Digi XBee-PRO XTC User Manual

XBee®/XBee-PRO XTC DigiMesh
Radio Frequency (RF) Module
User Guide
Revision history—90001480
Revision Date Description
B May 2016
C May 2018 Added note on range estimation. Changed ICto ISED.
D June 2019 Added FCC publication 996369 related information.
E November
F January
Removed Australian certification information. Added the UARTdata rate to the performance specifications table. Added digital outputs to the physical specifications table. Revised the cyclic sleep current numbers. Added the HS command. Removed the indoor range specification.
Removed all references to the CONFIG line.
Added IFETEL certifications.
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XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
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XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
Applicable firmware 10
Technical specifications
Performance specifications 12 Power requirements 12
Cyclic sleep current (mA, average) 13 Networking and security specifications 13 General specifications 13 Regulatory conformity summary 15
Mechanical drawings 17 Pin signals 18
Recommended pin connections 20
Transparent and API operating modes 22
Transparent operating mode 22
API operating mode 22 Receive mode 22 Transmit mode 23 Command mode 23
Enter Command mode 23
Troubleshooting 24
Send AT commands 24
Response to AT commands 25
Apply command changes 25
Make command changes permanent 25
Exit Command mode 25
Serial interface 28
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
UART data flow 28
Serial flow control 28
Networking methods
The MAC and PHY layers 31 64-bit addresses 31 Make a unicast transmission 32 Delivery methods 32
Point to Point / Point to Multipoint (P2MP) 32
Repeater/directed broadcast 32
DigiMesh networking 33
AT commands
Addressing commands 38
CI (Cluster ID) 38
DH (Destination Address High) 38
DL (Destination Address Low) 38
NI (Node Identifier) 38
NO (Network Discovery Options) 39
NT (Network Discovery Back-off) 39
SH (Serial Number High) 40
SL (Serial Number Low) 40
TO (Transmit Options) 40 Command mode options 41
CC (Command Character) 41
CT (Command Mode Timeout) 41
GT (Guard Times) 41 Diagnostic commands 42
%H (MAC Unicast One Hop Time) 42
%V (Board Voltage) 42
%8 (MAC Broadcast One Hop Time) 42
BC (Bytes Transmitted) 42
DB (Last Packet RSSI) 43
EA (MAC ACK Failure Count) 43
ER (Receive Count Error) 43
GD (Good Packets Received) 44
RC (RSSI for channel) 44
R# (Reset Number) 44
TR (Transmit Error Count) 45
UA (Unicasts Attempted Count) 45 Firmware commands 45
CK (Configuration CRC) 45
DD (Device Type Identifier) 45
NP (Maximum Packet Payload Bytes) 45
HS (Hardware Series) 46
HV (Hardware Version) 46
VL (Firmware Version - Verbose) 46
VR (Firmware Version) 46 I/O settings commands 47
CD (GP02 Configuration) 47
CS (GP01 Configuration) 47
RP (RSSI PWM Timer) 47
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
RT (GPI1 Configuration) 48 I/O diagnostic commands 48
TP (Board Temperature) 48 MAC/PHY commands 48
HP (Preamble ID) 49
ID (Network ID) 49
MT(Broadcast Multi-Transmits) 49
PL (TX Power Level) 49
RR (Unicast Mac Retries) 50 Network commands 50
BH (Broadcast Hops) 50
CE (Routing / Messaging Mode) 51
MR (Mesh Unicast Retries) 51
NH (Network Hops) 51
NN (Network Delay Slots) 52 Security commands 52
EE (Encryption Enable) 52
