150Mbps Wireless Broadband Router
User Manual
As our products undergo continuous development the specifications are subject to change without prior notice

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
Copyright © 2012 by this company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or
computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical,
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This company makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to
the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any warranties, merchantability or fitness for any
particular purpose. Any software described in this manual is sold or licensed "as is". Should the
programs prove defective following their purchase, the buyer (and not this company, its distributor,
or its dealer) assumes the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, and any incidental or
consequential damages resulting from any defect in the software. Further, this company reserves the
right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the contents thereof
without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes.
DIGISOL™ is a trademark of Smartlink Network Systems Ltd. All other trademarks are the
property of the respective manufacturers.
This equipment is designed with the utmost care for the safety of those who install and use it.
However, special attention must be paid to the dangers of electric shock and static electricity when
working with electrical equipment. All guidelines of this and of the computer manufacturer must
therefore be allowed at all times to ensure the safe use of the equipment.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
1. Product Information ................................................................................................. 5
1-1 Introduction and Safety Information ............................................................ 5
1-2 Safety Information ....................................................................................... 7
1-3 System Requirements ................................................................................. 8
1-4 Package Contents ....................................................................................... 8
1-5 Get familiar with your new wireless broadband router ................................ 9
2. Connecting the Device .......................................................................................... 12
2-1 Operation Range ....................................................................................... 12
2-2 Roaming .................................................................................................... 13
2-3 TCP/IP Settings and Wireless Connection Introduction ............................ 14
2-4 Wireless Connection.................................................................................. 19
3. Software Installation .............................................................................................. 22
4. Logging In to the Web Page.................................................................................. 35
4-1 Web Configuration ..................................................................................... 36
4-2 Running Status .......................................................................................... 40
4-3 Router Status ............................................................................................. 41
4-4 Clients List ................................................................................................. 45
4-5 Network Settings ....................................................................................... 45
4-6 LAN Interface Settings .............................................................................. 46
4-7 WAN Interface Settings ............................................................................. 49
5. Wireless Settings .................................................................................................. 57
5-1 Wireless Basic Settings ............................................................................. 57
5-2 Guest Network ........................................................................................... 62
5-3 WPS Setup ................................................................................................ 64
5-4 Wireless Advanced Settings ...................................................................... 66
5-5 Wireless Repeater ..................................................................................... 70
6. Forwarding Rule .................................................................................................... 72
6-1 Port Forwarding ......................................................................................... 72
6-2 Port Triggering ........................................................................................... 74
6-3 UPnP ......................................................................................................... 77

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
7. Access Control ...................................................................................................... 79
7-1 Block Sites ................................................................................................. 79
7-2 Block Services ........................................................................................... 82
7-3 QoS Setup ................................................................................................. 84
8. Dynamic DNS ........................................................................................................ 91
9. Static Routing ........................................................................................................ 92
10. Security Options .................................................................................................. 94
10-1 Remote Management .............................................................................. 94
10-2 WAN Setup .............................................................................................. 96
11. System Tools ...................................................................................................... 98
11-1 Schedules ................................................................................................ 98
11-2 SNTP ....................................................................................................... 99
11-3 Backup Settings ..................................................................................... 101
11-4 Set Password ......................................................................................... 102
11-5 Router Upgrade ..................................................................................... 104
12. Logout ............................................................................................................... 105
13. Appendix ........................................................................................................... 106
13-1 Hardware Specifications ........................................................................ 106
14. Troubleshooting ................................................................................................ 108
15. Glossary ............................................................................................................ 110

