7/30/2019 Basys MX3 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
The Basys MX3 is a true MCU trainer board designed from the ground up around the teaching experience. Basys MX3 features the
PIC32MX370 from Microchip and was designed to be used with the MPLAB® X IDE. With an exhaustive set of peripherals, students gain
exposure to a wide range of embedded systems related concepts while using a professional grade tool set. Accompanied by free and open
source coursework, including seven in-depth teaching units and 15 complete labs, the Basys MX3 is a versatile MCU trainer board ideal for
teaching introductory embedded systems courses.
Basys MX3 Reference Manual
7/30/2019 Basys MX3 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
7/30/2019 Basys MX3 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
7/30/2019 Basys MX3 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
7/30/2019 Basys MX3 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
Basys MX3 PDF (https://reference.digilentinc.com/_media/reference/microprocessor/basys-mx3/basys_mx3_rm.pdf)
PIC32MX370F512L Microcontroller
MIPS32® M4K® core runs up to 96 MHz () using onboard 8 MHz () oscillator
512 KB of Program Flash Memory, 12 KB of Boot Flash Memory
128 KB of SRAM
Four Direct Memory Access (DMA) Modules
Two SPI, Two I²C, and Five UART serial interfaces
Parallel Master Port (PMP) for graphics interfaces
Five 16-bit Timers/Counters
Five Input Capture Modules
Five Output Compare Modules
85 I/O pins
54 pins support Peripheral Pin Select (PPS) for function remapping
Powered from USB or any 5V external power source
USB and Debugging
USB programmer/debugger
30-pin Analog Discovery 2 connector
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7/30/2019 Basys MX3 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
Switches, Push-buttons, LEDs and Displays
5 Push-buttons
1 Reset button
8 Slide switches
8 LEDs
1 RGB LED ()
4 Digit 7-segment display
LCD () character display
Audio, Motor control, and other devices
Speaker with Audio Output Jack and volume control
Microphone with volume control
Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver for up to two 1.5 A Brushed DC Motors or one stepper motor
2 Servo Connectors
FIR-compatible IrDA Module
3-axis, 12-bit accelerometer
4 MB () SPI Flash
Expansion Connectors
Two standard Pmod ports
16 Total microcontroller I/O
One I2C Connector
2 Total microcontroller I/O
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7/30/2019 Basys MX3 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
The Basys MX3 is fully supported by Microchip’s MPLAB X IDE. See section 1 on Programming the Board for more information on using
the Basys MX3 in MPLAB X IDE. Digilent provides a set of libraries called the Basys MX3 Library Pack that adds support for all onboard
peripherals. This library pack can be downloaded from the Basys MX3 Resource Center
(https://reference.digilentinc.com/reference/microprocessor/basys-mx3/start). The users may choose to implement their own functionality in
order to access Basys MX3 resources.
The Basys MX3 can also be used in Arduino IDE once the Digilent Core for Arduino IDE has been installed. Instructions for installing the
Digilent Core for Arduino IDE can be found on the Basys MX3 Resource Center.
Basys MX3 comes with a complete set of coursework designed to give teaching professionals flexibility in designing embedded systems and
other microprocessor courses. With almost 300 pages of material, “Embedded Systems Basys MX3 and PIC32MX370” covers topics from
toggling LEDs, motor control, and introduction to digital signal processing. Access to the full coursework is available on the Basys MX3
Resource Center.
Links to additional materials from Digilent and Microchip, including the Basys MX3 schematic and the PIC32MX370F512L datasheet, can
also be found on the Basys MX3 Resource Center.
The Basys MX3 uses a lot of devices to implement all of the functionality it provides (accelerometer, flash memory, motor driver, IRDA,
etc.). The manufacturers of each of these devices provide detailed descriptions of their functionality in their datasheets.
The Basys MX3 can be used with Microchip’s standard MPLAB X IDE. This software suite can be downloaded for free from the Microchip
website and includes a free evaluation copy of the XC32 compiler for use with the PIC32 microcontroller family.