KY (AES Encryption Key) 52 Serial interfacing commands 53
AO (API Options) 53
AP (API Enable) 53
BD (Baud Rate) 54
FT (Flow Control Threshold) 54
NB (Parity) 55
RB (Packetization Threshold) 55
RO (Packetization Timeout) 55
SB (Stop Bits) 56 Special commands 56
AC (Apply Changes) 56
CN (Exit Command Mode) 56
FR (Software Reset) 56
RE (Restore Defaults) 57
WR (Write) 57
R1 (Restored Compiled) 57
Operate in API mode
API mode overview 59
API frame specifications 59
Calculate and verify checksums 61
Escaped characters in API frames 62
API frames
API frame exchanges 64
AT commands 64
Transmit and Receive RF data 64
Remote AT commands 64
Device Registration 65 Code to support future API frames 65 Local AT Command Request - 0x08 66
Description 66
Format 66
Examples 66
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
Queue Local AT Command Request - 0x09 67
Description 67
Examples 68 64-bit Transmit Request - 0x00 69
Description 69
Format 69
Examples 70 Transmit Request - 0x10 70
Description 70
Transmit options bit field 71
Examples 72 Explicit Addressing Command Request - 0x11 73
Description 73
64-bit addressing 73
Reserved endpoints 73
Reserved cluster IDs 73
Reserved profile IDs 74
Transmit options bit field 75
Examples 75 Remote AT Command Request - 0x17 76
Description 77
Format 77
Examples 78 Local AT Command Response - 0x88 79
Description 79
Examples 80 Modem Status - 0x8A 81
Description 81 Modem status codes 82
Examples 83 Extended Transmit Status - 0x8B 83
Description 83 Transmit Status - 0x89 84
Description 84
Delivery status codes 86
Examples 87 Route Information - 0x8D 87
Description 87
Format 87
Examples 88 Aggregate Addressing Update- 0x8E 89
Description 89
Examples 90 64-bit Receive Packet - 0x80 90
Description 90
Format 91
Examples 91 Receive Packet - 0x90 92
Description 92
Examples 93 Explicit Receive Indicator - 0x91 93
Description 94
Examples 95 Node Identification Indicator - 0x95 96
Description 96
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
Examples 98 Remote AT Command Response- 0x97 98
Description 98
Examples 99
Work with networked devices
Network commissioning and diagnostics 102 Local configuration 102 Remote configuration 102
Send a remote command 102
Apply changes on remote devices 102
Remote command response 102 Establish and maintain network links 103
Build aggregate routes 103
DigiMesh routing examples 103
Replace nodes 104 Test links in a network - loopback cluster 104 Test links between adjacent devices 105
Example 106
RSSI indicators 107
Discover all the devices on a network 107
Trace route option 108
NACK messages 109
Regulatory information
FCC (United States) 111
OEM labeling requirements 111
FCC notices 111
RF exposure statement 113
FCC antenna certifications 113
XBee-PRO XTC antenna options 114
XBee XTC antenna options 119
FCC publication 996369 related information 124 ISED (Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada) 126
Labeling requirements 126
Transmitters for detachable antennas 126
Detachable antennas 126 IFETEL (Mexico) 127
OEM labeling requirements 127
PCB design and manufacturing
Recommended footprint and keepout 129 Design notes 131
Host board design 131
Improve antenna performance 132
RF pad version 132 Recommended solder reflow cycle 133 Flux and cleaning 134 Rework 134
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide

XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide

The XBee/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) RF module provides a radio frequency (RF) solution for the reliable delivery of critical data between remote devices. It is a 30 dBm (1 Watt) long-range original equipment manufacturer (OEM) device. We also offer a low power version of this module that offers transmit power adjustable up to 13 dBm.
The XTC module uses Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) agility to avoid interference by hopping to a new frequency on every packet transmission or re-transmission. Its transmit power is software adjustable up to 30 dBm, which is the maximum output power allowable by governments that use 900 MHz as a license-free band. The XTC module is approved for use in the United States and Canada.
The XTC transfers a standard asynchronous serial data stream, operates within the ISM 900 MHz frequency band and offers two RF data rates of 10 kb/s and 125 kb/s.
As the name suggests, the XTC is over-the-air compatible with Digi's XTend module. The XTC is not a drop-in replacement for the XTend. If you require form factor compatibility, you must use the XTend vB RF Module.
For new applications, we recommend that you use the XBee/XBee-Pro SX module. It uses the same hardware as the XTC but we optimize the firmware for the best range and interference immunity. However, it is not over-the-air compatible with the XTend.
Applicable firmware 10
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide Applicable firmware

Applicable firmware

This manual supports the following firmware:
n 0x800x for XTC DigiMesh
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide

Technical specifications

The following tables provide the device's technical specifications.
WARNING! When operating at 1 W power output, observe a minimum separation distance of 6 ft (2 m) between devices. Transmitting in close proximity of other devices can damage the device's front end.
Performance specifications 12 Power requirements 12 Networking and security specifications 13 General specifications 13 Regulatory conformity summary 15
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
Technical specifications Performance specifications

Performance specifications

The following table describes the performance specifications for the devices.
Note Range figure estimates are based on free-air terrain with limited sources of interference. Actual
range will vary based on transmitting power, orientation of transmitter and receiver, height of transmitting antenna, height of receiving antenna, weather conditions, interference sources in the area, and terrain between receiver and transmitter, including indoor and outdoor structures such as walls, trees, buildings, hills, and mountains.
Specification XBee XTC XBee-PRO XTC
Frequency range
RF data rate (software selectable) 10 kb/s to 125 kb/s
Transmit power (software selectable) Up to 13 dBm Up to 30 dBm
Channels 10 hopping sequences share 50 frequencies
Available channel frequencies 50
UARTdata rate (software selectable) 1200 - 230400 b/s
Receiver sensitivity 10 kb/s -110 dBm
Outdoor range (line of sight) 10 kb/s Up to 5 miles up to 40 miles

Power requirements

The following table describes the power requirements for the XTC RF Module.
Specification XBee XTC XBee-PRO XTC
Supply voltage 2.4 to 3.6 VDC, 3.3 V typical 2.6 to 3.6 VDC, 3.3 V typical
ISM 902 to 928 MHz
125 kb/s -100 dBm
125 kb/s Up to 1.5 miles Up to 7 miles
Receive current VCC = 3.3 V 40 mA 40 mA
Transmit current VCC = 3.3 V 55 mA @ 13 dBm 900 mA @ 30 dBm
VCC = 3.3 V 45 mA @ 10 dBm 640 mA @ 27 dBm
VCC = 3.3 V 35 mA @ 0 dBm 350 mA @ 21.5 dBm
30 dBm typical at 3.3 V and above. Maximum transmit power will reduce at lower voltages. See PL (TX Power
Level) for more information on adjustable power levels.
Estimated based on a 9 mile range test with dipole antennas.
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
Technical specifications Networking and security specifications

Cyclic sleep current (mA, average)

Sleep mode Cycle time RF data rate Cyclic sleep current (mA, average)
SM = 8 16 seconds BR = 0 0.65
BR = 1 0.23
SM = 7 8 seconds BR = 0 1.13
BR = 1 0.31
SM = 6 4 seconds BR = 0 2.06
BR = 1 0.46
SM = 5 2 seconds BR = 0 3.77
BR = 1 0.77
SM = 4 1 second BR = 0 6.68
BR = 1 1.36

Networking and security specifications

The following table describes the networking and security specifications for the devices.
Specification Value
Frequency 902-928 MHz, 915-928 MHz for the International variant
Spread spectrum Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)
Modulation Frequency Shift Keying (FSK/GFSK)
Supported network topologies
Channel capacity 10 hop sequences share 50 frequencies
Peer-to-peer (master/slave relationship not required), point-to-point, and point-to-multipoint
128-bit AES CBC encryption The EE command enables and disables encryption and sets the encryption key

General specifications

The following table describes the general specifications for the devices.
Specification Value
Dimensions 3.38 x 2.21 x 0.32 cm (1.33 x 0.87 x 0.125 in)
Weight 3 g
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
Technical specifications General specifications
Specification Value
RoHS Compliant
Manufacturing ISO 9001:2000 registered standards
Connector 37 castellated SMT pads
Antenna connector options U.FL or RF pad
Antenna impedance 50 Ω unbalanced
Maximum input RF level at antenna port 6 dBm
Operating temperature -40 °C to 85 °C
Digital outputs Two (2) output lines
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
Technical specifications Regulatory conformity summary

