Typi ca l DIGITAL S e rv e r 3220 (Top) and 3220R (Bottom) ................................................. xviii
2-1. Typical BIOS Setup Utility Screen.............................................................................. 2-3
3-1. Front-Access Security Door and Front Bezel Lock .................................................... 3-3
3-2. Re mo ving the DIGITAL S e rv e r 3220 Side Panel....................................................... 3-4
3-3. Insta llin g th e D IGIT AL Serve r 3220 Side Panel......................................................... 3-5
3-4. Re mo v i n g th e Server from th e Rack.......................................................................... 3-6
3-5. Disconnecting the Cable Management Arm .............................................................. 3-7
3-6. Re mo ving the DIGITAL S e rv e r 3220R Top Cover..................................................... 3-9
3-7. Insta llin g th e D IGIT AL Serve r 3220R Top Cover....................................................... 3-11
3-8. DIGIT AL Serve r 3220/3220R Front View................................................................... 3-13
3-9. DIGIT AL Serve r 3220/3220R Internal View............................................................... 3-15
3-10. D IGIT AL Serve r 3220/3220R Rear View................................................................. 3-17
3-11. Main Logic Board Connectors.................................................................................. 3-19
3-12. Main Logic Board Components................................................................................ 3-21
3-13. Processor Module Components............................................................................... 3-23
3-14. Video/Ethernet Daughter Card Connectors ............................................................. 3-24
3-15. R e p lacin g th e S e rv e r B a tte ry /R TC........................................................................... 3-27
4-1. DIGIT A L S e rv e r C o mponent Information................................................................... 4-3
5-1. Removing the Processor Module............................................................................... 5-3
5-2. Removing the Terminator Module.............................................................................. 5-4
5-3. Installing the Second Processor................................................................................. 5-5
5-4. Installing the Processor Module................................................................................. 5-7
6-1. DIMM B a n k L o c a ti o n s................................................................................................ 6-3
7-1. Model 3220 Storage Backplane Switch Location....................................................... 7-5
7-2. Model 3220R Storage Backplane SCSI Drive IDs ..................................................... 7-6
8-1. Insta llin g a H a lf-Hei g h t 5 ¼-In ch Devic e In to th e T o p D r i v e B a y................................. 8-3
8-2. Insta llin g a F u l l-Hei g h t 5 ¼-In c h D e v ice Into th e T o p Drive B a y................................. 8-5
8-3. Installing 3½-Inch Expansion Brackets ...................................................................... 8-6
8-4. Re mo v i n g a Devic e fro m th e H o t-Swap D r i v e B a y.................................................... 8-8
8-5. Insta llin g th e E x te rn a l W i d e SCSI C a b l e Assembl y .................................................... 8 - 1 1
8-6. Connecting an External SCSI Storage Box................................................................ 8-13