The following servicing instructions are for
use by quali fied service personnel only. To
avoid personal injury, do not perform any
servicing other than that contained in
operating instruc tions unl ess you are qualified
to do so.
First printing February 1994
Order Number: EK-LF02E-FM.A01
Digital Equipment Corporation
Maynard, Massachusetts U.S.A.
If acquired subject to FAR or DFARS, the following shall apply:
n Unpublished — rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.
n Restricted Ri ghts Legend — Use, duplication or disclosures by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in
subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software at DF ARS 252.227-7013, or in subparagraph
(c) (2) of the Commercial Computer Software – Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. Tektronix, Inc.,
P.O. Box 1000, Wilsonville, Oregon 97070-1000.
Adobe™ and PostScript™ a re trademarks of Adobe Systems, Incorporated which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
Times™, Helvetica™, and Palatino™ are tradema rks of Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries.
Other marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of the companies with which they are associated.
* Colors generated by the DECcolorwriter 1000 ar e three-color process simulations and may not matc h
PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate colors.
Novell® and NetWare® are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc.
TCP/IP is a trademark of FTP Software. Copyright (c) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 by FTP Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
PC/TCP for DOS is based on a set of programs originally designed and developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
FTP Software has made extensive modifications and enhancements to the M.I.T. programs.
Users safety summary
Terms in manua l: CAUTIONConditions that can result in damage to the product.
WARNINGConditions that can result in personal injury or loss of life.
Power source: Do not apply more than 250 volts RMS between the supply conductors or between either su pply conductor
and ground. Use only the specified power cord and connector. Refer to a qualified service technician for changes to the cord or
Operation of product: Avoid electric shock by contacting a qualified service technician to replace fuses inside the product.
Do not operate without the covers and panels p roperly installed. Do not operate in an atmos phere of explosive gases.
Safety instructions: Read all installation instructions carefully before you plug the product into a power source.
Terms on prod uct: CAUTION A personal injury hazard exists that may not be apparent. For example, a panel may cover
the hazardous area. Also applies to a hazard to property including the product itself.
DANGER A personal injury hazard exists in the area where you see the sign.
Care of product: Disconnect the power plug by pulling the plug, not the cord. Disconnect the power plug if the power cord
or plug is frayed or otherwise damaged, if you spill anything into the case, if product is exposed to any excess moisture, if
product is dropped or damaged, if you suspect that the product needs servicing or repair, and whenever you clean the product.
Ground the produ c t: Plug the three-wire power cord (with grounding prong) into grounded AC outlets only. If necessary,
contact a licensed ele ctrician to install a properly grounded outlet.
Symbols as marked on product:
DANGER high voltage:
Protective ground (earth) terminal:
Use caution. Refer to the manual(s) for information:
WARNING: If the product loses the ground connection, usage of knobs and controls (and other conductive parts) can cause an
electrical shock. Electrical product may be hazardous if misused.
Service safety summary
For qualified servi ce pers onn el only : Refer also to the preceding Users Safety Summary .
Do not service alo ne: Do not perform internal service or adjustment of this product unless another person capable of
rendering first aid or resuscitation is present.
Use care when servicing with pow er on: Dangerous voltages may exist at several points in this product. To avoid
personal injury, do not touch exposed connections and components while power is on.
Disconnect power before removing the power supply shield, soldering, or replacing components.
Do not wear jewel ry: Remo ve jewelr y prior to se rvicing. Rings, necklaces, and other metallic objects could come i nto
contact with dangerous voltages and currents.
Power source: This product is intended to operate from a power source that will not apply more than 250 volts rms between
the supply conductors or between either supply conductor and ground. A protective ground connection by way of the grounding
conductor in the power cord is essential for safe operation.
