Digital Equipment AlphaPC64 User Manual

AlphaPC64Motherboard User’sManual
Order Number: EC–QLJKB–TE
Revision/Update Information: This document supersedes the
AlphaPC64 Motherboard User’s Manual
Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts
July 1995
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About This Manual ........................................... vii
1 AlphaPC64 Introduction
1.1 The AlphaPC64 Motherboard . ........................... 1–1
1.2 System Components and Features........................ 1–1
1.2.1 Memory Subsystem ................................ 1–1
1.2.2 DECchip 21072 Support Chipset . . . ................... 1–4
1.2.3 PAL Control Set ................................... 1–4
1.2.4 Level 2 Cache Subsystem Overview . ................... 1–4
1.2.5 Clock Subsystem Overview .......................... 1–5
1.2.6 PCI Interface Overview . . ........................... 1–5
1.2.7 ISA Interface Overview . . ........................... 1–5
1.2.8 Software Support .................................. 1–6
1.2.9 Component Layout ................................. 1–6
1.2.10 System Summary .................................. 1–6
2 System Jumpers and Connectors
2.1 Configuration Jumpers ................................. 2–1
2.1.1 Software Configuration Jumpers . . . ................... 2–1
2.1.2 Hardware Configuration Jumpers . . ................... 2–6
2.2 AlphaPC64 Board Connectors ........................... 2–7
3 Starting and Using the AlphaPC64
3.1 Hardware Requirements ............................... 3–1
3.2 Software Requirements ................................ 3–2
3.3 Hardware Configuration ............................... 3–2
3.4 Software Configuration ................................ 3–9
3.4.1 Starting Windows NT ARC Firmware .................. 3–9
3.4.2 Going to the Debug Monitor from Windows NT ARC
Firmware ........................................ 3–9
3.4.3 Returning to Windows NT ARC Firmware from the Debug
Monitor . ........................................ 3–10
4 Functional Elements
4.1 PCI Interrupts and Arbitration . . ........................ 4–1
4.1.1 System Interrupts . ................................ 4–1
4.1.2 PCI/ISA Arbitration ................................ 4–5
4.2 ISA Devices . ........................................ 4–6
4.3 dc Power Distribution . ................................ 4–7
4.4 Flash ROM (System ROM).............................. 4–9
4.4.1 Special Flash ROM Headers . ........................ 4–9
4.4.2 Flash ROM Structure............................... 4–12
4.4.3 Flash ROM Access . ................................ 4–14
5 Board Requirements and Parameters
5.1 Power Requirements . . ................................ 5–1
5.2 Environmental Characteristics . . . ........................ 5–2
5.3 Physical Board Parameters ............................. 5–2
A Supporting Vendor Products
A.1 Products Included .................................... A–1
A.2 Products Not Included . ................................ A–2
B Technical Support and Ordering Information
B.1 Technical Support .................................... B–1
B.2 Ordering Digital Semiconductor Products . . ................ B–1
B.3 Ordering Associated Literature . . ........................ B–2
B.4 Ordering Third-Party Documentation ..................... B–4
C Warranty Registration Information
1–1 AlphaPC64 Functional Block Diagram .................. 1–2
1–2 Maximum and Minimum SIMM Bank Layouts . .......... 1–3
1–3 AlphaPC64 Component Layout and Board Dimensions . . . . . 1–7
2–1 AlphaPC64 Board Jumpers .......................... 2–2
2–2 J3 Jumpers/Connectors . . ........................... 2–3
2–3 AlphaPC64 Board Connectors ........................ 2–8
3–1 Fan/Heat Sink Assembly . ........................... 3–4
3–2 AlphaPC64 Power Connectors ........................ 3–7
4–1 Interrupt Control and PCI Arbitration .................. 4–2
4–2 Interrupt and Interrupt Mask Registers ................ 4–5
4–3 ISA Devices . . . ................................... 4–6
4–4 dc Power Distribution . . . ........................... 4–8
4–5 Special Header Content . . ........................... 4–9
5–1 Board Component Layout ........................... 5–3
1–1 L2 Cache SIMM Sizes . . . ........................... 1–5
1–2 AlphaPC64 Summary ............................... 1–8
2–1 Jumper Position Descriptions......................... 2–4
2–2 AlphaPC64 Board Jumpers .......................... 2–6
2–3 Module Connector Descriptions ....................... 2–9
4–1 CPU Interrupt Assignment .......................... 4–3
4–2 Special Header Entry Descriptions . ................... 4–10
4–3 Higher 512KB Flash ROM Image Selection .............. 4–12
5–1 Power Supply dc Current Requirements (275 MHz)........ 5–1
5–2 Board Component Descriptions ....................... 5–4
This manual describes Digital’s AlphaPC64 motherboard, a module for computing systems based on the Alpha 21064A microprocessor and the DECchip 21072 chipset.
