CJuly, 2017Updated branding and made editorial enhancements.
May, 2007
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Updated document to fix minor errors.
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FCC-approved antennas (2.4 ghz)105
European certification108
OEM labeling requirements108
Declarations of conformity108
Maximum power and frequency specifications109
IC (Industry Canada) certification109
Labeling requirements109
Appendix B: Additional information
One-year warranty111
Ordering Information111
XBee-PRO USB modem
The XBee-PRO RS-232 RF modem is an IEEE 802.15.4 compliant solution that features an RS-232
interface. Out-of-box, the modem is equipped to sustain outstanding range (2-3x the range of typical
802.15.4 solutions) and requires no additional configuration for immediate RF communications. Simply
feed data into one modem, then the data is sent out the other end of the wireless link.
The modem transfers a standard asynchronous serial data stream between two or more devices. Its
built-in RS-232 interface allows for rapid integration into existing data systems.
Number of channels (software selectable)12 direct sequence
Addressing layersPAN ID, channel and
ConnectorRPSMA (reverse polarity
Impedance50 ohms unbalanced
Power requirements
Power supplyPowered through USB
Receive current90 mA
See Appendix A: agency certifications for region‐specific certification requirements.
XBee-PRO USB modemSpecifications
Transmit current300 mA (Average current
when streaming data
(@9600bps) = 92 mA)
Power-down current< 25 mA
Physical properties
Size4.500” x 2.750” x 1.125”
(11.4cm x 7.0cm x 2.9cm)
Weight5.25 oz. (150 g)
Data connectionUSB
Operating temperature0 - 70º C (commercial)
Certifications (partial list)
United States (FCC Part 15.247)OUR-XBEEPRO
Industry Canada (IC)4214A-XBEEPRO
Europe (CE)ETSI (Max. 10 mW
transmit power output)*
XBee-PRO USB modemExternal interface
External interface
Front view
I/O & power LEDs
LEDs indicate RF modem activity as follows:
n Yellow (top LED) = serial data out (to host).
n Green (middle) = serial data In (from host).
n Red (bottom) = Power/association Indicator (refer to D5 (DIO5 Configuration) command).
RSSI LEDs indicate the amount of fade margin present in an active wireless link. Fade margin is
defined as the difference between the incoming signal strength and the modem's receiver sensitivity.
n 3 LEDs ON = very strong signal (> 30 dB fade margin)
n 2 LEDs ON = strong signal (> 20 dB fade margin)
n 1 LED ON = moderate signal (> 10 dB fade margin)
n 0 LED ON = weak Signal (< 10 dB fade margin)
XBee-PRO USB modemExternal interface
Back view
USB port
Standard type-B USB connector is used to communicate with USBhost and power the RF modem.
DIP switch
DIP switch functions are not supported in this release. Future down- loadable firmware versions will
support DIP switch configurations.
Reset swiitch
The Reset Switch is used to reset (re-boot) the RF modem.
Antenna port
Port is a 50Ω RF signal connector for connecting to an external antenna. The connector type is RPSMA
(reverse polarity SMA) female. The connector has threads on the outside of a barrel and a male center
Interfacing protocol
RS-232 operation
Pin signals
Pins used on the female RS-232 (DB-9) serial connector
DB-9 pinRS-232 nameDescriptionImplementation
1DCDData-carrier-detectConnected to DSR (pin6)
2RXDReceived dataSerial data exiting the RF modem
3TXDTransmitted dataSerial data entering into the RF
4DTRData-terminal-readyCan enable power-down on the RF
5GNDGround signalGround
1Functions listed in the implementation column may not be available at the time of release.
Pin assignments and implementations
(to host)
modem (from host)
Interfacing protocolRS-232 operation
DB-9 pinRS-232 nameDescriptionImplementation
6DSRData-set-readyConnected to DCD (pin1)
7RTS / CMDRequest-to-
send/command mode
8CTSClear-to-sendProvides CTS flow control
9RIRing indicatorOptional power input that is
Wiring Diagrams
DTE RS-232 Device to a DCE RF Modem
RS-232 device (DTE-male connector) wired to an XBeee-PRO RF modem (DCE-female)
Provides RTS flow control or enables
"command mode" on the RF modem
Refer to Flow control and the D6
(DIO6 Configuration) command.
Refer to Flow control and D7 (DIO7
Configuration) command.
connected internally to the positive
lead of the front power connector
DCE RF Modem to an DCE RS-232 Device
XBee‐PRO RF modem (DCE ‐female connector) wired to an RS‐232 device (DCE)
1Functions listed in the implementation column may not be available at the time of release.
