Digital Semiconductor 21143
PCI/Car dBu s 10 /1 00-M b/s Et her net
LAN Co ntro lle r
Hardware Reference Manual
Order Number: EC–QWC4D–TE
Revision/Update Information: This manual supersedes the Digital Semiconductor
21143 PCI/CardBus 10/100-Mb/s Ethernet LAN
Controller Hardware Reference Manual
Digital Equi pm e n t Co rpo ra ti on
Maynard, Massachusetts
May 199 7
While DIGITAL believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is
subject to change without notice.
Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this
publicat ion will not infringe on exist ing or future patent rights, nor do the descrip ti ons containe d in this publication
imply the granting of licens es to make, use, or sel l equipment or softw ar e in accordance with the description.
The Digital Semiconductor 21143 PCI/ CardBus 10/100-Mb/s Ethernet LAN
Controller Hardwar e Refere nce Manual describes the operation of the Digital
Semiconductor 21143 10/100 -Mb/s Ethernet LAN Controller (also referred to
as the 21143). This manual is for designers who use the 21143.
Manual Organization
This manual contains eight chapters, six appendixes, and an index.
•Chapter 1, Introduction, includes a general description of the 21143. It also
provides an overview of the 21143 hardware components.
•Chapter 2, Signal Descriptions, provides the physical layout of the 21143 and
describes each of the input and output signa ls.
•Chapter 3, Registers, provide s a complete bit de scription of the 21143 command
and status registers (CSRs) and the configuration registers.
•Chapter 4, Host Communication, describes how the 21143 communicates with
the host by using descriptor lists and data buffers. It also describes the transmit
and receive processe s.
•Chapter 5, Host Bus Operation, provides a description of the read, write, and
termination cycles.
•Chapter 6, Ne twork I nterface Operation, describes the MII, 10BASE-T, and AUI
ports. It includes a complete description of media access control (MAC)
operations. It also provides detailed transmitting and receiving operation
•Chapter 7, External Ports, describes the interface and operation of the
MicroWire serial ROM, the boot ROM, the general-purpose port, and the
network activity LEDs.
•Chapter 8, Remotely Waking Up the LAN, describes how to remotely power up
a sleeping workstation.
•Appendix A, Joint Test Action Group —Test Logic, provides descriptions of
testing, observing, and modifying circuit activity dur ing nor mal operation.
•Appendix B, DNA CSMA/CD Counters and Events Support, describes features
that support the driver in implementing and reporting the specified counters and
•Appendix C, Hash C Routine, pr ovides an example of a C routine that generates
a hash index for a given Ethernet address.
•Appendix D, Port Selection Procedure, provides inf ormation about selecting the
MII, 10BASE-T, AUI, and BNC ports.
•Appendix E, General-Purpose Port and LED Programming, conta ins information
about general-purpose port and LED programming.
•Appendix F, Support, P roducts, and Documentation, contains information about
technical support an d ordering information.
Document Conventions
Some tables use the values 1, 0, and X. An X signifies a don’t care (1 or 0)
convention, which can be determined by the system designer.
In Chapters 3, 4, and 8, all shaded bits in the figur es are reserved and should be
written by the driver as 0.
This feature is not supported on the 21143–PA and the 21143–T A.
This chapter provides a general description of the Digital Semiconductor 21143
10/100-Mb/s PCI/CardBus Ethe rnet LAN Controller (21143), its features, and an
overview of the hardware.
1.1 General Description
The 21143 is an Ethernet LAN c ontroller for both 100-Mb/s and 10-Mb/s data rates,
which provides a direct interface to the peripheral co mponent interconnect (PCI)
local bus or t he Car dBus. The 21143 interfaces to the host processor by u sing onchip
command and status register s (CSRs) and a shared host memory area, set up mainly
during initiali zation. This minimizes processor invol vement in the 21143 oper ation
during normal reception and transmission.
Large FIFOs allow the 21143 to efficiently operate in systems with longer latency
periods. Bus traffic is also minimized by filtering out received runt frames and by
automatica lly ret rans m itt ing col lid ed frames without a repeated fetch from the host
memory. The 21143 provides an upgradable boot ROM interface.
