport rollers using platen cleaner S/CP 09.
Refer to Chapter 4 to check a necessary exchange of platen or
pick-up rollers.
ASF Paper insertion Remove ASF cassette.
problems Clean pick-up rollers
using platen cleaner S/CP 09, and check the paper handling of the ASF cassette using a few sheets of paper which have to be transported properly by manually rotating the pick-up wheel of the ASF-cassette.
3.2 Cleaning Preferred Materials
The following materials and cleaning lubricants are recommended for use in the maintenance procedure:
S Lint-free cloth S Platen Cleaner C/CP09, commercial no: 8709 004 10931 S Vacuum cleaner S Silicon Oil for resolving of glue.
3.2.1 Cleaning the Platen and Surrounding Areas
The user should clean the printer every six months or after 50,000 prints, whichever occurs first. If you experience paper feed problems, or if the print head carriage movement becomes restricted, cleaning should be carried out more often.
Note: The Page Counter (PGCNT) in the PRINT-TEST 3 will inform you about
the actual number of printed pages.
Keeping the Printer Running Keeping the Printer Running
3-3 3-4
PRINT TEST3 3.2.2 Cleaning Procedure
PM1 208xxxxx PM2 00000000 PM3 208079xx PBC 20807xxx SPC 2080740x MC 00000000 CUR 4 PMR 0 MCR 0
NFQ 1800 DSF 100 GSF 70 NTF 240 TNA1 230 TNA2 260 TNA3 260 CAC 3.10 PTC1 2.75 PTC2 2.85 PTDT 5 PHCS1 2.20 PHCS2 1.00 PGC 30 PGCNT 25 SBP 38
C023 DEC TECHNICAL C024 DEC 7 HEBREW .... ... ....
Note: The number following PM1 identifies the micro program and the number
following PM3 identifies the character set.
1. Power the printer ON and remove the top cover.
2. Remove the ribbon cassette.
3. Thoroughly brush and vacuum all accessible areas to remove any paper flock and dust.
4. Clean the platen's surface, the paper pressure rollers and the transport rollers using the platen cleaner. In order to access the transport rollers loosen the green screws and remove the metal bar with the metal rollers.
5. Clean the covers and the operator panel with a damp, lint-free cloth. Do not use cleaning solvents or excessive amounts of water.
6. Insert the ribbon cassette.
7. Remount the top cover.
Keeping the Printer Running Keeping the Printer Running
3-5 3-6
3.3 Status and Error Messages TEAR OFF PAPER
The following messages are displayed if a condition exists which prevents paper source and the fanfold paper could not retreat into the parking position. normal operation of the printer. The operator must "tear off" the paper along the tear off edge which is located
LOCAL right). Press to enable the fanfold paper to be fed backwards to a park Entered when [START/STOP] was pressed. The STOP indicator is lit. position so that the newly selected paper source can be used.
Displayed when the top cover is open and the printer is in the READY or BUSY This message will be displayed if the output for cut sheets (Bin or Manual) is mode. selected to FRONT SIDE/KEY. After printing and moving out at the front side
LOAD BIN paper and press . Displayed whenever a form feed command or print command is given by the host to an empty ASF cassette. The printer enters the STOP mode. During normal operation the following error messages may occur also:
Displayed when the host sends a form feed or print command to an empty tractor cassette. The printer enters the STOP mode.
Same as LOAD TRACTOR except that the machine does not enter the STOP mode! Paper should be fed manually; after a short delay the printer will accept paper and starts printing.
Displayed if a form jams in the ASF or if successive line feeds fail to move fanfold paper correctly when tractor feed is used.