1General Information
DECcolorwri ter 1 0001-2
Plain-paper printing1-2
Print engine assembli es1-3
Combination sensors and their meanings1-5
Transfer roll type sensing1-5
Media tray type sensing1-6
Image processor boards1-7
Rear panel1-8
Front panel1-10
Front panel LED service mode error co des1-11
Regulatory specifications1-16
2Installing the Printer and Drivers
Pre-install questions for custom ers2-2
Inventory for the DECcolorwr ite r 1000 printer2-5
Setting up the printer2-7
Cabling the printer2-8
Connecting the printer to a Macintosh2-8
LocalTalk connection to a M ac intosh2-8
Connecting the printer to a PC2-8
Direct connection to a PC2-8
Connecting the printer to a workstation2-9
Direct connection to a workstation2-9
Turning on the printer2-10
The startup page2-10
The configuration page2-11
Driver and communication setup2-13
Loading the Macintosh driver2-13
Installing the custom drive r for Windows 3.12-14
Configuring the custom Windows printer driver2-14
Updating the standard Microsoft Windows PostScript dr iver2-17
Installing the printer driver for OS/2 Version 22-17
Configuring the printer's serial port for a PC2-20
DECcolorw r iter 1 0002-20
Using printcap to configure a Unix workstation for the printer's serial port2-22
Service Manualv
3Verifying the Printer and Host Connections
Verifying printing to a Maci ntosh3-1
Selecting the printer via the Choose r3-1
Print the directory from Macintosh3-2
Verifying that an application communicates to the printer3-2
Using the Error Handler utility3-3
Verifying printing to a PC3-3
DOS connection verifica tion3-3
Windows 3.1 driver verification3-4
OS/2 connection verification3-5
Veryifing printing to a PC using the Error Handler utility3-6
Verifying printing to a workstation using the Error Handler utility3-7
4Key Operator Training
Printer controls and indica tors4-2
Loading media4-3
Clearing paper jams4-4
Warranty information4-4
Supplies ordering4-5
5Theory of Operation
Print engine5-2
Wax transfer — the engine's printing technology5-2
The print process5-2
Plain-paper printing5-4
Image data5-5
Creating colors5-5
Engine control board block description5-6
Interface buf fers5-7
Data controller and line buffers5-7
Heat controller (dot compensation)5-7
Thermal head controller5-8
Thermal head5-8
Mechanical controller5-8
Internal test pattern generator5-8
viDECcolorwriter 1000
Paper path in operation5-9
Paper pick-up5-9
Drum loading5-11
Print unloading5-14
Power supply5-15
DECcolorwriter 1 000 ima ge processor5-17
Image rendering technology5-17
System power-up sequence6- 1
Print engine troubleshooting6-2
Verifying image processor operation by using the Test Pattern Generator6-2
Verifying print engine operation by using its self-test print6-3
Verifying power supply operation6-3
Measuring power supply voltages6- 3
Inspecting the power supply fuses6-5
Testing for a shorted motor6-6
+24 VDC safety interlocks6- 6
Testing motor resistances6-8
Media jams an d the paper path6-8
Media-based problems6-8
Paper-pick e rr ors6-9
Paper-clamping errors6-10
Print-eject jams6-11
Checking the paper-feed motor and drive train6-11
Media skews passing through the pape r path6-12
Transfer roll jam6-12
Printing and print quality problems6-13
Streaks or lines in the print parallel to the long axis of printing6-13
Streaks or lines in the print parallel to the short axis of printing6-13
White portion of print is colored6-14
Color is uneven6-14
Not printing6-15
Printing too light or too dark6-16
Image is offset or cut off6- 16
Service Manualvii
Print engine self-diagnostics6-18
Starting service mode (self-diagnostics)6-18
Displaying error codes on the front panel6-18
Problems and solutions6-19
Print engine error codes and their causes6-19
Power problems6- 24
Front panel indicators6-2 4
Macintosh printing problems6-25
PC DOS printing problems6-26
Windows printing problems6-27
Workstation printing problems6-28
DECcolorwriter 1000 image processor s6- 29
Image processor n ormal operation indicators6-29
Image processor hard and soft error indicators6-29
Verifying the image processor's operation6-29
Image processor self-diagnostics6-30
Image processor rear panel switches for self-testing6-30
