Digilent Parallel Interface Model User Manual

DDiiggiilleenntt PPaarraalllleell IInntteerrffaaccee MMooddeell RReeffeerreennccee MMaannuuaal
Revision: 08/10/2004
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The Digilent Communications Interface DLL, dpcutil.dll, provides a set of API functions for applications programs running on a Microsoft Windows based computer to exchange data with logic implemented in a Digilent system board. Various Digilent applications programs, such as Transport component of the Adept Suite, depend on the data interchange API functions in dpcutil. The operation of these functions depends on the presence of a Digilent communications subsystem component running the appropriate firmware and the implementation of the appropriate interface logic in the gate array. This document describes the functional requirements of the communications interface logic and provides a sample implementation.
The logic described in this document implements are set of registers in the gate array. An application on the host PC exchanges data with the design in the gate array by reading or writing these registers. Digilent Communications Interface modules implement the interface described in this document to control the reading and writing of these registers.
Functional Description
The Digilent Port Interface is patterned after the EPP mode of the parallel port interface on an IBM PC type computer. This interface provides an 8 bit bi-directional parallel data bus and six handshaking lines to control the data transfer. The actual data transfer speed that can be achieved depends on the particular communications subsystem and firmware version being used.
The parallel port interface is made up of an eight bit wide address register and a set of eight bit wide data registers. The address register holds the address of the data register currently being accessed. Access to the registers is accomplished via transfer cycles. The four types of transfer cycles allowed are: address read, address write, data read, and data write. Address read and address write cycles read from or write to the address register. Data read and data write cycles read or write the data register whose address is currently held in the address register.
The address register can be implemented with any number of bits up to the maximum size of eight bits. Since the maximum size of the address register is eight bits, the maximum number of data registers that can be implemented is 256. It isn’t necessary to implement all 256 possible data registers. Only the registers needed for a particular application need to be implemented. It is necessary for the application program using the interface to know which data registers are implemented and what functions the implemented data registers perform.
Signal Descriptions
In the following description, the term host represents the host PC running the dpcutil application. Signals sourced by the host are generated by the Digilent communication interface and are inputs to the logic in the gate array. The term peripheral refers to the logic implemented in the gate array of the system board. Signals sourced by the peripheral are outputs from the logic implemented in the gate array.
The following signals make up the interface:
Name Source Description DB0 – DB7 bidir Data bus. The host is the source during write cycles and the
peripheral is the source during read cycles.
WRITE host Transfer direction control. High = read, Low = write
Copyright Digilent, Inc. 11 pages Doc: 560-000
Digilent Parallel Interface Model Digilent, Inc.
ASTB host Address strobe. Causes data to be read or written to the address
register DSTB host Data strobe. Causes data to be read or written to a data register WAIT peripheral Synchronization signal used to indicate when the peripheral is
read to accept data or has data available. INT peripheral Interrupt. Used by the peripheral to interrupt the host to request
service. Not used by all Digilent communications subsystems. RESET host Reset. Allows host to reset logic in the peripheral. Not currently
used by all Digilent communications subsystems.
Transfers from the host to the peripheral or from the peripheral to the host are accomplished using one of four transfer bus cycles. The four possible bus cycles are: Address Read, Address Write, Data Read, Data Write. The direction of the data transfer is controlled by the WRITE signal. If WRITE is high (indicating a READ cycle) the peripheral is the source of the data and drives its data onto the bidirectional data bus at the appropriate time in the cycle. If WRITE is low (indicating a WR ITE cycle) the host is the source of the data and drives its data onto the bidirectional data bus. It is extremely important that the peripheral logic in the gate array not drive data onto the data bus except during a READ cycle. If the data bus is driven by the peripheral at incorrect times, it is possible to create bus contention that can damage either the gate array or the communications subsystem. All bus cycles are initiated and controlled by the host.
The WAIT signal is used to synchronize transfers between the host and the peripheral. The host will not begin a transfer unless the wait signal is low. Once the host begins a bus cycle, it will hold the strobe (either ASTB or DSTB) in the active state (prolonging the bus cycle) until WAIT goes high. WAIT going high signals that the peripheral has completed its processing of the cycle. The host will then bring the strobe to the inactive state completing the bus cycle. The peripheral then brings WAIT low when it is ready for another transfer to begin.
Timing Diagrams The following diagrams illustrate the signal timing for the various transfer cycles. For write cycles, the rising edge of the strobe signal (ASTB or DSTB) is the active edge and causes the data to be latched into the register in the gate array. For read cycles, the WRITE signal and the appropriate strobe are combined to enable to bus buffers to drive data onto the bus when it is a read cycle and the strobe is active.
WAIT must be in the inactive state (low) before the communications module will start a transfer cycle. The communications module will not complete a transfer cycle until WAIT goes high. The gate array logic may delay bringing WAIT high to until data is available if necessary. However, if WAIT is not brought high within approximately 10ms of the start of a transfer, the communications module will abort the transfer and report a time out error back to the host. Similarly if WAIT does not come low to allow a transfer to begin within approximately 10ms, the communications module will report a time out error to the host.
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Digilent Parallel Interface Model Digilent, Inc.
Address Write
Address Read
Data Write
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Digilent Parallel Interface Model Digilent, Inc.
Data Read
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