Regulatory conformity summary

This table describes the agency approvals for the devices.
Country XBee XTC XBee-PROXTC
Canada IC: 1846A-XBSX IC: 1846A-XBPSX
Australia RCM RCM
Mexico RCPDIXB19-1819 RCPDIXB19-2288
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide


Mechanical drawings 17 Pin signals 18
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
Hardware Mechanical drawings

Mechanical drawings

The following images show the XTC mechanical drawings. The XTC has the same form factor as other Digi surface-mount (SMT) XBee devices, except there is an additional copper ground pad on the bottom.
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
Hardware Pin signals

Pin signals

The following table describes the pin signals. Low-asserted signals have a horizontal line over the signal name.
Pin Designation I/O Function
1 GND - Ground
2 VCC I Power supply
3 DOUT O UART Data Out
4 DIN I UART Data In
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
Hardware Pin signals
Pin Designation I/O Function
5 GPO2/RX LED O General Purpose Output / RX LED
6 RESET I Module reset
7 RSSI O RX Signal Strength Indicator
8 - Disabled
9 Reserved NC Do not connect
10 SLEEP (DTR) I Pin Sleep Control Line
11 GND - Ground
12 - Disabled
13 GND - Ground
14 - Disabled
15 - Disabled
16 - Disabled
17 - Disabled
18 Reserved NC Do not connect
19 Reserved NC Do not connect
20 Reserved NC Do not connect
21 Reserved NC Do not connect
22 GND - Ground
23 Reserved NC Do not connect
24 - Disabled
25 GPO1/CTS /RS-485
26 ON/SLEEP O Module sleep status indicator
27 Reserved NC Do not connect
28 TX _PWR O Transmit power
29 RTS I Request-to-Send Flow Control
30 - Disabled
O General Purpose Output / Clear-to-Send Flow Control / RS-485
Transmit Enable
31 - Disabled
32 - Disabled
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
Hardware Pin signals
Pin Designation I/O Function
33 Reserved NC
34 Reserved NC
35 GND - Ground
36 RF I/O RF I/O for RF pad variant
37 NC NC
38 GND - Ground pad for heat transfer to host PCB
Note If you integrate the XTC RF Module with a host PC board, leave all lines you do not use
disconnected (floating).

Recommended pin connections

The only required pin connections are VCC, GND, DOUT and DIN. To support serial firmware updates, you should connect VCC, GND, DOUT, DIN, RTS, and SLEEP (DTR).
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide


The XTC RF Module is in Receive Mode when it is not transmitting data. The device shifts into the other modes of operation under the following conditions:
n Transmit mode (Serial data in the serial receive buffer is ready to be packetized)
n Sleep mode
n Command Mode (Command mode sequence is issued (not available when using the SPI port))
Transparent and API operating modes 22 Receive mode 22 Transmit mode 23 Command mode 23
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
Modes Transparent and API operating modes

Transparent and API operating modes

The firmware operates in several different modes. Two top-level modes establish how the device communicates with other devices through its serial interface: Transparent operating mode and API operating mode.

Transparent operating mode

Devices operate in this mode by default. The device acts as a serial line replacement when it is in Transparent operating mode. The device queues all UART data it receives through the DIN pin for RF transmission. When a device receives RF data, it sends the data out through the DOUT pin.

API operating mode

API operating mode is an alternative to Transparent operating mode. API mode is a frame-based protocol that allows you to direct data on a packet basis. The device communicates UART data in packets, also known as API frames. This mode allows for structured communications with computers and microcontrollers.
The advantages of APIoperating mode include:
n It is easier to send information to multiple destinations
n The host receives the source address for each received data frame
n You can change parameters without entering Command mode
n You can query or set a configuration parameter while a pending command—for example ND—is
in progress. This cannot be done in Command mode.
For more information, see API frame specifications.

