FFMMCC CCaarrrriieerr--SS6
RReeffeerreennccee MMaannuuaal
Revision: March 26, 2013
Note: This document applies to REV B of the board.
1300 Henley Court | Pullman, WA 99163
(509) 334 6306 Voice and Fax
SPI Flash (x4)
Basic I/O
LEDs, Btns, Swts
Clock 100MHz
Adept USB2
Config & data
The FMC Carrier-S6 circuit board is a
digital circuit development platform based
on a Xilinx Spartan-6 LX45 FPGA. The
large FPGA along with the high-pin count
FMC socket, 128MByte DDR2 on-board
memory, and compact PCB size make
this an ideal FMC Host controller board for
embedded processor designs based on
Xilinx’s MicroBlaze.
FMC Carrier-S6 is compatible with all
Xilinx CAD tools, including ChipScope,
EDK, and the free ISE WebPack™, so
designs can be completed at no extra
The Spartan-6 LX45 is optimized for highperformance logic and offers:
6,822 slices, each containing four 6-
input LUTs and eight flip-flops
2.1Mbits of fast block RAM
four clock tiles (eight DCMs & four
58 DSP slices
500MHz+ clock speeds
The FMC Carrier-S6 board includes
Digilent's Adept USB2 system, which
offers device programming and user-data
transfer facilities.
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FMC Carrier-S6 Reference Manual
Numonyx SPI
Flash (x4)
Adept USB Port
Load to enable
boot from ROM
Xilinx Spartan-6 LX45 FPGA, 324-pin BGA package
128Mbyte DDR2 with 16-bit wide data
on-board USB2 port for programming and data transfer
16Mbyte x4 SPI Flash for configuration and data storage
100MHz Oscillator
Over 120 GPIO signals available through FMC HPC
GPIO includes 2 LEDs, 2 buttons, and 2 slide switches
ships with 12V power supply and USB cable
After power-on, the
FPGA on the FMC
Carrier – S6 board must
be configured (or
programmed) before it
can perform any
functions. The FPGA
can be configured in two
ways: a USBconnected PC can
configure the board
using the JTAG port any
time power is on and a
configuration file stored
in the SPI Flash ROM
can be automatically
transferred to the FPGA
at power-on.
An on-board mode jumper (JP2) selects between JTAG/USB and ROM programming modes. If JP2 is
loaded, the FPGA will automatically configure itself from the ROM. If JP2 is not loaded, the FPGA will
remain idle after power-on until configured from the JTAG port.
Both Digilent and Xilinx freely distribute software that can be used to program the FPGA and the SPI
ROM. Programming files are stored within the FPGA in SRAM-based memory cells. This data defines
the FPGA’s logic functions and circuit connections, and it remains valid until it is erased by removing
power or asserting the PROG_B input, or until it is overwritten by a new configuration file.
FPGA configuration files transferred via the JTAG port use the .bit or .svf file types. Xilinx’s ISE
WebPack and EDK software can create .bit, .svf, .bin, or .mcs files from VHDL, Verilog, or schematicbased source files (EDK is used for MicroBlaze™ embedded processor-based designs).
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FMC Carrier-S6 Reference Manual
FMC Carrier - S6 VADJ Levels
FMC Carrier - S6 Power Supplies
FPGA I/O, USB ports, clocks, ROM
Adept and iMPACT USB Port
The Adept port is compatible with Xilinx's iMPACT programming software if the Digilent Plug-In for
Xilinx Tools is installed on the host PC (download it free from the Digilent website’s software section).
The plug-in automatically translates iMPACT-generated JTAG commands into formats compatible
with the Digilent USB port, providing a seamless programming experience without leaving the Xilinx
tool environment. Once the plug-in is installed, the "third party" programming option can be selected
from the iMPACT tools menu, and iMPACT will work as if a Xilinx programming cable were being
used. All Xilinx tools (iMPACT, ChipScope, EDK, etc.) can work with the plug-in, and they can be
used in conjunction with Adept tools.
Adept’s high-speed USB2 system can be used to program the FPGA and ROM and exchange
register-based and file-based data with the FPGA. The Adept application, an SDK, and reference
materials are freely downloadable from the Digilent website.
Power Supplies
The FMC Carrier - S6 board requires an external 12V, 5A or greater power source with a coax centerpositive 2.1mm internal-diameter plug (a suitable supply is provided as a part of the FMC Carrier - S6
kit). Voltage regulator circuits from Analog Devices create the required 3.3V, 1.8V, 1.23V and VADJ
supplies from the main 12V supply. The table below provides additional information, typical currents
depend strongly on FGPA configuration, and the values provided are typical of medium-size/speed
A power-good LED (LD3), driven by the wired-OR of all the power-good outputs on the supplies,
indicates that all supplies are operating within 10% of nominal.
The VADJ rail has to be enabled by logic implemented in the FPGA. To do this, set the SET_VADJ0
and SET_VADJ1 pins to indicate the desired voltage and drive VADJ_EN high. It is important to note
that FPGA banks 0 and 1 are unpowered whenever VADJ_EN is low. The table below outlines the
different voltages that may be selected:
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