The rear panel LED f lashing in a regular one flash-per -second rate means no errors were detected
and that the image processor's CPU is running.6-31
Printing the configuration page6-31
Accessing the pick roller, aligning roller, and the lower feed roller8-6
Paper-pick roller, clutch, and paper-em pty flag8-9
Lower aligning roller, clutch, and paper-pass sensorþ1þflag8-11
Removing the upper aligning roller8-13
Removing the feedþroller8-14
Removing the exitþr ollers8-15
Paper-feed motor8-23
Drum motor8-24
Transfer roll take-upþmotor8-25
Thermal head lift motor8-27
Sensors and switche s8-29
Paper-pass sensorþ1 and paper-empty sensor8-29
Thermal head position sensors8-29
Transfer roll mark sensors8-29
Paper-pass sensorþ2 and trayþsensor8-30
Transfer roll lowþsensor8-33
Paper clamp sensor8-34
Card cage and power supply8-35
Circuit boards8-37
Power supply circuit board8-37
Paper-feed circuitþboard8-39
Engine control board8-39
Card cage interc onn ect board8-41
I/O board8-42
Image processor board8-43
Font module8-45
Service Manualix
9Checks and Adjustmen ts
Required tools summary9-1
Printing test patterns9-2
Printer self-checks9-4
Thermal head m ot or check9-5
Transfer roll feed check9-5
Paper-path check9-6
Tray select9-6
Reflective sensor auto-calibration9-7
Switch and interrupt sensor checks9-8
Calibrating the transfer roll mark sensors (reflective sensors)9-10
Calibrating the paper clamp sensor (reflective sensor)9-10
Drum belt tension adjustment9-11
Top margin adjustment9-12
Adjusting for best print quality9-14
Thermal head temperature adjustment9-14
Thermal head pitch (to correct speckle and wrinkle)9-16
Paper clamp adjustment (to correct misregistration)9-18
AField Replaceable Units List
BTest Patterns
CWiring Diagrams
DTest Pattern Generator
xDECcolorwriter 1000
Service Manualxi
Figure 1-1.The DECcolorwriter 1000 (shown with the Lower Tray Assembly)1-1
Figure 1-2.Internal features of the DECcolorwriter 10 00 print engine1-3
Figure 1-3.Sensors and switches on the DECcolorwriter 1000 print engine1-4
Figure 1-4.Features of the DECcolorw riter 1000 image processor board1-7
Figure 1-5.DECcolorwriter 1 000 rea r pane l1-9
Figure 1-6.DECcolorwriter 1000 front panel1-10
Figure 2-1.The DECcolorwriter 1000 packaging2-6
Figure 5-1.The thermal-wax transfer print process5-3
Figure 5-2.Print engine board block diagram5-6
Figure 5-3.The paper pick process5-10
Figure 5-4.Paper clamp opening to receive a sheet of paper5-11
Figure 5-5.Clamping the paper5-11
Figure 5-6.Positioning the paper for printing5-12
Figure 5-7.Printing on the paper5-12
Figure 5-8.Raising the thermal head between passes5-13
Figure 5-9.Ejecting the print5-14
Figure 5-1 0.Power supply block diagram5-16
Figure 5-1 1.The image processor graphics pipeline5-18
Figure 6-1.Measuring the DC voltages (test points)6- 4
Figure 6-2.Locating the fuses6-5
Figure 6-3.24 VDC safety interlocks (top and front c overs)6-7
Figure 6-4.Proper front idler roller-to-drum alignment (to prevent wrinkling)6-17
Figure 7-1.Lubricating the clutches7-3
Figure 8-1Removing the Lower Tray Assembly8-2
Figure 8-2Removing the cabinet panels8-4
Figure 8-3Removing the paper-feed module8- 5
Figure 8-4Removing the paper -feed circuit board8-6
Figure 8-5Removing the paper-feed unit screws8-7
Figure 8-6Separating the paper-feedþunit8-8
Figure 8-7Removing the pick roller andþclutch8-9
Figure 8-8Removing the paper -e m pty flag8-10
Figure 8-9Removing the lower aligningþroller8-11
Figure 8-10Removing the paper-pass sensor 1 flag8-12
Figure 8-11Removing the upper aligning roller8-13
Figure 8-12Removing the feed roller8-14
Figure 8-13Removing the exit r ollers8-15
Service Manualxi
Fig ur e 8-14Removing the bail roller assembly8-16
Fig ur e 8-15Removing the thermal head8-18
Fig ur e 8-16Removing the drum belt and pulley8- 1 9
Fig ur e 8-17Removing the front idlerþroller8-20
Fig ur e 8-18Removing the drum's right end bushing8-21
Fig ur e 8-19Removing the drum8-22
Fig ur e 8-20Removing the paper-feedþmotor8-23
Fig ur e 8-21Removing the drum motor8-24
Fig ur e 8-22Removing the transfer roll take-up gear8-25
Fig ur e 8-23Removing the transfer roll take-up motor8-26
Fig ur e 8-24Freeing the thermal head drive belt and therma l head lift motor bracket8-27
