Digital Equipment DIGITAL Server 7100 1200, FR-932WW-CX, FR-932WW-CA, FR-932WW-CB Service Maintenance Manual

DIGITAL Server 3100/3200
DIGITAL Server 7100 Series Service Maintenance Manual
Part Number: ER-932WW-SM. A01
January 1998
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation.
Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that might appear in this document.
The software, if any, described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software or equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies.
Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013.
DIGITAL Se r ve r 7100 Series Service Maintenance Manual
1998 Digital Equipment Corporation.
All Rights Reserved. AMI is a registered trademark of American Megatrends, Inc.
DEC, D IGITAL , S e rv e rWOR KS , and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. Micros o ft, Windows NT, and Windows 95 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Novell and NetWare are U.S. registered trademarks of Novell Inc. OS/2 and PS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. SCO is a trademark of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. SCSI
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UNIX is a registered trademark of X/Open Company, Ltd. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective
DIGITAL Server 3100/3200
FCC ID: 9 3 X WW1
The FCC wa nt s y ou to k now...
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
Any changes or modifications made to this equipment may void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is connected
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help All external cables connecting to this basic unit need to be shielded. For cables
connecting to option cards, see the option manual or installation instructions. This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions
set out in the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
This equipment is in the 2nd Class category (information equipment to be used in a residential area or an adjacent area thereto) and conforms to the standards set by the Voluntary Control Council For Interference by Data Processing Equipment and Electronic Office Machines aimed at preventing radio interference in such residential area.
When used near a radio or TV receiver, it may become the cause of radio interference.
Read the instructions for correct handling. This equipment meets or exceeds requirements for safety in the U.S. (UL 1950),
Canada (CSA C22.2 No. 950), and Europe (EN 60950/IEC 950) with Nordic requirements.
This equipment meets or exceeds the ergonomic requirements of ZH1/618 and is certified to bear the GS mark by TUV Rheinland of Germany.
This equipment has been tested for radio frequency emissions and has been verified to meet VDE 0871 Class B.
DIGITAL Server 3100/3200
Preface.............................................................................................................. vii
1 Product Description
System Introduction......................................................................................... 1-1
Reliability/Availability........................................................................................ 1-2
Server Expansion............................................................................................ 1-3
Server Management and Security.................................................................... 1-4
Server Configurations...................................................................................... 1-5
Server Naming Guidelines........................................................................ 1-5
Product Model Numbering Convention...................................................... 1-6
Related Material.............................................................................................. 1-8
Latest Product Information and Updates.......................................................... 1-10
Enterprise Server Product Information...................................................... 1-10
Updates.................................................................................................... 1-10
2 Server Software and Utilities
Introduction..................................................................................................... 2-1
ServerWORKS Quick Launch.......................................................................... 2-2
Creating Diskettes and Viewing On-line Documentation............................ 2-2
System Configuration Utility (SCU) .................................................................. 2-2
When to Run the SCU.............................................................................. 2-3
Configuring Expansion Boards.................................................................. 2-3
Starting the SCU ...................................................................................... 2-4
Using the SCU.......................................................................................... 2-6
SCU Keyboard Function Keys................................................................... 2-7
Configure Computer................................................................................. 2-7
Setting the Date and Time........................................................................ 2-8
Maintain System Configuration Diskette.................................................... 2-8
RAID Configuration Utility................................................................................ 2-9
BIOS Upgrade Utility ....................................................................................... 2-9
Utility............................................................................................ 2-10
Diagnostics ..................................................................................................... 2-11
3 SCU Features
Introduction..................................................................................................... 3-1
System - DIGITAL Server 7100 ................................................................ 3-2
System Management Group..................................................................... 3-3
Diskette Drive Group................................................................................ 3-4
Boot Options Group.................................................................................. 3-5
Integrated Peripherals Group.................................................................... 3-6
Keyboard Features Group ........................................................................ 3-7
Shadow Options Group ............................................................................ 3-8
Security Options Group ............................................................................ 3-9
Cache Options Group............................................................................... 3-10
Advanced Control Group .......................................................................... 3-10
EISA or PCI Devices Group...................................................................... 3-12
4 Troubleshooting
Introduction..................................................................................................... 4-1
