Digilent chipKIT DP32 Reference Manual

12/21/2018 chipKIT DP32 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
Revised March, 2015 This manual primarily applies to Rev C, as found on the underside of the board next to the white bar-coded box. Rev C is a major change from Rev B, so differences will be noted where appropriate.
The chipKIT DP32 is an MPIDE compatible prototyping and project development board from Digilent. It combines the power of the Microchip® PIC32MX250F128B 28-pin DIP with a wire wrap prototyping area, provision for an EEPROM () non-volatile memory, and analog temperature sensor, a potentiometer, buttons and LEDs in a single board. The mounting hole footprint on the board is designed to fit in the Hammond 1591XXSSBK project box.
The DP32 takes advantage of the powerful PIC32MX250F128B microcontroller. This microcontroller features a 32-bit MIPS processor core running at 40 MHz (), 128K of flash program memory and 32K of SRAM data memory. It is suitable for building projects directly on the board utilizing the provided prototyping area, but it can also be used as a device programmer to program the microcontrollers for inclusion in custom built projects.
The DP32 can be programmed using the Multi-Platform Integrated Development Environment, MPIDE, an environment based on the open source Arduino™ IDE modified to support the PIC32 microcontroller. The board provides everything needed to start developing embedded applications using the MPIDE.
The DP32 is also fully compatible with the advanced Microchip® MPLAB X® IDE. To develop embedded applications using MPLAB X, a separate device programmer/debugger, such as the Digilent chipKIT PGM or the Microchip PICkit3™ is required.
Features Include:
Microchip PIC32MX250F128B 28-pin DIP microcontroller (40/50 MHz () 32-bit MIPS, 128K Flash, 32K SRAM) 5 – 12 Volt recommended operating voltage
chipKIT DP32 Reference Manual
Revision History
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19 available I/O pins Up to 9 analog inputs 1 Potentiometer connected to an analog input Four user LEDs Two user push button Wirewrap prototype area Provision for an SPI EEPROM () and an analog temperature sensor Mounting Hole compatible with Hammond 1591XXSSBK project box
The PIC32MX250F12B microcontroller features a 32-bit MIPS processor core capable of running at up to 50 MHz (). The DP32 operates the microcontroller at 40Mhz by default.The microcontroller features 128 KB of flash program memory and 32 KB of SRAM data memory. Programming the DP32 can be done using the Multi-Platform Integrated Development Environment (MPIDE) or with the advanced Microchip MPLAB® IDE with the addition of a PICKit3 or chipKIT PGM in-system programmer/debugger.
The DP32 provides 19 I/O pins as located on two through-hole header footprints. Some pins share functions with the onboard circuits such as the on-board 8 MHz () oscillator or USB data lines (see the schematic for details). If these peripherals are needed in the design then the microcontroller can be reconfigured to allow these pins to be used for other purposes. Nine of the digital I/O pins are shared with the analog inputs and can be used as analog input pins.
The PIC32MX250F128B microcontroller supports peripheral functions such as UART, SPI, and I C, as well as pulse-modulated outputs. To use the peripheral functions the PIC32MX2xx family of microcontrollers features a mappable I/O system called peripheral pin select (PPS), which allows select peripheral functionality to be mapped to a multiple pins on the device. The default DP32 board support files provide a specific mapping of peripheral functions to microcontroller pins. This default pinout can be over-ridden by the user’s sketch if a different mapping is desired.
Additional features of the board include an 8-pin DIP header labeled IC4 that is mapped for use with a customer supplied Microchip 25LC256 EEPROM (). The SPI bus and power signals are mapped to the correct pins so that the user can solder in an 8-pin dip socket or directly solder the IC into the holes. Similarly the IC3 header on the board is mapped for a customer supplied Microchip MCP9701A analog temperature sensor.
1 Functional Description
2 chipKIT DP32 Hardware Overview
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The DP32 has the following hardware features:
1. J3 – Digital and Analog I/O Connector #2 The set of Digital I/Os with chipKIT numbers 9 through 18 and Analog pins A3-A8. The holes are slightly offset to allow for friction fitting of headers. See the Pinout Diagram and Pinout Table for more details. Rev C change: The silk screen on Rev B (image →) shows the port assignments as used with MPLAB, not the MPIDE pin assignments. Also, the holes are not offset, requiring headers to be soldered to the board.
2. JP1, JP2 & JP3 JP1 – USBID Jumper for use with USB OTG: This jumper allows Digital I/O pin 0 (RB5) to be disconnected from the USBID line on the USB Port. If JP1 is shorted, pin 0 may not operate as expected. Some users may wish to keep JP1 shorted for USB operations. JP2 and JP3 – D+ and D- USB Signals: These jumpers are shipped unloaded. The trace between the two terminals may be cut if USB functionality is required to be permanently disabled. Once the traces have been cut, it is possible to solder jumper pins in these locations to re-enable the D+ and D- signals as desired.
3. J2 – USB Connector for USB Serial Converter This connects to a USB port on the PC to provide the communications port for the MPIDE to talk to the DP32 board. This can also be used to power the DP32 when connected to the PC.
4. J6 – External Power Screw Terminal Connectors This screw terminal connector may be used to provide up to 15VDC to the DP32. The polarity of the terminals is marked on the silkscreen and must be followed to avoid damaging the board.
5. JP7 – Power Select Jumper This jumper may be set to either power the DP32 via USB (J2), or Screw Terminal (J6). To power via USB, set the jumper to short the pins with VIN and VUSB directly to their right. To power via external supply, short the two pins nearest the screw terminal.
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6. IC4 – SPI EEPROM () Device (Microchip 25LC256) Loading Point This 8-pin DIP footprint is designed so that a SPI controlled EEPROM () device could be added at a later time if desired. It is intended that an 8-pin DIP socket or a Microchip 25LC256 device would be soldered into this location. The SPI signals for communicating with this EEPROM () device are tied directly to SPI 2 on the PIC32.
