Digi XSTICK1 User Manual

XBee® Adapters, Routers, and Sensors
User’s Guide
XBee 802.15.4 Adapters:
XBee RS-232 Adapter
XBee RS-232 PH (Power Harvester) Adapter
XBee RS-485 Adapter XBee Analog I/O Adapter XBee Digital I/O Adapter
XBee Sensor Adapter
XBee USB Adapter
XStick 802.15.4
©2008 Digi International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Digi, Digi International, the Digi logo, ConnectPort, Watchport, XBee, and XBee-PRO are trademarks or registered trademarks of Digi International, Inc. in the United States and other countries worldwide.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent
a commitment on the part of Digi International. Digi provides this document “as is,” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or
implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of fitness or merchantability for a particular purpose. Digi may make improvements and/or changes in this manual or in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this manual at any time.
This product could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes may be incorporated in new editions of the publication.
Chapter 1 General information .............................................................4
About this guide...............................................................................................4
Scope ........................................................................................................4
Compatibility Note .....................................................................................4
Drop-in Networking definitions...................................................................5
Mounting orientation........................................................................................6
Additional reference material...........................................................................6
Chapter 2 XBee RS-232 Adapter...........................................................8
Chapter 3 XBee RS-232 PH Adapter...................................................12
Chapter 4 XBee RS-485 Adapter.........................................................17
Chapter 5 XBee Analog I/O Adapter...................................................22
Chapter 6 XBee Digital I/O Adapter....................................................35
Chapter 7 XBee Sensor Adapter.........................................................47
Chapter 8 XBee USB Adapter .............................................................52
Chapter 9 XStick 802.15.4 ...................................................................54
Chapter 10 Configure XBee radio settings..........................................55
Configuration with a ConnectPort X gateway................................................ 55
Access the gateway’s web interface........................................................55
Discover the device and view the network .............................................. 56
View and change XBee radio settings as needed................................... 57
Chapter 11 Hardware specifications....................................................60
XBee Adapters ..............................................................................................60
XStick 802.15.4 .............................................................................................63
Chapter 12 Safety statements...............................................................64
Contents 3

General information

Chapter 1

About this guide


Compatibility Note

General information
This section includes information that applies to all XBee® Adapterproducts.
This guide describes the features and functions of XBee Adapter products, including connection and setup information, pinouts, configuration, data retrieval, and LEDs and buttons.
This section provides general information that applies to all products.
This guide covers all XBee 802.15.4 adapter products.
Two series of XBee and XBee-PRO® adapters are offered: ZNet 2.5 and
802.15.4. Though overall performance and product specifications are largely similar, the two series are built on distinct and non-compatible technology platforms. Thus, users must standardize on one series or the other for operability. The same is true for compatibility with the ConnectPort X gateways. ZNet 2.5 XBee adapters are compatible only with ZNet 2.5 gateways, while 802.15.4 XBee adapters are compatible only with 802.15.4 gateways.

Drop-in Networking definitions

ConnectPort X
Cellular /
WPAN Network
- Network connectivity
- High throughput
- Shared among device networks
- Network types:
- Device connectivity
- Low throughput
- Exclusive to device network
- Network types:
802.15.4 ZNet 2.5 ZB XSC XTend™ XStream® Wi-Fi
Cellular / WAN Wi-Fi / WLAN Ethernet IP / LAN
This guide uses several terms to describe the networks, connectivity, and data communications involved in Drop-in Networking. The figure shows a ConnectPort X device and its role in Drop-in Networking connectivity.
General information
Ethernet IP / LAN
Backhaul Network
Drop-in Networking: Involves end-to-end device-to-network connectivity, commonly through gateways, routers, adapters, and embedded modules.
Backhaul network: Involves network connectivity , commonly through LAN (Ethernet), WLAN (Wi-Fi), or WAN (cellular).
WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network): Involves end device connectivity, commonly through ZigBee, 802.15.4, and many other public or proprietary technologies.

Mounting orientation

All XBee adapters can be mounted in any orientation.

Warranty exception for batteries

Some XBee adapters ship with alkaline batteries that must be replaced by the user when discharged and are not covered under the terms and conditions of the Digi warranty.
Lithium batteries must be replaced by qualified service personnel.