Initial Troubleshooting...................................................................................... 4-2
Diagnostics ..................................................................................................... 4-3
Running the Diagnostics........................................................................... 4-4
Running Quick Tests or Groups of Tests................................................... 4-4
Running DIGITAL Vendor Extended Tests................................................ 4-5
Running Diagnostics Tests from the Hard Disk Drive................................. 4-5
Obtaining Information about the Server ........................................................... 4-6
Obtaining Information Using the SCU........................................................ 4-8
Obtaining Information Using Server Management Software....................... 4-8
Displaying Server Status Using the Hardware........................................... 4-9
Server Status Messages ................................................................................. 4-10
POST OCP Messages..................................................................................... 4-12
POST Codes............................................................................................ 4-12
Boot Codes .............................................................................................. 4-13
OCP Messages............................................................................................... 4-14
OCP Status and Error Messages.............................................................. 4-15
DIGITAL Server 3100/3200
Server Processor Voltage and Temperature Ranges ....................................... 4-17
Processor Voltage Range......................................................................... 4-17
VRM Voltage Range................................................................................. 4-18
Processor Temperature Warning Levels ................................................... 4-18
Advanced Troubleshooting.............................................................................. 4-19
Server Troubleshooting ................................................................................... 4-20
Disk Drive Troubleshooting.............................................................................. 4-24
SBB Troubleshooting....................................................................................... 4-27
Tape Drive Troubleshooting............................................................................. 4-27
Monitor Troubleshooting.................................................................................. 4-28
CD-ROM Troubleshooting ............................................................................... 4-29
Diskette Drive Troubleshooting........................................................................ 4-30
RAID Troubleshooting ..................................................................................... 4-31
Wide Ultra SCSI Bus Repeater Module Troubleshooting.................................. 4-32
5 FRU Replacement
Introduction..................................................................................................... 5-1
Server Front View............................................................................................ 5-2
Server Left-Side View...................................................................................... 5-4
Server Right-Side/Rear View........................................................................... 5-6
Miscellaneous ................................................................................................. 5-8
Labels and Nameplates................................................................................... 5-8
Service Procedures......................................................................................... 5-9
Recommended Tools ...................................................................................... 5-9
Special Tools Required.................................................................................... 5-9
Other Materials Needed .................................................................................. 5-10
Remedial Diagnostic Test Software ................................................................. 5-10
Virus Software Information .............................................................................. 5-10
BIOS Version Information................................................................................ 5-10
Disconnecting External Devices and Power ..................................................... 5-11
Removing and Installing the Side Panels ......................................................... 5-12
Server Front View............................................................................................ 5-15
Server Left Side View...................................................................................... 5-17
Server Right Side View.................................................................................... 5-19
Server Rear View............................................................................................ 5-21
Main Logic Board Connectors.......................................................................... 5-23
Main Logic Board Components........................................................................ 5-25
Processor Module Components and Connectors ............................................. 5-27
Wide Ultra SCSI Bus Repeater Module Layout ................................................ 5-29
Main Logic Board Switch Settings.................................................................... 5-31
Processor Module Switch Settings............................................................ 5-34
Installing Additional Memory............................................................................ 5-36
Supported DIMM Upgrade Kits................................................................. 5-37
Memory Configuration Guidelines............................................................. 5-37
Memory Troubleshooting.......................................................................... 5-41
Removing and Replacing the Power Supply..................................................... 5-42
Removing and Replacing the Diskette Drive..................................................... 5-44
Removing and Replacing the CD-ROM Drive................................................... 5-46
Removing and Replacing a Cooling Fan .......................................................... 5-48
Removing and Replacing the Secondary Cooling Fan 2.................................. 5-50
Removing and Replacing the Speaker............................................................. 5-52
Removing the Main Logic Board...................................................................... 5-54
Replacing the Main Logic Board ...................................................................... 5-56
Removing the Storage Backplane.................................................................... 5-56
Replacing the Storage Backplane.................................................................... 5-58
Removing and Replacing a Caster................................................................... 5-58
