Digilent Modular Interface Board User Manual

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he Digilent Modular Interface Board (the MIB) onnects outside devices to a Digilent system oard.
he MIB can connect up to eight outside evices (including the Digilent module and h­ridge boards) to system boards such as the
egasus or Spartan 3 boards.
he MIB is especially useful for robotics rojects, where numerous I/O connections to a
igilent system board are necessary.
eatures include:
eight 6-pin headers for connection to module boards
separate power selection for each 6-pin header
40-pin header
40-pin socket
flexible power routing
test-point header functionality
small form factor (2.20” x 2.20”).
unctional Description
he MIB is designed primarily for use with the
igilent line of 6-pin module boards, and igilent system boards such as the Pegasus
nd Spartan 3.
he MIB plugs into a system board’s 40-pin ocket. The MIB allows up to 32 user I/O ignals, routed through eight 6-pin headers.
ach 6-pin header conveys four I/O signals,
ne power signal, and one ground signal.
he MIB can also be used as a test point eader when needed.
MIB Power Routing
The MIB allows flexible power routing. Two distinct voltages can be created using the same MIB.
The power supply from external devices is routed through two power buses, labeled “VA” and “VB”.
The VA bus provides power from the attached system board’s 3.3V or VU supply. The VB bus provides power from the attached system board’s VU supply or from an outside power supply (via the 2-pin terminal block labeled “J9” on the MIB).
Each set of signals is accessed via a 6-pin header. These headers are labeled J1 through J8. The power supply bus for each of these headers is selected using a jumper shunt on the associated jumper pins JP1 through JP8.
Power selection for each power bus is selected using jumper shunts at JP9 (VA bus) and JP10 (VB bus). This allows for two distinct voltages using the same MIB. External power is applied through a screw terminal at J9.
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igilent MIB Reference Manual Digilent, Inc.
he following diagram shows how the MIB can e configured to provide 3.3V from the VA bus t header J1 and external power (VE, labeled
VCC” on J9) on the VB bus for header J2.
3.3V VE JP1
J1 J2
J3 J4 J5
J6 J7
MIB Configuration
onnecting Devices to the MIB
igilent’s module boards are connected to the
IB using a Digilent 6-pin expansion cable.
hese cables are available in six and eighteen
ch versions.
or more information, see www.digilentinc.com.
MIB Pinout Table
The table below shows the pin assignments for the expansion and 6-pin headers on the MIB.
Header (J10) To System Board
38 J1 1 4 36 2 6 35 3 5 34 4 8 33 J2 1 7 32 2 10 31 3 9 30 4 12 29 J3 1 11 28 2 14 27 3 13 26 4 16 25 J4 1 15 24 2 18 23 3 17 22 4 20 21 J5 1 19 20 2 22 19 3 21 18 4 24 17 J6 1 23 16 2 26 15 3 25 14 4 28 13 J7 1 27 12 2 30 11 3 29 10 4 32
9 J8 1 31 8 2 34 7 3 33 5 4 35
* For all 6-pin headers, the number 5 pins on are
connected to ground and the number 6 pins are
Connectors Socket (J11)
To Peripheral
6-Pin Headers
connected to power.
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Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.