Fig ur e 8-25Removing the thermal head lift þmotor8-28
Fig ur e 8-26Removing the paper-feed circuit board8-30
Fig ur e 8-27Removing the paper-passþsensor 28-31
Fig ur e 8-28Removing the tray sensors circuit board8-32
Fig ur e 8-29Removing the transfer roll low sensor8-33
Fig ur e 8-30Removing the paper clamp sensor8-34
Fig ur e 8-31Disconnecting the wiring harnesses and removing the card cage8-35
Fig ur e 8-32Removing the card cage and power supply8-36
Fig ur e 8-33Removing the power supply circuit board8-38
Fig ur e 8-34Disconnecting the wiring harnesses8-39
Fig ur e 8-35Removing the engine control board8-4 0
Fig ur e 8-36Removing the interconnectþboard8-41
Fig ur e 8-37Removing the I/O board8-42
Fig ur e 8-38Removing the image processor board8-43
Fig ur e 8-39Installing the RAM SIM M on the image processor board8-44
Fig ur e 8-40Installing the font SIMM on the image process or boar d8-45
Figure 9-1Engine control board DIP switches9-2
Figure 9-2Tensioning the drum belt9-11
Figure 9-3Adjustin g the thermal head pitch9-17
Figure 9-4Setting the paper clamp adjustment9-19
Figure A-1.The printer exter ior FRUsA-3
Figure A-2.Exploded view of the printerA-7
Figure B-1.Inspection/check test patte rn showing samples of defective print i ngB-1
Figure B-2.Saturation dither patte rnB-2
Figure B-3.Wrinkle 2 pattern showing wrinkleB-3
xiiDECcolorwriter 1000
Figure C-1.Print engine control board connector dia gramC-4
Figure C-2.Print engine wiring diagramC-5
Figure D-1.Plugging the Test Pattern Generator into the printer's parallel portD-2
Service Manualxiii
Table 1-1.Transfer roll core sensor combinations1-5
Table 1-2.Tray switch sensor combinations1-6
Table 1-3.DECcolorwriter 1000 rear panel DIP Switches1-9
Table 1-4.Service mode error code summary1-11
Table 1-5.Physical dimensions1-12
Table 1-6.Printer clear ances1-12
Table 1-7.Functional specifications1-13
Table 1-8.Electrical specifications1-14
Table 1-9.Environmental specifications1-15
Table 2-1.Configuration page settings for DECcolorwr iter 1000 printers2-11
Table 2-2.Values for modifying the DEVPARAMS.PS file2-21
Table 6-1.Motor and solenoid resistances6-8
Table 6-2.Decoding the front panel display6-18
Table 6-3.Print engine error codes and their meanings6-19
Table 9-1Selecting self-test print patterns9-3
Table 9-2Self-check mode summary9-4
Table 9-3Mechanical and interrupt switch check summ ar y9-9
Table 9-4Top margin adjust settings9-12
Table 9-5Setting thermal he ad temperature (ba sed on thermal head resistanc e)9-15
Table C-1.Connector CN2C-1
This service manual contains information useful to verify operation, troubleshoot, repair,
adjust, and maintain the DECcolorwriter 1000. The first half of this manual familiarizes
you with the printer and provides infor m ation on installing and verifying the printer and
training printer users. The latter half of the manual includes troubleshooting guides,
adjustment procedures, assembly/disassembly procedures and an FRU list.
To ensure complete understanding of the product, we recommend partic ipation in
DECcolorwr iter 1000 service training, if avail able .
Phaser 200i
Figure 1-1. The DECcolorwr iter 1000 (show n with the Low er Tray
Service Manual1-1
1General Information
DECcolorwriter 1000
DECcolorwr iter 1000 is an Adobe PostScript Level 2, two page-per-minute, color
thermal-wax transfer printer. Besides PostScript, it also supports the Hewlett
Packard-Graphics Language (HP-GL) printer language. DECcolorwriter 1000 prints at
an addressability of 300 dots-per-inch. The printer features a single paper tray w ith an
optional lower tray assembly which gives the printer a dual tray capability. (The Lower
Tray Assembly is sometimes referred to as the second feeder.) The printer prints images
on A- and A4-size paper and transparency film with 5 mm (0.2 in.) margins.
DECcolorwr iter 1000’s image processor is powered by a 16-MHz RISC processor and
features 8 Mbytes of RAM . The printer provides 17 standard printer fonts which can be
expanded to 39 fonts with the installation of an optional font m odule. In addition, the
DECcolorwriter 1000 supports a high-resolution 300 x 600 dots-per-inch printing mode.