The XBee-PRO RS-232 RF modem interfaces to a host device through a standard RS-232 (DB-9)
connector. Devices that have a standard RS-232 serial port can connect directly through the pins of
the RF modem as shown in the following figure.
System data flow in an RS‐232 environment
Host and RF modem settings
Serial communications between a host and an XBee-PRO RF modem are dependent upon having
matching baud rate, parity, stop bit & number of data bits settings. Refer to the table below to ensure
host serial port settings match those of the XBee-PRO RF modem.
Parameter values critical to serial communications
between the RF modem and host
Parameter settingDefault parameter value
Baud (serial data rate) 9600 bps (BD parameter = 3)
Number of data bits8
Number of stop bits1
RF modem operationSerial Communications
Both the XBee-PRO RF modem and host (PC) settings can be viewed and adjusted using Digi's
proprietary X-CTU software. Use the PC settings tab to configure host settings. Use the terminal or
RF modem configuration tabs to configure the RF modem settings.
Note Failure to enter AT command mode is most commonly due to baud rate mismatch. Ensure the
baud setting on the PC settings tab matches the BD (interface data rate) setting of the RF modem
(by default, BD parameter = 3, which is associated to 9600 baud).
Transparent operation
By default, XBee-PRO RF modems operate in transparent mode. When operating in this mode, the
modems act as a serial line replacement - all UART data received through the DI pin is queued up for
RF transmission. When RF data is received, the data is sent out the DO pin.
Serial-to-RF packetization
Data is buffered in the DI buffer until one of the following causes the data to be packetized and
1. No serial characters are received for the amount of time determined by the RO (packetization
timeout) parameter. If RO = 0, packetization begins when a character is received.
2. The maximum number of characters that will fit in an RF packet (100) is received.
3. The command mode sequence (GT + CC + GT) is received. Any character buffered in the DI
buffer before the sequence is transmitted.
If the modem cannot immediately transmit (for instance, if it is already receiving RF data), the serial
data is stored in the DI buffer. The data is packetized and sent at any RO timeout or when 100 bytes
(maximum packet size) are received.
If the DI buffer becomes full, hardware or software flow control must be implemented in order to
prevent overflow (loss of data between the host and modem).
API operation
API (application programming interface) operation is an alternative to the default transparent
operation. The frame-based API extends the level to which a host application can interact with the
networking capabilities of the modem.
When in API mode, all data entering and leaving the modem is contained in frames that define
operations or events within the modem.
Transmit data frames (received through the DI (Data In) pin) include:
n RF transmit data frame
n Command frame (equivalent to AT commands)
Receive data frames (sent out the data out) include:
n RF-received data frame
n Command response
n Event notifications such as reset, associate, disassociate, etc.
The API provides alternative means of configuring modems and routing data at the host application
layer. A host application can send data frames to the modem that contain address and payload
information instead of using command mode to modify addresses. The modem will send data frames
RF modem operationSerial Communications
to the application containing status packets; as well as source, RSSI and payload information from
received data packets.
The API operation option facilitates many operations such as the examples cited below:
n Transmitting data to multiple destinations without entering command mode.
n Receive success/failure status of each transmitted RF packet.
n Identify the source address of each received packet.
Flow control
Internal data flow diagram
DI (data In) buffer
When serial data enters the RF modem through the DI (Data In) pin, the data is stored in the DI Buffer
until it can be processed.
Hardware flow control (CTS). When the DI buffer is 17 bytes away from being full; by default, the
modem de-asserts CTS (high) to signal to the host device to stop sending data (refer to D7 (DIO7
Configuration) command. CTS is re-asserted after the DI Buffer has 34 bytes of memory available.
How to eliminate the need for flow control:
1. Send messages that are smaller than the DI buffer size.
2. Interface at a lower baud rate (BD (interface data rate) parameter] than the throughput data
Case in which the DI Buffer may become full and possibly overflow:
If the modem is receiving a continuous stream of RF data, any serial data that arrives on the DI pin is
placed in the DI Buffer. The data in the DI buffer will be transmitted over-the-air when the modem is
no longer receiving RF data in the network.
Refer to RO (Packetization Timeout) command, BD (Interface Data Rate) command, and D7 (DIO7
Configuration) command command descriptions for more information.
Refer to BD (Interface Data Rate) command and RO (Packetization Timeout) command command
descriptions for more information.
DO (data out) buffer
When RF data is received, the data enters the DO buffer and is sent out the serial port to a host
device. Once the DO buffer reaches capacity, any additional incoming RF data is lost.