Additional reference material

For additional information about the features and functions of XBee RF modules in XBee Adapters, see these documents.
XBee Adapters data sheet
RF Module Product Manual
Describes the RF module embedded in your product, including features, modes of operation, 802.15.4 network fundamentals, and commands for configuring, controlling, and retrieving data from the RF module.
For a preliminary version of the XBee 802.15.4 module product manual, please contact Digi Support and request a copy of Digi Part Number 90000982_A.
General information
ConnectPort X Family User’s Guide (90000832)
When XBee Adapter products are deployed in Drop-in Networks, a ConnectPort X gateway serves as a coordinator and configuration and monitoring interface for your adapter/router/sensor product. See this guide to learn more about ConnectPort X features and functions.
Related ConnectPort X documentation
An extensive list of related documentation for ConnectPort X gateways is available on digi.com; go to Support > Documentation and select the appropriate ConnectPort X model.
General information
Digi Python Custom Development Environment page
Digi Python Programming Guide (90000833)
Python Support Forum on digi.com
Python is a dynamic, object-oriented language for developing software applications, from simple programs to complex embedded applications. Python functions can be used to obtain data from attached and integrated sensors on XBee Adapter products.
The Digi Python Programming Guide introduces the Python programming language by showing how to create and run a simple Python program. It reviews Python modules, particularly those modules with Digi-specific behavior. It describes how to load and run Python programs onto Digi devices, either through the command-line or web user interfaces, and how to run several sample Python programs.

Questions and technical support

For technical assistance with your product, contact Digi Technical Support at: 801-765-9885 or 877-912-3444
or make an online support request at:

XBee RS-232 Adapter

Chapter 2


The XBee RS-232 Adapter provides short-range wireless connectivity to any RS-232 serial device, with available solutions for both ZigBee and
802.15.4 point-to-multipoint networks. Unlike an embedded wireless module, which requires design integration and development time, these off-the-shelf adapters provide instant wireless connectivity to existing RS-232 serial devices. All XBee adapters can be used with Digi's ConnectPort X gateways for data aggregation and IP connectivity.

Power options

Depending on adapter model, there are several powering options.

Alkaline battery model

This product can be powered by a 9-30VDC external power supply (see "Power requirements" on page 61) or by batteries. Use 3x1.5V “N” alkaline battery cells. To install batteries, insert a screwdriver in the slots in the side of the adapter case and twist to snap off the cover. Insert the batteries following the polarity diagram on the board.
XBee RS-232 Adapter

Lithium battery model

This product can be powered by a 3-6VDC external power supply or by 2/3 AA 3.6V lithium batteries and a 1/2 AA boost capacitor. Replacement batteries available for purchase; contact Digi at 952-912-3444 or

Connection and power-on

1. Connect the desired device to the RS-232 port of the adapter.
2. Connect the power supply to the adapter or insert batteries.


XBee RS-232 Adapter
The RS-232 connector is an industry-standard DB9 male connector with a DTE configuration, similar to a PC serial port. Pinouts for the connector are:
Pin Function Data direction
1 CD Input 2RXD Input 3TXD Output 4DTR Output 5GND 6DSR Input 7RTS Output 8CTS Input 9 +12VDC switched power out Output

Data retrieval

Retrieving data from XBee adapters is done by issuing a remote AT IS (Force Sample) command through the XBee API. The XBee API and A T IS command are described in detail in the RF Module’s data sheet. AT IS commands can be issued via a Python program that is executed on the gateway. See also the Product Manual for the RF module and the Digi Python Programming Guide.