6 Processor Module Upgrades
Introduction..................................................................................................... 6-1
Configuration Guidelines.................................................................................. 6-2
Create Diskettes from the Quick Launch CD-ROM........................................... 6-2
Installing a Second Processor Module ............................................................. 6-3
Processor Compatibility in a Multiprocessor Environment................................. 6-7
Installing a Processor on a Processor Module.................................................. 6-7
Removing the Processor Module.............................................................. 6-8
Installing a Processor and Voltage Regulator Module (VRM)..................... 6-9
Run the System Configuration Utility (SCU) .............................................. 6-15
Update the BIOS............................................................................................. 6-16
Troubleshooting............................................................................................... 6-16
Using the Crisis Recovery Diskette if Necessary....................................... 6-16
DIGITAL Server 3100/3200
7 Device Mapping
Introduction..................................................................................................... 7-1
Processor Memory Address Map.............................................................. 7-2
Processor I/O Address Map...................................................................... 7-2
I/O Address Map...................................................................................... 7-3
Server Interrupt Levels............................................................................. 7-3
DMA Channel Assignment........................................................................ 7-4
PCI Configuration Space Address Map..................................................... 7-4
Service Notes................................................................................................ A-1
Typi ca l DIGITA L S e rv e r 7100............................................................................................ viii
2-1. SCU Main Menu Options........................................................................................... 2-5
4-1. DIGIT A L S e rv e r C o mponent Information.................................................................... 4-7
5-1. Se rv e r F ro n t V iew ...................................................................................................... 5-3
5-2. Se rv e r L e ft-S ide V i e w................................................................................................ 5-5
5-3. Se rv e r R ight-Side/R e a r V iew ..................................................................................... 5-7
5-4. Se rv e r B ra k e..............................................................................................................5-11
5-5. Unlocking and Removing the Side Panels................................................................. 5-13
5-6. Insta lling Sid e Covers................................................................................................. 5-14
5-7. Se rv e r F ro n t V iew ...................................................................................................... 5-16
5-8. Se rv e r L e ft S ide V i e w................................................................................................. 5 -18
5-9. Se rv e r R ight Side V i e w.............................................................................................. 5-20
5-10. S e rv e r R e a r V i e w..................................................................................................... 5-22
5-11. Main Logic Board Connectors.................................................................................. 5-24
5-12. Main Logic Board Components................................................................................ 5-26
5-13. Processor Module Components and Connectors ..................................................... 5-28
5-14. Wide Ultra SCSI Repeater Module Component Locations ...................................... 5-30
5-15. Main Logic Board Switch Location............................................................................ 5-33
5-16. Processor Module Switch Location.......................................................................... 5-35
5-17. D IMM Bank L o ca tions.............................................................................................. 5-38
5-18. Removing and Replacing the Power Supply............................................................ 5-43
5-19. Removing and Replacing the Diskette Drive............................................................ 5-45
5-20. Removing and Replacing the CD-ROM Drive.......................................................... 5-47
5-21. Removing and Replacing a Cooling Fan.................................................................. 5-49
5-22. Removing and Replacing the Secondary Cooling Fan 2........................................... 5-51
5-23. Removing and Replacing the Speaker...................................................................... 5-53
5-24. Removing and Replacing the Main Logic Board....................................................... 5-55
5-25. Removing and Replacing the Storage Backplane..................................................... 5-57
5-26. Removing and Replacing a Caster ........................................................................... 5-59
6-1. Re mo v i n g th e Termin a to r C a rd.................................................................................. 6-4
6-2. Installing a Processor Module.................................................................................... 6-6
6-3. Removing the Processor Module............................................................................... 6-8
6-4. Removing the Retaining Clip...................................................................................... 6-9
6-5. Re mo v i n g th e Proces s o r/H e a t S ink Assembl y ........................................................... 6 -1 0
6-6. Insta lling the N e w Proce s s o r...................................................................................... 6-11
6-7. Installing the Retaining Clip........................................................................................ 6-12
6-8. Insta lling a VR M......................................................................................................... 6-13
6-9. Installing the Processor Module................................................................................. 6-14
DIGITAL Server 3100/3200
Service Maintenance Manual
is a troubleshooting guide that can be used for
reference when servicing DIGITAL Serve rs . DIGITAL re s e rve s th e r ight to make changes to this
Service Maintenance Manual
without notice. Accordingly, the illustrations and procedures in this document might not apply to all DIGITAL Servers to b e s e rv i ce d s i n ce m a n y o f th e diagnostic tests are designed to test more than one product.