For host image input, the controller also features a standard parallel port, an RS-232
serial port and a LocalTalk port.
Plain-paper printing
The DECcolorw riter 1000 prints on a specially coated paper with a very smooth, even
surface, optimized for wax-transfer pri nt ing. The printers can also print on ordinary
Bond paper, using a special 4-pass plain-paper transfer roll. During printing, a special
primer coating is applied to the paper in its first pass past the thermal head. The coating
is applied only to the portions of the paper where yellow, magenta and cyan wax will be
applied in the following passes. The coating supplies a smooth, fl at surface for the wax
to adhere to. Because of the extra pass required for printing on plain-paper and the fact
that the drum moves in a slower, half-step mode while placing the precoat on the paper,
plain-paper printing times are slightly longer than printi ng on coated paper with the
3-pass, 3-Color Transfer Roll.
1-2DECcolorwriter 1000
Print engine assemblies
Thermal head lift motor
I/O board
Card cage
General Informatio n1
Thermal head fan
Torque limiter
Thermal head
Image processor
Engine control board
Interconnect board
Drum motor
Drum belt
Power supply
Paper-feed motor
Transfer roll take-up motor
Pick roller
Print-feed circuit board
Figure 1-2. Internal features of the DECcolorwriter 1000 pri nt engin e
Upper exit roller
Exit roller belt
Lower exit roller
Paper-feed module
Feed roller
Service Manual1-3
1General Information
Transfer roll
core sensor
Transfer roll
mark sensor
open sensor
DIP Switch 1
DIP Switch 2
Paper clamp
low sensor
Transfer roll
core sensor
Thermal head position
sensors (2) -- mounted on top cover
position sensor
sensor (2)
sensors (3)
Paper-exit sensor
Front-cover-open sensor
Aligning roller
sensor (1)
Figure 1-3. Sensors and switches on the DECc olorw riter 1000 pri nt eng ine
1-4DECcolorwriter 1000
General Informatio n1
Combination sensors and their meanings
Combinations of sensors are used by the D ECcolorwriter 1000 to determine the type of
transfer roll and the type of media tray installed in the printers.
Transfer roll type sensing
The combinations of the two transfer roll core sensors “tell” the print engine what type of
transfer roll is installed. The length of the cores (long or short) actuate the switches.
Long cores close the switches, turning them o n.
Table 1-1. Transfer roll core sensor comb in atio ns
Left transfer
roll core
ClosedOp enPlain Paper Transfer Roll
OpenOpen3-Color Transfer Roll (for coated paper)
ClosedClosedBlack Transfer Roll (for coated paper)
Right transfer
roll core
Transfer roll type
Service Manual1-5
1General Information
Media tray type sensing
The combinations of the three tray sensors “tell” the Phaser 200e what type of paper tray
is installed. (The print engine does not detect the type of media installed in the tray; it
only detects the particular tray used with the media.) The tray sensors are located on the
right-side inter ior of the paper tray slot. Ther e are four different tray types:
nLetter Perforated Media. This tray is used for paper and transparency film
with the tear-off perforation. This extra-long media accounts for the portion
of the media held by the drum's paper clamp during printing (and therefore
cannot be printed upon.) After tearing off the perforated end of the print, the
result is a letter-size print in which the image is printed evenly to all four of
the paper’s edges. A slide switch on the side of the media tray lets you select
either paper or transparency film.
nLetter Plain Paper . This tray is sized for 8.5 x 11-inch plain paper. It is used
when printing with the Plain Paper Transfer Roll.
nA4 Perforated Media. This tray is used for the metric equival ent of the
Letter-size perforated media. A slide switch on the side of the media tray lets
you select either paper or transparenc y film.
nA4 Plain Paper. This tray is sized for 210 x 297-mm plain paper. It is used
when printing with the Plain Paper Transfer Roll.
Lower tray assembly. The identical sensor combination scheme is used to determine
the type of tray (referred to as the lower tr ay) installed in the Lowe r Tray Assembly.
(The Lower Tray Assembly i s sometimes referred to as the second feeder.)