This guide is intended for users of the AlphaPC64 to assist them in installing the board and populating it with memory modules and peripheral cards.
This guide describes the features, configuration, and installation of the AlphaPC64. This guide does not include specific bus specifications (for example, PCI or ISA buses). Additional information is available in the appropriate vendor and IEEE specifications. See Appendix B for information about how to obtain additional technical support and how to order additional documentation.
This guide contains the following chapters and appendixes:
About This Manual
Chapter 1, AlphaPC64 Introduction, is an overview of the AlphaPC64, including its components, uses, and features.
Chapter 2, System Jumpers and Connectors, describes the user environment configuration; board connectors and functions; jumper functions; and identifies jumper and connector locations.
Chapter 3, Starting and Using the AlphaPC64, lists additional hardware and software requirements, provides information on how to configure the hardware and software, and describes the board startup procedures.
Chapter 4, Functional Elements, describes some of the functional elements of the AlphaPC64, such as, interrupt assignments, flash ROM contents, and power distribution.
Chapter 5, Board Requirements and Parameters, describes the AlphaPC64 power and environmental requirements, and identifies major board components.
Appendix A, Supporting Vendor Products, lists suggested vendor sources for supporting components, such as, power supply, SIMMs, enclosure, and so forth.
Appendix B, Technical Support and Ordering Information, describes how to obtain Digital Semiconductor information and technical support, and how to order Digital Semiconductor products and associated literature.
Appendix C, Warranty Registration Information, provides information on how to register your AlphaPC64 motherboard and be notified of changes and updates.
Document Conventions
This section provides the conventions used in this document.
Caution: Cautions indicate potential damage to equipment or data. Note: Notes provide additional information. Numbering: All numbers are decimal or hexadecimal unless otherwise
indicated. In case of ambiguity, a subscript indicates the radix of nondecimal numbers. For example, 19 is a decimal number, but 1916and 19A are hexadecimal numbers.
Extents: Extents are specified by a single number, or a pair of numbers in angle brackets ( < >) separated by a colon (: ) and are inclusive. For example, bits <7:3> specify an extent including bits 7, 6, 5, 4, and 3. Multiple bit fields are shown as extents.
Register Figures: Register figures have bit and field position numbering starting at the right (low-order) and increasing to the left (high-order).
Signal Names: Signal names in text are printed in boldface lowercase type. For example, ‘‘ . . . bits data<127:0> are delivered to the Bcache SIMM connectors . . . ’’
AlphaPC64 Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of the AlphaPC64, its components, features, and uses.
1.1 The AlphaPC64 Motherboard
The AlphaPC64 Motherboard (AlphaPC64) is a module for computing systems, based on the Alpha 21064A microprocessor and the DECchip 21072 chipset. The AlphaPC64 runs the Windows NT operating system. For information on Digital UNIX or OpenVMS operating system support, contact your local distributor or your Digital sales representative.
1.2 System Components and Features
The AlphaPC64 is implemented in industry-standard parts and uses a 21064A microprocessor (CPU) running at 200 MHz to 275 MHz. The functional components are shown in Figure 1–1 and are introduced in the following subsections.
