Digidoor Paratrak Installation Instructions Manual

A Unique Concept in Roll-up Door Automation
Intended Use
The Paratra k is intended for the automat ion of the Digi Roll-up Door, and may be adapte d to other makes of ro ll-up door s by means of Adapter Kit s. Typically, a roll-up door w eighs about 30 kg.
The width of a rol l-up door may var y from 2,44 m to 3 m, and the height from 2,135 m to 3 m.
Longer Driv e Shafts an d Chain Kits a re available for w ider and/or higher doors.
If needed, (e.g. to avoi d a tow-bar on a vehicle in a shor t garage) the Paratrak may be m ounted off-centre. Thi s is possible, and the longer Drive Shaf ts are required.
Paratrak Installation Instructions on Digi Roll-up Doors
Prior to automat ing the roll-u p door, inspect the door wit h a view to ensuring satisfactory manual operation; it is a mistake to imag ine that automation will overcome the faults of a mal-functioning door.
The operator will interpret excessive resistance to door movement, due to poor alig nment, balanc e, snagging or exce ssive wear an d tear of working s urface s as an obstac le thereby prev enting reliabl e movement of the d oor. Eliminate all hin drances to fr ee and smooth door operation.
Check that th e side-guides are fr ee of grease, dirt and den ts; and are secure, ver tical and straigh t.
Check that th e triangular s upport br ackets are se cure and level. T he springs ins ide the door roll shou ld have a light coating of grea se.
The door shou ld operate sm oothly and eas ily using one han d, and remain stati onary whe n left at any poi nt of travel. Adju st the spri ng force if neces sary (refer to the do or installation in structions).
Remove or d isable any unn ecessar y equipment o r fi ttings, not ne eded for automated o peration. If fi tted, leave the centre lo ck un-locked.
Important Safety Instructions. Follow al l instruc tions care fully, as incorrec t installation coul d lead to severe injury. It is im portant for the safety of pe rsons to follow all instr uctions. Save these in structions for future reference.
Do not allow child ren to play with door con trols
Automated doo rs should only be ope rated whilst in full v iew
Take care when operating th e manual release since an open d oor
may fall rapidl y due to weak or broken spr ings, or mal-adjus tment
Freque ntly examine t he installa tion for signs of w ear or damage,
in particular, that tracks and mountings are secure, and that the balance of the s prings is correc tly adjusted
For use of th e manual release, re fer to the secti on Manual Opera tion
on page 11
During mainte nance or adjustme nt, disconnect t he mains supply
This a ppliance is not i ntended for us e by persons ( including
children) wit h reduced phys ical, sensor y or mental capabilitie s, or lack of exper ience and know ledge, unles s they have been g iven supervi sion or inst ruction co ncerning us e of the applian ce by a person res ponsible for their sa fety.
Permanently fi x labels warning agai nst entrapment in a p rominent place or near any fi xed controls.
After ins tallation, ensure that t he mechanism is prope rly adjusted and reverses wh en closing upo n an obstacl e, 40mm high, pl aced on the
fl oor.
The drive mus t not be used on a roll-up door in corporat ing a wicket door (unles s the roll-up door cann ot be operated if the wick et door is closed ).
After ins tallation, en sure that par ts of the door d o not extend ove r public foot pat hs or roads.
Contents of the Package
The Paratra k Operator co nsists of a c arton and a se t of two shaf ts, which may be cho sen for standard or s pecial door width s.
