PJuly 2016Updated pushbutton drawing and ISO spec number.
ROctober2016 Converted to the new MadCap Flare format with minor updates and
added the information from the XBee 868LP Getting Started Guide
SJune 2017Modified regulatory and certification information as required by RED
(Radio Equipment Directive).
TMay 2018Added note on range estimation.
UMarch 2019Added a receiver category to Performance specifications.
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XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
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XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
XBee S8 hardware description12
European acceptance12
Technical specifications
Performance specifications14
LBT and AFA specifications14
Power requirements15
General specifications15
Networking and security16
Regulatory conformity summary16
Serial communication specifications16
UART pin assignments16
SPI pin assignments17
GPIO specifications17
Hardware specifications for the programmable variant17
Design notes for RF pad devices25
Module operation for the programmable variant28
Programmable XBee SDK29
Get started
Set up the devices31
Before you begin31
Connect the hardware32
Step 1: Download and install XCTU33
Step 2: Set up your first wireless connection35
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
Step 3: Create a mesh network39
Step 4: Use API mode to talk to XBee modules43
Do more with your XBee modules47
Update the firmware47
Configure remote devices48
Set up and perform a range test49
Configure basic synchronous sleep support52
Set up basic encryption for an XBee network57
Learn more about XBee module features58
Unicast versus broadcast transmissions58
Analog inputs and digital inputs and outputs58
Sleep modes59
Transparent and API operating modes59
Cannot install device driver59
Use LEDs to identify XBee modules60
No remote devices to select for a range test60
Port in use61
XCTU cannot discover devices61
XCTUcannot discover remote devices62
XCTUcannot discover remote devices for a range test62
XCTU installation error63
Configure the XBee 868LP RF Module
Software libraries66
XBee Network Assistant66
Listen Before Talk and Automatic Frequency Agility68
Single frequency mode band mode69
Serial communications69
UART data flow69
SPI communications70
SPI operation71
Configuration considerations73
Serial port selection73
Data format73
SPI parameters74
Serial buffers74
Serial receive buffer74
Serial transmit buffer74
UART flow control74
CTS flow control75
RTS flow control75
Force UART operation75
Serial interface protocols75
Transparent operating mode76
API operating mode76
Comparing Transparent and API modes76
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
Transmit mode79
Receive mode79
Command mode79
Enter Command mode80
Send AT commands80
Response to AT commands81
Apply command changes81
Make command changes permanent81
Exit Command mode81
Sleep mode82
Sleep modes
About sleep modes84
Asynchronous modes84
Synchronous modes84
Normal mode84
Asynchronous pin sleep mode84
Asynchronous cyclic sleep mode85
Asynchronous cyclic sleep with pin wake up mode85
Synchronous sleep support mode85
Synchronous cyclic sleep mode85
Wake timer86
Indirect messaging and polling86
Indirect messaging86
Sleeping routers87
Sleep coordinator sleep modes in the DigiMesh network87
Synchronization messages87
Become a sleep coordinator90
Select sleep parameters92
Start a sleeping synchronous network92
Add a new node to an existing network93
Change sleep parameters94
Rejoin nodes that lose sync94
Advanced application features
Remote configuration commands98
Send a remote command98
Apply changes on remote devices98
Remote command responses98
Network commissioning and diagnostics98
Configure devices98
Network link establishment and maintenance99
Place devices100
Device discovery101
Link reliability101
Commissioning pushbutton and associate LED104
I/O line monitoring107
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
I/O samples107
Queried sampling107
Periodic I/O sampling109
Detect digital I/O changes110
General Purpose Flash Memory110
Access General Purpose Flash Memory110
Work with flash memory111
General Purpose Flash Memory commands112
ERASE (0x01)113
WRITE (0x02) and ERASE_THEN_WRITE (0x03)114
READ (0x04)115
Code to support future API frames170
Frame data171
Local AT Command Request - 0x08172
Queue Local AT Command Request - 0x09174
Transmit Request - 0x10176
Explicit Addressing Command Request - 0x11178
Remote AT Command Request - 0x17181
Local AT Command Response - 0x88184
Modem Status - 0x8A186
Modem status codes187
Extended Transmit Status - 0x8B189
Route Information - 0x8D191
Aggregate Addressing Update- 0x8E193
Receive Packet - 0x90195
Explicit Receive Indicator - 0x91197
I/O Sample Indicator- 0x92199
Node Identification Indicator - 0x95202
Remote AT Command Response- 0x97205
Migrate from XBee through-hole to surface-mount devices
Pin mapping209
Manufacturing information
Recommended solder reflow cycle213
Recommended footprint and keepout213
Flux and cleaning215
Regulatory information
Maximum power and frequency specifications218
OEM labeling requirements219
Declarations of conformity220
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
The Digi XBee 868LP RF Modules provide wireless connectivity to end-point devices in mesh networks.