1.2.1 Memory Subsystem
The AlphaPC64 memory subsystem supports DRAM memory arrays of 16MB to 512MB with a 128-bit data bus. The memory is contained in two banks of four commodity single inline memory modules (SIMMs). Each SIMM is 36 bits wide, with 32 data bits, 1 parity bit, and 3 unused bits with 70-ns or less access. Figure 1–2 shows the maximum and minimum SIMM bank layouts. The following SIMM sizes are supported:
1M x 36 2M x 36 4M x 36 8M x 36 16M x 36
AlphaPC64 Introduction 1–1
1.2 System Components and Features
Figure 1–1 AlphaPC64 Functional Block Diagram
21064A Support
- TriQuint PLL Clock
- External Clock Oscillator
- Serial Boot ROM
- Power Supply
- Supervisor
- System Clocking
Alpha 21064A Microprocessor Running at 200 MHz to 275 MHz
L2 Cache
21072 Chipset
DECchip 21071-DA
- PCI Bridge
PCI Devices *
PCI Arbitration
ISA Interface
*Three PCI Expansion Slots with One Shared Expansion Slot
ISA Expansion Memory Buffering
- 208-Pin Package
L2 Cache Interface
- L2 Cache PALs
- Address Buffers
DECchip 21071-CA
- Cache/Memory Control
- 208-Pin Package
oe weand
Check Bits<21, 14, 7, 0>
AddressISA Bus
- 512KB
- 2MB
- 8MB
- Longword Parity
DECchip 21071-BA
- 128-Bit Data Path
- Requires Four DECchip 21071-BA Chips
L2 Cache SIMMs
Memory SIMMs
- 2 or 3 Expansion Slots
- National 87312
- Intel 8242 Mouse and Keyboard
- System Support
1–2 AlphaPC64 Introduction
ABT162244 Buffers
- 128-bit Data Path
- Longword Parity
- 16MB to 512MB
- 2 Banks
1.2 System Components and Features
Figure 1–2 Maximum and Minimum SIMM Bank Layouts
Maximum 512MB DRAM Layout - Populated with 16M x 36 SIMMs
memData64 - 95 + Parity
memData96 - 127 + Parity
memData64 - 95 + Parity
memData96 - 127 + Parity
Minimum 16MB DRAM Layout - Populated with 1M x 36 SIMMs
memData64 - 95 + Parity
memData96 - 127 + Parity
memData0 - 31 + Parity
memData32 - 63 + Parity
memData0 - 31 + Parity
memData32 - 63 + Parity
memData0 - 31 + Parity
memData32 - 63 + Parity
Bank 0 256MB
Bank 1 256MB
Bank 0 16MB
Bank 1 0MB
AlphaPC64 Introduction 1–3
1.2 System Components and Features
1.2.2 DECchip 21072 Support Chipset
The 21064A is supported by a DECchip 21072 ASIC chipset (21072), with a 128-bit memory interface. The chipset consists of the following three chips:
DECchip 21071-CA (21071-CA) provides the interface from the CPU to cache and main memory, and includes the cache and memory controller.
DECchip 21071-BA (21071-BA) provides a 32-bit data path from the CPU to memory and I/O. Four chips provide the 128-bit interface.
DECchip 21071-DA (21071-DA) provides an interface from the CPU to the peripheral component interconnect (PCI) bus.
The chipset includes the majority of functions required for a high-performance PC or workstation, requiring minimum discrete logic on the motherboard. The chipset provides flexible and generic functions to allow its use in a wide range of systems.
For more information on the DECchip 21072 chipset, see the DECchip 21071 and DECchip 21072 Core Logic Chipsets Data Sheet.
1.2.3 PAL Control Set
The AlphaPC64 contains a 4-PAL control set and includes the following:
Two 16V8-5 PALs provide L2 cache output-enable and write-enable functions.
One 22V10-25 PAL provides interrupt address decode functions and utility bus (Ubus) control.
One MACH210-20 PAL provides the PCI and ISA interrupts.
1.2.4 Level 2 Cache Subsystem Overview
The external level 2 (L2) cache subsystem supports 512KB, 2MB, or 8MB cache sizes by using a 128-bit data bus. The L2 cache size can be reconfigured through onboard hardware and software jumpers.
The AlphaPC64 supports the L2 cache SIMM sizes shown in Table 1–1. SIMM types currently available and supported are 512KB @15 ns and 2MB @12 ns. Two SIMMs are required per system. See Appendix A for ordering information.
1–4 AlphaPC64 Introduction
Table 1–1 L2 Cache SIMM Sizes
L2 Cache Size Static RAM Access Times
512KB 6 ns, 8 ns, 10 ns, 12 ns, 15 ns 2MB 6 ns, 8 ns, 10 ns, 12 ns, 15 ns 8MB 6 ns, 8 ns, 10 ns, 12 ns, 15 ns
1.2.5 Clock Subsystem Overview
The clock subsystem provides clocks to the 21072 chipset and PCI devices. Two oscillators provide clocks for the ISA and combination chip functions.
1.2.6 PCI Interface Overview
The PCI interface provides a selectable PCI speed between 25 MHz and 33 MHz (based on the 21064A clock divisor). An Intel 82378ZB Saturn IO (SIO) chip provides a PCI-to-ISA bridge.
The PCI has three dedicated slots and one shared slot with the ISA.