DIGITAL recomm ends t hat only A+/DIGITAL Server certified engineers at t em pt to repair this equipment. All troubleshooting and repair procedures are det ailed to support subassembly/module level exchange. Because of the complexity of the individual boards and subassemblies, no one should attempt t o m ake r epairs at the component level or make modifications to any printed circuit boar d. Improper repairs can create a safet y hazar d. Any indications of component replacement or cir cuit board modifications might void any warranty or exchange allowances.
Typical D IGITA L S erver 7100
DIGITAL Server 3100/3200
Product Description
System Introduction
The DIGITA L Se r ve r 7100 is a high-performance, highly-scaleable network and enterprise server featuring the latest in modular processor and storage technology.
The DIGITA L Se r ve r p r o v ides support for the following features:
Reliabilit y /A v a ila bilit y
Pentium Pro Processor Module
Up to four SMP Pentium Pro processors, each with an integrated 512 KB, four way set-associative, write-back cache.
Error Correction Code (ECC) Memory
Maximum expandability with up to 4 GB of ECC protected DIMM memory.
Dual-Channel Storage Backplane
Redundant disk subsystems using dual-channel wide Ultra SCSI or wide Ultra RAID adapters.
Power Supplies
The DIGITA L Se r ve r 7100 ships with two 450 W power supplies for normal operation. In some configurations, the second power supply can be used for redundant operation.
Variable Fan Speed
Automatically adjusts fan speed according to ambient temperature.
Internal Sensors
Monitors internal server temperatures, fan operation, and power supply temperatures and voltages.
Product Description
Server Ex pansion
Flexible Memory Architecture
Two memory modules provide a 4-way interleaved memory system, with 128 MB (4 x 32 MB) of minimum supported memory and 4 GB (16 x 256 MB) of maximum supported memory.
12 I/O Expansion Slots
Seven PCI expansion slots, four EISA slots, and one shared EISA/PCI slot. Dual peer PCI bus design with peak bandwidth of 264 MB/sec PCI-to-EISA bridge.
Integrated SVGA Video Controller
Supports management and configuration applications locally (on the main logic board) without use of an expansion slot.
Adaptec 3940UW Wide Ultra
Support for narrow and internal wide Ultra SCSI devices.
Capacity for 10 internal SCSI Storage Devices
Accommodates seven 3½-inch half-height drives in Storage Building Blocks (SBBs), two 5¼-inch, half-height drives (hard drives or tape drives), and one CD-ROM drive.
External I/O Ports
Two serial ports and one parallel port to support external options such as a printer, modem, or local terminal.
Wide Ultra SCSI Storage Backplane
Supports high-performance drives for single or dual channel wide Ultra SCSI and wide Ultra RAID configurations.
Disk Hot Swap Capability
Allows replacement of SBB disk drives while the server is operating.
Supports DIGITAL Clusters for Windows NT and Microsoft Cluster Server (part of Microsoft Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition) for database and file services failover.
Product Description
DIGITAL Server 3100/3200
Server Management and Security
Server Diagnostics
Allows local and remote diagnosis of server problems.
Hardware Configuration
Allows local and remote server configuration.
Unique Asset Management
Unique server identifier in non-volatile memory provides easy asset management.
Firmware Upgrade Utility
Upgrades firmware versions.
Operator Control Panel (OCP)
Back-lit, 16-character display for diagnostic and error messages.
Hard Drive Indicator Lights
Provides immediate status information on SBB hard drive activity or failure.
Key Lock
Limits access to server components.
Interlock Sensor Switches
Automatically turns off server power if either side panel is removed when the server power is on.
