Digital Alert Systems MultiPlayer DASMP Quick Start Manual

Quick Start Guide
Monroe Electronics.
All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Digital Alert Systems MultiPlayer™ Installation and
DASDEC™ Integration
The Digital Alert Systems MultiPlayer (model DASMP) is uniquely designed four-channel (designated as Ports 1 thru 4) audio
player and program switcher for either radio or television facilities serving multiple program streams. The MultiPlayer works in
conjunction with a DASDEC and optional MultiStation™ software to provide completely independent EAS audio playout for up to
four discrete channels of EAS playback and program switching either simultaneously, sequentially, or with staggered start times
– the DASDEC handles EAS playout and switching for the 5th channel. This means a DASDEC and DASMP combination can
air any of the five channels at any time The DASDEC host communicates to character generators for television applications and
since MultiPlayer is a network based device it can be placed anywhere on a network accessible by the host DASDEC.
Each port on the MultiPlayer can be configured for either AES digital or analog mono, playback and program switching. Both
options use standard XLR’s. In addition the MultiPlayer expands the number of DASDEC GPI/O’s with four GPI’s and two
GPO’s per port available on a 10 position removable terminal strip.
Station In 1
Station Out 1
Station In 2
Station In 3
Station In 4
Station In 5
Exchange (TCP/IP)
DASDEC™ Integrated EAS/CAP
Figure 1 Station configuration of MultiPlayer and DASDEC combination.
Station Out 2
Station Out 3
Station Out 4
Station Out 5
Under DASDEC MultiStation™ control Station 1 is hardcoded to MultiPlayer Port 1. Station 2 is hardcoded to MultiPlayer Port 2
and so on. Station 5 is tied to the DASDEC internal audio program switch(es) as depicted in Figure 1.
Current MultiPlayer software supports AES at 48KHz, 32 KHz, and 44.1KHz.
Digital Alert Systems A division of Monroe Electronics 585-765-1155 | fax 585-765-9330 100 Housel Ave. | Lyndonville | NY | 14098
Revision: 4.0 Publication: DASMPQSG-0100
Digital Alert Systems MultiPlayer Quick Start Guide
Configuring MultiPlayer Network settings
The MultiPlayer’s factory default IP Address is If connecting the MultiPlayer directly to the DASDEC via one of
the network expansion ports no change is necessary by configuring the DASDEC network port to use a similar address. If using
a network switch/router to connect the MultiPlayer and DASDEC the IP address will most likely need to be changed.
The MultiPlayer ships with a CAT-5 network crossover cable; this cable allows you to connect
directly to the network port on the MultiPlayer. Before directly connecting the MultiPlayer
verify you are using a crossover cable by referencing the picture in Figure 2. By not using a
crossover cable the connection will not work and one or both network ports may be damaged.
MultiPlayer Direct Network Connection to DASDEC
1. Connect the Ethernet crossover cable from the network connection on the MultiPlayer into an open DASDEC Ethernet port, then skip to Wiring the MultiPlayer
Figure 2 Ethernet crossover cable wiring
Setting/Modifying MultiPlayer IP address for Switch/router Connection to DASDEC
To assure connection with the DASDEC, the MultiPlayer should be configured with a static IP address. Consult your IT department to determine the following information:
Static IP Address _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _
Gateway _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _
Subnet Mask _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _
To change the MultiPlayer’s IP address you will need a computer whose IP settings can be modified. The following instructions are for a PC with Windows 71.
1. On the computer open “Control Panel”, then open “Network Connections”. Right-click on the network connection you will be using to complete the setup and select properties.
2. From the Network Connection Properties screen click on “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP), then click on the “Properties” button. Make a note of the current settings in the “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP)” properties page that opens so you can reset the computer to these settings after setting the IP Address of the MultiPlayer.
3. Next click the Radio Button for “Use the Following IP Address”.
4. In the “IP Address” field enter
5. In the “Subnet Mask Field” enter Leave the
“Default Gateway”, “Preferred DNS Server” and “Alternate DNS Server” fields blank. Click OK.
6. Connect the crossover cable from the MultiPlayer to the computer
A Macintosh computer may also be used by modifying similar settings in Network Preferences under System Preferences
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Digital Alert Systems MultiPlayer Quick Start Guide
7. Power up the MultiPlayer by inserting the AC cord and attaching to 100 – 240 VAC power source
8. While the MultiPlayer is booting (approximately 10 sec) open a web browser on the PC
9. In the address line type and
press Enter. You should be greeted with the MultiPlayer Home page as shown in Figure 3.
10. Click the link TCP/IP Configuration on the left side of the page. The screen will change to the TCP/IP configuration page shown in Figure 4
11. Enter the previously obtained information for IP Address, Gateway Address and Subnet Mask in the associated fields.
12. Click Save Changes to store the values
13. Click Restart System with New Values
which will restart the MultiPlayer with the
Figure 3 MultiPlayer Home page
new values.
14. Disconnect the network connection and plug into the network switch/router
15. Restore the computer’s previous TCP/IP values by reversing the steps 16 above.
Resetting to Factory Default IP
Should it be necessary to reset the MultiPlayer to the default IP
Address (, press and hold the RESET button, on the
back panel, for 10 seconds.
Reset button (recessed)
Figure 4 MultiPlayer TCP/IP Configuration screen
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Digital Alert Systems MultiPlayer Quick Start Guide
Audio Port Configuration
Units are shipped preset for AES playback on all ports. If all stations are using AES playback skip to Wiring the MultiPlayer.
The main point: Ports are assigned a channel, and channels are linked to a station in the DASDEC MultiStation interface.
Each MultiPlayer’s audio input/output ports can be configured to conform to the following signal types:
1. AES digital with input(stereo pair)-AES3
2. AES digital without input(stereo pair)-ORIG
3. Analog mono - ANALOG
4. Analog stereo - ANALOG + SLAVE combination
The different channels created by the MultiPlayer are linked to the different MultiStation stations in the DASDEC web
interface (do not confuse channels with ports). These rules and guidelines are explained below by use of screenshots from the
MultiPlayer web interface.
The screen shot in Figure 5 below is the home webpage for the MultiPlayer. To get to this page just type the IP address of the
MultiPlayer into a network connected web browser. Click Audio Port Configuration text link on the left to navigate to the Audio
Port Configuration page.
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Figure 5 MultiPlayer Home page
+ 9 hidden pages