Displayed when a switch has been initiated from currently tractor to a different
directly above the fanfold paper output (paper should be torn off from left to
the printer enters the STOP mode and displays REMOVE PAPER. Remove
Display That means... Cause / Action
AGC ERROR AGC ADJUST - Distance print head and
procedure fault platen faulty
- Print head loose
- Platen incorrectly installed
- Ribbon not inserted
- Horizontal drive without function
- Platen got dirty
Keeping the Printer Running
Display That means... Cause / Action
3-7 3-8
HOR. DRIVE ERROR Horizontal drive - Horizontal drive blocked
without function - Paper jam
- Distance of platen gap too narrow
- AGC procedure on not workable position
- Platen incorrectly installed
- No AGC ADJUST after print head or platen replacement
- Device electronic fault
- Encoder strip missing
- Horizontal drive fault
BUFFER Handshake - Check CTR - CTS or OVERFLOW protocol error XON - XOFF protocol
- Repeat data transfer
FORMAT ERROR Protocol error - Check protocol setting of
printer and host
- Repeat data transfer
PARITY ERROR Protocol error - Check protocol setting of
printer and host
- Repeat data transfer
FRAMING ERROR Protocol error - Check protocol setting of
printer and host
- Repeat data transfer
For mesages during power up refer to Section 6.2 Error Messages during Power Up.
Selected AGC Position
Movement Area of the Print Head
1 2
Horizontal Encoder
1 / 120 “
Specific Printer Functions
4-1 4-2
4. Specific Printer Functions 4.1.2 AGC Procedure
4.1 Print Gap Adjustment
4.1.1 Principle
The print head carriage is mounted on two parallel guide rails which provide for a precise movement over the whole print range in horizontal direction. The lower rail is built up as an excentric shaft. The excentre arrangement is driven by a stepper motor (AGC-Motor). Those both elements are responsible for the precise adjustment of the print gap, that is the distance between the print head top and the the paper respectively the platen assembly. In conjunction with print gap adjustment the following three different procedures have to be distinguished:
S Calibration of the print gap adjustment mechanics, called Automatic Gap
Control Adjustment (AGC Adjust)
S Automatic print gap adjustment, called Automatic Gap Control (AGC) S Programmed print gap adjustment, called Programmed Copy Control (PCC)
AGC Adjust and AGC are performed by means of the AGC Procedure.
AGC Adjust can be called up via the operator panel and is performed after
installation of a Personality Module with a new firmware revision.
AGC is automatically performed after changing from online - offline – online, Position and after changing of the paper path. S The carriage is permanently moved in horizontal direction by a distance of
PCC is performed if the command PCC is sent to the printer. For refernce see S The time period for horizontal movement is permanently recognized by the “Quick Reference” of the printer control commands in the appendix of the user firmware and checked against a reference value. manual. S Simultanously to the above shuttling the printhead / carriage is moved
S At the start the printhead/carriage is horizontally positioned at the AGC
1/120” to the left and right hand side of the AGC Position.
towards the platen assembly by means of the AGC drive until the print head top gets in contact with the platen assembly or the surface of the paper.
S The contact of the printhead top with the surface of the paper or the platen
assembly is recognized by the firmware by checking the time interval for positioning within the shuttling process.
Note: Horizontal Drive Error will not be checked by this procedure. If the
movement of the print head is to hard the printer use 0.5 A more.
Print Head
Shuttling Process
No Form inserted !!
Print Head
Shuttling Process
Print Gap
Platen Gap Adjust
(-3 ... +4)
Specific Printer Functions Specific Printer Functions
4-3 4-4
4.1.3 AGC Adjust 4.1.4 Automatic Gap Control (AGC)
S The print head/carriage is positioned at the AGC Position S The AGC procedure is started. It can be started from any value of the print
S The print head/carriage is positioned against the mechanical stop S AGC can be started from any value of the print gap. S As soon as the mechanical stop has been reached the so called “AGC S The print head/carriage is positioned at the Shuttle Basis Position
procedure” is started S As soon as the the SBP has been reached, the so called “AGC Procedure”
S After finishing the AGC Procedure the carriage is positioned according to is started
the Shuttle Basis Posisition (see SBP in Print Test 3). S After finishing the shuttling process the carriage is positioned according to
Note: No form, but ribbon to be inserted.