The 21143 provides three networ k ports: a 10BASE-T 10-Mb/s port, an attachment
unit interface (AUI) 10-Mb/s port, and a media-independent/symbol interface
(MII/SYM) 10/100-Mb/s port. The 10BASE-T port provides a direct Ethernet
connection to the twisted- pair (TP) interface. The AUI port pr ov ides a dire ct
Ethernet connecti on to the AUI. The 10/100-Mb/s port supports two operational
•MII mode—A full implementation of the MII standard
•SYM mode—Symbol interface to an external 10/100-Mb/s front-end decoder
(ENDEC). In this mode the 21143 uses an onchip physical cod ing sublayer
(PCS) and a scrambler/descr amble r circuit to enable a low-cost 100BASE-T
The 21143 is capable of functioni ng in a full- duplex environment for the MII/SYM
and 10BASE-T ports.
1.2 Features
The 21143 has the following features:
•Contains onchip PCS and scrambler/desc r ambler for 100BASE-TX
•Contains onchip integra ted AUI port and a 10BASE-T transceiver
•Supports autodetec tion between 10BASE-T, AUI, and MII/SYM ports
•Supports IEEE 802.3 autonegotiation algorithm of full-duplex and half-duplex
operation for 10 Mb/s and 100 Mb/s (NWAY)
•Contains large independe nt receive and transmit FIFOs
•Provides an upgradable boot ROM interfac e up to 256KB
•Supports PCI and CardBus interfaces
•Supports the advanced PCI read multiple, r ead line, and write and invalidate
•Includes a powerful onchip direct memory access (DMA) with programmable
burst size, providing low CPU utilization
•Supports an unlimited PCI burst
•Supports early interr upt on transmit and receive
•Contains a variety of flexible address filtering modes
•Offers a unique, patented solution to Ethernet capture-effect problem
•Supports PCI clock spe ed freque ncy f rom dc to 33 MHz; network opera tion with
PCI clock from 20 MHz to 33 MHz
•Supports automatic loading of subvendor ID and CardBus card information
structure (CIS) pointe r from serial ROM to configuration registers
•Supports big or little endian byte ordering for buffers and descriptors
•Supports full-dup lex operation on both MII/SYM and 10BASE-T ports
•Implements power management with two power-saving modes (sleep and
–Powers up in sleep mode
–Requires less than 70 mA of supply current after power-up
•Provides internal and external loopback capability on all network por ts
•Provides MicroWire interface for serial ROM (1K and 4K EEP RO M )
•Provides LED support for various network activity indications
•Supports interrupts from two general-purpose pins
•Implements test-a ccess port (JTAG-compatible) with boundary- scan pins
•Implements low-power, 3.3- V CMOS technol ogy
•Enables automatic dete ction and correction of 10BASE-T receive polari ty
•Implements unique, patent-pending intelligent arbitration between DMA
channels to minimize underf low or overflow
•Supports three network ports: 10BASE-T (10 Mb/s), AUI (10 Mb/s), and
MII/SYM (10/100 Mb/s)
•Contains a 4-bit, general-purpose programmable register and corresponding I/O
•Supports IEEE 802.3 and ANSI 8802-3 Ethernet standards
•Supports remote wake-up- LAN, which is a feature based upon Advanced Micro
Device’s Magic Packet technology that allows sleeping workstations to be
remotely powered-up.1
•Supports SecureON,™ which is a security feature that can be added to the
Advanced Micro Device’s Magic Packet technology.1
1.3 Microarchitecture
The following li st describes the 21143 hardware components, and Figure 1 –1 shows
a block diagram of the 21143:
•PCI/CardBus interfa ce—Includes all interface fu n ctions to the PCI or CardBus
bus, handles all interconnect control signals, and executes DMA and I/O
•Boot ROM port—Provides an interface to perform read and write operations to
the boot ROM, supports accesses to bytes or longwords (32-bit), and provides
the ability to connect an external 8-bit register to the boot ROM port
This feature is not supported on the 21143–PA and the 21143–T A.