The carton c ontains:
Recommended Tools and Equipment for this installation
An Instruction pamphlet
The Paratra k Drive Unit
Battery B ox assembly, with a Control ler and two 12V Batteries
Hardwar e Pack with nuts an d bolts
24V Power Adapter
Two Sprocket assemblies
Four Bearing Br ackets
Grease Sachet
Junction Box
Curly Cable
Two lengths of roller-chain
eKey Remote
Battery c able with plug
White Jumper w ire
500 mm of twin-fl ex
• Electric D rill (with hammer ac tion)
• Drill Bits Masonry: 5.5 mm, 8 mm Steel: 3.5 m m, 4 mm, 6 mm, 7 mm
• Tape Measure – 5 m
• Hammer
• Hacksaw
• File
• Allen Key 3 mm
• Scr ewdriver 6 mm (Philips/Pozi)
• Spanners Sockets: 10 mm Flat/Ring: 7 m m
• Spirit Level
• Step Ladder – 1,7 to 2 m high
• Extensio n Lead to suit
It is assumed th at the proper conditio n and
balance of the d oor has been achieved.
Step 1
Insertin g the chains into the Spr ocket Covers, lef t and right
Insert the fi rst link (the o ne withou t
the anchor pin) o f one of the chain bundles into t he opening of th e shorter si de of a Sprocket C over assembly. Pus h the chain thro ugh, link-by-link , until it emerg es at the other side. Pull t he chain abou t halfway th rough the ass embly. Repeat for the ot her chain bun dle and Sprocket C over assemb ly. See Figu re 1.
Step 2
Fixing the C hain Anchor to the fl oor, left and righ t
Starting on t he left side, mark out the d rilling dimensions as in F igure 2. Using a Ø8 mm masonry bit, dri ll each hole as indicated to a de pth of at
least 65 mm, and fi t two Ø8 x63 Screw Plugs. Please refer to the following
tips. Note: t he box has a drilling temp late for ease of use. TIPS
1. Ac curacy is i mportan t! Before drillin g, extend the c entre-lin es well beyond the hole-positions.
2. Start eac h hole with the d rill set to norma l (no hammer) and, w hile focusing on ac curacy, dril l initially to a de pth of about 5m m before changing the d rill to hammer.
3. To avoid snap ping screws inser ted in the fl oor; after drilli ng each hole,
leave the mound s of dust. Insert the t ips of the screw-plugs pa rt-way into the holes, a nd then brus h away the moun ds of dust. Dr ive the
plugs in fl ush. Apply a lick of greas e to the bolt threads b efore fi tt ing.
Figure 1
Figure 2 Left Si de. Mirror for the Rig ht side.
Step 6
Connecting the Cables
Flex the side cli ps and remove the Li ght Cover from the f ront of the Batte ry Box. Set the cove r aside until later.
Place the two b atteries in the Bat tery Box with the term inals of each near the middle.
As in Figure 8, co nnect the Black batter y wire to the left Black ter minal, and the Red bat tery wire to the right Red ter minal. Leave the 3-Pin plug from the bat teries un-plugged at th is stage. Connect the W hite Jumper wire from the le ft Red termin al to the right Bla ck terminal. In sert the
matching plugs fro m the Par atrak into the so ckets, fi rst and fourth f rom
the right of the C ontroller. See Figure 9.
At this stage, c heck that the do or is neutrally b alanced. If nece ssary, adjus t the spring fo rce to balance the door.
Step 7
Cutting the Shafts to length
Starting on t he left side, move the Sp rocket Cover assembly to t he same level as the bot tom rail. Note the size of the gap be tween the Sprocket Cover and the sid e guide (see Figure 10). In sert the formed e nd of a Shaft into the hub of th e sprocket ins ide the Sproc ket Cover Ass embly and, while maintai ning the gap, hold the Shaft h orizontally so that it overl aps the hub of the Par atrak, and ma rk the Shaf t opposite th e centre of the nearest hub s crew (see Figure 11).
Cut t he Shaf t at th at mar k and de -bur r the sh arp ed ge wit h a fi le . Slide two
Bearing Brac kets onto the shaf t, clip them int o the bottom rail (a s in Figure
12) and push the end of t he shaft into the Ou tput Shaft.