Product Description
Server Configurations
The following rules apply when
Product Fa m ily Names
Product Mode l Names
are assigned to DIGITAL Server p r oducts. These rules apply to all products developed in the NT Server Business Unit (NTSBU).
Server Naming Guidelines
All products in a family carry the same name on the nameplate. (i.e. all products in the Entry space will carry the name DIGITAL SERV ER 1000)
Family Name Segment DIGITAL SER V ER 500
Products in a rackmount chassis will have an R after the Family Name (DIGITAL S e rve r 3000R).
Product models within a family will be differentiated by the Product Model Name. The Product Model Name will appear on a label on the rear of the product. Specific configurations within a model will carry the same Product Model Name and will be differentiated by the part number.
Product Description
DIGITAL Server 3100/3200
Product Model Numbering Convention
The following example describes the product model numbering convention:
1 = PRODUCT FAMILY NAME (first character of family number)
This number will be assigned to each new platform based on the following matrix. Open numbers will be assigned as new processor technology is introduced. THIS FIELD IS NOT USED FOR SUB ENTRY PRODUCTS.
100 = Pentium Pro 200 = Pentium II – Slot 1 300 = EV5 400 = Pentium II – Slot 2 500 = EV6 600 = OPEN 700 = OPEN 800 = OPEN 900 = OPEN
Product Description
1= PENTIUM PRO 2 = PENTIU M II/SL OT 1 3 = PENTIU M II/SL OT 2 4 = Open/Available for future processors 5 = Open/Available for future processors 6 = ALPHA EV56 7 = ALPHA PCA57 8 = ALPHA EV6 9 = ALPHA EV67
Product Description
DIGITAL Server 3100/3200
Related Material
The following related material is available:
Document or Software Title Order Number Description
Service Quick Reference ER-932WW-SR (English only) Provides troubleshooting
information that can be used when servicing DIGITAL servers. This manual is a condensed version of the Service Maintenance Manual and is provided in a pocket-size format (4 x 8-inches).
Installation Guide ER-932WW-IM (Multilanguage)*
ER-932WW-IJ (Japanese)
Provides information on connecting hardware cables and booting the server. This guide also explains how to use DIGITAL ServerWORKS Quick Launch to install an operating system, create driver and utility diskettes, and view on-line help and support documentation.
System Reference ER-932WW-UA (English)
ER-932WW-UJ (Japanese)
Provides information on using the server’s configuration utilities, installing peripherals and options, security, and troubleshooting. The System Reference is available on the Quick Launch CD-ROM in English, Spanish, German, Italian, and French.
Quick Reference labels 36-47812-03 (left side panel)
36-47812-04 (right side panel)
Provides an overview of major server components, configuration guidelines, and SCSI cabling information. These labels are located on the inside of the server’s side panels.
Warranty and Service Information ER-PCWAR-CM
Provides warranty information and a listing of phone numbers for technical support.
* Multilanguage includes: English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish
Product Description
Document or Software Title Order Number Description
DIGITAL ServerWORKS software QB-4WY9A-SA
Contains ServerWORKS Quick Launch and ServerWORKS Manager software and documentation.
Quick Launch consists of a bootable CD-ROM disc and Getting Started guide. This program steps the user through the initial server setup and operating system installa tion.
ServerWORKS Manager consists of two CD-ROMs and an Overview and Installation Guide and supporting documentation.
Product README and Revision History Information - Quick Launch CD-ROM
Refer to the Quick Launch CDROM in the DIGITAL ServerWORKS software kit.
Provides additional product information and product change history.
Option documentation - Quick Launch CD-ROM
Refer to the Quick Launch CDROM in the DIGITAL ServerWORKS software kit.
Provides postscript files that can be viewed and printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader software. These files are provided in PDF format on the Quick Launch CD-ROM
Diagnostic Software - Quick Launch CD-ROM
Refer to the Quick Launch CDROM in the DIGITAL ServerWORKS software kit.
Contains an advanced set of diagnostic utilities for identifying and correcting problems on the server. The diagnostic software can be used to verify proper hardware installation and isolate intermittent problems that are not detected by the Power On Self Test (POST). Refer to chapter 2 for information on using the diagnostic utilities.