•Serial RO M por t— P rov ide s a dir ect interface to a MicroW i re ROM for storage
of the Ethernet address and system parameters
•General-purpos e register—Enables software use for input or outpu t functions
and LEDs
•DMA—Contains independent receive and transmit controller and handles data
transfers between CPU memory and onchip memory
•FIFOs—Contains independent FIFOs for receive and transmit and supports
automatic packet deletion on receive (runt packets or after a collision) and
packet retransmis sion after a collision on transmit
•RxM—Handles all CSMA/CD
the ENDEC to the receive FIFO
•TxM—Handles all CSMA/CD MAC
from transmit FIFO to the ENDEC for transmission
•SIA interfac e— Performs 10-M b /s p hysical layer network operations and
implements the AUI and 10BASE-T functions, inc luding the Manchester
encoder and decoder functions
receive operations and transfers the data from
transmit operations , and transf ers data
•NWAY—Implements the IEEE 802.3 autonegotiat ion algorithm
•Physical coding sublaye r—Implements the encoding and decoding sublayer of
the 100BASE-TX (CAT5) specificat ion, including the squelch feature
•Scrambler/descr amble r—Implements the twisted-pair physical layer medium
dependent (TP-PMD) scramble r/ descrambler scheme for 100BASE-TX
•Three network interfaces—An AUI interface, a 10BASE-T interface, and an
MII/SYM interface provide a full MII signal interface and direct int erface to the
100-Mb/s ENDEC for CAT5
Carrier -sense m u lti p le acc es s with col lis io n de tection
Medi a ac c ess cont r ol
Figure 1–1 21143 Block Diagram
Boot ROM/
SIA Interface
and LEDs
Physical Coding
Sublayer (PCS)
10 Mb/s
10 Mb/s
MII/SYM Interface
10/100 Mb/s
This chapter describes the 21143 signals.
2.1 21143 Pinout
The 21143 is offered in two package styles: a 144-pin PQFP and a 144-pin TQFP.
Figure 2–1 shows the 21143 pinout used by both package types.
Signal Descriptions
Signal Descriptions2–1
21143 Pinout
Figure 2–1 21143 Pinout Diagram (Top View)
2–2Signal Descriptions
2.2 Signal Descriptions
The following terms descri be the 21143 pinout used in Table 2–1:
•Address phase
Address and appropriate bus commands are driven during this cycle.
•Data phase
Data and the appropriate byte enable codes are driven during this cycle.
All pin names with the _l suffix are asserted low.
The following abbreviations are used in Table 2–1:
O = Output
I/O = Input/output
O/D = Open drain
P = Power
The following signals have an int erna l pull-up:
Signal Descriptions
Signal sr_cs has an internal pull-down.
Signal Descriptions2–3
Signal Descriptions
Table 2–1 provides a functional description of each of the 21143 signals. These
signals are listed al phabetically.
Table 2–1 Functional Descri ption of 21143 Signals
32-bit PCI address and dat a lines. Address and data bits are
Figure 2–1.
multiplexed on th e same p ins. Duri ng t he first cloc k cyc le of
a transaction, the address bits contain a physical address
(32 bits). During subs equent clock cycles, these same lines
contain 32 bits of data. A 21143 bus transaction cons ists of
an address phase followed by one or more data phases. The
21143 supports both read and write bursts (in master
operation only). Lit tle and big endian byte ordering can be
I138Attachment unit interface rec eive collision differential
negative data.
I137Attachment unit interface rec eive collision differential
positive data.
I140Attachment unit interface receive differential negative data.
I139Attachment unit interface receive differential positive data.
O143Attachment unit interface transmit dif f erential negative
O142Attachment unit in terface transmit differential positive data.
(Sheet 1 of 8)
2–4Signal Descriptions
O88Boot ROM addre ss line bit 0. In a 256KB configuration,
O89Boot ROM addre ss line bit 1. This pin also lat che s the boot
O87Boot ROM or external register chip enable.