LEDs and buttons

blinking green
solid green
Reset button
XBee RS-232 Adapter
Power LED: Indicates that power is on. Illuminated only when adapter is connected to
external power only, not when powered by batteries. Not available in lithium-battery models.
Assc LED: Indicates the adapter’s 802.15.4 network association status.
Note: 802.15.4 networks are not required to use a coordinator for network
creation. As a result, the 802.15.4 adapters are not set up to associate, but are configured with a default PAN ID and destination address. To maintain LED consistency, on power-up, these adapters will immediately indicate association by blinking. See the XBee 802.15.4 Product Manual for more information regarding association options.
Reset button: Recessed button on underside of the adapter. Performs equivalent of a
power-cycle. Use a small non-conductive tool with a blunt end to press gently and hold down button.
Ident button: Recessed button on power end of the adapter between Assc and Power
LEDs. Performs multiple functions for identifying and configuring the adapter in a 802.15.4 network. Consecutive button presses must occur within 800 milliseconds of each other to perform the desired action.
XBee RS-232 Adapter
Single Associated Cannot wake module, but will cause adapter to remain awake for 30 seconds if
pressed during a sleep interval, then sends a Node Identification broadcast transmission. All devices that receive this transmission will blink their Associate LED rapidly for 1 second.
Unassociated Blinks a numeric error code returned by the ATAI (Association Indication)
command on the Assc LED. The AI code indicates the cause of the join failure. See the 802.15.4 XBee module’s Product Manual for descriptions of these codes.
1 blink: Active scan timeout. 2 blinks: Active scan found no PANs. 3 blinks: Active scan found PAN, but the Coordinator Allow Association bit is not
set. 4 blinks: Active scan found PAN, but Coordinator and End Device are not
configured to support beacons. 5 blinks: Active scan found PAN, but Coordinator ID (PAN ID) value does not
match the ID of the End Device. 6 blinks: Active Scan found PAN, but Coordinator CH (Channel) value does not
match the CH of the End Device.
7 blinks: Energy scan timeout. 8 blinks: Coordinator start request failed. 9 blinks: Coordinator could not start due to invalid parameters. 10 blinks: Coordinator Realignment is in progress. 11 blinks: Association request not sent. 12 blinks: Association request timed out - no reply was received. 13 blinks: Association request had an invalid parameter. 14 blinks: Association request channel access failure - Request was not
transmitted - CCA failure. 15 blinks: Remote Coordinator did not send an ACK after Associatio n Request
was sent. 16 blinks: Remote Coordinator did not reply to the Association Request, but an
ACK was received after sending the request.
17 blinks: [reserved]. 18 blinks: Sync-Loss - Lost synchronization with a beaconing coor din at or. 19 blinks: Disassociated - No longer associated to coordinator.
Two Associated Not supported. Four Associated/
Performs an ATRE command to reset the parameters in the XBee module.


The XBee RS-232 PH Adapter provides short range wireless connectivity to any RS-232 serial device, with available solutions for both ZigBee and
802.15.4 point-to-multipoint networks. Unlike an embedded wireless module, which requires design integration and development time, these off-the-shelf adapters provides instant wireless connectivity to existing RS-232 serial devices. All XBee adapters can be used with Digi's ConnectPort X gateways for data aggregation and IP connectivity
Using a powering mode known as power harvesting (PH), this adapter is powered by the connected host device through its RS-232 serial port.

Power requirements

This product requires a fully functional serial port conforming to the RS-232C standard for optimal operation. It requires a sleep/wake duty cycle as part of its normal operation. An internal battery provides power when the adapter is operating, and recharges from the serial port when in sleep mode. The sleep/wake duty cycle requirements vary based on the current output of serial port
Serial ports that provide hard power of 5 to 14VDC on one or more pins allow the device to operate continually without a sleep/wake cycle.
WARNING: Do not use this adapter with serial port s with more than 14VDC output as they may cause the adapter to malfunction.

XBee RS-232 PH Adapter

XBee RS-232 PH Adapter

Connection and power-on

Connect the adapter to the RS-232 port of the host device. The adapter’s power comes from the host’s serial port.


XBee RS-232 PH Adapter
The RS232 connector is an industry-standard DB9 male connector with a DTE configuration, similar to a PC serial port. Pinouts for the connector are:
Pin Function Data direction
1 CD Input
Also used for parasitic power input from host.
2RXD Input
Also used for parasitic power input from host. 3 TXD Output 4 DTR Output 5GND 6DSR Input
Also used for parasitic power input from host. 7 RTS Output 8CTS Input
Also used for parasitic power input from host. 9 RI Input
Also used for parasitic power input from host.