Hardware flow control (RTS). If RTS is enabled for flow control (D6 (DIO6 configuration) parameter =
1), data will not be sent out the DO buffer as long as RTS (DIO6) is de-asserted.
Two cases in which the DO buffer may become full and possibly overflow:
RF modem operationSerial Communications
1. If the RF data rate is set higher than the interface data rate of the modem, the modem will
receive data from the transmitting modem faster than it can send the data to the host.
2. If the host does not allow the modem to transmit data out from the DO buffer because of being
held off by hardware or software flow control.
To implement API operations, refer to API operation.
IEEE 802.15.4 networks
The following IEEE 802.15.4 network types are available to the RF modem:
n NonBeacon
n NonBeacon (w/coordinator)
The following terms will be used to explicate the network system types:
Terms and definitions (Applicable networking network types are designated within <brackets>.)
Association<NonBeacon (w/coordinator) systems only>
The establishment of membership between end devices and a coordinator.
<NonBeacon (w/coordinator) systems only>
A central RF modem that is configured to provide synchronization services through
the transmission of beacons.
End deviceWhen in the same network as a coordinator - RF modems that rely on a coordinator
for synchronization and can be put into states of sleep for low-power applications.
PANPersonal area network - A data communication network that includes one or more
end devices and optionally a coordinator.
By default, XBee-PRO RF modems are configured to support NonBeacon communications (no
coordinator). NonBeacon systems operate within a peer-to-peer network topology and are not
dependent upon master/slave relationships. This means that modems remain synchronized without
use of master/server configurations and each modem in the network shares both roles of master and
slave. Digi's peer-to-peer architecture features fast synchronization times and fast cold start times.
This default configuration accommodates a wide range of RF data applications.
NonBeacon peer-to-peer architecture
RF modem operationSerial Communications
A peer-to-peer network can be established by configuring each modem to operate as an end device
(CE = 0), disabling end device association on all modems (A1 = 0) and setting ID and CH parameters to
be identical across the network.
NonBeacon (with coordinator)
A device is configured as a coordinator by setting the CE (Coordinator Enable) parameter to “1”.
Coordinator power-up is governed by the A2 (Coordinator Association) command.
In a NonBeacon (w/coordinator) system, the coordinator can be configured to use direct or indirect
transmissions. If the SP (Cyclic Sleep Period) parameter is set to “0," the coordinator sends data
immediately. Otherwise, the SP parameter determines the length of time the coordinator will retain
the data before discarding it. Generally, SP (Cyclic Sleep Period) and ST (Time before Sleep)
parameters should be set to match the SP and ST settings of the end devices.
Association plays a critical role in the implementation of a NonBeacon (with coordinator) system.
Refer to Association for more information.
Association is the establishment of membership between end devices and a coordinator and is only
applicable in NonBeacon (w/coordinator) networks. The establishment of membership is useful in
scenarios that require a central unit (coordinator) to relay messages to or gather data from several
remote units (end devices), assign channels or assign PAN IDs.
An RF data network that consists of one coordinator and one or more end devices forms a PAN
(personal area network). Each device in a PAN has a PAN identifier [ID (PAN ID) parameter]. PAN IDs
must be unique to prevent miscommunication between PANs. The coordinator PAN ID is set using the
ID (PAN ID) and A2 (coordinator association) commands.
An end device can associate to a coordinator without knowing the address, PAN ID or channel of the
coordinator. The A1 (End Device Association) parameter bit fields determine the flexibility of an end
device during association. The A1 parameter can be used for an end device to dynamically set its
destination address, PAN ID and/or channel.
For example: If the PAN ID of a coordinator is known, but the operating channel is not; the A1
command on the end device should be set to enable the Auto_Associate and Reassign_Channel bits.
Additionally, the ID parameter should be set to match the PAN ID of the associated coordinator.
Coordinator/end device setup and operation
To configure a modem to operate as a coordinator, set the CE (Coordinator Enable) parameter to 1.
Set the CE parameter of End Devices to 0 (default). Coordinator and end devices should contain
RF modem operationSerial Communications
matching firmware versions.
NonBeacon (w/coordinator) systems
In a NonBeacon (w/coordinator) system, the coordinator can be configured to use direct or indirect
transmissions. If the SP (Cyclic Sleep Period) parameter is set to 0,, the Coordinator will send data
immediately. Otherwise, the SP parameter determines the length of time the Coordinator will retain
the data before discarding it. Generally, SP (Cyclic Sleep Period) and ST (Time before Sleep)
parameters should be set to match the SP and ST settings of the end devices.