Figure 2–1.
this pin also carries in two consecutive addre s s cy cles, boot
ROM address bits 16 and 17.
ROM address and control lines by the two external latches.
Boot ROM address and data multiplexed lines bits 7
through 0. In two consecutive address cycles, these lines
contain the boot ROM addres s pins 7 through 2, oe_l and
we_l in the first cycle; and these lines contain boot ROM
address pins 15 through 8 in the second cycle. During the
data cycle, bits 7 through 0 contain data.
Signal Descriptions
Table 2–1 Functional Descri ption of 21143 Signals
Bits 0 through 3 of the bus command and byte enable lines.
Figure 2–1.
Bus command and byte enable are multiplexed on the same
PCI pins.
During the address phase of the transaction, the se 4 bits
provide the bus command.
During the data phase, these 4 bits provide the byte ena ble.
The byte enable dete rmines which byte lines carry valid
data. For example, bit 0 applies to byte 0, and bit 3 applies
to byte 3.
86CardBus clock run indicates the clock status. The hos t
system asserts t his si gnal to indica te norm al op era tion of t he
clock. The host system deasserts clkrun_l when the cl ock i s
going to be slowed down to a nonoperational frequency.
The 21143 samples clkrun_l and whe n th e s ignal is foun d
deasserted, the 21143 asserts clkrun_l, requesting that
normal clock operation be maintained.
I/O55Device select is asserted by the target of the current bus
access. When the 21143 is the initiator of the current bus
access, it expects the target to assert devsel_l within 5 bus
cycles, confirming the access. If the target does not assert
devsel_l within the required bus cycles, the 21143 aborts
the cycle. To meet the timing requirements, the 21143
asserts this signal in a medium speed (within 2 bus cycle s).
(Sheet 2 of 8)
I/O50The frame_l signal is driven by the 21143 (bus master) to
indicate the beginning and duration of an ac cess. The
frame_l signal asserts to indicate the beginning of a bus
transa ction. Whi le frame_l is ass er t ed , d ata transf e r s
continue. The frame_l signal deasserts to indicate that the
next data phase is the final data phase transaction.
I/O100This pin can be configured by software to be:
• A general-purpose pin that performs either input or output
functions. It can provide an interrupt when it is an input
• A control pin that provides an AUI (10BASE5) or BNC
(10BASE2) select line.
This pin is mainly u sed to en ab le the ext er n al BN C
transceiver in 10BASE2 mode.
When set, the 10BASE5 mode is selected. When reset,
the 10BASE2 mode is selected .
Signal Descriptions2–5
Signal Descriptions
Table 2–1 Functional Descri ption of 21143 Signals
I/O101This pin can be configured by software to be:
• A general-purpose pin that performs either input or output
functions. It can provide an interrupt when it is an input
• A status pin that provide s an LED th at indicates either
receive or transmit activity
I/O102This pin can be configured by software to be:
• A general-purpose pin that performs either input or output
• A status pin that provides an LED that indicates a receive
packet has passed address recognition.
I/O103This pin can be configured by software to be:
• A general-purpose pin that performs either input or output
• A status pin that provides an LED tha t indicates that the
10BASE-T link integrity te st has completed succes sfully
after the link was down.
I21Bus grant asserts to indicate to the 21143 tha t access to the
bus is granted.
I34Initialization device select asserts to indicate that the host is
issuing a configuration cycle to the 21143.
(Sheet 3 of 8)
2–6Signal Descriptions
O/D15Interrupt request asserts when one of the appropriate bits of
I108Current reference input for the ana log phase-locked loop
CSR5 sets and causes an interrupt, provid ed that the
corresponding mask bit in CSR7 is not asserted. Interrupt
request deasserts by writing a 1 into the appropriate CSR5
If more than one interrupt bit is asserted in CSR5 and the
host does not clear all input bits, the 21143 deasserts int_l
for one cycle to support edge-t riggered systems.
This pin must be pulled up by an exte rnal resistor.