With the XBee, users can have their network up-and-running in a matter of minutes without
configuration or additional development. The Digi XBee 868LP RF Module consists of firmware loaded
onto Digi XBee S8 hardware.
You can build networks up to 128 nodes using the XBee modules. For larger networks up to 1000+
nodes, Digi offers RF Optimization Services to assist with proper network configuration. Contact Digi
Technical Support for more details.
Note The Digi XBee 868LP RF Modules are not compatible with other XBee products.
XBee S8 hardware description12
European acceptance12
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
XBee 868LP RF Modules User GuideXBee S8 hardware description
XBee S8 hardware description
The XBee S8 radio module hardware consists of an Energy Micro EFM®32G230F128 microcontroller, an
Analog Devices ADF7023 radio transceiver, and in the Programmable version, a NXP MC9S08QE32
European acceptance
The Digi XBee 868LP is manufactured under ISO 900:2015 registered standards.
The Digi XBee 868LP RF Modules are optimized for use in Europe and other regions. For more
information, see Regulatory information.
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
Technical specifications
Performance specifications14
LBT and AFA specifications14
Power requirements15
General specifications15
Networking and security16
Regulatory conformity summary16
Serial communication specifications16
GPIO specifications17
Hardware specifications for the programmable variant17
The following table describes the performance specifications for the devices.
Note Range figure estimates are based on free-air terrain with limited sources of interference. Actual
range will vary based on transmitting power, orientation of transmitter and receiver, height of
transmitting antenna, height of receiving antenna, weather conditions, interference sources in the
area, and terrain between receiver and transmitter, including indoor and outdoor structures such as
walls, trees, buildings, hills, and mountains.
Indoor/urban range
Outdoor RF line-ofsight range
Transmit power
RF data rate (high)
RF data rate (low)
UART interfaceComplementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) serial universal
UART data rate
SPI clock rateUp to 3.5 MHz
Receiver categoryClass 2
Receiver sensitivity
Up to 370 ft (112 m) with a 2.1 dBi antenna, up to 46 ft (14 m) with a PCB
embedded antenna.
Up to 5.2 miles (8.4 km) with a 2.1 dBi antenna, up to 0.4 miles (.64 km) with
a PCB embedded antenna.
Up to 14 dBm (25 mW) EIRP with 2.1 dBi antenna
80 kb/s
10 kb/s
asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART), baud rate stability of <1%.
9600-230400 baud
-101 dBm @ 80 kb/s, -106 dBm @ 10 kb/s.
Receiver blocking
Note To determine your indoor/urban range or outdoor RF line-of-sight range, perform a range test
under your operating conditions.
Frequency offsetData rate
+/- 400 kHz40 dB35 dB
+/- 200 kHz35 dB29 dB
LBT and AFA specifications
The following table provides the Listen Before Talk (LBT) and Adaptive Frequency Agility (AFA)
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
10 kb/s80 kb/s
Technical specificationsPower requirements
Channel spacing100 kHz
Receiver bandwidth150 kHz
Modulation bandwidth< 300 kHz
LBT threshold< -88 dBm
TX on time< 1 second
Power requirements
The following table describes the power requirements for the XBee 868LP RF Module.
Supply voltage (VDD)2.7 to 3.6 VDC
Transmit current, high data rate48 mA, (45 mA typical)
Transmit current, low data rate47 mA (41 mA typical)
Idle / receive current (high data rate)27 mA (22 mA typical)
Idle / receive current (low data rate)26 mA (24 mA typical)
XBee 868LP
Sleep current1.7 µA
General specifications
The following table describes the general specifications for the devices.
Operating frequency
Dimensions2.119 x 3.4 x 0.305 cm (0.866 x 1.333 x 1.2 in)
Weight40 g (1.4 oz)
Operatingtemperature -40 ºC to 85 ºC (industrial)
Antenna options
Digital I/O13 I/O lines, five dedicated to Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) that can be
ADC4 10-bit analog inputs
863 to 870 MHz for Europe
U.FL RF connector, RF pad, embedded PCB antenna.
Note The embedded PCB antenna is only approved with 10 kb/s data rate,
not 80 kb/s data rate.
used as digital outputs.