Table 1-2. Tray switch sensor combi nati on s
OpenClosedOpenLetter – Perforated paper
OpenOpenClosedLetter – Perforated transparency film
OpenClosedClosedLetter – Plain paper
ClosedOpenOpenA4 – Perforated paper
ClosedOpenClosedA4 – Perforated transparency film
ClosedClosedClosedA4 – Plain Paper
Top switch Tray type
1-6DECcolorwriter 1000
Image processor boards
General Informatio n1
I/O connector
Interconnect board
Figure 1-4. Features of the DECcolor writer 1000 ima ge pro cess or
Service Manual1-7
1General Information
Rear panel
The rear panel of the DECcolorwriter 1000 printer features the host interface connectors
to the printer. They include the following connector s:
nStandard parallel
nRS-232 serial
The DECcolorwriter 1000 rear panel also feature s DIP switches to control certain
aspects of the printers’ imaging. You can also use the DIP switches for controlli ng the
self-tests of the printers’ image processor board. Refer to the Section 6 topic “Image
processor self-diagnostics” on page 6-30.
Health LED
A health LED indicates the status of the printer.
nBlinking (at a steady rate): The printer is operating normally. The LED
blinks irregularly during diagnostics.
If a soft error occurs, the image processor board will operate, but in a reduced
capacity. Soft failures include failure of expansion memory SIMMs or any of
the interface ports. When a soft error occurs, the printer automatically prints
a start-up page listing the error.
nOn or Off: A hard error condition has occurred that would keep the image
processor board from operati ng.
TEST button
The TEST button, located at the bottom right rear corner of the printer, has two
nFollowing normal power-up, pressing the TEST button for 5 seconds prints a
composite test pattern. Refer to Figure B-1 in Appendix B, Test Patterns for
a sample of the com posite test pattern.
nPressi ng and holding the TEST button while you turn on the printer places
the printer in Servic e m o de.
1-8DECcolorwriter 1000
General Informatio n1
The following figure illustrate the re ar panel of the DECcolorwriter 1000.
Color Correction
* See Below
DECcolorwriter 1000
Figure 1-5. DECcolor wri ter 1000 rear panel
DIP switches
Table 1-3. DECcolorwriter 1000 rear panel DIP Switch es
) Normal operation
) Reset
2 through 4Diagnostics modes, serial parameters fixed at 1200 baud. Vivid Blue,
The front panel consists of seven LEDs indicating the pr inter's normal operating status.
POWER: Illuminates to indicate that the power supply is generating +5 VDC.
READY: On indicates the printer is idle. Blinking indicates the printer is receiving and
processing data.
COVER: On indicates either the front or top cover is open.
TRANSFER ROLL (RIBBON): On indicates the transfer roll is low and will soon
need to be replaced. Blinking indicates the transfer r oll is empty.
MEDIA: On indicates the paper tray i s empty. Blinking (together with the JAM light)
indicates the wrong size paper is installed in the paper tray.
JAM: On indicates a jam has occurred inside the printer. Blinking indicates a
paper-pick error has occurred.
ERROR: On indicates a hardware engine error has occurred. Blinking indicates a data
processing error has oc curred with the image processor board.
Figure 1-6. DECcolorwriter 1000 front panel
1-10DECcolorwriter 1000
Front panel LED service mode e rror cod es
Detected error conditions are displayed on the front panel as LED patterns. The
following table lists the service mode error codes which are displayed while the printer is
in service mode. (Service mode is explained in Chapter 9, “Checks and Adjustments.”)
These codes are mor e specific than the error codes displayed during normal operation
(see the previous topic “Rear panel). If an error occurs during normal operation, pressing
the rear panel TEST button causes the appropriate, and more specific, service mode error
code to be displayed on the front panel. The error codes listed below are explained in
greater detail in the Chapter 6 topic “Print engine error codes and their causes” on
page 6-19.
Table 1-4. Service mode error code summary
Front panel LEDsHex codeError
o o o o oo Z00No error
o o o o oZZ01Drum position error.
o o o o Zo Z02Thermal head temperature error.
o o o Z oo Z04Top cover open error.
o o o Z oZZ05Front cover open error.
o o o ZZo Z06Strobe error.
o o o Z ZZ Z07Engine control board RAM error.
o o Z o oo Z08Engine control board ROM error.
o o Z o Zo Z0AInterface error with image processor board.
o o ZZ oZZ0DThermistor failure.
o o ZZZo Z0EThermal head lift error.
o o ZZZZ Z 0FThermal head thermistor failure.
o Z o o oo Z10Transfer roll empty.
o Z o o oZZ11Transfer roll low.
o Z o o ZZ Z12Transfer roll jam.
o ZZ o oo Z18Transfer roll feed timer error.
Z o o o oo Z20Out of media.