MPLAB X IDE is the tool used to write, compile, program, and debug code running on the Basys MX3 board. Programming and
debugging a program on the Basys MX3 using the MPLAB X IDE is possible using the DEBUG USB connector. The board contains all
the required circuitry for MPLAB X to communicate with the onboard PIC32, so no additional programming tools need to be purchased.
When creating a new project in MPLAB X, a wizard allows you to setup the environment and device specific tools. The steps for this
include the following:
1. Select Microchip Embedded / Standalone Project, then use the “Select Device” option to specify the PIC32 microcontroller being
used: PIC32MX370F512L.
Software Support
Coursework and Additional Materials
1. Programming the Board
1.1. Programming Tools
7/30/2019 Basys MX3 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
2. Select the programming tool named Basys MX3 corresponding to the board you want to program, under Licensed Debugger group.
3. Select the compiler you want to use.
Another useful tool included with MPLAB X is MPLAB X IPE. This tool allows the direct programming/erasing of the microcontroller,
but it does not provide an environment for writing, compiling, and debugging the code. Please see Microchip documentation for
instructions on using this tool.
It is often very helpful to include the xc.h header when writing code for the Basys MX3:
This further provides the inclusion of another header (p32mx370f512l.h) into the project that provides useful definitions such as:
Register names
example (register LATA is set to 0):
Specific register bits that can be accessed using a structure having the name of the register suffixed by “bits”.
1.2. Programming Basics
7/30/2019 Basys MX3 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
example (bit LATA1 of the register LATA is set to 1):
Digilent provides a set of libraries called the Basys MX3 Library Pack that addresses much of the functionality on the Basys MX3:
ACL () (accelerometer)
ADC () (Analog to Digital converter)
BTN (buttons)
LCD ()
LED ()
MIC (microphone)
MOT (motors)
SSD ()
SWT (Switches)
These libraries are wrappers over the lower level functions that access the registers, allowing the user to call the functionality using functions
LED_SetValue(4, 1); //turn on LED4
This set of libraries comes with the user documentation, but basically this is what you have to do in order to use them:
Include in your project the .c and .h files corresponding to the module you want to use (for example led.c and led.h).
In your code, include the header of the module:
In your code, call the needed functions
The PIC32MX370F512L microcontroller offers access to all the board resources through its pins, so understanding how to access their
features is very important. The list that describes each pin functionality is included in Appendix 3. You can see that each pin may have
multiple functions, but all pins have one feature in common: they have an associated digital I/O (input/output) bit. On PIC32
microcontrollers, the I/O pins are grouped into I/O Ports and are accessed via peripheral registers in the microcontroller. There are seven
I/O Ports numbered A–G and each is 16 bits wide. Depending on the PIC32 microcontroller, some of the I/O Ports are not present, and
not all 16 bits are accessible in all I/O Ports.
Each I/O Port has the following control registers: TRIS, LAT, PORT, ANSEL, CNPU, CNPD, and ODC. The registers for each I/O Port
are named after it: TRISx, LATx, PORTx, ANSELx, CNPUx, CNPDx and ODCx. For example, port A will have the following assigned
registers: TRISA, LATA, etc.
The TRIS register is used to set the pin direction. Setting a TRIS bit to 0 makes the corresponding pin an output. Setting the TRIS bit to 1
makes the pin an input.
The LAT register is used to write to the I/O Port. Writing to the LAT register sets any pins configured as outputs. Reading from the LAT
register returns the last value written.
The PORT register is used to read from the I/O Port. Reading from the PORT register returns the current state of all the pins in the I/O
Port. Writing to the PORT register may not produce the expected result, therefore writing to LAT register is recommended.
To summarize: write using LAT, read using PORT.
PIC32 microcontrollers allow any pin set as an output to be configured as either a normal digital output or as an open-drain output. The
ODC register is used to control the output type. Setting an ODC bit to 0 makes the pin a normal output and setting it to 1 makes the pin an
open-drain output.
The multifunction pins that include analog input functionality need to be configured in order to be used as digital pins by clearing the
corresponding bit from ANSEL register. These pins will include ANx in their name. For example: AN11/PMA12/RB11 for RB11.