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
Technical specificationsNetworking and security
Networking and security
The following table describes the networking and security specifications for the devices.
Addressing optionsPersonal Area Network identifier (PAN ID) and 64-bit
Encryption128 bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Note For more information about the number of user selectable channels, see OEM labeling
requirements for countries in the European Community.
30 channels, LBT + AFA
Regulatory conformity summary
This table describes the agency approvals for the devices.
Europe (CE)Yes
Serial communication specifications
The XBee 868LP RF Module supports both Universal Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter (UART) and
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)serial connections.
UART pin assignments
UART PinsDevice Pin Number
For more information on UART operation, see UART data flow.
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
Technical specificationsGPIO specifications
SPI pin assignments
SPI PinsModule Pin Number
SPI_SCLK / DIO18 (input)14
SPI_SSEL / DIO17 (input)
SPI_MOSI / DIO16 (input)16
SPI_MISO / DIO15 (output/tri-stated)17
SPI_ATTN (output)
For more information on SPI operation, see SPI communications.
GPIO specifications
The XBee 868LP RF Modules have General Purpose Input / Output (GPIO) ports available. The exact
list depends on the module configuration, as some GPIO pads are used for purposes such as serial
You can set the pin configuration by using D0-D9, P0-P9, and I/O line monitoring. You cannot sample
pins P5-P9, but you may use them as outputs. For more information on these commands, see AT
commands. For more information on configuring and using GPIO ports, see Pin signals.
The following table provides the electrical specifications for the GPIO pads.
GPIO electrical specificationValue
Low Schmitt switching threshold
High Schmitt switching threshold
0.3 x V
0.7 x V
Input pull-up resistor value40 kΩ
Input pull-down resistor value40 kΩ
Output voltage for logic 0
Output voltage for logic 1
Output source current6 mA
Output sink current6 mA
Total output current (for GPIO pads)48 mA
0.05 x V
0.95 x V
Hardware specifications for the programmable variant
If the module includes the programmable secondary processor, add the following table values to the
specifications listed in Pin signals, Serial communication specifications, and GPIO specifications. For
example, if the secondary processor is running at 20 MHz and the primary processor is in receive
mode, then the new current value will be Itotal = Ir2 + Irx = 14 mA + 9 mA = 23 mA, where Ir2 is the
runtime current of the secondary processor and Irx is the receive current of the primary.
The following table provides the specifications of the programmable secondary processor.
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
Technical specificationsHardware specifications for the programmable variant
Optional secondary processor
Runtime current for 32 k running
at 20 MHz
Runtime current for 32 k running
at 1 MHz
Sleep current
Add to RX, TX, and sleep currents specifications depending
on mode of operation
+14 mA
+1 mA
+0.5 µA typical
1.8 VDC to V
NXP Flexis 8-bit S08 microcontroller NXP S08QE Family
Part number: MC9S08QE32
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
Mechanical drawings20
Pin signals20
Design notes22
Module operation for the programmable variant28
Programmable XBee SDK29
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
HardwareMechanical drawings
Mechanical drawings
The following mechanical drawings of the XBee 868LP RF Modules show all dimensions in inches.
Antenna options are not shown.
Pin signals
The following table describes the pin assignments for the devices. A horizontal line above the signal
name indicates low-asserted signals.
3DIO13 / DOUTBothOutputGPIO/UART Data Out
6RESETInputModule reset. Drive low to
--Power supply
reset the module. This is also
an output with an open drain
configuration with an internal
20 kW pull-up (never drive to
logic high, as the module may
be driving it low). The minimum
pulse width is 1 mS.
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
HardwarePin signals
7DIO10 / RSSI PWM0BothOutputGPIO/RX Signal Strength
Not used internally. Used for
programmable secondary
processor. For compatibility
with other XBee modules, we
recommend connecting this
pin to the voltage reference if
Analog Sampling is desired.
Otherwise, connect to GND.
31DIO2 / AD2BothDisabled
32DIO1 / AD1BothDisabled
33DIO0 / AD0BothInputGPIO/Analog Input
34[reserved]-DisabledDo not connect
36RFBoth-RF I/O for RF Pad Variant
37[reserved]-DisabledDo not connect
Signal Direction is specified with respect to the device.
See Design notes for details on pin connections.
* These pins are not available for customer use.
Design notes
The XBee modules do not require any external circuitry or specific connections for proper operation.
However, there are some general design guidelines that we recommend to build and troubleshoot a
robust design.