Coordinator Power-up
Coordinator power-up is governed by the A2 (Coordinator Association) command. On power-up, the
coordinator undergoes the following sequence of events:
1. Check A2 parameter- reassign_PANID flag
Set (bit 0 = 1) - The coordinator issues an active scan. The active scan selects one channel and
transmits a BeaconRequest command to the broadcast address (0xFFFF) and broadcast PAN
ID (0xFFFF). It then listens on that channel for beacons from any coordinator operating on that
channel. The listen time on each channel is determined by the SD (Scan Duration) parameter
Once the time expires on that channel, the active scan selects another channel and again
transmits the BeaconRequest as before. This process continues until all channels have been
scanned, or until 5 PANs have been discovered. When the active scan is complete, the results
include a list of PAN IDs and channels that are being used by other PANs. This list is used to
assign an unique PAN ID to the new coordinator. The ID parameter will be retained if it is not
found in the active scan results. Otherwise, the ID (PAN ID) parameter setting will be updated
to a PAN ID that was not detected.
Not Set (bit 0 = 0) - The coordinator retains its ID setting. No active scan is performed.
2. Check A2 parameter - reassign_channel flag (bit 1)
Set (bit 1 = 1) - The coordinator issues an energy scan. The energy scan selects one channel
and scans for energy on that channel. The duration of the scan is specified by the SD (Scan
Duration) parameter. Once the scan is completed on a channel, the energy scan selects the
next channel and begins a new scan on that channel. This process continues until all channels
have been scanned.
When the energy scan is complete, the results include the maximal energy values detected on
each channel. This list is used to determine a channel where the least energy was detected. If
an active scan was performed (reassign_PANID flag set), the channels used by the detected
PANs are eliminated as possible channels. Thus, the results of the energy scan and the active
scan (if performed) are used to find the best channel (channel with the least energy that is not
used by any detected PAN). Once the best channel has been selected, the CH (Channel)
parameter value is updated to that channel.
Not set (bit 1 = 0) - The coordinator retains its CH setting. An energy scan is not performed.
RF modem operationSerial Communications
3. Start coordinator
The coordinator starts on the specified channel (CH parameter) and PAN ID (ID parameter).
Note, these may be selected in steps 1 and/or 2 above. The coordinator will only allow end
devices to associate to it if the A2 parameter “AllowAssociation” flag is set. Once the
coordinator has successfully started, the Associate LED will blink one time per second. (The LED
is solid if the coordinator has not started.)
4. Coordinator modifications
Once a coordinator has started:
Modifying the A2 (Reassign_Channel or Reassign_PANID bits), ID, CH or MY parameters will
cause the coordinator’s MAC to reset (The coordinator RF modem (including volatile RAM) is
not reset). Changing the A2 AllowAssociation bit will not reset the coordinator’s MAC. In a non-
beaconing system, end devices that are associated to the coordinator prior to a MAC reset will
have knowledge of the new settings on the Coordinator. Thus, if the Coordinator were to
change its ID, CH or MY settings, the End Devices would no longer be able to communicate with
the non-beacon coordinator. Once a coordinator has started, the ID, CH, MY or A2 (Reassign_
Channel or Reassign_PANID bits) should not be changed.
End device power-up
End device power-up is governed by the A1 (End Device Association) command. On power-up, the end
device undergoes the following sequence of events:
1. Check A1 parameter -11 AutoAssociate bit.
Set (bit 2 = 1) - End device will attempt to associate to a coordinator. (refer to steps 2-3).
Not Set (bit 2 = 0) - End device will not attempt to associate to a coordinator. The end device
will operate as specified by its ID, CH and MY parameters. Association is considered complete
and the Associate LED blinks quickly (5 times per second). When the AutoAssociate bit is not
set, the remaining steps (2-3) do not apply.
RF modem operationSerial Communications
2. Discover coordinator (if AutoAssociate bit set).
The end device issues an active scan. The active scan selects one channel and transmits a
BeaconRequest command to the broadcast address (0xFFFF) and broadcast PAN ID (0xFFFF).
It then listens on that channel for beacons from any coordinator operating on that channel. The
listen time on each channel is determined by the SD parameter.
Once the time expires on that channel, the active scan selects another channel and again
transmits the BeaconRequest command as before. This process continues until all channels
have been scanned, or until 5 PANs have been discovered. When the active scan is complete,
the results include a list of PAN IDs and channels that are being used by detected PANs.
