Digilent JTAG-USB Full Speed User Manual

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Revision: June 3, 2009
The Digilent JTAG-USB Full Speed module provides a quick and inexpensive USB programming solution for Digilent system boards and supported JTAG devices. The module works with any USB-equipped computer and attaches to system boards using a Digilent 6-pin JTAG header. A standard USB A to Mini B cable is used to connect the module to the PC.
In addition to the JTAG protocol, the module also provides the ability to access SPI devices via USB from a PC.
The JTAG-USB Full Speed module is ideal for notebook computers or any computer without a parallel port.
The module can communicate with JTAG and SPI devices operating with I/O voltages from
1.5V to 3.
a Digilent 6-pin JTAG header
free JTAG programming software
(Adept v2.0 or higher)
compatibility with any USB port
USB A to Mini B cable included
Functional Description
JTAG-USB Full Speed provides an easy and inexpensive USB connection. The Digilent Adept application is needed for JTAG programming. Adept automatically connects to the module and detects devices in the JTAG scan chain. For more information on using Adept, see the Digilent Adept User’s Manual.
The module can also be used to program AVR microcontrollers or communicate with some Digilent Pmod modules using software freely downloadable from the Digilent web site.
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Every JTAG-USB Full Speed module is given a unique serial number. The Adept software uses this serial number to connect to the device.
See the Digilent Adept User’s Manual for a complete list of supported JTAG devices.
The Adept software and all support documentation can be found on the Adept web page at www.digilentinc.com.