Figure 3
Step 3
Securing the Chain to the triangular support bracket
Again, star ting on the lef t side, mark the drilling posi tion on the upp er
fl ange of the triangular support brac ket as in Figure 4. Centre-punch and
drill a Ø4.5 mm hole.
Refer to Figure 5. N ear the top end of the chain, c hoose a chain link such that, when an M4 S ocket Head Cap Screw i s pushed through tha t link and through the Ø 4.5 mm hole in the tri angular suppor t bracket, a washe r and
an M4 Ny lok Nut c an be fi tte d, leavi ng suffi cient th read on t he bolt s o that
the chain may be te nsioned. For n ow, take up the slac k. Repeat for th e right side.
Step 4
Mounting th e Paratrak and the Bat tery Box
With the foot of t he door opened to wais t height, measure and mark the horizontal mi d-point of t he door just ab ove the botto m rail. Position th e Paratrak uni t with its ou tput stage c entred on the mid-p oint of the door, and its unde rside touch ing the aluminium b ottom rail.
Drill through the upper-right mounting bus h with a Ø6 mm bit.
Reach under th e bottom rail and push an M6 Cup Square Bolt through t he hole and the
mounting bush, and fi t an M6 nut, fi nger-tig ht. Now, with the Ø6 mm bit,
drill throug h the remaining three mo unting bushes. Remov e the unit from
the doo r and enla rge all the holes wi th a Ø7 mm bit. Refi t the unit u sing
four M6 Cup Squ are Bolts and M6 N uts, tighte ning them with a 10 mm
socket nut-d river until the head s are fl ush on the outside.
Step 5
Battery Box
Hold the Batt ery Box (witho ut batteries) against the door to the left of t he Paratrak with its fee t standing on t he bottom rail, w ith a 30 mm gap betwee n the two.
In this positi on and on the right of the box , drill through the mounting b ush that best suits the co rrugation o f the door with a Ø6 mm bit. A s
above, fi t an M6 Cup Square Bolt and nut, fi nger-tight. Drill thro ugh the
correspon ding mounting bush on the lef t. Remove the Box and enlarge the holes wit h a Ø7 mm bit. Secure t he Box with two M6 Cup S quare Bolts and nuts, tig htening them with a 10 mm socket nut-driver u ntil the heads
are fl u sh on the outside.
Figure 4 Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10 Fig ur e 11
The Paratrak dr ives the door symme trically by
means of chain s and sprockets , applying the
force symmetr ically to bot h ends of the bott om
rail, ensuri ng smooth and even op eration.
Optional r eceiver
Curly cord
Motor socket
Auto close l ink Button Force adjustment Beam link
Beam link
A video is
availabl e on our
website to as sist
you with thi s
As in Figure 3, e ngage the pin at the e nd of the chain in the ‘ V’ of the Chain Anchor. Ensuri ng that the chain is b etween the wal l and the sprocket i n the
cover, place the C hain Anchor over t he screw plugs an d fi t two Ø6 Coach
Bolts with B ody Washers. At this stage, l eave the bolts loose enoug h to allow the Chain A nchor to move (‘Float’ ) freely. Repeat for the ri ght side.
Figu re 12
Sprocket ho using
Outer bear ing
Inner bear ing
Left drive
assembly bracket
assembly shaft
Left Hand
Dimensio n ‘B’ may vary from
18-22m m
Dimensio n ‘A’ may vary from 22-25mm
Roll-up Door
Top Vi ew
Front Wall
Top Chain Fixing
and Tensioner
Drive Shaft
Sprocket Housing
Chain Anchor
right side
Bearing Bracket
2 each side
Paratrak Unit
mounted to the d oor
S t ep 11
Switch on the Powe r Pack at the 3-Pin Main s Socket. Referring to Fig ure 9, plug the 3-Pin p lug from the bat teries into t he
socket, second from the right on the Controller. The lights wil l fl ash and the beeper will sound, and the LED on the Controller will fl ash orange. (If
the LED shows g reen, a ‘Reset’ is requ ired; see Reset on page 11).