1.3. Digital Inputs and Outputs
7/30/2019 Basys MX3 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
This microcontroller has a weak pull-up and a weak pull-down connected to each pin. These pull-ups and pull-downs are enabled/disabled
by setting the corresponding bits from CNPU and CNPD registers to 1/0. The default setting is 0 (pull-ups and pull-downs disabled).
You can see a typical example of I/O pin configuration as output and digital output operations in the User LEDs section.
You can see a typical example of I/O pin configuration as input (including analog disable) and digital input operations in the User Buttons
Refer to the PIC32MX3XX/4XX Family Datasheet, and the PIC32 Family Reference Manual, Section 12, IO Ports, for more detailed
information about the operation of the I/O Ports in the microcontroller.
Users may independently map the input and/or output of most digital peripherals to a fixed subset of digital I/O pins. Pins that support the
peripheral pin select feature include the designation “RPn” in their full pin designation, where “RP” designates a remappable peripheral and
“n” is the remappable port number.
The available peripherals to be mapped are digital-only. These include general serial communications (UART and SPI), general purpose
timer clock inputs, timer-related peripherals (input capture and output compare), and interrupt-on-change inputs.
On the other hand, some peripheral modules cannot be included in the peripheral pin select feature because it requires special I/O circuitry
on a specific port and it cannot be easily connected to multiple pins. These modules include I2C and analog-to-digital converters (ADC ()),
among others.
Peripheral pin select features are controlled using two sets of Special Function Registers (SFRs): one to map peripheral inputs, and one to
map peripheral outputs.
The peripheral inputs are mapped and named from the peripheral perspective (based on the peripheral). The [pin name]R registers, where
[pin name] refers to the specific peripheral pins, are used to configure peripheral input mapping. TABLE 12-1 in the PIC32MX370F512L
datasheet from Microchip (and Appendix 1 in this document) shows the different pins and their values available to assign to a peripheral pin.
The following example shows how different I/Os, such as pin RF4, can be assigned to U1RX input pin of the UART1 peripheral:
U1RXR = 0x02; // 0010 corresponds to RF4
The peripheral outputs are mapped and named from the pin perspective (on the basis of the pin). The RPnR registers (Register 12-2) are
used to control output mapping. The PIC32MX370F512L datasheet details in TABLE 12-2 (and Appendix 2 in this document) the values
corresponding to each IO pin, associated to each available peripheral pin. Note that the current version of the Basys MX3 schematic (B.0)
incorrectly lists RD6 and RD7 as remappable pins (RPD6 and RPD7, respectively); these pins are not remappable on the
The following example shows how different peripheral outputs, such as U3TX, can be assigned to pin RF4:
RPF4R = 0x01; // 0001 corresponds to U3TX
7/30/2019 Basys MX3 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
Input and output remapping is illustrated in the SPI2 section, where the SPI2 pins are mapped over the pins of PMOD A connector.
The PIC32 microcontroller supports numerous clock source options for the main processor operating clock. The Basys MX3 uses an 8MHz
external crystal for use with the XT oscillator option. Oscillator options are selected via the configuration settings specified using the
#pragma config POSCMOD=XT
to select the XT option.
Using the internal system clock phase-locked loop (PLL), it is possible to select numerous multiples or divisions of the 8MHz oscillator to
produce CPU operating frequencies up to 80MHz. The clock circuit PLL provides an input divider, multiplier, and output divider. The
external clock frequency (8MHz) is first divided by the input divider value selected. This is multiplied by the selected multiplier value and
then finally divided by the selected output divider. The result is the system clock, SYSCLK, frequency. The SYSCLK frequency is used by
the CPU, DMA controller, interrupt controller, and pre-fetch cache.
The values controlling the operating frequency are specified using the PIC32MX370 configuration variables. These are set using the
#pragma config statement. Use
to set the input divider,
to set the multiplication factor and
to set the output divider. Refer to the PIC32MX3XX/4XX Family Data Sheet and the PIC32MX Family Reference Manual, Section
Oscillators, for information on how to choose the correct values, as not all combinations of multiplication and division factors will work.
