DDiiggiilleenntt PPmmoodd88LLDD™
RReeffeerreennccee MMaannuuaal
Revision: June 3, 2009
The Pmod8LD has eight high-bright LEDs that
are driven by logic-level transistors so each
LED can be illuminated with a logic high signal
that provides less than 1mA of current.
Features include:
• eight high bright green LEDs
• a 12-pin system connector
• a transistor amplifier system that allows
low-power logic-level control
• small form factor (0.80” x 1.10”).
215 E Main Suite D | Pullman, WA 99163
(509) 334 6306 Voice and Fax
Functional Description
Each LED can be activated separately or
simultaneously. To activate an LED, the pin
connected to the LED must receive about 1mA
of current.
The LED module has a 12-pin header for easy
connection to a Digilent system board. For
some boards, using a 6-pin cable for
connection may be preferable, especially with
6-pin headers.
For older boards, a Digilent Modular Interface
Board (MIB) and a 6-pin cable may be needed.
The MIB plugs into the system board, and the
cable connects the MIB to the LED module.
For more information see www.digilentinc.com.
Doc: 502-163 page 1 of 1
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