GPIO/Analog Input
GPIO/Analog Input
Power supply design
A poor power supply can lead to poor radio performance, especially if you do not keep the supply
voltage within tolerance or if the noise is excessive. To help reduce noise, place a 1.0 µF and 47 pF
capacitor as near as possible to pin 2 on the PCB. If you are using a switching regulator for the power
supply, switch the frequencies above 500 kHz. Limit the power supply ripple to a maximum 250 mV
peak to peak.
For designs using the programmable modules, we recommend an additional 10 µF decoupling cap
near pin 2 of the device. The nearest proximity to pin 2 of the three caps should be in the following
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
HardwareDesign notes
1. 47 pf
2. 1 µF
3. 10 µF
Board layout
We design XBee modules to be self-sufficient and have minimal sensitivity to nearby processors,
crystals or other printed circuit board (PCB) components. Keep power and ground traces thicker than
signal traces and make sure that they are able to comfortably support the maximum current
specifications. There are no other special PCB design considerations to integrate XBee modules, with
the exception of antennas.
To view a recommended PCB footprint for the module, see Manufacturing information.
Antenna performance
Antenna location is important for optimal performance. The following suggestions help you achieve
optimal antenna performance. Point the antenna up vertically (upright). Antennas radiate and receive
the best signal perpendicular to the direction they point, so a vertical antenna's omnidirectional
radiation pattern is strongest across the horizon.
Position the antennas away from metal objects whenever possible. Metal objects between the
transmitter and receiver can block the radiation path or reduce the transmission distance. Objects
that are often overlooked include:
n Metal poles
n Metal studs
n Structure beams
n Concrete, which is usually reinforced with metal rods
If you place the device inside a metal enclosure, use an external antenna. Common objects that have
metal enclosures include:
n Vehicles
n Elevators
n Ventilation ducts
n Refrigerators
n Microwave ovens
n Batteries
n Tall electrolytic capacitors
Use the following additional guidelines for optimal antenna performance:
n Do not place XBee modules with the chip antenna inside a metal enclosure.
n Do not place any ground planes or metal objects above or below the antenna.
n For the best results, mount the device at the edge of the host PCB. Ensure that the ground,
power, and signal planes are vacant immediately below the antenna section.
Recommended pin connections
The only required pin connections for two-way communication are VDD, GND, DOUT and DIN. To
support serial firmware updates, you must connect VDD, GND, DOUT, DIN, RTS, and DTR.
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
HardwareDesign notes
Do not connect any pins that are not in use. Use the PR and PD commands to pull all inputs on the
radio high or low with 40k internal pull-up or pull-down resistors. Unused outputs do not require any
specific treatment.
For applications that need to ensure the lowest sleep current, never leave unconnected inputs
floating. Use internal or external pull-up or pull-down resistors, or set the unused I/O lines to outputs.
You can connect other pins to external circuitry for convenience of operation including the Associate
LED pad (pad 28) and the Commissioning pad (pad 33). The Associate LED pad flashes differently
depending on the state of the module to the network, and a pushbutton attached to pad 33 can
enable various join functions without having to send serial port commands. For more information see
Commissioning pushbutton and associate LED. The source and sink capabilities are limited to 6 mA on
all I/O pads.
Only the programmable versions of these devices use the VREF pad (pad 27). For compatibility with
other XBee modules, we recommend connecting this pin to a voltage reference if you want to enable
analog sampling. Otherwise, connect to GND.
Design notes for PCB antenna devices
Position PCB antenna devices so there are no ground planes or metal objects above or below the
antenna. For best results, do not place the device in a metal enclosure, as this may greatly reduce the
range. Place the device at the edge of the PCB on which it is mounted. Make sure the ground, power
and signal planes are vacant immediately below the antenna section.
The following drawings illustrate important recommendations when you are designing with PCB
antenna devices. For optimal performance, do not mount the device on the RF pad footprint described
in the next section, because the footprint requires a ground plane within the PCB antenna keep out
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
HardwareDesign notes
1. We recommend non-metal enclosures. For metal enclosures, use an external antenna.
2. Keep metal chassis or mounting structures in the keepout area at least 2.54 cm (1 in) from the
3. Maximize the distance between the antenna and metal objects that might be mounted in the
keepout area.
4. These keepout area guidelines do not apply for wire whip antennas or external RFconnectors.
Wire whip antennas radiate best over the center of a ground plane.
Design notes for RF pad devices
The RF pad is a soldered antenna connection. The RF signal travels from pin 33 on the device to the
antenna through an RF trace transmission line on the PCB. Any additional components between the
device and antenna violates modular certification. The controlled impedance for the RF trace is 50 Ω.