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
1. Product Information
1-1 Introduction and Safety Information
Thank you for purchasing DG-BR4000N/E 802.11n 150Mbps Wireless Broadband Router.
DG-BR4000N/E is the best choice for Small office / Home office users, all computers and
network devices can share a single xDSL / cable modem internet connection at high speed.
Easy install procedures allow any computer users to setup a network environment in very short
time - within minutes, even inexperienced. When the number of your computers and
network-enabled devices grow, you can also expand the number of network slots by
connecting a hub or switch, to extend the scope of your network.
All computers and IEEE 802.11b/g/n wireless-enabled network devices (including PDA, cellular
phone, game console, and more) can connect to this wireless router without additional cabling.
With a compatible wireless card installed in your PC, you can transfer files up to 150Mbps
(transfer data rate).
Other features of this Wireless USB adapter include:
• Supports IEEE802.11b, IEEE802.11g, IEEE802.11n, IEEE802.3, IEEE802.3u,
IEEE802.11i and IEEE802.11e.
• Transmission data rate is up to 150 Mbps.
• Supports WEP and WPA for secured data transmission.
• Supports DHCP server.
• Supports manual configuration of static routing.
• Supports version upgrade through Web page.
• Supports restoring the factory default settings.
• Supports demilitarized zone (DMZ).
• Supports DNS proxy and forwarding.
• Supports QoS.
• Supports UPnP.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
• Supports WPS.
• Supports port mapping.
• Supports port triggering.
• Supports wireless repeater.
• Supports guest network.
• Supports restricting IP bandwidth.
• Supports filtering by keyword and domain name.
• Supports wireless security authentication.
• Supports 3 types of WAN connection modes, including static IP, dynamic IP and PPPoE.
• Supports remote access control.
• Supports firewall.
• Supports system status display.
• Supports backup and restoration of configuration file.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
1-2 Safety Information
Before operating the wireless router, read the following safety information carefully:
• Use the power adapter that is packed within the device package. DO NOT use any other
power adapter or it will damage the product.
• Pay attention to the power load of the outlet or the prolonged lines. An overburdened
power outlet or damaged lines and plugs may cause electric shock or fire accident.
Check the power cords regularly. If you find any damage, replace it at once.
• Proper space left for heat dissipation is necessary to avoid any damage caused by
overheating the device. The long and thin holes on the router are designed for heat
dissipation, to ensure that the device works normally. DO NOT cover these cooling holes.
• DO NOT put this device close to a place where a heat source exists or high temperature
occurs. Avoid exposing the device to direct sunlight.
• DO NOT place this device close to a place which is over damp or watery.
• DO NOT spill any liquid on this device.
• DO NOT connect this device to any PC or electronic product, unless our customer,
engineer or your broadband provider instructs you to do this, because any wrong
connection may cause any power or fire risk.
• DO NOT place this device on an unstable surface or support.
• When the device is connected to a computer, hub, router or switch, the Ethernet cable
should be less than 100 meters.
• DO NOT place this device on an unstable surface or support. DO NOT place this device
on the ground.
• Keep the device clean. Avoid any metal in the device.
• Place the device in the center of the area, and try to optimize the wireless coverage.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
1-3 System Requirements
A desktop computer with a network adapter (wired / WLAN). The PC should be installed
with the TCP/IP protocol and should be able to access internet.
• Windows 2000/XP/Vista or Windows 7.
• Web Browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or above, Mozilla Firefox, Opera web
browser, or Safari web browser).
• AC Power socket (100-240V 50 / 60 Hz)
1-4 Package Contents
Before you start using this wireless broadband router, please check if there’s anything missing in
the package, and contact your dealer of purchase to claim for missing items:
• Wireless Broadband router
• Power adapter (12V DC, 500mA)
• Quick Installation Guide
• Installation Guide CD (includes User manual, QIG & Utility)
• Patch Cord (1No.)

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
1-5 Get familiar with your new wireless broadband router
Top Panel
There are 8 LED indicators on the front panel of the wireless router. By observing their status,
you can check whether the device runs normally.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
Radio switch is turned on.
Off - Radio switch is shut off.
Data is being transmitted.
The following table describes the status of LED indicators on the front panel.
Off - Power is off or the device is down.
Blink Green Data is being transmitted.
On Green
Blink Green
Off - Wi-Fi Protected Setup is disabled.
Blink Data is being transmitted.
Off No LAN connection.
Connection succeeds under Wi-Fi Protected
Negotiation is in progress under Wi-Fi

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
Power socket, for connecting the power adapter.
Rear Panel
The following table describes interfaces and buttons on the rear panel.
Interface/Button Description
Use a fine needle to press the Reset button gently until the unit
reboots and then release the button. The unit reboots and restores to
RJ45 WAN interface, for connecting WAN or the uplink network
RJ45 LAN interfaces, for connecting hub, switch or computer in a
This button is used for enabling WPS PBC mode.
When WPS is enabled, press this button, and the AP starts accepting