1.2.7 ISA Interface Overview
The ISA provides an expansion bus and the following system support functions:
1.2 System Components and Features
Mouse and keyboard controller functions provided through an Intel 8242
A National 87312 chip used as the combination chip providing a diskette
controller; two universal asynchronous receiver–transmitters (UARTs); an integrated device electronics (IDE) interface; a bidirectional parallel port; and an interface to the utility bus (Ubus) for ISA interrupts and jumper status
A time-of-year (TOY) function provided by a Dallas Semiconductor DS1287
A 1MB flash ROM memory using the Intel 28F008SA chip The ISA has two dedicated expansion slots and one shared expansion slot with
the PCI.
AlphaPC64 Introduction 1–5
1.2 System Components and Features
1.2.8 Software Support
Software support includes an industry-standard, 1MB flash ROM containing Windows NT ARC firmware and debug monitor code. The debug monitor allows you to:
Download files through serial port, I/O diskette, and optional Ethernet port.
Load data from the flash ROM through the debug monitor.
Examine and deposit the AlphaPC64 system register, 21064A internal processor registers (IPRs), and I/O mapped registers.
Examine and modify DRAM and I/O mapped memory.
Disassemble CPU instructions in memory.
Transfer control to programs in memory.
Perform native debugging, including breakpoints and single stepping.
Perform full source-level debugging, using DECladebug running on a host communicating through an Ethernet connection.
Development code can be generated on a host system and loaded into the AlphaPC64 through the serial line, optional Ethernet port, diskette, or flash ROM. Full design database and user documentation are provided.
A serial ROM (SROM) contains the 21064A initialization code. When reset is deasserted, the contents of the SROM are read into the Icache and are executed to perform initialization. During initialization, code is loaded from the flash ROM to memory. Following initialization, control is transferred to the code in memory.
1.2.9 Component Layout
Figure 1–3 shows the AlphaPC64 board component layout and dimensions.
1.2.10 System Summary
Table 1–2 lists the physical, performance, and operating characteristics of the AlphaPC64 motherboard.
1–6 AlphaPC64 Introduction
1.2 System Components and Features
Figure 1–3 AlphaPC64 Component Layout and Board Dimensions
22.1 cm (8.7 in ± 0.0005 in)
Scale = 90%
33.0 cm (13.0 in ± 0.0005 in)
AlphaPC64 Introduction 1–7
1.2 System Components and Features
Table 1–2 AlphaPC64 Summary
Characteristic Description Operating Systems
Supported operating systems
Microsoft Windows NT. For information on Digital UNIX or OpenVMS operating system support, see your local distributor or your Digital sales representative.
System Characteristics
CPU and clock speed Alpha 21064A at 200 MHz, 233 MHz, or 275 MHz CPU upgradable ZIF socket for Alpha 21064A upgrade Instruction issue Up to 2 instructions issued per clock cycle Word size 64 bits Address size 34-bit physical address, 43-bit virtual address Floating-point format VAX (F and G) and IEEE (S and T) data types Memory (DRAM)
Minimum DRAM 16MB plus parity
Maximum DRAM 512MB plus parity Memory (ROM) 1MB flash ROM External L2 cache Configurable for 512KB, 2MB, 8MB (128-bit data) Memory bus width 128 bits plus parity Performance metrics
Alpha 21064A running at 275 MHz
Cache SPECint92 SPECfp92
512KB @15 ns 176 217
2MB @12 ns 193 259
2MB @8 ns 205 272
Minimum DRAM recommended:
16MB for Windows NT 32MB for Digital UNIX 32MB for OpenVMS
1–8 AlphaPC64 Introduction
(continued on next page)
1.2 System Components and Features
Table 1–2 (Cont.) AlphaPC64 Summary
Characteristic Description Graphics
Graphics options Refer to the Microsoft Hardware Compatibility List for
Input device interfaces PS/2 style keyboard and mouse Serial Two RS423-compatible (9-position) serial communications
Parallel One parallel (Centronics compatible) communications port Bus options Total of 6 option slots PCI bus Supports four 5-V/32-bit PCI option slots at 33 MHz
ISA bus Supports three 16-bit ISA option slots IDE One IDE interface supporting up to 2 drives Diskette One 82077-compatible diskette controller supporting up to 2
Physical Characteristics
Form factor Baby-AT-size system board Width/depth 22.1 cm (8.7 in) Weight 840 grams (1.85 lb) with high-profile heat sink
Windows NT to determine which graphics cards are supported. See Section B.4 for information on how to obtain the listing.
