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Revision: December 6, 2011
The Analog to Digital Module Converter Board
(the AD1™) converts signals at a maximum
sampling rate of one million samples per
second, fast enough for the most demanding
audio applications.
The AD1 uses a 6-pin header connector, and
at less than one square inch is small enough to
be located at the signal source.
Features include:
• two AD7476A 12-bit A/D converter
• a 6-pin header connector
• a 6-pin connector
• two 2-pole Sallen-Key anti-alias filters
• two simultaneous A/D conversion
channels at up to one MSa per channel
• very low power consumption
• small form factor (0.95” x 0.80”).
Functional Description
The AD1 converts an analog input signal
ranging from 0-3.3 volts to a 12-bit digital value
in the range 0 to 4095.
The AD1 has two simultaneous A/D conversion
channels, each with a 12-bit converter and
filter. Each channel can sample a separate
stream of analog signals. The AD1 can also
convert a single stream of analog signals using
only one channel.
Each channel has two 2-pole Sallen-Key antialias filters with poles set to 500 KHz. The
filters limit the analog signal bandwidth to a
P1: CS
P2: Data1
P3: Data 2
P4: Clk
J1 Connector
P6: Vcc
frequency range suitable to the sample rate of
the converter.
The AD1 uses the SPI/MICROWIRE™ serial
bus standard to send converted data to the
host system. The serial bus can run at up to 20
The AD1 has a 6-pin header and a 6-pin
connector for easy connection to a Digilent
system board or other Digilent products.
www. d i g i l e n t i n c . c om
215 E Main Suite D | Pullman, WA 99163
(509) 334 6306 Voice and Fax
AD1 Circuit Diagram
J2 Connector
Doc: 502-064 page 1 of 2
Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Digilent AD1 Reference Manual Digilent, Inc.
The AD1 can be powered by voltage from
either a Digilent system board or an outside
device. Damage can result if power is supplied
from both sources or if the outside device
supplies more than 3V.
For more information, see
For more information about the AD7476A 12bit converter chip, refer to the corresponding
ADI data sheet at www.analog.com/AD7476A.
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Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.