The end device selects a coordinator to associate with according to the A1 parameter
(Reassign_PANID) and (Reassign_Channel) flags:
Reassign_PANID Bit Set (bit 0 = 1)- end device can associate with a PAN with any ID value.
Reassign_PANID Bit Not Set (bit 0 = 0) - end device will only associate with a PAN whose ID
setting matches the ID setting of the end device.
Reassign_Channel bit set (bit 1 = 1) - end device can associate with a PAN with any CH
Reassign_Channel bit not set (bit 1 = 0)- end device will only associate with a PAN whose
CH setting matches the CH setting of the end device.
After applying these filters to the discovered coordinators, if multiple candidate PANs exist, the
end device will select the PAN whose transmission link quality is the strongest. If no valid
coordinator is found, the end device will either go to sleep (as dictated by its SM (Sleep Mode)
parameter) or retry association.
Note An end device will also disqualify coordinators if they are not allowing association (A2 -
AllowAssociation bit); or, if the coordinator is not using the same NonBeacon scheme as the
end device. (They must both be programmed with NonBeacon code.)
3. Associate to valid coordinator.
Once a valid coordinator is found (step 2), the End Device sends an AssociationRequest
message to the coordinator. It then waits for an AssociationConfirmation to be sent from the
coordinator. Once the confirmation is received, the end device is associated and the Associate
LED blinks rapidly (2 times per second). The LED is solid if the end device has not associated.
4. End device changes once an end device has associated.
Changing A1, ID or CH parameters will cause the end device to disassociate and restart the
association procedure.
If the end device fails to associate, the AI command can give some indication of the failure.
RF modem operationSerial Communications
Every RF data packet sent over-the-air contains a source address and destination address field in its
header. The RF modem conforms to the 802.15.4 specification and supports both short 16-bit
addresses and long 64-bit addresses. A unique 64-bit IEEE source address is assigned at the factory
and can be read with the SL (Serial Number Low) and SH (Serial Number High) commands. Short
addressing must be configured manually. A modem will use its unique 64-bit address as its source
address if its MY (16-bit Source Address) value is 0xFFFF or 0xFFFE.
To send a packet to a specific modem using 64-bit addressing: set destination address (DL + DH) to
match the source address (SL + SH) of the intended destination modem.
To send a packet to a specific modem using 16-bit addressing: Set DL (Destination Address Low)
parameter to equal the MY parameter and set the DH (Destination Address High) parameter to 0.
Unicast mode
By default, the RF modem operates in Unicast node. Unicast mode is the only mode that supports
retries. While in this mode, receiving modems send an ACK (acknowledgement) of RF packet reception
to the transmitter. If the transmitting modem does not receive the ACK, it will re-send the packet up
to three times or until the ACK is received.
Short 16-bit addresses
The modem can be configured to use short 16-bit addresses as the source address by setting (MY <
0xFFFE). Setting the DH parameter (DH = 0) will configure the destination address to be a short 16-bit
address (if DL < 0xFFFE). For two modems to communicate using short addressing, the destination
address of the transmitter modem must match the MY parameter of the receiver.
The following table shows a sample network configuration that would enable Unicast mode
communications using short 16-bit addresses.
Sample Unicast network configuration
(using 16‐bit addressing)
ParameterRF modem 1 RF modem 2
MY (Source Address)0x010x02
DH (Destination Address High) 00
DL (Destination Address Low)0x020x01
Long 64-bit addresses
The RF modem’s serial number (SL parameter concatenated to the SH parameter) can be used as a
64-bit source address when the MY (16-bit Source Address) parameter is disabled. When the MY
parameter is disabled (set MY = 0xFFFF or 0xFFFE), the modem’s source address is set to the 64-bit
IEEE address stored in the SH and SL parameters.
When an end device associates to a coordinator, its MY parameter is set to 0xFFFE to enable 64- bit
addressing. The 64-bit address of the modem is stored as SH and SL parameters. To send a packet to
a specific modem, the destination address (DL + DH) on one modem must match the source address
(SL + SH) of the other.
Broadcast mode
Any RF modem within range will accept a packet that contains a broadcast address. When configured
to operate in Broadcast mode, receiving modems do not send ACKs (acknowledgements) and
transmitting modems do not automatically re-send packets as is the case in Unicast mode.
RF modem operationSerial Communications
To send a broadcast packet to all modems regardless of 16-bit or 64-bit addressing, set the
destination addresses of all the modems as shown below.