maximum–one long and three short cards
drives with 1.44MB and 2.88MB formats
33.0 cm (13.0 in)
(continued on next page)
AlphaPC64 Introduction 1–9
1.2 System Components and Features
Table 1–2 (Cont.) AlphaPC64 Summary
Characteristic Description Environmental Characteristics (Operating)
Temperature 10°C to 40°C (50°F to 104°F) Temperature change
rate (maximum) Relative humidity
Maximum wet bulb Minimum dew point
EMC compliance Compliance certification is the responsibility of the system
Shock and vibration Passing of shock and vibration tests is dependent on the
20°C/hr (36°F/hr)
10%–90% noncondensing
32°C (90°F)
2°C (36°F)
integrator. The AlphaPC64 was tested in industry-
representative enclosures to prove feasibility of emissions
method used to mount the system board, the design of the
enclosure, and how the enclosure is supported. Testing is
the responsibility of the system integrator.
1–10 AlphaPC64 Introduction
System Jumpers and Connectors
The AlphaPC64 uses jumpers to implement variations in clock frequency and L2 cache size and speed. These jumpers must be configured for the user’s environment. Onboard connectors are provided for the I/O, memory SIMMs, serial and parallel peripherals, integrated device electronics (IDE) devices, and L2 cache SIMMs.
After the module is configured, you can apply power and run the debug monitor. The debug monitor and its commands are described in the Alpha Microprocessors Evaluation Board Debug Monitor User’s Guide. Appendix B provides information about other software design tools.
2.1 Configuration Jumpers
The software and hardware configuration jumpers are identified in Figures 2–1 and 2–2, and are described in Tables 2–1 and 2–2.
2.1.1 Software Configuration Jumpers
The software configuration jumpers are completely programmable. Each jumper position is described in Table 2–1.
The SROM code defines the software configuration jumpers sp_bit<7:0>,as shown in Figure 2–2 (see also Chapter 4).
The board ships with the jumpers listed in Tables 2–1 and 2–2 in the default position.
System Jumpers and Connectors 2–1
2.1 Configuration Jumpers
Figure 2–1 AlphaPC64 Board Jumpers
2–2 System Jumpers and Connectors
Scale = 90%
Figure 2–2 J3 Jumpers/Connectors
2.1 Configuration Jumpers
To Speaker
jmp_irq2 jmp_irq1 jmp_irq0
toy_clr sp_bit0 sp_bit1 sp_bit2 sp_bit3 sp_bit4 sp_bit5 sp_bit6 sp_bit7
hd_act_l hd_led_l
Vdd gnd Vdd
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2 4 6 8
gnd reset_button
gnd key_lock
gnd power_led_l
System Jumpers and Connectors 2–3
2.1 Configuration Jumpers
Table 2–1 Jumper Position Descriptions
Select Bit
Register Bit Name Function
sp_bit7 BOOT_OPTION Jumper out—Boot first image in flash ROM.
Jumper in (default)—Boot one of several alternate images in flash ROM as specified by NVRAM location 3F in TOY RAM. See Section 4.4.
sp_bit6 MINI_DEBUG Jumper out (default)—Boot selected image in
flash ROM. Jumper in—Trap to SROM debug port (J2).
sp_bit<5:3> BC_SPEED<2:0> L2 cache speed selection is shown here.
<2> <1> <0>
J3-21 J3-19 J3-17 L2 Cache Period
In In In Out
In In Reserved
6ns In Out In 8 ns In Out Out 10 ns Out In In 12 ns (default for
21A02–A3 and 21A02–A4) Out In Out 15 ns (default for
21A02–A5) Out Out In Reserved Out Out Out Reserved
Jumper in (logical 0)
Jumper out (logical 1)
2–4 System Jumpers and Connectors
(continued on next page)
2.1 Configuration Jumpers
Table 2–1 (Cont.) Jumper Position Descriptions
Select Bit
sp_bit<2:0> BC_SIZE<2:0> L2 cache size selection is shown here.
Register Bit Name Function
<2> <1> <0>
J3-15 J3-13 J3-11 L2 Cache Size
In In In Out
In Out In 1MB In Out Out 2MB (default for
Out In In 4MB Out In Out 8MB Out Out In Reserved Out Out Out Reserved
In In Disables L2 cache
512KB (default for 21A02–A5)
21A02–A3 and 21A02–A4)
Jumper in (logical 0)
Jumper out (logical 1)
System Jumpers and Connectors 2–5
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