DDiiggiilleenntt PPmmooddCCOONN22™™ MMoodduullee
BBooaarrdd RReeffeerreennccee MMaannuuaal
Revision: 04/12/05 215 E Main Suite D | Pullman, WA 99163
(509) 334 6306 Voice and Fax
The Digilent PmodCON2 Module Board (the CON2™)
makes it easy to connect a Digilent system board to
outside devices with BNC plugs. It is ideal for testing a
Digilent system board with equipment that uses BNC
The CON2 conveys signals between a 6-pin header
and two BNC jacks. It uses jumpers to specify which of
the 6-pin connector pins correspond to each BNC jack.
Features include:
• a 6-pin header
• two BNC jacks
• two jumper shorting block systems
• small form factor (2.06” x 1.44”).
Functional Description
Each BNC connector on the CON2 has four clearlylabeled jumper pins that correspond to the four available
pins on the 6-pin header. When the shorting block is
placed on a jumper pin, the related pin in the 6-pin
header then corresponds to the BNC jack.
The CON2 has a 6-pin header for easy connection to a
Digilent system board. Some system boards, like the
Digilent Pegasus board, have a 6-pin header that can
connect to the CON2 with a 6-pin cable. To connect the
CON2 to other Digilent system boards, a Digilent
Modular Interface Board (MIB) and a 6-pin cable may be
needed. The MIB plugs into the system board, and the
cable connects the MIB to the CON2.
For more information see, www.digilentinc.com
J1 Connector
CON2 Circuit Diagram
Jumper Blocks For
Signal Routing
Doc: 502-066 page 1 of 1
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