Digilent 410-237P User Manual

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Revision: September 06, 2012 Note: This document applies to REV A of the board.
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The PmodGPS can add satellite positioning accuracy to any embedded system. The PmodGPS features a GlobalTop Gms-u1LP GPS antenna module that utilizes the MediaTek GPS MT3329.
Functional Description
The PmodGPS uses a standard 6-pin connector and communicates via a 2-wire Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART.) The PmodGPS also has a 2-pin connector for control of the NRST pin to the module and the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime services, or RTCM pin for Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) data using RTCM protocols.
Note: The PmodGPS arrives with the RTCM feature inactive, to enable RTCM capabilities users should contact GlobalTop at: www.gtop-
The PmodGPS uses UART protocol for data transmission and reception. The interface operates at a default baud rate of 9.6 kBd, 8 data bits, no parity, and with single stop bits. However, users can change the baud rate to predefined values that range from 4.8 kBd to
115.2 kBd. The reset pin (NRST) on J2 allows normal
operation in active low. If users toggle the NRST pin it will completely reset the module. This reset performs similar to a power cycling of the device. The 1 PPS pin on J1 provides a one pulse-per-second output synchronized with GPS time. (See the timing diagram in figure one)
Features include:
Integrated ceramic GPS antenna Standard UART interface Input voltage: 3V – 3.6V A 10Hz maximum update rate (1Hz Default
3m 2D accuracy without aid Low power consumption (24mA tracking
and 30mA during acquisition)
Ultra-high sensitivity: -165dBm A 515m/s maximum velocity and 18,000m
maximum altitude
Auto switchover to external antenna 12.5mm coin cell retainer for battery
backup of GPS, RTCC, and almanac
The 3DF pin on J1 indicates the status of the
user’s positional fix. When the module has a
constant fix (2D or 3D) this pin stays low, if the module is unable to get a fix then the pin will toggle every second. (See figure two) LD1 also follows this same behavior pattern in order to give the user a visual representation.
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PmodGPS Reference Manual
Figure 1:
1PPS Pin Timing Diagram
Figure 2:
3DF Pin output without a fix
The PmodGPS also comes equipped with a coin cell retainer for a 12.5 mm coin cell battery. Users can significantly reduce the amount of time that it takes to acquire the first positional fix by installing a 3V coin cell battery. With the battery installed the module can also perform a hot start or a warm start instead of cold starting where users have to supply power to the VCC.
Note: The ground square solder pad of the coin cell retainer may develop an oxide build up that will keep the battery from making a good connection. Users should simply scuff up the square solder pad inside J3 to remove any buildup. Oxide buildup may also occur if there has not been a battery in the retainer for a while.
A cold start takes one or two minutes while outside in good conditions, and can take several minutes more if conditions are worse or the module is indoors. A hot start takes three to five seconds and a warm start varies depending on how long the module has sat unpowered. Users can hot start the PmodGPS only if it has acquired a fix within approximately the last two hours and with accessible backup
power (coin cell battery) connected to the coin cell retainer. A warm start occurs when the battery is connected but the module has been without power for more than two hours.
Users may utilize an external antenna at their discretion by installing a Linx Technologies Inc. CONSMA 003.062 module on header J4. The antenna can speed up acquisition of GPS signal in some conditions, especially if the antenna is outdoors and the module is indoors.
The PmodGPS uses sentences based on National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) protocols for data output. Each NMEA message begins with a ($) dollar sign. The next five characters are the talker ID and the arrival alarm. The PmodGPS talker ID is GP and the arrival alarm is the specific sentence output descriptor. Individual comma separated data fields follow these five characters. After the data fields there is an asterisk followed by a checksum. Each sentence should end with <CR><LF>. For example output sentences refer to tables two through six at the end of this manual.
User may configure some of the PmodGPS characteristics by writing command packets to the module. However, these functions are more advanced and not all of the command packets are openly distributed. Users may change the baud rate to 38.4kBd (minimum baud for 10Hz data acquisition) by issuing the following command over the UART:
“$PMTK251,38400*27<CR><LF>” The “*27” corresponds to a checksum, if users
want to substitute a different baud rate, then they must calculate a new checksum using GlobalTop’s Checksum Tool. The command for changing the data acquisition from 1Hz to 10Hz is:
“$PMTK226,3,30*4<CR><LF>” The same checksum process for changing the
baud rate applies to this change too. Contact GlobalTop for more information on the individual command packets, their complete
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