Tolerance range for SBP: -12 ... +72.
the proper print gap value
Print Head
Protection Shield
Positioning Process
Print Gap
Platen Gap Adjust (-3 ... +4)
1 23
4 6
Specific Printer Functions Specific Printer Functions
4-5 4-6
4.1.5 Programmed Copy Control (PCC) 4.2 Print Head - Tilting Principle and related Print Speed
S The print gap is set according to the value commanded by the PCC
Inclination Position for LQ mode
no print position
Inclination Position for DATA or NLQ mode
S The nose of the print head can be tilted according to the scheme above.
The different tilting positions are used for realizing of the different print speeds and print resolutions.
S Switching between both print head tilting positions is accomplished by
positioning of the carriage to ist most right hand side position.
Print Speed '
Needle Strokes per Second
Number of Needles per Character
' 600 cps
Print Speed '
Needle Strokes per Second
Number of Needles per Character
' 300 cps
Print Speed '
Needle Strokes per Second
Number of Needles per Character
' 150 cps
Print Speed '
Needle Strokes per Second
Number of Needles per Character
' 100 cps
Specific Printer Functions Specific Printer Functions
4-7 4-8
4.2.1 Printing Speed in DATA mode 4.2.3 Printing Speed in LQ mode 1
Inclination Position Inclination Position of the Print Head Lug of the Print Head Lug
Needle frequency 1.800 Hz Needle frequency 1.800 Hz
Number of columns per character: 12, 2x 12 needles in use Number of columns per character: 36 Number of needles per character: 3, each other needle activated Number of needles per character: 12, each 3rd needle activated
M = needle activated F = needle not activated M = needle activated F = needle not activated
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. .. .. 24 35 36
4.2.2 Printing Speed in NLQ mode Inclination Position Inclination Position
of the Print Head Lug
Needle frequency 1.800 Hz Number of columns per character: 36, 2x 12 needles in use
Number of needles per character: 6, each 3rd needle activated M = needle activated F = needle not activated
1 2 3 4 5 6 .. .. .. 34 35 36
depending on the selected font
4.2.4 Printing Speed in LQ mode 2
of the Print Head Lug Needle frequency 1.800 Hz Number of columns per character: 36 Number of needles per character: 18, each other needle activated
M = needle activated F = needle not activated
1 2 3 4 5 6 .. .. .. 34 35 36
Specific Printer Functions Specific Printer Functions
4-9 4-10
4.3 Positioning System - Horizontal Positioner 4.4 Paper Run / Paper In Control
The printer is equipped with a combined paper run/in feature realized by the sensor as depicted below.
Following functions are realized:
S Cut Sheet Processing
S Paper In Detection
Detection of the upper edge of the form by means of the “Paper In” feature
S Continuous Forms Processing
S Paper In Detection
Detection of the upper edge of the form by means of the “Paper In” feature
S Paper Movement Detection
S Detection of paper movement by means of the “Paper Run” feature
S Check on missing paper run pulses by time out S Tolerance range is in between 10,5 mm up to 19 mm
S Counting of paper run pulses and comparison with the equivalent value
according to the internal positioning command
S Evaluation of both criterions after each positiong process
Continuous Form Input
Continuous Form Output
Manual Input
Paper Sensor
Automatic Sheet Feeding
Cut Sheet Ouput
Paper Run Sensor
Paper In Sensor
Print Head
Stacker Exit Rollers
Park Position
Form Feed Rollers 1
Platen Assy
Form Feed Rollers 2
Tractor Exit Rollers
Tear Off
Specific Printer Functions
4-11 4-12
4.5 Paper Path
4.7.1 Paper Transportation Principle
Printer Subassemblies
5-1 5-2
5. Printer Subassemblies 5.2 Main Subassemblies
5.1 Basic Elements of the Printer
The printer contains of the following use accessable parts: S Electronic Subassembly (B)
- Top Cover (1) - Ribbon Cassette (2)
- Printer Engine including Electronic Subassembly (3) - Front Cover (4)
- Manual Front Insertion Guide (5) - Output Stacker (6)
- Personality Module (likewise named PM) (7)
You are able to disassembly each part without any tools.