In addition to configuring the SYSCLK frequency, the peripheral bus clock, PBCLK, frequency is also configurable. The peripheral bus
clock is used for most peripheral devices, and in particular is the clock used by the timers, and serial controllers (UART, SPI, I2C). The
PBLCK frequency is a division of the SYSCLK frequency selected using
The PBCLK divider can be set to divide by 1, 2, 4, or 8.
The following example will set up the Basys MX3 for operation with a SYSCLK frequency of 80MHz and a PBCLK frequency of 80MHz.
1.5. CPU Clock Source
7/30/2019 Basys MX3 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
#pragma config FNOSC = FRCPLL
#pragma config FSOSCEN = OFF
#pragma config POSCMOD = XT
#pragma config OSCIOFNC = ON
#pragma config FPBDIV = DIV_1
#pragma config FPLLIDIV = DIV_2
#pragma config FPLLMUL = MUL_20
#pragma config FPLLODIV = DIV_1
The Basys MX3 requires a 5-volt power source to operate. This power source can come from the Programming / Debugging USB port
(J12), the USB-UART (J10), or from an external 5 Volt DC power supply that’s connected to Power Jack (J11). These three power inputs are
connected together through Schottky diodes to form the primary input power network, VIN, which is used to power the onboard regulators
and the majority of the onboard peripherals. No jumper is required to select the input power source. The board will automatically power on
while the Power Switch (SW8) is in the on position and power is present on any of the power inputs.
A power-good LED () (LD11), driven by the output of the 3.3 volt regulator (LMR10515), indicates that the board is receiving power and
that the on-board supplies are functioning as expected. An overview of the Basys MX3 power circuit is shown in Fig. 2.1.
The USB port(s) can deliver enough power for the vast majority of designs. However, a few demanding applications, including any that drive
multiple peripheral boards, may require more power than a USB port is capable of providing. In these instances an external power supply
can be used. Due to their high current demands motors and servos cannot be powered through either of the USB ports, and may only be
powered through an external supply.
An external power supply can be used by plugging into Power Jack J11. The supply must use a coaxial, center-positive 2.0 mm internaldiameter plug, and provide a voltage of 5 Volts DC (4.75 Volts minimum, 5.5 Volts maximum). The supply should provide a minimum
current of 2 amps if servos are to be used. Ideally, the supply should be capable of provide 20 Watts of power (5 Volts DC, 4 amps). Many
suitable supplies can be purchased from Digilent or other catalog vendors.
2. Power Supplies
7/30/2019 Basys MX3 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
The on-board Motor Driver (Texas Instruments DRV8835) may be powered by a 5 Volt supply connected to Power Jack J11 or by an
external supply (0 Volts to 11 Volts) connected to pins 1 and 2 of Terminal Block J5. Jumper JP1 is used to select which power source is
used by the Motor Driver.
Table 2.1. Power rail characteristics.
Supply Circuit Device
PIC32MX370, Pmods, and all on-board peripherals excluding the LCD ()
backlight, RGB LED (), IrDA LED (), Servos, and Motors
IC10: Texas
Onboard Microchip Programmer/Debugger IC11: Texas
Eight LEDs are provided, labeled LD0 – LD7 on the board (and LED0 – LED7 on the schematic), attached to eight digital IO pins.
Controlling the LEDs is done by basic access to an output IO pin. Read more details in the Digital Inputs and Outputs chapter.
Figure 3.1 shows the way the LEDs are electrically connected on the Basys MX3.
Table 3.1. LED () connectivity.
Label Schematic Name PIC32 Pin Description
3. User LEDs
3.1. Connectivity
7/30/2019 Basys MX3 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
Label Schematic Name PIC32 Pin Description
LD2 LED2 SCL2/RA2 Led 2
LD3 LED3 SDA2/RA3 Led 3
LD5 LED5 TDO/RA5 Led 5
All the pins must be defined as digital output (their corresponding TRIS bit must be set to 0):
TRISAbits.TRISA<0-7> = 0; // LED<0-7> configured as output
In order to turn an LED () on or off, turn the corresponding digital output pin high or low by writing 1 or 0 to the corresponding LATA
register bit.
