RReeffeerreennccee MMaannuuaal
Revision: August 30, 2011
Note: This document applies to REV A of the board.
The PmodUSBUART module provides a USB
to UART interface powered by the FTDI
FT232RQ. This Pmod is designed to be a
direct replacement for the PmodRS232 and
serial-to-USB cable combination.
Features include:
• USB to serial UART interface
• option to power the system board
through the FTDI chip
Functional Description
The PmodUSBUART uses the standard 6-pin
connector to connect to the host device and a
micro USB connector to connect to a PC or
other USB-capable device. The FTDI chip then
converts the signal from UART to USB and
The UART connector allows UART
communications to go from the FTDI chip to
the connected board. Note that the
PmodUSBUART uses the new Digilent UART
pin configuration and requires the UART
Crossover cable in order to use older boards.
To see what configuration your board has, see
your board’s page at http://digilentinc.com.
1300 NE Henley Court, Suite 3
Pullman, WA 99163
(509) 334 6306 Voice | (509) 334 6300 Fax
SYS3V3 Select (Header JP1)
The board attached to the PmodUSBUART
can have its 3.3V rail powered by the header
JP1. If jumper JP1 is set to SYS, then the
SYS3V3 pin is powered by the VCC outputted
by the FTDI chip. If the board attached to the
PmodUSBUART is powered on its own, the
jumper should be set to LCL.
There are two LED indicators on the
PmodUSBUART. LD1 indicates a data
transfer from the micro-USB connector (J1) to
the UART connector (J2). LD2 indicates a
data transfer from the UART connector (J2) to
the micro-USB connector (J1).
Connector J2 – UART Communications
Pin Signal Description
1 RTS Ready to Send
2 RXD Receive
3 TXD Transmit
4 CTS Clear to Send
5 GND Ground
6 SYS3V3 Power Supply (3.3V)
Doc: 502-212 page 1 of 1
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