PPmmooddAACCLL22™™ DDiiggiittaall AAcccceelleerroommeetteer
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Revision: November 9, 2012
Note: This document applies to REV A of the board
The PmodACL2 is a 3-axis digital
accelerometer module powered by the Analog
Devices ADXL362.
Features include:
• user-selectable resolution
• single or double-tap detection
• activity and inactivity monitoring
• free fall detection
• SPI Communication
Functional Description
The PmodACL2 uses a standard 12-pin
connector and can communicate via SPI.
While the ADXL362 is in Measurement Mode,
it continuously measures and stores
acceleration data in the X-data, Y-data, and Zdata registers.
Do not exceed 3.3V on the VCC power supply.
Exceeding this limit could permanently damage
the ADXL362.
All communications with the device must
specify a register address and a flag that
indicate whether the communication is a read
or a write. Actual data transfer always follows
the register address and communication flag.
Perform device configuration by writing to the
control registers within the accelerometer.
Access accelerometer data by reading the
device registers.
You may find a full list of registers, their
functionality, and communication specifications
in the ADXL362 datasheet available at:
Connector J1 – SPI Communications
Pin Signal Description
1 ~SS Slave select
2 MOSI SPI master out slave in data
3 MISO SPI master in slave out data
4 SCLK Serial clock
5 GND Power supply ground
6 VCC Power supply (3.3V)
7 INT2 Interrupt two
8 INT1 Interrupt one
9 NC Not connected
10 NC Not connected
11 GND Power supply ground
12 VCC Power supply (3.3V)
Table 1. Interface Connector Signal
The SPI standard uses four signal lines. These
are slave select (~SS), master out slave in
(MOSI), master in slave out (MISO), and serial
clock (SCLK). These four signal lines map to
the following signals on the ADXL345: ~SS
corresponds to the chip select signal
MOSI corresponds to serial data input (SDI),
MISO corresponds to serial data output (SDO),
and SCK corresponds to the serial clock
(SCLK). (See Table 1 for signal descriptions.)
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