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The Digilab Digital I/O board 2 (the DIO2) is
one of several expansion boards designed to
mate with Digilab system boards. The DIO2
board provides an assortment of frequently
used digital I/O devices, many of which are
controlled by an on-board Xilinx XC95108
CPLD. The CPLD also provides a bus interface
Connector BConnector A
to simplify communications with Digilab
system boards. DIO2 boards can be combined
with Digilab system boards to implement
projects ranging from basic logic designs to
general computer systems, without the need for
any other components.
DIO2 board features include:
• A XC95108 CPLD for I/O device and
system bus control;
• A 16x2 character LCD with integral
Samsung controller IC;
4 7-seg.
15 LEDs
DIO2 circuit board block diagram
8 switches
15 button
• A four digit seven-segment LED display;
• 16 individual LEDs of various colors;
• An 8-bit VGA port;
• A 15-button keypad;
• 8 slide switches;
• A PS2 mouse/keyboard port;
• An on board 5VDC regulator.
The CPLD comes pre-configured with the
circuit shown in Appendix 1, but it can also be
reprogrammed from any Xilinx CAD tool,
including the free WebPack tools available
from the Xilinx website. CPLD configuration
can be accomplished using the Xilinx JTAG
cable or the Digilent XC95 programming
Doc: 502-005 page 1 of 19
Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Digilab DIO2 Reference Manual Digilent, Inc.
Functional description
The DIO2 board includes many frequently used peripheral devices found in digital systems, including
several output display devices and several input devices. When mated with a Digilab main board, the
DIO2 board provides a highly flexible digital system development platform. The DIO2 board centers
on a Xilinx XC95108 CPLD that provides a convenient interface to most of the I/O devices, as well as
a control bus between an attached system board and the I/O devices. Since the CPLD on the DOI2
board is user configurable, many different I/O control and communication schemes can easily be
Although the DIO2 board has been designed as a peripheral board for various Digilab system boards, it
can also be used as a CPLD demonstration/development board. Digilent produces a low cost power
supply/programming board that can be connected to the DIO2 board to create a stand-alone, very low
cost CPLD platform. This board, called the DXC95 board, provides a JTAG programming interface, a
power supply, a clock source, and a small breadboard area (see for more
This document presents the
circuits, I/O devices, and
interfaces in the DIO2 board.
When needed, manufacturer part
numbers have been provided so
that further reference material
can be obtained from their
All named signals used on the
DIO2 board are defined in the
table on the right. Voltage levels
for all signals arriving from an
attached Digilab system board
are determined by the system
board, but all signals arising on
the I/O board derive from the
on-board 5VDC regulator (so
they are all 5V CMOS signals).
The DIO2 board uses a twolayer process, so all signals are
available on the top and bottom
layers. Many signals are brought
to a test point header for easy
test and measurement equipment
Power Supplies
VU Unregulated power supply voltage from attached system
board – typically 5-9VDC. Available only on J1 P40, this
supply is regulated to 5VDC to supply on onboard devices.
VDD* Regulated power supply voltage (5VDC) from on-board
regulator. This supply is used by all devices on DIO2 board.
GND* System ground
CPLD – system board bus signals
D7-D0* Bi-directional data bus between B connector and CPLD/LCD
A5-A0* Address lines to select locations in CPLD
CS* Chip select used for CPLD interface on DIO2 board
WE* Write enable for CPLD memory locations
OE* Output enable for CPLD data signals
BOCI* “Button Out-Clock In” pin, used as clock input to CPLD
LCD control signals
D7-D0 Data bus – same as CPLD data signals
LCD_RW* LCD Read/Write signal – ‘1’ for read mode
LCD_RS* LCD Register Select – ‘1’ for data register, ‘0’ for instruction
LCD_E LCD Enable signal – active high; falling edge latches data
VGA and PS2 signals (routed directly from B connector, not through CPLD)
HS* VGA Horizontal Sync signal
VS* VGA Vertical Sync signal
R1, R0* VGA 2-bit red data
G2-G0* VGA 3-bit green data
B2-B0* VGA 3-bit blue data
KCLK* PS2 (Keyboard or Mouse) clock signal
KDAT* PS2 (Keyboard or Mouse) data signal
On board devices (routed through CPLD)
BTN0-E Pushbuttons (A through E)
SW1-SW8 Slide switches (1 through 8)
LD0-LDF Discreet LEDs (0 through F)
CA-CF Seven-segment display cathodes
AN1-AN3 Seven-segment display anodes
* available on test point header
Table 1. DIO2 board signal definitions page 2 of 19
Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Digilab DIO2 Reference Manual Digilent, Inc.