• Ensure that the Limi t Slide is in the u pper-most po sition. Refer to Fig ure 17
• Move the Manual O ver-ride Lever fully a nti-clockwi se
• Press the but ton on the Controlle r and the LED will show red
• By hand, move the door to the closed po sition against th e fl oor
• Move the Manual O ver-ride Lever fully c lockwise
• Dep ress the Lim it Slide But ton and move the Li mit Slide slowl y downwards , until the LED on the Co ntroller change s from red to green. Release the Li mit Slide Button.
Keep clear dur ing this phase.
Press the but ton on the Controller (see Figure 9). The Paratra k will slowly open the door in ‘seek ’ mode until the fully ope n position is reached. The Pa ratrack wil l then close, s topping on the
fl oor.
The Controll er will beep twice and th e LED will
double-fl ash orange.
St ep 12
Adding the eKey Remote
Pre ss the b utto n on the C ontro ller and the LED will fl as h oran ge. Wit hin 3 0
seconds, pre ss the chosen butto n on the eKey Remote, causing the L ED to turn off. Pre ss the same button o n the eKey Remote again and t he LED
will fl ash and the Beeper will sound fou r times. The eKey Remote is ready
to use. Note: For sec urity reas ons, adding re motes require s the door to be fully clos ed.
For addition al eKey Remotes, repeat Ste p 12.
If, for any reason, the Se t-up procedure above nee ds to be repeated, fi rst
reset as follow s: From the Contro ller, un-plug the Teleco m plug (Curly co rd) and the
Battery p lug. Push and hold the but ton on the Controller while i nserting
the Bat tery plug. T he Lights will fl as h and the Beeper will s ound and th e LED will fl ash orange. C ontinue Set-up (Step 11).
St ep 13
Adjusting Obstacle Sensing
Importa nt (For safety reasons, p erform this check t wice a year.)
Referring to Fig ure 9, set the ‘FORCE’ adj uster mid- way. Using the eKey Remote, open the d oor. Start the door clos ing and, while standi ng to the left or righ t of the Paratrak, obst ruct the door by hand. Th e door should sense the obs truct ion and reverse. I f the force seem s too high or low, make a slight cha nge on the ‘FORCE’ adjuster (cl ock-wise for more), and test again.
Step 8
Securing t he Shaft to the Motor
Important! With th e door open to slig htly above wai st level (for a comforta ble working height ), check that the foot of t he door is level.
Move the Manual O ver-ride Lever a nti-cloc kwise and t urn the Out put Shaft by hand u ntil the holes a re horizonta l, as in Figure 13. Re-e ngage the motor by movin g the Manual Ove r-ride Lever cl ockwise to l ock the Output Shaf t in place.
Important! Check that th e gap betwe en the Sprocke t Cover and the side guide is c orrect (Fi gure 10). Using a sha rp Ø4 mm bit, carefully drill through the ho le in the Output Sha ft with atten tion being paid to keepi ng central, level a nd square. Push an M4x 20 Socket Head Cap Sc rew through the hole just d rilled.
Repeat ‘Cut ting’ and ‘Securing the Sha ft’ for the right side (Ste ps 7 and
8), remembering to slide the two B earing Brackets ont o the other Shaft. Release the moto r by means of
the Manual Ove r-ride Lever, lif t the door until t he tips of the M4
screws come into view and fi t
M4 Nylok Nuts . Lower the door until the Head s of the M4 screws come into view. Tig hten the M4 screws and nu ts with a 7 mm spanner and a 3 mm Allen key.