PC Product Support Information Kit
QA-5RJAA-G8 (English only) Provides all the latest product
documentation for all NTSBU mobile, desktop, and server products.
* Multilanguage includes: English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish
Refer to Chapter 2 f or pr ocedur es on how t o cr eat e
diskettes and view docum entation from the Quick Launc h CDRO M .
Product Description
DIGITAL Server 3100/3200
Latest Product Information and Updates
Listed below is the current product information and update source locations.
Enterprise Server Product Information
Family Name Model Name Part Number Description Prioris Family
DIGITAL Server 7000
DIGITAL Server 7100 1200
FR-932WW-CX 6200/512 (PP) -
DIGITAL Server 7000
DIGITAL Server 7100 1200
FR-932WW-CA 6200/512 (PP) -
DIGITAL Server 7000
DIGITAL Server 7100 1200
FR-932WW-CB 6200/512 (PP) -
PowerGrade Chip Upgrade
DIGITAL Server 7000 PowerGrade Kit
FR-PC93U-AD 6200/512 (PP)
PowerGrade Chip Upgrade
Prioris ZX 6000 Series PowerGrade
PowerGrade Board Upgrade with 2 processors
DIGITAL Server 7000 PowerGrade Kit
FR-PC93U-AB 6200/512 (PP)
PowerGrade Board Upgrade
Prioris ZX 6000 Series PowerGrade
Current server utilities and technical support information is available on the Quick Launch CD-ROM disc and the Internet.
For product information, use the address:
For technical support, use the address:
For access directly to the software library for BIOS and driver updates, use the address:
DIGITAL Server 3100/3200
Server Software and Utilities
This chapter describes the utilities supplied with the server. Server utilities include:
ServerWORKS Quick Launch  This software is used to install a network operating system onto the server. The CD-ROM also contains various drivers and on-line documentation.
System Configuration Utility (SCU)  This utility is available to configure the server when relocating, adding, or removing EISA/ISA/PCI expansion boards and when changing the server’s factory-defined settings. The SCU is available on the Quick Launch CD-ROM.
RAID Configuration Utility  This utility is available for RAID-ready servers only. This utility is available to configure the RAID array. The RAID configuration utility is available on the Quick Launch CD-ROM.
BIOS Upgrade Utility  This utility is available to update or restore the server’s BIOS. The BIOS Upgrade Utility is available on the Internet.
Utility  This utility allows you to configure and view settings of
the onboard SCSI controller and SCSI devices. The SCSI
Utility is
available each time you boot your server.
Diagnostics  This utility is used to verify server operation. The diagnostics utility is available on the Quick Launch CD-ROM.
Server Software and Utilities
ServerWORKS Quick Launch
ServerWORKS Quick Launch is used to install the server’s Network Operating System (NOS). In addition to providing quick and seamless NOS installation, Quick Launch also provides drivers, documentation, and the ability to make diskettes of utilities such as diagnostics. For more information, refer to the
ServerWORKS Quick
Launch Getting Started
Creating Diskettes and Viewing On-line Documentation
Use the following procedure to create diskettes using the Quick Launch CD-ROM and to view on-line product documentation.
1. Power on your server and boot the ServerWORKS Quick Launch CD-ROM.
2. Select the “User Documentation” button to view on-line product documentation.
3. From the Quick Launch Main Screen, select the “Installations & Utilities” button and then the Utility tab to create driver and utility diskettes.
4. Insert a DOS-formatted diskette into drive A, and choose the utility or driver you wish to copy and select Continue.
5. Repeat this procedure for all the utilities and drivers you wish to copy.
System Configuration Utility (SCU)
The server was pre-configured at the factory using the System Configuration Utility (SCU). This means that the server’s hardware (processor modules, memory, cache, mass storage devices, expansion boards, etc.) has been identified and configured for optimum performance. If you need to make changes to this configuration, DIGITAL recommends that you use the SCU along with the information provided in this section.
Refer to “Starting the SCU” described later in this chapter. Refer to Appendix C, “SCU Features,” for more details about the SCU. Refer to the ServerWORKS Quick Launch Getting Started guide and the README.TXT
file, which is located on the Quick Launch CD-ROM, for additional information.