Power Supplies
The DIO2 board receives system power from pins 39 and 40 of connector A. Pin 40 is connected
directly to a 5VDC LDO regulator (an LM2940), and pin 39 is connected to ground. The regulator
powers all devices on the DIO2 board, including the CPLD (all outbound data signals from the DIO2
board are 5V). The regulator requires about 400mV of dropout voltage, so a DC voltage 5.5VDC 8VDC must be applied to pin 40 of connector A for proper board operation.
Digilab system boards route unregulated voltage directly from the power supply to pin 2 of all
expansion connectors. Since pin 2 on system boards mates with pin 40 on expansion boards, the DIO2
board receives power from the supply attached to the system board.
With no LED’s illuminated, the DIO2 board typically consumes about 200mA. With all LEDs
illuminated (including all segments of the seven-segment display), the board can consume up to
The LCD display is a 16 character, 2 line
display from the Okaya company (Okaya part
number RC1602D). The Okaya data sheet may
be found on the Digilent website.
Pin 1
16 x 2 character LCD
The display uses a KS0066 Samsung controller
that has a character-generator ROM (CGROM)
containing 208 preset 5x8 character patterns, a
character-generator RAM (CGRAM) that can
hold 8 user-defined 5x8 characters, and a display
data RAM (DDRAM) that can hold 80 character
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
codes. Character codes written into the DDRAM
serve as indexes into the CGROM (or CGRAM).
Writing a character code into a particular DDRAM
location will cause the associated 5x8 character
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F
DDRAM address - display postion map
pattern to appear at the corresponding display
location. The display positions can be shifted left
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
or right by setting a bit in the instruction register
(IR). The write-only IR is used to direct display
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F
operations (such as clear display, shift left or right,
set DDRAM address, etc). Available instructions
are shown in the rightmost column of the table
DDRAM address - display postion map
after shift-left operation
below, together with the IR codes. A busy flag is
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E
available to indicate whether the display has
competed the last requested operation; prior to
initiating a new operation, the flag can be checked
to see whether the previous operation has been
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E
DDRAM address - display postion map
after shift-right operation page 3 of 19
Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Digilab DIO2 Reference Manual Digilent, Inc.
The display has more DDRAM locations than can be displayed at any given time. DDRAM locations
00H to 27H map to the first display row, and locations 40H to 67H map to the second row. Normally,
DDRAM location 00H maps to the upper left display corner, and 40H to the lower left. Shifting the
display left or right can change this mapping. The display uses a temporary data register (DR) to hold
data during DDRAM /CGRAM read or write operations, and an internal address register to select the
RAM location. Address register contents, which can be set via the IR, are automatically incremented
after each read or write operation. The LCD display uses ASCII character codes. Codes up through 7F
are standard ASCII (which includes all “normal” alphanumeric characters). Codes above 7F produce
various international characters – please see the manufacturers data sheet for more information on
international codes.
Clear display by writing a 20H to
all DDRAM locations; set
DDRAM address register to 00H;
and return cursor to home.
Return cursor to home (upper left
corner), and set DDRAM address
to 0H. DDRAM contents not
I/D = ‘1’ for right-moving cursor
and address increment; SH = ‘1’
for display shift (direction set by
I/D bit).
Set display (D), cursor (C), and
blinking cursor (B) on or off.