The main subassemblies are:
S Mechanical Subassembly (A)
S Power Supply Unit (PSU-40A) S Control Unit (Print CU-40L) S Device Electronics (DEV-40AE)
Printer Subassemblies
5-3 5-4
5.3 Internal Wiring Scheme
Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
6-1 6-2
6 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics 6.1 Power-related Problems
How to Use This Section S Ask for the power connector connections (and fuse, if fitted) to be verified.
1. Find the category in which your problem occurs. The problem categories are: 6.2 Error Messages
S Power-related Problems S Error Messages After switching the power ON the printer runs a self test. During the test the S No Printout following messages may be shown on the display: S Operation-related Problems S Print-related Problems S Ribbon or Carriage-related Problems
For example, if the print appears very light on the paper, look at Section "Print­related Problems".
2. Find the symptom description that most closely matches the printer symptom. In this example you would look at the symptom "Print faint
or of poor quality."
3. Try the first suggestion under that heading.
4. If the suggestion does not cure the problem, try the next suggestion.
5. If none of the suggestions enable you to continue printing, or if the fault is not listed, contact your service office.
Each time the printer is switched ON the display indicates TEST while the internal self-tests are run. If the test is completed successfully READY 4 ELQ will be displayed. If an error message is displayed please refer to the following section. All other messages on the display are described in section 2.4 Status
and Error Messages.
S Power indicator does not come On when power is switched On S Check that the power cord and plug are securely fitted to the printer and to
an electrical outlet.
S Ask for the building electrical supply to be verified.
Display That means ... Cause / Action
No No power - Mains cable not connected information, - Mains switch cable not POWER ON connected indicator not lit.
green and hang up in reset after - Print PSU defective yellow LED power on - Print CU-DEV defective give light but no reaction
######## Firmware does not - PM not inserted
work - PM not correctly inserted
- no firmware on PM
- PROMs not correctly installed
TEST.... Initializing of the - After first POWER ON
(flashing) EEPROM with new firmware (different
code number
- Contents of the EEPROM faulty
the Control Unit not - not installed addressable - not correctly installed
- defective
Troubleshooting and Diagnostics Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Display That means ... Cause / Action
6-3 6-4
NV RAM OK Error on the RAM of - Control Unit defective
the Control Unit
RAM OK Checksum error - (P)ROM defective ROM 1 OK No Fonts available - Character generator P(ROM)
on PM damaged or missing
ROM 2 OK IC damaged - IC on 3. socket defective MC OK Fault on Control Unit - Control Unit defective
- false firmware release
- PBC (Printer Base Controller) on Control Unit damaged
- SPC (Speed Controller) on Control Unit damaged
If all tests have been passed successfully the following message will be displayed:
Display That means... Cause / Action READY/BUSY The Printer is OK - Printer ready for
During normal operation the following error messages may occur (for further operator panel messages please refer to section 3.3 Status and Error
Display That means... Cause / Action
AGC ERROR AGC ADJUST - Distance print head and
procedure fault platen faulty
- Print head loose
- Platen incorrectly installed
- Ribbon not inserted
- Horizontal drive without function
- Platen got dirty
HOR. DRIVE ERROR Horizontal drive - Transport lock not removed
without - Horizontal drive blocked function - Paper jam
- Distance of platen gap too narrow
- AGC procedure on not workable position
- Platen incorrectly installed
- No AGC ADJUST after print head or platen replacement
- Device electronic fault
- Encoder strip missing
- Horizontal drive fault
BUFFER Handshake - Check protocol setting of OVERFLOW protocol error printer and host
- Repeat data transfer
PARITY ERROR Protocol error - Check protocol setting of
printer and host
- Repeat data transfer
+ 43 hidden pages