Server Software and Utilities
DIGITAL Server 3100/3200
When to Run the SCU
Always run the SCU each time you add, remove, or relocate ISA, PCI and/or EISA expansion boards to reconfigure server resources (IRQs). You should also run the SCU if the main logic board changed, after adding a processor module, or after adding memory modules.
If the main logic board changes or a processor module is added, run the SCU (select the option “Configure Computer”) to update the serial numbers of the components. For more information on how to change the serial numbers, refer to Chapter 4, “Obtaining Information About The Server.”
Typically, the server displays a message such as
Run SCU Utility.....Press
F1 to Continue
. Select how you want to access and run the SCU by following
the instructions displayed on the SCU screens.
Configuring Expansion Boards
Each time you add, remove, or relocate any EISA/ISA/PCI expansion board, you need to run the SCU to identify their operating characteristics, server resource requirements, and slot locations. Based on this information, the SCU will then automatically assign the proper server resources to EISA expansion boards, enable PCI boards, and inform you as to what jumper or switch settings need to be manually set on ISA expansion boards to avoid resource conflicts.
The SCU identifies an expansion board’s operating characteristics and resource requirements through Configuration (.CFG) files. These files contain main logic board, EISA, PCI, and ISA expansion board vital characteristics and the server resources they require for proper operation. Before you can configure the server, you must copy the CFG files (and overlays if applicable) supplied with the additional EISA expansion boards you installed to either the SCU directory on your hard disk drive or the SCU diskette that you created earlier.
As an added feature, the SCU creates and stores all setup changes in a System Configuration (.SCI) file. This file is automatically generated when you run the SCU. Afterwards, this SCI file can be used on any DIGITAL Serv e r th a t i s identically configured and can serve as a backup to the EISA configuration stored in NVRAM memory.
Server Software and Utilities
Starting the SCU
The SCU is located on the ServerWORKS Quick Launch CD-ROM disk. The SCU options are shown in Figure 2-1. If this is your first time using the SCU, it is recommended that you select “Learn About Configuring your Computer” for detailed information on using the SCU. If this is a subsequent session, refer to the appropriate sections in this chapter to change the server’s configuration.
You can start the SCU in one of three ways:
1. During the Quick Launch boot process, if a DOS partition was created, the SCU was copied to the partition on the hard disk drive. This allows you to run the SCU anytime from the DOS partition.
At the MS-DOS prompt change to the SCU directory and type:
2. Creating a bootable SCU diskette by using the Quick Launch CD-ROM and selecting the
Installations & Utilities
button and then the
page. On
page, select the appropriate BIOS level for the server that the SCU is being created for (if this is being done on the server, the default BIOS that is highlighted is the BIOS of that server)
Afterwards, you can run the SCU anytime by booting the diskette you created.
3. You can also run the SCU by inserting the Quick Launch CD-ROM disk, rebooting the server, and pressing and holding the right [ALT] key during the boot process to display the SCU.
If EISA (in some cases, PCI) car ds have been added t o the server , the SCU will be invoked automatically when you boot from the Q uick Launch CD-ROM disc. The . SCI f ile is not saved when you use this method to run t he SCU.
Server Software and Utilities
DIGITAL Server 3100/3200
Welcome Screen
Main Menu
Set Date Set Time
Maintain System
Configuration Diskette
Configure Computer
Configure Computer
With System
Learn About Configuring
Your Computer
See Note
See Note
Step 1: Important EISA Configuration Information Step 2: Add or Remove Boards Step 3: View or Edit Details Step 4: Examine Switches or Print Report Step 5: Save and Exit
Create a Backup SCI File Load a Backup SCI File Copy/Update CFG Files Copy/Update SCI Files Delete CFG Files Delete SCI Files Return to the Main Menu
If new boards are found, the following message displays: The following changes have automatically been made: [ Action: ]
Figure 2- 1 . SC U Ma in M e nu Options
Server Software and Utilities
Using the SCU
To use the SCU:
1. Turn on the server and allow the Power-On Self Test (POST) to complete. If POST detects an error, take the appropriate steps to correct the problem.