SC = ‘0’ to shift cursor right or
left, ‘1’ to shift entire display
right or left (R/L = ‘1’ for right).
Set interface data length (DL =
‘1’ for 8 bit), number of display
lines (N = ‘1’ for 2 lines), display
font (F = ‘0’ for 5x 8 dots)
Read busy flag and address
Write data into DDRAM or
CGRAM, depending on which
address was last set
Read data from DDRAM or
CGRAM, depending on which
address was last set
Description page 4 of 19
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Digilab DIO2 Reference Manual Digilent, Inc.
The display is connected to the DIO2 board by a 16-pin connector (pins 15 and 16 are for an optional
backlight, and they are not connected on the DIO2 board). The eight data bus signals and three strobes
are connected directly to the B connector on the DIO2 board (note the data lines are common with the
CPLD data bus), so the LCD can be controlled from a Digilab system board. Bus timings are shown
below. Note that the enable signal (E) serves as both output enable and write strobe (with an active
falling edge) depending on the state of the Read/Write (R/W) signal.
Pin No. Symbol Signal Description
1 Vss Signal ground
2 Vdd Power supply (5V)
3 Vo Operating (contrast) voltage (LCD drive, typically 100mV at 20C)
4 RS Register select: high for data transfer, low for instruction register
5 R/W Read/write signal: high for read mode, low for write mode
6 E Read/write strobe: high for read OE; falling edge writes data
7-14 Data Bus Bi-directional data bus
LCD Read Cycle
LCD Write Cycle
tc page 5 of 19
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Digilab DIO2 Reference Manual Digilent, Inc.
Parameter SymbolMin MaxUnit Test Pin
Enable cycle time tc 500 ns E
Enable High pulse width tw 220 ns E
Enable rise/fall time tr, tf 25 ns E
RS, R/W setup time tsu 40 ns RS, R/W
RS, R/W hold time th 10 ns RS, R/W
Read data output delay tD 60 120 ns DB0-DB7
Read data hold time tDH 20 ns DB0-DB7
Write data setup time tsu1 40 ns DB0-DB7
Write data hold time th1 10 ns DB0-DB7
LCD start-up sequence
The manufacturer requires that a startup sequence with specific timings be
Power On
followed to ensure proper LCD operation. After power-on, at least 20ms
must elapse before the function-set instruction code can be written to set the
Wait for 20ms
bus width, number of lines, and character patterns (8-bit interface, 2 lines,
and 5x8 dots are appropriate). After the function-set instruction, at least
Function Set
37us must elapse before the display-control instruction can be written (to
turn the display on, turn the cursor on or off, and set the cursor to blink or
no blink). Then after another 37us, the display-clear instruction can be
Wait for 37us
issued, followed by a 1.52ms delay. Finally, the entry-mode instruction code
can be used to set address increment (or address decrement) mode, and
Display Control Set
display shift mode (on or off). Once this sequence is complete, data can be
written into the DDRAM to cause information to appear on the display.
Wait for 37us
Display Clear
Sixteen individual LEDs (8 red, 4 yellow, and 4 green) are provided for
circuit outputs. The LED cathodes are driven directly from the CPLD, and
Wait for 1.52ms
the anodes are tied to Vdd via 270-ohm resistors (so the LED drive signals
are active low). When the CPLD is configured with the code shown in the
appendix, two 8-bit registers at locations x04 and x05 drive the LED
cathode signals. Note the LED signals are inverted in the VHDL code, so a
OK for operati o ns
LCD startup sequence
logic “1” turns on the LEDs.
Seven-segment LED display
The DIO2 board contains a modular 4-digit, common anode, seven-segment LED display. In a
common anode display, the seven anodes of the LEDs forming each digit are connected to four
common circuit nodes (labeled AN1 through AN4 on the DIO2 board). Each anode, and therefore each
digit, can be independently turned on and off by driving these signals to a ‘1’ or a ‘0’. The cathodes of page 6 of 19
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