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
2. Connecting the Device
To connect the device, do as follows:
Step 1 Connect one end of the RJ45 cable to the LAN interface of the wireless router.
Step 2 Connect the other end of the RJ45 cable to your PC.
Step 3 Connect the power adapter to the power socket of the wireless router.
2-1 Operation Range
The operation range of the wireless router depends on the actual environment. The path and
effect of signal transmission varies according to the deployment when in a house or an office. For
example, the outdoor straight transmission distance for a certain device can be 300 meters and
the indoor transmission distance can be 100 meters.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
2-2 Roaming
Suppose several wireless routers run in the same network. Each wireless router serves as a
BSS that has its coverage range. One wireless client (for example, a notebook PC or PDA) can
roam from one AP to another AP accurately. In that case, the wireless client can communicate
with the other devices within the coverage range of the wireless router.
For roaming in the coverage range of the wireless router by a wireless client, you need to set
the APs properly as follows:
• Set the same SSID for different APs.
• The SSIDs of all the computers and PDAs should be consistent with that of APs.
• All the BSSs must use the same wireless channel.
• If the encryption function is enabled, all wireless routers must be configured with the
same encryption mode and encryption key for establishing connection.
• Wireless routers must keep coverage of uninterrupted wireless signals in the whole
operation environment. Hence, please place wireless routers at appropriate places.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
2-3 TCP/IP Settings and Wireless Connection Introduction
By default, the LAN IP address of the wireless router is, the subnet mask is and the DHCP server is enabled.
It is recommended to set the network adapter to obtain an IP address automatically. Then, your
PC obtains the TCP/IP settings, including the IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS
address automatically through the wireless router. If you know the settings of the current LAN
interface, you can manually set the TCP/IP properties of the network adapter, so that your PC
can communicate with the wireless router.
To manually set the network adapter, do as follows:
Step 1 Right-click the icon of My Network Places and choose Properties from the menu.
The Network Connections window appears.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
Step 2 Right-click the network adapter icon and choose Properties from the menu. The
Local Area Connections Properties window appears.
Note: If multiple network cards are installed on your PC, a window other than
the Local Area Connection Properties window may appear.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
Step 3 Double-click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Properties window appears.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
Step 4 Select Use the following IP address and enter the IP address of the network
adapter. The IP address must be 192.168. 2. X (X is a number in the range of 2 to
254). If you want to access the Internet through a wireless router, you need to enter
the default gateway and IP address of the DNS server correctly.
Step 5 Set the subnet mask and click OK.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
Step 6 Next, you can ping the default IP address of the wireless router, to check whether
the current connection between the PC and the wireless router is normal. Choose
Start > Run from the desktop and enter ping
Note: in the ping command is the default IP address of the LAN
interface. If the IP address changes, enter the current IP address instead.
Step 7 If the PC can ping through the default IP address of the wireless router, the
following page appears, indicating that the connection between your PC and the
wireless router is normal.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
2-4 Wireless Connection
By default, the AP function of the wireless router is enabled. If you use a wireless network
adapter, do as follows to establish the connection:
Step 1 Enable the wireless network adapter on your PC and ensure that the Wireless Zero
Configuration tool is available. Right-click the Wireless Network Connection icon
and choose View Available Wireless Networks from the menu.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
Step 2 In the Wireless Network Connection page, click Refresh network list and the
network list is refreshed. The default SSID of the wireless router is DIGISOL.
Select the wireless router that you want to connect and click Connect. The default
wireless security mode is None, and you can connect the wireless router directly
without the encryption key in this mode. If the wireless router is encrypted, you
need to enter the correct key to connect to the wireless router.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
Step 3 If you are not sure of the available SSID, please log in to the Web page of the
wireless router, and view the SSID in the Wireless Basic Settings page of the
wireless settings. For more information about the wireless settings, please refer to
section 5-1 Wireless Basic Settings.
Note: After your wireless network card connects to the wireless router
successfully, you should set the network adapter to obtain an IP address
automatically. The configuration of wireless connection is now complete.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
3. Software Installation
Insert the Setup CD into your CD-ROM drive of notebook/desktop computer.
Explore the CD and execute the “Smart Wizard.exe” file. Screen given below will be
displayed. Click ‘Next’ to continue.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
Connect one end of a network cable to the WAN port of the router and the other end to
the DSL/Cable modem. Click ‘Next’ to continue.
Connect one end of the provided network cable to one of the LAN ports (1~4) of the
router and the other end to your computer. Click ‘Next’ to continue with the installation.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
Power on the Router. It will take approximately 30 seconds for the router to boot up
completely. Ensure that all the LED’s on the router are ON. If not, try the above steps
again else click ‘Next’ to continue.
Enter the Router’s password to log in to the Router. The default password is “1234”. Click
‘Next’ to continue.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
Note: The above mentioned steps are the common steps to be followed for
all the types of internet connection. The procedure to be followed after
these common steps for all the connection types have been explained
Dynamic IP (DHCP)
Verify the Internet Connection Type the wizard has detected. If it is not correct, please
configure it manually. Click ‘Next’ to continue.
Note: If you are not sure which Internet Connection Type you use, please
contact your Internet Service Provider for this information.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
Enter the host name and click on ‘Next’.
Please wait while the Wizard tries to connect to the Internet. If you see the window
“Internet Connection Successful”, your router has been successfully connected to the
Internet. Please click ‘Next’ to configure the wireless settings.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
Configure a name for your wireless network. Click ‘Next’ to continue.
Click on ‘Next’ and enter the preshared key in the screen shown below.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
Click on ‘Next’ and the following summary will be displayed with the type of internet
Static IP
Select ‘Static IP’ in the internet connection types and click on ‘Next’.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
Enter the static IP, the subnet mask, the default gateway and the DNS addresses as
shown below. Then click on ‘Next’.
Please wait while the Wizard tries to connect to the Internet. If you see the window
“Internet Connection Successful”, your router has been successfully connected to the
Internet. Please click ‘Next’ to configure the wireless settings.

DG-BR4000N/E User Manual
Configure a name for your wireless network. Click ‘Next’ to continue.
Click on ‘Next’ and enter the preshared key in the screen shown below.