Receive mode

This is the default mode for the XTC RF Module. The device is in Receive mode when it is not transmitting data. If a destination node receives a valid RF packet, the destination node transfers the data to its serial transmit buffer.
If a destination node receives a valid RF packet, the destination node transfers the data to its serial transmit buffer. For the serial interface to report received data on the RF network, that data must meet the following criteria:
n Network ID match
n Channel match
n Address match
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
Modes Transmit mode

Transmit mode

When DigiMesh data is transmitted from one node to another, the destination node transmits a network-level acknowledgment back across the established route to the source node. This acknowledgment packet indicates to the source node that the destination node received the data packet. If the source node does not receive a network acknowledgment, it retransmits the data.
For more information, see Data transmission and routing.

Command mode

Command mode is a state in which the firmware interprets incoming characters as commands. It allows you to modify the device’s configuration using parameters you can set using AT commands.When you want to read or set any parameter of the XTC RF Module using this mode, you have to send an AT command.Every AT command starts with the lettersATfollowed by the two characters that identify the command and then by some optional configuration values.
The operating modes of the XTC RF Module are controlled by the AP (API Enable) setting, butCommand mode is always available as a mode thedevice can enter while configured for any of the operating modes.
Command mode is available on the UART interface for all operating modes. You cannot use the SPI interface to enter Command mode.

Enter Command mode

To get a device to switch into Command mode, you must issue the following sequence:+++within one second. There must be at least one second preceding and following the+++sequence. Both the command character (CC) and the silence before and after the sequence (GT) are configurable. When the entrance criteria are met the device responds with OK\r on UART signifying that it has entered Command mode successfully and is ready to start processing AT commands.
If configured to operate in Transparent operating mode, when entering Command mode the XTC RF Module knows to stop sending data and start accepting commands locally.
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
Modes Command mode
Note Do not press Return or Enter after typing+++because it interrupts the guard time silence and
prevents you from entering Command mode.
When the device is in Command mode, it listens for user input and is able to receive AT commands on the UART. IfCTtime (default is 10 seconds) passes without any user input, the device drops out of Command mode and returns to the previous operating mode. You can force the device to leave Command mode by sending CN (Exit Command Mode).
You can customize the command character, the guard times and the timeout in the device’s configuration settings. For more information, seeCC (Command Character),CT (Command Mode
Timeout)andGT (Guard Times).
When the device is in Command mode, it listens for user input and is able to receive AT commands on the UART. IfCTtime (default is 10 seconds) passes without any user input, the device drops out of Command mode and returns to the previous operating mode. You can force the device to leave Command mode by sending CN (Exit Command Mode).
You can customize the command character, the guard times and the timeout in the device’s configuration settings. For more information, seeCC (Command Sequence Character),CT (Command
Mode Timeout)andGT (Guard Times).


Failure to enter Command mode is often due to baud rate mismatch. Ensure that the baud rate of the connection matches the baud rate of the device. By default, BD (Baud Rate) = 3 (9600 b/s).
Failure to enter Command mode is often due to baud rate mismatch. Ensure that the baud rate of the connection matches the baud rate of the device. By default, BD (Interface Data Rate) = 3 (9600 b/s).
There are two alternative ways to enter Command mode:
n A serial break for six seconds enters Command mode. You can issue the "break" command
from a serial console, it is often a button or menu item.
n Asserting DIN (serial break) upon power up or reset enters Command mode. XCTU guides you
through a reset and automatically issues the break when needed.
Both of these methods temporarily set the device's baud rate to 9600 and return anOKon the UART to indicate that Command mode is active. When Command mode exits, the device returns to normal operation at the baud rate that BDis set to.

Send AT commands

Once the device enters Command mode, use the syntax in the following figure to send AT commands. Every AT command starts with the lettersAT, which stands for "attention." TheATis followed by two characters that indicate which command is being issued, then by some optional configuration values.
To read a parameter value stored in the device’s register, omit the parameter field.
The preceding example changes NI (Node Identifier) to My XBee.
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
Modes Command mode
Multiple AT commands
You can send multiple AT commands at a time when they are separated by a comma in Command mode; for example,ATNIMy XBee,AC<cr>.
The preceding example changes theNI (Node Identifier) to My XBeeand makes the setting active through AC (Apply Changes).
Parameter format
Refer to the list of AT commands for the format of individual AT command parameters. Valid formats for hexidecimal values include with or without a leading0xfor exampleFFFFor0xFFFF.