XBee RS-232 PH Adapter
Several key attributes of the XBee RS-232 PH adapter’s firmware allow the adapter to have a net charge on its batteries: Sleep Mode (SM), Idle Time (ST), Sleep Period (SP), and Power-up sleep period.
Sleep mode determines the sleeping behavior for the XBee module in the adapter. By default, the XBee module has cyclical sleep enabled. With cyclical sleep enabled, if the XBee module is idle (no RS-232 traffic, no transmit/receive) for the given amount of Idle Time, the XBee module then performs a sleep cycle for the duration of the value of Sleep Period.
The default sleep mode settings are:
SM = 4 (Cyclical sleep enabled)
ST = 0x3E8 (Idle time of 1 second)
SP = 0x40 (Each sleep period’s duration is 640 milliseconds) On power-up, the XBee module immediately enters a sleep period for
approximately 79 seconds. This initial sleep period ensures that a sufficient charge will exist on the battery for normal operations. After this initial sleep period, the XBee module will execute normal cyclic sleep operations, based on the SM, ST, and SP parameters.
For this configuration, the default sleep mode settings mean that the XBee module would sleep for a total of 640 milliseconds when performing a sleep period, after it was idle for 1 second. During an RF receive/transmit, the device is in an active state for a significant amount of time, regardless of the Idle Time setting. If continuous requests/queries are made to the device, it will stay in an active state, which can lead to a net discharge of the battery, and eventually the adapter will become unresponsive.
Adjusting the default settings is not recommended. Doing so can lead to an adapter that will not power on. If this occurs:
1. Remove the XBee module from the adapter.
2. Plug the adapter into the serial line for several hours.
3. Re-insert the XBee module in the adapter and re-adjust the module’s sleep parameters using X-CTU software. This software is available on the Software and Documentation CD that accompanies Drop-in Networking kits and ConnectPort X gateways.
The battery can take up to 24 hours to fully charge. If the unit is run in the worst-case scenario—no sleep mode enabled and continuously queried— the battery has only a charge for around 40 minutes. After that, the unit will become unresponsive. In addition, if the unit isn’t immediately put into a sleep mode after the battery first becomes unable to power the adapter , the battery will further deplete, and you will have to perform the above procedure to recover the device.
XBee RS-232 PH Adapter

Data retrieval

Retrieving data from XBee adapters is done by issuing a remote AT IS (Force Sample) command through the XBee API. The XBee API and A T IS command are described in detail in the RF module’s data sheet. AT IS commands can be issued via a Python program that is executed on the gateway. See also the Product Manual for the RF module and the Digi Python Programming Guide.

LEDs and buttons

Assoc LED: Indicates the adapter’s 802.15.4 network association status.
Note: 802.15.4 networks are not required to use a coordinator for network
creation. As a result, the 802.15.4 adapters are not set up to associate, but are configured with a default PAN ID and destination address. To maintain LED consistency, on power-up, these adapters will immediately indicate association by blinking. See the XBee 802.15.4 Product Manual for more information regarding association options.
Reset button: Performs equivalent of a power-cycle. Use a small non-conductive tool
with a blunt end to press gently and hold down button.
Ident button: Performs multiple functions for identifying and configuring the adapter in a
802.15.4 network. Consecutive button presses must occur within 800 milliseconds of each other to perform the desired action.
XBee RS-232 PH Adapter
Single Associated Cannot wake module, but will cause adapter to remain awake for 30 seconds if
pressed during a sleep interval. Sends a Node Identification broadcast transmission. All devices that receive this transmission will blink their Associate LED rapidly for 1 second.
Unassociated Blinks a numeric error code returned by the ATAI (Association Indication)
command on the Assc LED. The AI code indicates the cause of the join failure. See the 802.15.4 XBee module’s Product Manual for descriptions of these codes.
1 blink: Active scan timeout. 2 blinks: Active scan found no PANs. 3 blinks: Active scan found PAN, but the Coordinator Allow Association bit is not
set. 4 blinks: Active scan found PAN, but Coordinator and End Device are not
configured to support beacons. 5 blinks: Active scan found PAN, but Coordinator ID (PAN ID) value does not
match the ID of the End Device. 6 blinks: Active Scan found PAN, but Coordinator CH (Channel) value does not
match the CH of the End Device.
7 blinks: Energy scan timeout. 8 blinks: Coordinator start request failed. 9 blinks: Coordinator could not start due to invalid parameters. 10 blinks: Coordinator Realignment is in progress. 11 blinks: Association request not sent. 12 blinks: Association request timed out - no reply was received. 13 blinks: Association request had an invalid parameter. 14 blinks: Association request channel access failure - Request was not
transmitted - CCA failure. 15 blinks: Remote Coordinator did not send an ACK after Associatio n Request
was sent. 16 blinks: Remote Coordinator did not reply to the Association Request, but an
ACK was received after sending the request.
17 blinks: [reserved]. 18 blinks: Sync-Loss - Lost synchronization with a beaconing coor din at or. 19 blinks: Disassociated - No longer associated to coordinator.
Two Associated Not supported. Four Associated/
Performs an A TRE command to reset the parameters in the XBee module.

