Digilent 410-243P User Manual

Digilent PmodAD5™ Analog to Digital Voltage Converter
Revision: January 24, 2013 Note: This document applies to REV A of the board
The PmodAD5 is a high resolution analog-to­digital converter built around the Analog Devices AD7193 Sigma-Delta ADC.
Features include:
SPI communication interface
24-bit resolution
fast settling filter
conversion synchronization
five filter options
four differential analog inputs or eight
pseudo-differential inputs
two SMA connector inputs
Functional Description
The PmodAD5 has ten analog inputs that correspond to eight data lines. The two SMA female connectors route to inputs one and two, while eight standard female header pins route to inputs one through eight.
Customers can set the PmodAD5 into single or continuous conversion mode. The PmodAD5 powers up by default in continuous conversion mode. You can set the mode to start a conversion by either writing to the appropriate registers or on the rising edge of SYNC.
Note: Please see the AD7193 data sheet, available from www.analog.com, for more detailed information on controlling the A/D Converter.
Serial Interface
The PmodAD5 has a 4-wire SPI communication interface. (See Table 1 for signal descriptions.)
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Analog Inputs
The analog inputs (AIN) on the PmodAD5 are configurable as four differential inputs or as eight pseudo-differential inputs. AINCOM serves as a common reference for AIN channels 1 through 8 under the eight pseudo­differential input configuration setting.
When operating the PmodAD5 analog inputs as four differential inputs, the adjacent inputs correspond to positive and negative differential signals. For example, AIN1/ AIN2 represent one positive/negative differential pair and AIN3/AIN4 represent the second positive/negative differential pair.
Connectors J5 and J6 are SMA female analog inputs that correspond to AIN1 and AIN2 respectively.
Reference Supply and GPO
The PmodAD5 has a maximum of four general purpose output (GPO) signals. Operators can access these signals from headers J2 or J3. Please see Table 1 for signal descriptions.
GPO pins 1 and 0 also correspond to REFIN2+ and REFIN2-. These pins can be configured to supply the conversion/calibration reference voltage for the PmodAD5.
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PmodAD5 Reference Manual
The PmodAD5 uses the 2.5VDC reference present on REFIN1+ and REFIN2- by default.
Note: Please see the PmodAD5 schematic, available from www.digilentinc.com, for more detailed information on GPO and Reference Supply routing.
Setting the SYNC pin to a logic low puts the PmodAD5 in a standby state. Once you set the pin to logic high, the PmodAD5 will begin gathering samples. The conversion mode (either single or continuous) must be set previously.
Connector Pin # Pin Name Description
Bridge Power Down Switch
Operators can use the bridge power down switch to control external circuitry driving the analog inputs. Closing this “switch” internally ties the BPDSW signal to ground.
Analog Supply Voltage
Customers can connect an analog supply voltage at header J4, if JP1 remains open. You must keep this external voltage between 3.0V and 5.25V to avoid damaging your device.
J1-01 J1-02 J1-03 J1-04 J1-05
J2-01 J2-02 J2-03 J2-04 J2-05 J2-06 J2-07
J2-10 J2-11 J2-12 J3-01 J3-02 J3-03
J4-02 J5 J6
CS SPI Chip Select. Connect to host ~SS DIN SPI Data In. Connect to host SDO DOUT/RDY SPI Data Out. Connect to host SDI SCLK SPI Clock. Connect to host SCK GND Ground DVDD Digital Vdd AIN1 Analog Input 1 AIN2 Analog Input 1 AIN3 Analog Input 1 AIN4 Analog Input 1 AIN5 Analog Input 1 AIN6 Analog Input 1 AIN7 Analog Input 1 AIN8 Analog Input 1
Analog Input Common, used for
pseudo differential signaling with AIN8:1 REFIN2+/P1 Positive Reference Input/GPO1. REFIN2-/P0 Negative Reference Input/GP0. BPDSW Bridge Power Down Switch. SYNC Synchronization control P2 GPO2 P3 GPO3 AVDD Analog Vdd GND Ground AIN1 SMA input 1 AIN2 SMA input 2
Table 1. Connector Pinout Tables
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