We recommend using a microstrip trace, although you can also use a coplanar waveguide if you need
more isolation. A microstrip generally requires less area on the PCB than a coplanar waveguide. We do
not recommend using a stripline because sending the signal to different PCB layers can introduce
matching and performance problems.
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
HardwareDesign notes
Following good design practices is essential when implementing the RF trace on a PCB. Consider the
following points:
n Minimize the length of the trace by placing the RPSMA jack close to the device.
n Connect all of the grounds on the jack and the device to the ground planes directly or through
closely placed vias.
n Space any ground fill on the top layer at least twice the distance d (in this case, at least 0.028")
from the microstrip to minimize their interaction.
Additional considerations:
n The top two layers of the PCB have a controlled thickness dielectric material in between.
n The second layer has a ground plane which runs underneath the entire RF pad area. This
ground plane is a distance d, the thickness of the dielectric, below the top layer.
n The top layer has an RF trace running from pin 33 of the device to the RF pin of the RPSMA
n The RF trace width determines the impedance of the transmission line with relation to the
ground plane. Many online tools can estimate this value, although you should consult the PCB
manufacturer for the exact width.
Implementing these design suggestions helps ensure that the RF pad device performs to its
The following figures show a layout example of a host PCB that connects an RF pad device to a right
angle, through-hole RPSMA jack.
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
HardwareDesign notes
2Device pin 33.
2RF pad pin.
350 Ω microstrip trace.
4RF connection of RPSMA jack.
The width in this example is approximately 0.025 in for a 50 Ω trace, assuming d = 0.014 in, and that
the dielectric has a relative permittivity of 4.4. This trace width is a good fit with the device footprint's
0.335" pad width.
Note We do not recommend using a trace wider than the pad width, and using a very narrow trace
(under 0.010") can cause unwanted RF loss.
The following illustration shows PCB layer 2 of an example RF layout.
Maintain a distance of at least 2 d between microstrip and ground fill.
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
HardwareModule operation for the programmable variant
2Put a solid ground plane under RF trace to achieve the desired impedance.
Use multiple vias to help eliminate ground variations.
Module operation for the programmable variant
The modules with the programmable option have a secondary processor with 32k of flash and 2k of
RAM. This allows module integrators to put custom code on the XBee module to fit their own unique
needs. The DIN, DOUT, RTS, CTS, and RESET lines are intercepted by the secondary processor to allow
it to be in control of the data transmitted and received. All other lines are in parallel and can be
controlled by either the internal microcontroller or the MC9SO8QE micro; see the block diagram in
Operation for details. The internal microcontroller by default has control of certain lines. The internal
microcontroller can release these lines by sending the proper command(s) to disable the desired DIO
line(s). For more information about commands, see AT commands.
For the secondary processor to sample with ADCs, the XBee must be connected to a reference
Digi provides a bootloader that can take care of programming the processor over-the-air or through
the serial interface. This means that over-the-air updates can be supported through an XMODEM
protocol. The processor can also be programmed and debugged through a one wire interface BKGD .
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
HardwareProgrammable XBee SDK
Programmable XBee SDK
The XBee Programmable module is equipped with a NXP MC9S08QE32 application processor. This
application processor comes with a supplied bootloader. To interface your application code running on
this processor to the XBee Programmable module's supplied bootloader, use the Programmable XBee
To use the SDK, you must also download CodeWarrior. The download links are:
n CodeWarrior IDE: http://ftp1.digi.com/support/sampleapplications/40003004_B.exe
n Programmable XBee SDK: http://ftp1.digi.com/support/sampleapplications/40003003_D.exe
If these revisions change, search for the part number on Digi’s website. For example, search for
Install the IDE first, and then install the SDK.
The documentation for the Programmable XBee SDK is built into the SDK, so the Getting Started guide
appears when you open CodeWarrior.
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
Get started
The XBee 868LP RF Modules support low-power, peer-to-peer or wireless mesh networks for Europe
(868 MHz). The XBee 868LP RF Modules provide reliable delivery of data between remote devices.
This guide shows you how to set up a mesh network using the DigiMesh protocol, send data between
devices, and adjust XBee 868LP RF Module settings.
Note For more information about DigiMesh protocol and features, see DigiMesh networking.
This guide covers the following tasks and features:
Set up the devices31
Do more with your XBee modules47
Learn more about XBee module features58
XBee 868LP RF Modules User Guide
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