Digilent 410-209P User Manual REV.D

1300 Henley Court
Pullman, WA 99163
Revised December 29, 2014 This manual applies to the chipKIT Uno32 rev. D
DOC#: 502-209
Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The chipKIT Uno32 board.
Microchip PIC32MX320F128H
microcontroller (80 MHz 32-bit MIPS, 128K Flash, 16K SRAM)
compatible with many existing Arduino
code samples and other resources
Arduino Uno form factor compatible with many Arduino shields 43 available I/O pins two user LEDs PC connection uses a USB A > mini B cable
(not included)
12 analog inputs 3.3V operating voltage 80 MHz operating frequency 75mA typical operating current 7V to 15V input voltage (recommended) 20V input voltage (maximum) 0V to 3.3V analog input voltage range +/-18mA DC current per pin
Features include:
The chipKIT Uno32 is based on the popular Arduino™ open-source hardware prototyping platform and adds the performance of the Microchip® PIC32 microcontroller. The Uno32 is easy to use and suitable for both beginners and advanced users experimenting with electronics and embedded control systems. The Uno32 is the same form factor as the Arduino Uno board and is compatible with Arduino shields. It features a USB serial port interface for connection to the IDE and can be powered via USB or an external power supply. The Uno32 board takes advantage of the powerful PIC32MX320F128 microcontroller, which features a 32-bit MIPS processor core running at 80 MHz, 128K of flash program memory, and 16K of SRAM data memory.
The Uno32 can be programmed using the Multi-Platform Integrated Development Environment (MPIDE), an environment based on the original Arduino IDE modified to support PIC32. It contains everything needed to start developing embedded applications. In addition, the Uno32 is fully compatible with the advanced Microchip MPLAB® IDE and the PICkit 3 in-system programmer/debugger.
It also has 43 available I/O pins that support a number of peripheral functions, such as UART, SPI, I2C ports, and pulse width modulated outputs. Twelve of the I/O pins can be used as analog inputs or as digital inputs and outputs.
chipKIT™ Uno32™ Board Reference Manual
Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.
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1 chipKIT Uno32 Hardware Overview
The Uno32 has the following hardware features:
Figure 1. The chipKIT Uno32 with hardware callouts.
1. USB Connector for USB Serial Converter
This connects to a USB port on the PC to provide the communications port for the MPIDE to talk to the Uno32 board. This can also be used to power the Uno32 board when connected to the PC.
2. JP3 – Microchip Debug Tool Connector
This connector is used to connect Microchip programmer/debugger tools, such as the PICkit 3. This allows the Uno32 board to be used as a traditional microcontroller development board using the Microchip MPLAB IDE.
3. J4 – External Power Connector
This is a 5.5mm x 2.1mm barrel connector used to power the Uno32 board from an external power supply. It is wired with the center terminal as the positive supply voltage. The power supply voltage must be in the range 7V to 15V.
chipKIT™ Uno32™ Board Reference Manual
Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.
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4. Power Supply – 3.3V Regulator
Voltage regulator for the 3.3V power supply. This power supply can provide up to 500mA of current.
5. JP2 – Power Select Jumper
This jumper is used to route power from the external power connector through the on-board 5V voltage regulator or to bypass the 5V regulator. The REG position routes power through the 5V regulator. The BYP position bypasses the on-board 5V regulator. With this jumper in the BYP position, the maximum input voltage that can be applied at the external power connector is 6V.
6. Power Supply – 5V Regulator
This on-board 5V voltage regulator regulates the input voltage applied at the external power connector to 5V. This is used to power the 3.3V regulator and to provide 5V power to expansion shields. This regulator can provide up to 800mA of current.
7. J2 – Shield Power Connector
This connector provides power to I/O expansion shields connected to the board.
8. PIC32 Microcontroller
The PIC32MX320F128H microcontroller is the main processor for the board.
9. J7 – Analog Signal Connector
This connector provides access to analog/digital I/O pins on the microcontroller.
10. JP6/JP8 – A4/A5 Signal Select Jumpers
These jumpers are used to switch pins 9 and 11 on connector J7 between analog inputs A4 and A5 or the I2C signals SDA and SCL.
11. J8 – SPI Signal Connector
This connector provides alternative access to the SPI signals. This is used by some shields for access to the SPI bus.
12. JP5/JP7 – SPI Master/Slave Select Jumpers
These jumpers are used to switch the SPI signals for use of the Uno32 board as an SPI master device or as an SPI slave device. Both jumpers should be switched together. Place the shorting blocks in the MASTER position for master operation and in the SLAVE position for slave operation. Normally, these jumpers are in the MASTER position.
13. User LEDs
Two LEDs connected to digital signal pins 13 and 43.
14. J6 – Digital Signal Connector
This connector provides access to digital I/O pins on the microcontroller.
15. JP4 – Pin 10 Signal Select Jumper
This jumper is used to switch connector J5 pin 5 (digital signal 10) between pulse width modulator (PWM) operation and SPI operation. The jumper is placed in the RD4 position for PWM output and in the RG9 position for SPI slave operation. The shorting block on this jumper will normally be in the RD4
chipKIT™ Uno32™ Board Reference Manual
Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.
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position. The only time it normally needs to be in the RG9 is when using the Uno32 board as an SPI slave device.
16. J5 – Digital Signal Connector
This connector provides access to digital I/O pins on the microcontroller.
17. J11 – I
Dedicated I2C signals. These pins are independent of the settings of jumpers JP6 and JP8. However, if JP6 and JP8 are in the RG3 and RG2 position, the I2C signals will be tied to pins A4 and A5 on J7.
18. Communications Status LEDs
These LEDs indicate activity on the USB serial interface.
19. Reset Button
This button can be used to reset the microcontroller, restarting operation from the boot loader.
2 chipKIT Uno32 Jumper Settings
The chipKIT development platforms use a Microchip PIC32 microcontroller. These are 32-bit products that bring unprecedented features to the Arduino community. In order to maintain compatibility with existing hardware and software, additional jumpers and row headers are provided. This document describes the functionality of the jumpers listed in Fig. 2 below.
Figure 2. chipKIT Uno32 jumpers.
chipKIT™ Uno32™ Board Reference Manual
Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.
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POWER SELECT: Used to connect/bypass the on-board 5V regulator when using an
external power supply connected to J4.
J4 supply is regulated (i.e., 5V will be present on 5V pin).
J4 supply bypasses regulator (i.e., Supply voltage will be present on 5V pin).
Note: To protect the PIC32 MCU, a 3.3V on-board regulator will always be enabled regardless of JP2 settings. Note: If you're not sure what POWER SELECT does, be safe and keep JP2 on the two right­most pins so the J4 supply is regulated.
PWM/SPI SLAVE: Configures pin 10 on J5 to be used as a PWM output or a Slave Select
input for use as an SPI slave device.
Pin 10 configured as an SPI SS input
Pin 10 configured as a PWM output
SPI SELECT: Used to configure the chipKIT as either a Master or Slave when using the SPI.
The chipKIT board can be connected to another device or even another chipKIT through the SPI connector (J8).
chipKIT configured as an SPI master.
chipKIT configured as an SPI Slave
I2C/ANALOG PIN SELECT: Used to configure A4 and A5 for functionality as an analog input
or to be used as I2C communication pins.
A4 and A5 on J7 are configured to be used
as analog inputs.
A4 and A5 are configured to be used as I2C
communication lines (A4 – SDA, A5 – SCL ).
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