Digilent 410-065P User Manual

DDiiggiilleenntt PPmmooddCCOONN11™™ MMoodduullee
BBooaarrdd RReeffeerreennccee MMaannuuaall
Revision: 4/12/05
The Digilent PmodCON1Module Board (the CON1™) is designed for use with a Digilent system board and conveys I/O signals between six screw terminals and a 6-pin header connection. Two of the terminals can be used to provide power from an outside source, and the other four can be used for data signals.
The CON1 can be easily attached to a Digilent system board using a Digilent Modular Interface Board (MIB) and a six-pin cable. Signals from an outside device can be attached to the CON1 using the screw terminals.
Features include:
a 6-pin header
six screw terminals
small form factor (1.10” x 0.80”).
Functional Description
The CON1 allows input and output to travel between screw terminals and a 6-pin header.
Each pin has a corresponding screw terminal. There is a terminal for ground, one for voltage, and the remaining four can be used to connect to outside devices.
The CON1 has a 6-pin header for easy connection to a Digilent system board. Some system boards, like the Digilent Pegasus board, have a 6-pin header that can connect to the CON1 with a 6-pin cable. To connect the CON1 to other Digilent system boards, a Digilent Modular Interface Board (MIB) and a 6-pin cable may be needed. The MIB plugs into the system board, and the cable connects the MIB to the CON1.
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J1 Connection
CON1 Circui t D iagram
For more information see www.digilentinc.com
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