Sample network configuration (All modems in the network):
n DL (Destination Low Address) = 0x0000FFFF
n DH (Destination High Address) = 0x00000000 (default value)
Note When programming the modem, parameters are entered in hexadecimal notation (without the
“0x” prefix). Leading zeros may be omitted.
Modes of operation
XBee-PRO RF modems operate in five modes.
Modes of operation
Idle mode
When not receiving or transmitting data, the RF modem is in idle mode. The modem shifts into the
other modes of operation under the following conditions:
n Transmit mode (serial data is received in the DI buffer).
n Receive mode (valid RF data is received through the antenna).
n Sleep mode (sleep mode condition is met).
n Command mode (command mode sequence is issued).
Transmit/receive modes
RF data packets
Each transmitted data packet contains a source address and destination address field. The source
address matches the address of the transmitting modem as specified by the MY (Source Address)
parameter (if MY >= 0xFFFE), the SH (Serial Number High) parameter or the SL (Serial Number Low)
parameter. The <Destination Address> field is created from the DH (Destination Address High) and DL
(Destination Address Low) parameter values. The source address and/or destination address fields
will either contain a 16-bit short or long 64-bit long address.
The RF data packet structure follows the 802.15.4 specification.
RF modem operationSerial Communications
Refer to Addressing for more information.
Direct and indirect transmission
There are two methods to transmit data:
n Direct transmission - data is transmitted immediately to the destination address.
n Indirect transmission - A packet is retained for a period of time and is only transmitted after
the destination modem (source address = destination address) requests the data.
Indirect transmissions can only occur on a coordinator. Thus, if all nodes in a network are end devices,
only direct transmissions will occur. Indirect transmissions are useful to ensure packet delivery to a
sleeping node. The coordinator currently is able to retain up to two indirect messages.
Direct transmission
A NonBeaconing coordinator can be configured to use only direct transmission by setting the SP
(Cyclic Sleep Period) parameter to 0. Also, a NonBeaconing coordinator using indirect transmissions
will revert to direct transmission if it knows the destination modem is awake.
To enable this behavior, the ST (Time before Sleep) value of the coordinator must be set to match the
ST value of the end device. Once the end device either transmits data to the coordinator or polls the
coordinator for data, the coordinator uses direct transmission for all subsequent data transmissions
to that modem address until ST time (or number of beacons) occurs with no activity (at which point it
will revert to using indirect transmissions for that modem address). No activity means no
transmission or reception of messages with a specific address. Global messages will not reset the ST
Indirect transmission
To configure indirect transmissions in a PAN (personal area network), the SP (Cyclic Sleep Period)
parameter value on the coordinator must be set to match the longest sleep value of any end device.
The SP parameter represents time in NonBeacon systems and beacons in Beacon-enabled systems.
The sleep period value on the coordinator determines how long (time or number of beacons) the
coordinator will retain an indirect message before discarding it.
In NonBeacon networks, an end device must poll the coordinator once it wakes from sleep to
determine if the coordinator has an indirect message for it. For cyclic sleep modes, this is done
automatically every time the modem wakes (after SP time). For pin sleep modes, the A1 (End Device
Association) parameter value must be set to enable coordinator polling on pin wake-up. Alternatively,
an end device can use the FP (Force Poll) command to poll the coordinator as needed.
CCA (clear channel assessment)
Prior to transmitting a packet, a CCA (clear channel assessment) is performed on the channel to
determine if the channel is available for transmission. The detected energy on the channel is
compared with the CA (Clear Channel Assessment) parameter value. If the detected energy exceeds
the CA parameter value, the packet is not transmitted.
Also, a delay is inserted before a transmission takes place. This delay is settable using the RN (Backoff
Exponent) parameter. If RN is set to “0”, then there is no delay before the first CCA is performed. The
RN parameter value is the equivalent of the “minBE” parameter in the 802.15.4 specification. The
transmit sequence follows the 802.15.4 specification.
RF modem operationSerial Communications
By default, the MM (MAC Mode) parameter = 0. On a CCA failure, the modem will attempt to re- send
the packet up to two additional times.
When in Unicast packets with RR (Retries) = 0, the modem will execute two CCA retries. Broadcast
packets always get two CCA retries.
If the transmission is not a broadcast message, the modem will expect to receive an acknowledgment
from the destination node. If an acknowledgment is not received, the packet will be resent up to 3
more times. If the acknowledgment is not received after all transmissions, an ACK failure is recorded.