XBee RS-485 Adapter

Chapter 4


The XBee RS-485 PH Adapter provides short range wireless connectivity to any RS-485 serial device, with available solutions for ZigBee and
802.15.4 point-to-multipoint networks. Unlike an embedded wireless
module, which requires design integration and development time, these off-the-shelf adapters provides instant wireless connectivity to existing RS-485 serial devices. All XBee adapters can be used with Digi's ConnectPort X gateways for data aggregation and IP connectivity

Power options

Depending on adapter model, there are several powering options.

Alkaline battery model

This product can be powered by a 9-30VDC external power supply (see "Power requirements" on page 61) or by batteries. Use 3x1.5V “N” alkaline battery cells. To install batteries, insert a screwdriver in the slots in the side of the adapter case and twist to snap off the cover. Insert the batteries following the polarity diagram on the board.
XBee RS-485 Adapter

Lithium battery model

This model can be powered by a 3-6VDC external power supply or by 2/3 AA 3.6V lithium batteries and a 1/2 AA boost capacitor. Replacement batteries available for purchase; contact Digi at 952-912-3444 or

Connection and power-on

1. Connect the desired device to the RS-485 port of the adapter.
2. Connect the power supply to the adapter or insert batteries.


Reset button
DIP switches
Phoenix screw-lock connector
Pin 1
XBee RS-485 Adapter
The connector for the adapter is a 6-position wire terminal block. The figure shows Pin 1 of the connector when the adapter is oriented with the mounting tabs, facing upwards (the underside of the adapter).
The adapter is switch-selectable between RS-422 half duplex, RS-422 full duplex, and RS-485 modes (see DIP switches, below). The function for several pins varies between RS-422 and RS-485 modes.
Using the orientation in the above figure, from right to left, the pinouts are:
1 TxD+ (RS422) TxD+ and RxD+ (RS485) 2 TxD- (RS422) TxD- and RxD- (RS485) 3 RxD+ (RS422) Not used. 4 RxD- (RS422) Not used. 5 Ground Ground 6 +12VDC 50mA max
Function in
RS-422 mode
switched power out
Function in
RS-485 mode
+12VDC 50mA max switched power out
The connector accommodates wire gauges from 16AWG to 30AWG. To insert wires, insert the wires into the removable Phoenix screw-lock
connector and tighten the screws associated with the wire slots. To remove wires, loosen the screws associated with the wire slots and remove the wires.

DIP switches

Data retrieval

XBee RS-485 Adapter
The XBee RS-485 Adapter has several DIP switches on the underside of the unit, with these settings:
DIP Switch Switch settings
1 Not used. It is covered up by the case and is not
2, 3, 4 together ON = RS485
OFF = RS422
5, 6 together ON = RS485 Bias and line termination on.
OFF = RS485 Bias and line termination off. Note: Bias and line termination feature can be use d
only when powering from the external power supply.
Retrieving data from XBee adapters is done by issuing a remote AT IS (Force Sample) command through the XBee API. The XBee API and A T IS command are described in detail in the RF module’s data sheet. AT IS commands can be issued via a Python program that is executed on the gateway. See also the Product Manual for the RF module and the Digi Python Programming Guide.
XBee RS-485 Adapter
blinking green
solid green
Reset button
DIP switches

LEDs and buttons

Power LED: Indicates that power is on. Illuminated only when adapter is connected to
external power only, not when powered by batteries. Not available in lithium-battery models.
Assc LED: Indicates the adapter’s 802.15.4 network association status.
Note: 802.15.4 networks are not required to use a coordinator for network
creation. As a result, the 802.15.4 adapters are not set up to associate, but are configured with a default PAN ID and destination address. To maintain LED consistency, on power-up, these adapters will immediately indicate association by blinking. See the XBee 802.15.4 Product Manual for more information regarding association options.
Reset button: Recessed button on underside of the adapter. Performs equivalent of a
power-cycle. Use a small non-conductive tool with a blunt end to press gently and hold down button.
Ident button: Recessed button on power end of the adapter between Assc and Power
LEDs. Performs multiple functions for identify and configure the adapter in a 802.15.4 network. Consecutive button presses must occur within 800 milliseconds of each other to perform the desired action.
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