7. VR1 – Analog Potentiometer An analog potentiometer connected to chipKIT analog pin A2. When rotated fully counter clockwise, 0V is read on the pin. When rotated fully clockwise, 3.3V is read on the pin.
8. IC3 – Analog Temperature Sensor (Microchip MCP9701A) Loading Point This 3-pin footprint is intended for an analog temperature sensor to be loaded by the user. It was designed with the Microchip MCP9701A Linear Active Thermistor in mind. Pin one (square pad) is for VCC3V3 of the device, pin two (center pin) is for the VOUT pin of the device, and pin three is for the ground pin.
9. User LEDs Four LEDs connected to digital signal pins 11, 12, 13, and 14. These LEDs are labeled as PIN_LED1, PIN_LED2, PIN_LED3, and PIN_LED4 respectively in MPIDE.
10. IC1 PIC32 Microcontroller The PIC32MX250F128B microcontroller is the main processor for the board.
11. JP6 – Microchip Debug Tool Connector This connector is used to connect Microchip and Digilent programmer/debugger tools, such as the PICkit™3 or Digilent chipKIT PGM. This allows the DP32 board to be used as a traditional microcontroller development board using the Microchip MPLAB® IDE. Note that the square pad is pin 1. Rev C change: This header is reversed from Rev B. When attaching the debugger tool, it would appear right-side up when attached to Rev C, and up­side down when attached to Rev B (see images). Be sure you know which Rev you have. The square solder pad should connect to pin 1 on the debugger. Attaching the debugger incorrectly will almost certainly fry either the DP32, the debugger, or both. Please refer to the section titled “Programming the DP32” of this manual for more information on using a debugger.
12. Reset Button When pressed, the microcontroller resets the currently loaded sketch. If Button 2 (BTN2/PGM) is held down while pressing the reset button, the microcontroller will start from the boot loader, allowing a new sketch to be loaded.
13. BTN2/PGM and BTN3 User Buttons These user buttons are connected to digital signal pins 1 and 17. They produce a logic high signal when depressed, and a logic low signal when released. When using MPIDE, these buttons are defined in the core files as PIN_BTN_1 and PIN_BTN_2 respectively.
14. JP4/JP5 – Pullup/Pulldown jumpers These jumpers are used to add pullups or pulldowns to the digital signal pins 2 and 3. Pullups are necessary when utilizing I2C on these two pins. These two jumpers can be used as settable logic states either pulled high or pulled low depending on the jumper settings. In addition, if no pullups or pulldowns are desired, the jumper may be safely removed completely, allowing the pins to be used for other input/output purposes.
15. J4 – Digital and Analog I/O Connector #1 The set of Digital I/Os with chipKIT numbers 0 through 8 and Analog pins A0-A2. See Pinout Diagram and Pinout Table for more details. Rev C change: The silk screen on Rev B (image →) shows the port assignments on the chip, not the MPIDE pin assignments. Also, the holes are not offset, requiring headers to be soldered to the board.
16. Prototyping Area The prototyping area has 288 through holes, broken into two main sections. One section has 28 3-hole busses. Between the 3-hole busses are two 14-hole busses. There are also a 3V3 bus and GND () bus, each with 8 holes. The remaining 160 holes are isolated for mounting whatever will fit using standard solder or wire wrapping methods.
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The DP32 uses the PIC32MX250F128B onboard USB peripheral to program the microcontroller with the MPIDE environment. This requires a driver to be installed to accommodate this programing solution. The driver file is called Stk500v2.inf and is available in the drivers folder in the MPIDE distribution. In order to install the driver on a Windows based machine, follow the steps below. You should not need to manually install the drivers on a machine with a non-Windows OS ().
1. Open MPIDE to ensure that it works. Close it and make sure that your DP32 is unplugged from the computer.
2. Navigate to the MPIDE installation folder. The file path should be something like “C:\Program Files (x86)\mpide\mpide-0023­windows-20140821\drivers\chipKIT Drivers”
3. You should see USBDriverInstaller at the bottom of the list.
3 Programming the chipKIT DP32
3.1 MPIDE Development Tool
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4. Open that application and click “Install Drivers”. You may need to allow admin permission for it to complete.
5. Once the drivers are installed, close the windows. Open MPIDE, connect the board with the USB cable, and allow Windows to find and install the correct drivers.
Once the driver is installed and the computer has recognized the board, it is ready to be programmed. The board has two modes of operation. The first is the bootloader mode, to enter this mode you must press and hold down BTN2/PGM button while pressing the RESET button then release both to set the board into program mode. In program mode LD1 will flash to show you that the bootloader is running and the board is ready to be programmed.
Once the board is programmed it will be reset and will execute the programmed sketch. If there is a sketch loaded on the board and you cycle power to the board, it will automatically reenter sketch mode. Each time you edit your sketch and need to reload it to the board, you will need to exit sketch mode by pressing and holding BTN/PGM, pressing RESET, and then releasing both to re-enter program mode.
Since the board resets between program mode and sketch mode the serial port will disconnect and then reconnect. The MPIDE serial monitor will not work unless there is a delay of at least 5 seconds in the user sketch before it begins to send data to the computer. To ensure the serial monitor is ready it is recommended that users watch the device manager or similar program for your OS () after the reset to watch for the reconnection of the serial port before attempting to open the Serial Monitor in MPIDE. The delay is required for proper operation of the serial port so that the board can disconnect and reconnect to the computer before the DP32 begins sending data out while the OS () is not listening. This is a byproduct of the embedded USB controller solution on the DP32.
3.2 Microchip MPLAB IDE Development Tool Campatibility
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