Sleep mode
Sleep modes enable the RF modem to enter states of low-power consumption when not in use. In
order to enter sleep mode, one of the following conditions must be met (in addition to the modem
having a non-zero SM parameter value):
n DTR (data terminal ready) is de-asserted.
n The modem is idle (no data transmission or reception) for the amount of time defined by the ST
(Time before Sleep) parameter. Note ST is only active when SM = 4-5.
into sleep
Sleep mode setting
Pin hibernate (SM =1)De-assert
Pin Doze (SM = 2)De-assert
Cyclic Sleep (SM = 4 -
DTR (data
DTR (data
transition to
sleep mode
as defined by
the SM
(Sleep Mode)
and ST (Time
Sleep mode configurations
out of sleep
mode (wake)
Assert DTRPin/host-
Assert DTRPin/host-
occurs after
the cyclic
sleep time
elapses. The
time interval is
defined by the
SP (Cyclic
Sleep Period)
controlled /
systems only /
lowest power
controlled /
systems only /
fastest wakeup
RF modem
wakes in predetermined
time intervals
to detect if RF
data is present
/ When SM = 5,
systems only
(SM)< 6 mA
(SM)< 6 mA
(SM), SP,ST< 25 mA
RF modem operationSerial Communications
The SM command is central to setting sleep mode configurations. By default, sleep modes are
disabled (SM = 0) and the modem remains in idle/receive mode. When in this state, the modem is
constantly ready to respond to serial or RF activity.
Higher voltages
Sleep mode current consumption is highly sensitive to voltage. Voltages above 3.0V will cause much
higher current consumption.
Sample sleep mode currents
Vcc (V)SM=1SM=2SM=4,5 SM=1SM=2SM=4,5
2.8–3.0 <3 µA <35uA<34uA<4uA<34uA <34uA
3.3101uA83uA100uA 130uA 115uA 120uA
3.4255uA 170uA 240uA310uA 260uA 290uA
Pin/Host-controlled sleep modes
The transient current when waking from pin sleep (SM = 1 or 2) does not exceed the idle current of the
modem. The current ramps up exponentially to its idle current.
Pin hibernate (SM = 1)
n Pin/host-controlled
n Typical power-down current: < 6 mA
n Typical wake-up time: 10.2 msec
Pin hibernate mode minimizes quiescent power (power consumed when in a state of rest or
inactivity). This mode is voltage level-activated; when DTR is de-asserted, the modem will finish any
transmit, receive or association activities, enter idle mode and then enter a state of sleep. The
modem will not respond to either serial or RF activity while in pin sleep.
To wake a sleeping modem operating in Pin Hibernate mode, assert DTR (data terminal ready). The
modem will wake when DTR is asserted and is ready to transmit or receive when the CTS line is low.
When waking the modem, the pin must be asserted at least two 'byte times' after CTS goes low. This
assures that there is time for the data to enter the DI buffer.
Pin doze (SM = 2)
n Pin/host-controlled
n Typical power-down current: < 6 mA
n Typical wake-up time: 2.6 msec
Pin doze mode functions like does Pin Hibernate Mode; however, Pin Doze features faster wake-up
time and higher power consumption.
To wake a sleeping modem operating in Pin Doze Mode, assert DTR (data terminal ready). The modem
will wake when DTR is asserted and is ready to transmit or receive when the CTS line is low. When
waking the modem, the pin must be asserted at least two 'byte times' after CTS goes low. This
assures that there is time for the data to enter the DI buffer.
RF modem operationSerial Communications
Cyclic sleep modes
Cyclic sleep remote (SM = 4)
n Typical power-down current: < 25 mA (when asleep)
n Typical wake-up time: 2.6 msec
The cyclic sleep modes allow modems to periodically check for RF data. When the SM parameter is set
to ‘4’, the modem is configured to sleep, then wakes once a cycle to check for data from a modem
configured as a cyclic sleep coordinator (SM = 0, CE = 1). The cyclic sleep remote sends a poll request
to the coordinator at a specific interval set by the SP (Cyclic Sleep Period) parameter. The coordinator
will transmit any queued data addressed to that specific remote upon receiving the poll request.
If no data is queued for the remote, the coordinator will not transmit and the remote will return to
sleep for another cycle. If queued data is transmitted back to the remote, it will stay awake to allow
for back and forth communication until the ST (Time before Sleep) timer expires.
Also note that CTS will go low each time the remote wakes, allowing for communication initiated by
the remote host if desired.
Cyclic sleep remote with pin wake-up (SM = 5)
Use this mode to wake a sleeping remote modem through either the RF interface or by the assertion
of DTR for event-driven communications. The cyclic sleep mode works as described above (cyclic sleep
remote) with the addition of a pin-controlled wake-up at the remote modem. The DTR pin is edgetriggered, not level-triggered. The modem will wake when a low is detected then set CTS low as soon
as it is ready to transmit or receive.