Signal Descriptions
Table 2–1 Functional Descri ption of 21143 Signals
I/O51Initiator ready indi cate s th e bus mas ter ’s abilit y to com pl ete
the current data phase of the transaction.
A data phase is completed on any rising edge of the clock
when both irdy_l and target ready trdy_l are asserted. Wait
cycles are inserted until both irdy_l and trdy_l are asserted
When the 21143 is the bus master, irdy_l is asserted during
write operations to indicate that va lid data is present on the
32-bit ad lines. During read operations, the 21143 asserts
irdy_l to indicate th at it is re a dy to acc ep t data.
I118In MII mode (CSR6<18>=1, CSR6<23>=0), this pin
functions as the colli sion de tect. When t he exte rnal phys ica l
layer protocol (PHY) device detects a collision, it asserts
this pin.
In SYM mode (CSR6<18>=1, CSR6<23>=1), this pin
functions as receive data. This line along with the four
rece iv e li n es (sym_rxd< 4:0>) provides five parallel data
lines in symbol form. This data is controlled by an ext ernal
physical layer medi um-dependent (PMD) dev ice and should
be synchronized to the sym_rclk signal.
I117In MII mode this pin functions as the carrie r se ns e an d is
asserted by the PHY when the media is active.
In SYM mode this pin functions as the signal detect
indication. It is controlled by an external P MD device.
(Sheet 4 of 8)
I129Data valid is as serted by an external P HY when re ceive data
is present on the mii_rxd li nes and is deasserte d at the end
of the packet. This signal should be synchronized with the
mii_rclk signal.
O 134MII management data clock is sourced by the 21143 to the
PHY devices as a timing reference for the transfer of
information on the mii_mdio signal.
I/O135MII management data input/output tra nsfers control
information and status between the PHY and the 21143.
I128Supports either the 25-MHz or 2.5- MHz recei ve cloc k. This
clock is recovered by the PHY.
Signal Descriptions2–7
Signal Descriptions
Table 2–1 Functional Descri ption of 21143 Signals
I/O127In MII mode (CSR6<18>=1, CSR6<23>=0), this pin
functions as receive error. It is asserted when a data
decoding error is detected by an external PHY device. Thi s
signal is synchronized to mii_rclk and can be asserted for a
minimum of one receive cloc k. When ass erted during a
packet reception, i t sets the cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
error bit in the receive descriptor (RDES0).
In SYM mode (CSR6<23>=1), this pin functions as select
10/100. The signal sel10_100 equals 1 when the 21143 is in
100-Mb/s SYM mode (CSR6<18>=1) and equals 0 when
the 21143 is in 10BASE-T/AUI mode (CS R6<18>=0).
mii/sym_rxd<3 :0>
Figure 2–1.
Four parallel r eceive data lines. This data is driven by an
external PHY that attached the media and should be
synchronized with the mii_rclk signal.
I124Supports the 25-MHz or 2.5-MHz transmit clock supplied
by the external PMD device . This clock should always be
Figure 2–1.
Four parallel transmit data lines. This data is synchronized
to the assertion of the mi i_t clk signal and is latched by the
external PHY on the rising edge of the mii_tclk signal.
(Sheet 5 of 8)
2–8Signal Descriptions
O123In MII mode, this pin functions as transmit enable. It
I/O59Parity is calculate d by th e 21 143 as an ev en pari ty b it for t he
I19The clock provides the timing for the 21143 rel ated PCI bus
indicates th a t a tr an s missio n is ac ti v e on the MII po r t to an
external PHY device.
In SYM mode, this pin functions as transmit data. This line
along with the four data transmit lines (sym_txd<3:0>)
provides five parallel data lines in symbol form. The da ta is
synchronized to the rising edge of the sym_tclk signal.
32-bit ad and 4-bit c_be_l lines.
During address and data pha se s, parity is calculated on all
the ad and c_be_l lines whet her or not any of these lines
carry meaningful info rmation.
transactions. All the bus signals are sampled on the rising
edge of pci_clk. The clock fre quency range is between
20 MHz and 33 MHz.
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