Digilent Minicon User Manual

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Revision: February 9, 2009 Note: This document applies to REV C of the board.
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The Minicon board is a useful tool for embedded control and robotics projects for both students and hobbyists.
The Minicon’s versatile design and programmable embedded microcontroller allows you to control different external devices and program the board for multiple uses. The board has many I/O connectors, power supply options, and supports a number of programming tools including ATMEL AVR® STUDIO 4, and WinAVR.
The Minicon has a number of connections for peripheral devices. Digilent peripheral modules (Pmods™) include H-bridges, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, a speaker, switches, buttons,
Various power
Figure 1
Minicon Board
4 LEDs
Reset button
LEDs, RS232 converters, screw terminals, BNC connectors, servo motors, and more.
Features include:
ATmega168 microcontroller
five 6-pin connectors for Digilent
Pmod peripheral module boards
four LEDs
four mode select jumpers
16K Flash
1k SRAM (Internal)
UART, SPI, &TWI ports
ESD protection for all I/O pins
an on-board voltage regulator
4 4 4 4 4
multiple, flexible power supply
jumper options
in-system programming support for the Digilent parallel JTAG cable or the Digilent USB JTAG/SPI cable.
Three 6-pin PMOD
Figure 2
Block Diagram
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Minicon Reference Manual
Features of the ATmega168 include:
master/slave serial peripheral
interface (SPI)
programmable serial USART
Atmel two wire serial interface (TWI)
eight channel, 10-bit ADC
two 8-bit timer/counters
one 16-bit timer/counter
16KB program flash
512 byte EEPROM
1KB internal SRAM
analog comparator.
For more information on the ATmega168 microcontroller, refer to the data sheet available at www.atmel.com.
Functional Description
The Minicon is designed for embedded control and robotic applications, as well as microprocessor experimentation. Embedded firmware, suitable for many applications, can be programmed into the Minicon’s ATmega168 microcontroller.
The Minicon has a number of I/O connection options, and is specially designed to work with the Digilent line of peripheral modules (Pmods), which provide various input and output functions. For more information, see
Programming the Minicon is accomplished using the Digilent AVR programmer (AVRP) application and a Digilent programming cable (use either the Digilent parallel JTAG cable or the Digilent USB JTAG/SPI cable). The programming cable is attached to the SPI connector, J1.
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Jumper JP10 is used to select between programming mode and user mode. Place the shorting block on JP10 in the RST position for in-system-programming and in the SS position for user mode.
Connector J1 provides access to the master/slave SPI. SPI is a high-speed synchronous serial interface used by many serial peripheral devices, like A/D and D/A converters. The SPI interface is used both for in-system-programming the ATmega168, and for a user accessible SPI port. The Digilent PmodAD1 and PmodDA1 modules use the SPI interface. Connector J1 and the SPI interface are also used for in-system programming of the ATmega168 microcontroller.
Connectors J2 and J4 provide access to the Atmel TWI. The TWI is a medium speed (200-400 Kbps) serial bus that allows up to 128 devices to connect. Connector J4 is the TWI daisy-chain connector for connecting the Minicon into a TWI bus.
The ATmega168 microcontroller provides a USART that can be used for asynchronous or synchronous serial communications. However, the MiniCon doesn’t provide for a crystal oscillator, and the internal RC oscillator isn’t accurate enough for reliable asynchronous communications. It is sometimes possible to tune the oscillator using the calibration register to allow asynchronous communications to work.
The Minicon features a flexible power supply routing system with a number of options for powering the Minicon and any peripheral modules connected to it.
Four mode-select input jumpers and four LEDs are provided for application firmware.
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Minicon Reference Manual
6-pin Pmod Headers
The Minicon has five 6-pin header connectors for connecting to general­purpose, off-board digital I/O, or to specific ATmega168 features like analog-to-digital converters or pulse width modulators. Each 6-pin connector provides four signals, power, and ground. These connectors are specifically designed to work with the Digilent Pmod line of peripheral boards, but can be used to connect to any off-board I/O devices.
See Table 1 for more information on connecting peripheral modules and other devices to the Minicon. Table 1 shows the connectors with their designed base function and a map to the ATmega168 I/O ports. All I/O port pins can be used for general-purpose digital I/Os.
Power Supply Connectors
The Minicon is rated for external power ranging from 3.6 to 9 volts DC. Using voltage outside this range could damage the Minicon and connected devices.
The Minicon can be powered from a power supply connected to one of three external power connectors, or it can be powered through any of the board’s 6-pin Pmod headers. The three external power supply connectors are J6, J7, and J8.
Connector J6 is a 5.5mm x 2.1mm coaxial barrel connector. The AC power adapter, available from Digilent, is attached to this connector. This is useful for desktop development and testing where use of batteries is cost prohibitive. This connector is wired so that the center pin provides the
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positive voltage and the outer shell is grounded. Connector J7 is a two-pin screw terminal. This connector can be used with laboratory bench supplies, or for attachment to battery packs.
Connector J8 is a two-pin male header that provides an alternate connection to battery packs or other power sources. Digilent has available either two or three cell battery packs that can be attached directly to this connector.
Power supply connectors J6, J7, and J8 are connected in parallel. A power source should be connected to only one of these three connectors at a time.
Warning: Use the proper polarity when connecting a power source to J7 or J8. A reversed connection will damage the board. The proper polarity is silk­screened on the board near each connector.
The Minicon provides an on-board voltage regulator that produces the 3.3V operating voltage for the board. The VU power bus provides the input to the voltage regulator, and the VCC power bus is the regulated output. Jumper JP9 is used to route external power through the on-board regulator or to bypass the regulator.
The power supply connectors, J6, J7, and J8 are connected in parallel to the center pin, VE, on JP9. If the shorting block is placed in the VU position, the supplied voltage is routed through the voltage regulator and regulated to 3.3V to power the VCC bus. If the shorting block is placed in the VCC position, the supplied voltage is routed around the on-board regulator and powers the VCC bus directly. In this case, the supplied voltage must be externally
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