LATAbits.LATA<0-7> = 1; // turn led on
LATAbits.LATA<0-7> = 0; // turn led off
Library functions for using the LEDs are contained in the Basys MX3 library pack, LED () library. However, the user can easily use the
LEDs without the LED () library, as presented above.
Eight switches are provided, labeled SW0 – SW7 on the board and in the schematic, attached to eight digital IO pins of the PIC32. Reading
the switches is done by basic access to an input IO pin. Read more details in Digital Inputs and Outputs chapter.
Figure 4.1 shows the way the switches are electrically connected on the Basys MX3.
3.2. Functionality
4. User Switches
7/30/2019 Basys MX3 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
Table 4.1. Switches connectivity.
Label Schematic Name PIC32 Pin Pin Shared With Description
SW0 SW0 RPF3/RF3 Switch 0
SW1 SW1 RPF5/PMA8/RF5 Switch 1
SW2 SW2 RPF4/PMA9/RF4 Switch 2
SW3 SW3 RPD15/RD15 Switch 3
SW4 SW4 RPD14/RD14 Switch 4
SW5 SW5 AN11/PMA12/RB11 Switch 5
SW7 SW7 AN9/RPB9/CTED4/RB9 TRIG_2 Switch 7
All the pins must be defined as digital input: their corresponding TRIS bit must be set to 1, and analog function must be disabled for pins
routed to SW5, SW6 and SW7.
TRISFbits.TRISF3 = 1; // RF3 (SW0) configured as input
TRISFbits.TRISF5 = 1; // RF5 (SW1) configured as input
TRISFbits.TRISF4 = 1; // RF4 (SW2) configured as input
TRISDbits.TRISD15 = 1; // RD15 (SW3) configured as input
TRISDbits.TRISD14 = 1; // RD14 (SW4) configured as input
TRISBbits.TRISB11 = 1; // RB11 (SW5) configured as input
ANSELBbits.ANSB11 = 0; // RB11 (SW5) disabled analog
TRISBbits.TRISB10 = 1; // RB10 (SW6) configured as input
ANSELBbits.ANSB10 = 0; // RB10 (SW6) disabled analog
TRISBbits.TRISB9 = 1; // RB9 (SW7) configured as input
ANSELBbits.ANSB9 = 0; // RB9 (SW7) disabled analog
In order to read the switches, the user needs to read the corresponding digital input pin. A value of 1 indicates the switch as being on (high)
or 0 indicates the switch as being off (low).
val = PORTFbits.RF3; // read SW0
val = PORTFbits.RF5; // read SW1
val = PORTFbits.RF4; // read SW2
val = PORTDbits.RD15; // read SW3
val = PORTDbits.RD14; // read SW4
val = PORTBbits.RB11; // read SW5
val = PORTBbits.RB10; // read SW6
val = PORTBbits.RB9; // read SW7
4.1. Connectivity
4.2. Functionality
7/30/2019 Basys MX3 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
Library functions for using the switches are contained in the Basys MX3 library pack, SWT library. However, the user can easily use the
switches without the SWT library, as presented above.
As shown in the connectivity table above, SW7 driving signal is shared with the TRIG_2 signal in 2×15 Pins Debug Header.
There are five buttons on the board, labeled BTNU, BTNL, BTNC, BTNR, BTND both on the board and in the schematic, attached to five
digital IO pins of PIC32. Reading the buttons is done by basic access to an input IO pin. Read more details in Digital Inputs and Outputs
Figure 5.1 shows the way the buttons are electrically connected on the Basys MX3.
Table 5.1. Button connectivity.
Label Schematic Name PIC32 Pin Pin Shared With Description
BTNC BTNC RPF0/PMD11/RF0 TRIG_1 Button center
BTNR BTNR AN8/RPB8/CTED10/RB8 S0_PWM Button right
BTND BTND RPA15/RA15 S1_PWM Button down
All the pins must be defined as digital input: their corresponding TRIS bit must be set to 1, and analog function must be disabled for pins
corresponding to BTNU, BTNL, BTNR, BTND.
4.3. Shared Pins
5. User Buttons
5.1. Connectivity