Any activity will reset the ST (Time before Sleep) timer so the modem will go back to sleep only after
there is no activity for the duration of the timer. Once the module wakes (pin-controlled), further pin
activity is ignored. The modem transitions back into sleep according to the ST time regardless of the
state of the pin.
[Cyclic sleep coordinator (SM = 6)]
n Typical current = receive current
n Always awake
Note The SM=6 parameter value exists solely for backwards compatibility with firmware version
1.x60. If backwards compatibility with the older firmware version is not required, always use the CE
(Coordinator Enable) command to configure a modem as a coordinator.
This mode configures a modem to wake cyclic sleeping remotes through RF interfacing. The
coordinator will accept a message addressed to a specific remote 16 or 64-bit address and hold it in a
buffer until the remote wakes and sends a poll request. Messages not sent directly (buffered and
requested) are called indirect messages. The coordinator only queues one indirect message at a time.
The coordinator will hold the indirect message for a period 2.5 times the sleeping period indicated by
the SP (Cyclic Sleep Period) parameter. The coordinator's SP parameter should be set to match the
value used by the remotes.
Command mode
To modify or read RF modem parameters, the modem must first enter into Command mode - a state
in which incoming characters are interpreted as commands. Two command mode types are
supported: AT command mode and API command mode.
AT command mode
To enter AT command mode:
RF modem operationSerial Communications
Send the 3-character command sequence “+++” and observe guard times before and after the
command characters.
Default AT Command Mode Sequence (for transition to Command mode):
n No characters sent for one second GT (Guard Times) parameter = 0x3E8.
n Input three plus characters (“+++”) within one second [CC (Command Sequence Character)
parameter = 0x2B.
n No characters sent for one second GT (Guard Times) parameter = 0x3E8.
All of the parameter values in the sequence can be modified to reflect user preferences.
Note Failure to enter AT Command mode is most commonly due to baud rate mismatch. Ensure the
baud setting on the PC Settings tab matches the interface data rate of the RF modem. By default,
the BD parameter = 3 (9600 bps).
To send AT commands:
Send AT commands and parameters using the syntax shown below.
Syntax for sending AT commands
To read a parameter value stored in the RF modem’s register, omit the parameter field.
The preceding example would change the RF modem destination address (Low) to “0x1F”. To store
the new value to non-volatile (long term) memory, subsequently send the WR (Write) command.
For modified parameter values to persist in the modem’s registry after a reset, changes must be
saved to non-volatile memory using the WR (Write) command. Otherwise, parameters are restored to
previously saved values after the modem is reset.
System response
When a command is sent to the modem, the modem will parse and execute the command. Upon
successful execution of a command, the modem returns an “OK” message. If execution of a command
results in an error, the modem returns an “ERROR” message.
To exit AT Command mode:
1. Send the ATCN (Exit Command Mode) command (followed by a carriage return).
2. If no valid AT commands are received within the time specified by CT (Command Mode
Timeout) Command, the RF modem automatically returns to Idle Mode.
For an example that illustrates programming the RF modem using AT commands, refer to RF modem
RF modem configuration
Programming the RF Modem
Refer to the Command mode section for more information about entering Command Mode, sending
AT commands and exiting Command Mode. For information regarding modem programming using API
Mode, refer to the API operation.
Programming Examples
The programming examples in this section require the installation of Digi's X-CTU software and an RS232 connection to a PC.
1. Install Digi's X-CTU software to a PC by double-clicking the "setup_X-CTU.exe" file. (The file is
located on the Digi CD and under the Software section of the following web page:
www.maxstream.net/support/downloads.php. Refer to the the X-CTU software section for
more information.
2. Connect the RF modem to a PC using their respective serial ports.
3. Launch the X-CTU software and select the PC Settings tab. Verify the baud and parity settings
of the Com port match those of the RF modem.
Note Failure to enter AT Command mode is most commonly due to baud rate mismatch. Ensure the
baud setting on the PC Settings tab matches the interface data rate of the RF modem (by default, BD
Example: Utilize the X-CTU Terminal tab to change the RF modem's DL (Destination Address Low)
parameter and save the new address to non-volatile memory.
After establishing a serial connection between the RF modem and a PC refer to the Setup section
above, select the Terminal tab of the X-CTU software and enter the following command lines (CR
stands for carriage return):
Method 1 (one line per command).
Send AT command System response
+++OK <CR> (enter into Command mode)
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