Step 9
Securing the Bearing Brackets
(For a D igi-Roll-up: If fi tte d, remove the red Foot Stop s from the bottom
On the left side, position the left edge of th e Bearing B racket fl ush wit h
the end of the alu minium Bottom Rail. Using a Ø3. 5 mm bit, dr ill through
the mounting bushes in the Bearing Bracket and fi t two #8x25 mm S elf
Tapping Screws. Li kewise, mount the next B earing Bracket 60 0 mm to t he
right of t he fi rs t. Repeat the a bove for mountin g the Bearing B rackets on
the right side. S nip a corner off of the gr ease sachet and apply g rease to the shaft s where they are visib le in each bracket, as w ell as the undersid e.
Tensioning the Chains
Release the moto r by means of the Manual Ove r-ride Lever and, by hand, close the doo r fully. Now tighte n the Ø6 mm C oach Bolts i n the Chain Anchors, left and right.
Using a 3 mm Allen Key and a 7 mm spanner, tighten the M4 Nylo k Nut above the tria ngular suppo rt bracke t, to tension the c hains so that n o
slack is evid ent and both chains fe els fi rm. Ref er to Figure 5.
St e p 10
Mounting th e Power Pack and Junction Box
Remove the dus t-cover from the Ju nction Box. De pending on the posi tion of the nearest m ains 3-pin power socke t, choose a front or side wall . On
that wall, u sing the #4 screws and Ø 5.5 mm p lugs su pplied, mount th e Junction Box as in Figure 14, 1.1 m from the fl oor and 100 mm from the side
guide of the do or.
Take care to avoid damagi ng the wires in the Junc tion Box.
Plug the Power Pack in to the 3-Pin Mains S ocket; do not switc h on yet. Use
the t win-fl ex cable to connect the Power Pack to the Junc tion Box as in
Figure 15, making u se of the Yellow and Blue terminals , marked ‘AC 24V’. (Note: depend ing on the position of the pow er point, a longer length of
twi n-fl ex may be r equir ed). S ecur e the ca ble to t he wall by mean s of cab le-
saddles. Fi t the dust-cover to the Ju nction Box. Plug the sh ort end of the curly cord int o the Junction Box.
As in Figure 16, at tach the beginning of the s traight portion of the c urly cord to the tip of th e nearest bearing bracket wit h a cable-tie, t hen at the diagonal at tachment po int. Plug the free end of the c urly cord into th e socket third f rom the right of th e Controller (F igure 9). Secure the cord to the next bear ing bracket w ith a cable-tie. Finally, fold up any slack cable and sec ure it with a ca ble-tie. Trim the free ends of t he cable-ties.
Measure the di stance fro m the Key Release to t he end of the Manu al Over-ride Lev er in the horizo ntal positio n. Cut the cabl e 150 mm l onger than this dis tance. Insert the Key Re lease into the body and loc k it. Loop the cable aro und the end of the Manu al Over-ride Lever an d secure it with an electr ical screw clamp.
Manual Operation
To release the door fr om the Paratrak uni t for manual operati on, move the yellow lever at th e right end of the unit, from i ts horizontal positi on in an anti-cloc kwise direct ion until it touches t he body.
The door may now b e moved by hand. To re-engage th e drive, return the yellow lever to the h orizontal position in a c lockwise direct ion. Note that the door may be re -engaged in any positi on, and, if not closed, the nex t
operation w ill cause the door t o close slowly until t he fl oor is rea ched.
Fitting Safety Beams
Choose and mar k a suitable mounting heigh t on both sides of t he gate or doorwa y, low enough to protect todd lers and pets, but not l ower than the under-sid e of most motor ve hicles. Mou nt the Safety B eam units (Transmitter and Receiver) opposing one another, and at the chosen height. Note: Do no t screw or rivet t hrough the sid e tracks. T his will interfere w ith the free movement o f the curtain.
Wiring (Refe r to Figure 15)
In the Junct ion Box (dust cover re moved), use the Wh ite terminal to sup ply positive(+) voltag e to both beam units, a nd the black termina l to make the negative (-) con nection to b oth beam unit s. If a Digitronic S afety Beam set is used, in t he receiver uni t, connect a s hort wire f rom negative (-) to ‘COM’. Lastly, connec t the Red terminal to the beam no rmally closed (N.C.) terminal on th e beam Receiver unit.