Z o o o oZ Z21Tray not installed.
Z o o o Zo Z22Paper eject sensor failed to turn on.
o o o ZZZ 23Paper-pass error / lower tray.
o o Z oo Z24Paper-pass error / upper tray.
Z o o Z oZ Z25Paper-pass sensor 2 error.
Z o o Z Zo Z26Paper clamped error.
Z o o Z ZZ Z 27Media size error.
Z o Z o oo Z28Paper eject sensor failed to turn off.
Z o Z o oZ Z29Paper-pass sensor 1 failed to turn off after
paper eject.
Z o Z o Zo Z2APaper-pass sensor 2 failed to turn off after
paper eject.
Z o Z o ZZ Z 2BClamp timer error.
General Informatio n1
o means LED off
Z means the POWER L ED which is always on
Z means LEDon
Service Manual1-11
1General Information
Specificatio ns
These specifications apply to the DECcolor wr ite r 1000 printer.
Table 1-5. Physi cal dim ensi on s
Height28 cm. (11 ins.)
Width:342 cm (13.4 ins.)
Depth:42.5 cm (16.7 ins.)
Weight:Approximately 18 kgs (40 lbs). Print engine weight only; add
37 cm (14.5 ins.) with Lower Tray Assembly
26.4 kgs (12 lbs.) for Lower Tray Assembly. Shipping weight
is not to exceed 32 kgs (70 lbs).
Table 1-6. Printer cle aran c es
Top: 45.7 cm (18 ins.)
Left: 10.2 cm (4 ins.)
Right: 10.2 cm (4 ins.)
Front: Unrestricted to replace trays and transfer rolls
Rear: 10.2 cm (4 ins.)
Bottom:No obstruction under printer that could block its cooling
Mounting surface
Within 5 degrees of horizontal with all four feet in contact
with the surface.
1-12DECcolorwriter 1000
General Informatio n1
Table 1-7. Functi on al speci ficati on s
Printing processSequential surface t hermal transfer printing (thermal-wax
Transfer rollsWax-impregnated transfer rolls. The printer automatically
Addressability300 dots-per-inch (horizontal and vertical).
Engine printing speedThe time it takes from paper loading to paper ejecting a print:
Minimum printing
senses the transfer roll type by the coding on the leading
edge of the yellow band.
3-Color Transfer Roll features sequential bands of yellow,
cyan, and magenta; 342 prints per roll.
A 4-pass Plain Paper Transfer Roll features sequential bands
of precoat, yellow, magenta and cyan; 214 prints per roll.
Black Transfer Roll features all black panels; 880 prints
per rol l.
The printer automatically senses the transfer roll type by the
size of the transfer roll cores.
3-Color transfer roll: about 30 seconds per print.
ColorCoat transfer roll: about 40 seconds per print.
Print times do not include image processing time by the
image processor which varies due to image complexity.
Perforated paper:
A- and A4-size: all sides, 5 mm (0.2 ins.).
Non-perforated paper
A- and A4-size: all sides, 5 mm (0.2 ins.) except the bottom,
which is 21 mm (0.8 ins.)
Service Manual1-13
1General Information
Table 1-8. Electrical specifications
Primary line voltages87 to 128 VAC (115 VAC nominal)
174 to 250 VAC (220 VAC nominal)
Input voltage range is switch-selectable.
Primary voltage
47 to 63 Hz
frequency range
Power consumption235 watts at idle. (800 BTUs/hour) – Power consumption for
the printer will be somewhat higher due to image processor
electronics which draw power from the print engine.
Current rating115 VAC configuration – 7 amp max./1 amp min.
220 VAC configuration – 7 amp max./1 amp min.
Primary voltage fusing115 VAC configuration – 5 amp
220 VAC configuration – 5 amp
Fuses are not user-accessible.
Secondary voltages+5
V (4.95 ~ 5.05 V) — 10 A maximum
+12 V (11.2 ~ 12.6 V)
-12 V (115.5 ~ 12.5V)
+24 V (24.4 ~ 24.7V)
VH – thermal head voltage (V
– 26 ~ 27.4 V), (V
– 10.6 ~ 11.0)
RF emissionsBoth 115 and 220 VAC-configured instruments pass these
standards: FCC Part 15 Class B
VDE 0871/6.78 Class B
EN55022 (CISPR 22) Class B
VCCI (CISPR 22) Class B
1-14DECcolorwriter 1000
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