After the problem has been resolved, restart the server.
2. Start the SCU using one of the three methods described previously.
3. Press [Enter] to display the SCU introductory screen.
The SCU contains help pop-up screens for any selected menu item. Press [F1] at anyt im e t o display a help screen. Press [Esc] to remove a help screen.
4. If no configuration errors appear, the Welcome screen displays. Press [Enter] to display the Main menu. If a configuration error appears, the Welcome screen displays information
about the error and tells you to reconfigure the server.
5. Step through the menu items to familiarize yourself with the SCU.
Server Software and Utilities
DIGITAL Server 3100/3200
SCU Keyboard Function Keys
The following table lists the keyboard function keys used to scroll through the menu screens, and select specific menu items in the SCU.
Keyboa r d K e y Function
[↓] Moves the cursor down one menu item. [↑] Moves the cursor up one menu item. [
] Moves the cursor one character to the right.
] Moves the cursor one character to the left.
[Enter] Displays the available user-selectable settings for the highlighted option or
selects the highlighted menu item. [F6] View, change, or lock available resources for the highlighted option. [F10] Press [F10] to complete a step. [F1] Displays the selected menu item’s help screen. [Esc] Returns the monitor screen to the previously selected menu item.
Configure Computer
This option provides step-by-step instructions on how to configure the server when adding, removing, or relocating expansion boards and when changing operating parameters.
Select one of the following menu options:
“Configure Computer with System Default”  Loads the SCU default settings.
“Configure Computer”  Instructions are displayed. Complete the instructions if you are performing an initial configuration on the server. If this is a subsequent configuration, refer to the appropriate menu item to update the server’s configuration.
Server Software and Utilities
Setting the Date and Time
Use these two SCU options to reset the date and time maintained by the server’s battery.
To access this menu item:
1. Start the SCU using one of the three methods described in “Starting the SCU.”
2. Press [Enter] to display the SCU main menu.
3. Configure the server for the current date and time by selecting the
Set Date
Set Time
Maintain System Configuration Diskette
Select this option to maintain Configuration (CFG) files and System Configuration Information (SCI) files.
To access this menu item:
1. Start the SCU using one of the three methods described in “Starting the SCU.”
2. Press [Enter] to display the SCU main menu.
3. Select the
Maintain System Configuration Diskette
option, and
then press [Enter].
4. Select a menu item and complete the displayed instructions for that item.
Afterwards, the following menu options are available:
Create a backup SCI file
Load a backup SCI file
Copy/update CFG files
Copy/update SCI files
Delete CFG files
Delete SCI files
Return to the Main Menu
Server Software and Utilities
DIGITAL Server 3100/3200
RAID Conf iguration U tility
RAID-ready DIGITAL Servers i n clude a RAID adapter and RAID configuration utility. The RAID configuration utility appears when you boot the server with the ServerWORKS Quick Launch CD-ROM disc. Use this utility to configure your RAID array.
If you are configuring t he ser ver for Ultra SCSI, use the DACCF utility f or the Mylex cont roller to enable Ultra SCSI dat a transfers.
Refer to the RAID User’s Manual on the Quick Launch CD-ROM. Select the “User Documentation” button.
BIOS Upgra de Ut ility
All servers have BIOS software in a flash (ROM) chip located on the main logic board. This BIOS initializes hardware and boots the operating system when the server is turned on. The BIOS also provides access to other services such as keyboard and disk drives.
You can upgrade the server's BIOS to future releases by executing the BIOS upgrade utility (PHLASH.EXE) located in the BIOS upgrade kit. The “BIOS upgrade” switch (J35-SW1) on the main logic board must be set to ON before you can upgrade the system BIOS.
BIOS upgrades are available on the Internet. For technical support, use the address:
For access directly to the software library for BIOS and driver upgrades, use the address:
A crisis recovery diskette should be created before
upgrading the server BIOS.
When upgrading the BIOS, you must remove any video expansion boards and enable the onboard VGA. In the rare event that you may need to use the crisis recovery diskette, the server will require that the onboard VGA be used in this mode.
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