Referring to Fig ure 9, enable the Safety Bea m by removing the link below the Telecom plug. The S afety Beam w ill not funct ion if this is no t done. Interrupt ing the beam during closing w ill cause the Paratrak to s top and reverse, but wi ll be ignored during op ening.
Enabling Auto-close
Warni ng! I t is stro ngly advised that Safety Beams are fi tted before
making use of Auto-close.
Referring to Fig ure 9, remove the Auto-cl ose Link to the right of t he 3-way screw termin als. For conveni ence, store the L ink on a single pin . The Auto-clo se timer will start af ter the door has stoppe d opening; after ten
seconds the be eper will sound and the lights will fl ash f or a f urther ten
seconds bef ore the door start s to close. Interrupt ing the safety beam wi ll reset the time r, and the timer will not sta rt while the beam is in terrupted.
Fitting a Wall Console
Fix the Wall Cons ole to the wall, in a convenient po sition (usually next to the side door) a t a height of at least 1,5 m, within sight of the automa ted door, but clear of mov ing parts. To add the Wall Cons ole to the Paratrak, close the doo r and un-clip the cover f rom the Battery Box. A s in ‘Adding an eKey Remote’, press th e button on th e Controller a nd the LED will
fl as h. Wit hin 3 0 seco nds, press the l arge bu tton on th e Wall Consol e,
causing the L ED on the Controller to turn of f. Press the same button on
the Wal l Console and t he LED will fl ash a nd the Beeper w ill sound four
times. The Wall C onsole is ready for use. T he large button will c ontrol the Paratrak (Op en, Close and Stop). The button w ith the light symbol tur ns the Paratrak l ighting on and of f. (Note that this light ing will still go of f after three minute s). Normal operation of th e Paratrak is locked and u n-locked by means of the bu tton with th e key symbol. Th e LED on the Contro ller changes fro m green to red when locked .
Fitting an Additional Receiver
An addition al receiver may be con nected by means o f the terminals sh own
in fi g ure 8. These are:
‘-’(0V), ‘+’(24V ) and ‘▲▼’ (O perate, N.O. conta ct, acti ve low signal). Thi s receiver sho uld not exceed 50 mA. The ra nge of this rece iver may be degraded; i f so, increase the mounting d istance to at least 1 met re from the Controller.
Status Indications
The single L.E. D. on the controller indicat es the status of the Parat rak as follows:
• Green (solid) - Ready, Mains is on
• Green (fl ashing) - Ready, Mains is off - b attery voltag e good
• Red (fl a shing) - Batter y low – door cannot oper ate – restore mains
to charge
• Red (solid) - Door locked by mea ns of the wall con sole – will beep once when operation is attempted – unlock using the wall console
• Orange (fl ashing) - R eset – Programming mode – see Step 11, Set-u p
for details Pag e 9
Note: To save power, the Status L. E.D turns off when th e Courtesy Light times out.
Erasing all e Key Remotes
Note: This proce dure will eras e all the eKey Remote s that have been added to the Par atrak. Ens ure that all the rel evant eKey Remote s are available, to re- add them af ter erasing. Re ferring to Fig ure 9, press and
hold the but ton on the Controller. After te n second s the LED wi ll fl ash
and the Beepe r will sound four time s. This indicates t hat all eKey Remotes have been cleare d from memory.
Fitting a Key R elease
A Key Release is req uired where there is no side d oor; the gar age door providi ng the only access.
Refer to Figure 18. In t he second externally recessed corrugation above the Parat rak, mark a po int 250 mm to the left of th e Manual Over-ride Lev er, and 150 mm above. Drill and moun t the Key Release at this mark .