Response to AT commands

When using AT commands to set parameters the XTC RF Module responds with OK<cr> if successful and ERROR<cr> if not.
For devices with a file system:
When reading parameters, the device returns the current parameter value instead of anOKmessage.

Apply command changes

Any changes you make to the configuration command registers using AT commands do not take effect until you apply the changes. For example, if you send theBDcommand to change the baud rate, the actual baud rate does not change until you apply the changes. To apply changes:
1. Send AC (Apply Changes).
2. Send WR (Write).
3. Exit Command mode.

Make command changes permanent

Send a WR (Write) command to save the changes. WR writes parameter values to non-volatile memory so that parameter modifications persist through subsequent resets.
Send as RE (Restore Defaults) to wipe settings saved using WR back to their factory defaults.
Note You still have to use WR to save the changes enacted with RE.

Exit Command mode

1. Send CN (Exit Command Mode) followed by a carriage return.
2. If the device does not receive any valid AT commands within the time specified byCT
(Command Mode Timeout), it returns to Transparent or API mode. The default Command mode
timeout is10seconds.
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
Modes Command mode
For an example of programming the device using AT Commands and descriptions of each configurable parameter, see AT commands.
1. Send CN (Exit Command Mode) followed by a carriage return.
2. If the device does not receive any valid AT commands within the time specified byCT
(Command Mode Timeout), it returns to Transparent or API mode. The default Command mode
timeout is10seconds.
For an example of programming the device using AT Commands and descriptions of each configurable parameter, see Commands.
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide


WARNING! When operating at 1 W power output, observe a minimum separation distance
of 6 ft (2 m) between devices. Transmitting in close proximity of other devices can damage the device's front end.
Serial interface 28
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
Operation Serial interface

Serial interface

The XTC RF Module provides a serial interface to an RF link. The XTC RF Module converts serial data to RF data and sends that data to any over-the-air compatible device in an RF network. The device can communicate through its serial port with any logic and voltage compatible universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART), or through a level translator to any serial device.

UART data flow

Devices that have a UART interface connect directly to the pins of the XTC RF Module as shown in the following figure. The figure shows system data flow in a UART-interfaced environment. Low-asserted signals have a horizontal line over the signal name.
Serial data
A device sends data to the XTC RF Module's UART through pin 4 DIN as an asynchronous serial signal. When the device is not transmitting data, the signals should idle high.
For serial communication to occur, you must configure the UART of both devices (the microcontroller and the XTC RF Module) with compatible settings for the baud rate, parity, start bits, stop bits, and data bits.
Each data byte consists of a start bit (low), 8 data bits (least significant bit first) and a stop bit (high). The following diagram illustrates the serial bit pattern of data passing through the device. The diagram shows UART data packet 0x1F (decimal number 31) as transmitted through the device.

Serial flow control

The RTS and CTS device pins provide RTS and/or CTS flow control. CTS flow control signals the host to stop sending serial data to the device. RTS flow control lets the host signal the device so it will not send the data in the serial transmit buffer out the UART. Use the D6 and D7 commands to enable RTS and CTS flow control.
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
Operation Serial interface
CTS flow control
CTS flow control is enabled by default; you can disable it with the D7 command. When the serial receive buffer fills with the number of bytes specified by the FT parameter, the device de-asserts CTS (sets it high) to signal the host device to stop sending serial data. The device re-asserts CTS when less than FT-16 bytes are in the UART receive buffer; for more information, see FT (Flow Control
RTS flow control
If you send the D6 command to enable RTS flow control, the device does not send data in the serial transmit buffer out the DOUT pin as long as RTS is de-asserted (set high). Do not de-assert RTS for long periods of time or the serial transmit buffer will fill. If the device receives an RF data packet and the serial transmit buffer does not have enough space for all of the data bytes, it discards the entire RF data packet.
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide

Networking methods

The MAC and PHY layers 31 64-bit addresses 31 Make a unicast transmission 32 Delivery methods 32
XBee®/XBee-PRO XTend Compatible (XTC) DigiMesh RF Module User Guide
+ 105 hidden pages