Figur e 18
Hydro Doors and Gate s (Pt y) Ltd (Hydro) warrants to the fi rst retail
purchaser of a D igidoor Parat rak Operator that the prod uct shall be free of any defec ts in materials and/or workm anship for a per iod of
twelve months (One Year) from th e verifi able date of purchas e. Such verifi cation will include a valid proof of p urchase by t he fi rst ret ail
purchaser, whic h shall includ e if possible t he serial numb er of the motor under warranty.
Upon r eceipt of the pro duct, th e fi r st retail purchaser is under
obligation to c heck the produc t for any visible defe ct. This warran ty is available on any D igidoor Operator so ld and installed in th e Republic of South Afric a. For any Digidoor Operato r that is sold and installed outside th e borders of the Re public of South Af rica, the obliga tions for repairing thi s product under wa rranty will be born e by the distributor of the product in the territory concerned. The terms and conditions of warrantie s in each territor y outside th e Republic of Sout h Africa will be available fro m the distributor i n that territory.
The warrant y shall constitute the s ole remedy available unde r law to
the fi rst reta il purchaser f or any damages related to or resulting from
a defecti ve part and/or produc t. The warranty i s strictly limite d to the repair or repla cement of the parts of t his product which are fo und to be defective.
The warranty does not cover:
• Non-d efect dam age caused by u nreasonable u se (includi ng use not in complete accordance with Digidoor installation and owners instructions).
• L abour charg es for removal o r re-insta llation of a repai red or replaced unit , transpor t costs incurred in get ting the prod uct to Hydro. Hydro will q uote for in-situ war ranty repairs if re quested.
• Damage to the product c aused by ligh tning, power su rges, or incorrect installation.
• Any Hydro garag e door operator us ed to automate more than on e door at one time.
• Any H ydro garage d oor operato r used outdoo rs, includin g carports.
• Any Hydro residential gar age door ope rator used in exc essive
traffi c applications for example: an apartment-block, parking
garage etc.
• A ny unauthorised non-Hydro modifi cations to the product or
components thereof.
• Consequen tial or incidental da mage to property o r person.
• Batterie s installed in the op erator, remote controls o r wall console.
Hydro will repai r, or at its option rep lace, any device, w hich is determined to be defective in materials and/or workmanship at no cost to the owner for the repair and/or replacement part. Defective parts wil l be repaired or re placed with ne w or factor y rebuilt par ts at Hydro’s option. Hyd ro shall not be lia ble for conseq uential or incidental d amage to prope rty or pe rson. Warrant y repairs s hall be effec ted, provided t hat the produc t is return ed to Hydro at the owner’s expe nse. No represent ative or perso n is authorized to a ssume for Hydro any othe r liability in con nection with t he sale of this produ ct.
Fig ure 17
Figu re 14 Figu re 15
Figu re 16
Limit slide
Choose reliability, choose quality, choose
www.hydrodoors.co.zaE-mail: info@digidoor.co.za
Patented Design: 2015/07462
Registered Trademark © Digidoor 2017
Hydro Doors & Gates (Pty) Ltd. 8 Horsechestnut Ave nue, Northlands Business Park, Northriding, Gauteng, S outh Africa. Tel: 011 888 6969
Supply Voltage 240 V A.C.
Max. moto r
109 W
Mains Current 25 m A Motor Voltage 24 V DC
5 W max Door speed 0 .19 m/ S ec
Max. Motor
Torq ue
2.8 kg.cm @ max. power
Max. Output
Torq ue
2.16 kg.m @max. power
Batteries 12V 1.3Ah x 2
Battery Standby
20+ Cycles af ter 8 hours without mains power
Digi eKey
1 to 28 are supported
temp. rang e
from 0°C to 45°C
Specifi cations
Figu re 13
Cable Entry
Red Beam N.C.
0V Com
Yello w
AC 24V
AC 24V
Black 0V Com
White Beam N.C.