Table of Contents
Wavespeed/S.......................................................................................... 3
Operating Modes.................................................................................... 3
Pre-Configuration ..................................................................................3
User Configuration ................................................................................ 4
Serial Cable Replacement Configuration ..................................... 4
Select COM Port...................................................................... 4
Discover Devices..................................................................... 4
Configure Local Port Settings ................................................. 5
Configure Remote Device Port Settings.................................. 5
SPP Server Configuration...................................................................... 6
Select COM Port...................................................................... 6
Configure Local Port ............................................................... 6
Configure Local Device........................................................... 7
Flash Update............................................................................ 7
Specifications......................................................................................... 8
Green Status LED .................................................................................. 8
Pin Outs ................................................................................................. 9
Regulation and Other Information ......................................................... 9

The Wavespeed/S provides an easy-to-use wireless data solution for legacy applications providing a serial link (RS-
232) to transfer data between devices or between devices and a host. The serial cable can be replaced with a BluetoothTM wireless link that is transparent to the software application. Following initial configuration using a
Windows®-based Configuration Wizard, the Wavespeed/S takes on the specified DTE or DCE personality and port
settings, providing a wireless data link.
Operating Modes
Serial Cable Replacement
Two Wavespeed/S units are paired together
in a process known as “bonding.” The two
units then form a wireless link acting like a
serial cable, only without the cable.
SPP Server
A single Wavespeed/S unit can be used in
server mode. In this mode, the device will
make its Serial Port Profile (SPP) available
for connection with any SPP-capable Bluetooth device.
Each Wavespeed/S unit has been preconfigured to:
Baud Rate: 57,600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None
If you purchased a single Wavespeed/S, the unit is configured as a DTE device. If you purchased a bundled pair of
Wavespeed/S units, one is configured as a DCE device and the other is configured as a DTE device. If your application requires different settings, you may reconfigure the units as described in this guide.
Wavespeed/S Configuration Guide (90000407 Rev. C) – Page 3

User Configuration
Serial Cable Replacement
1. Power both units and connect one to a serial port on
your computer.
2. Place both units in configuration mode by sliding the
three-position switch to the far right, away from the
power connector. Class 1 units will need to be
separated by several feet.
3. Launch the WvsdpCfg configuration utility.
4. In the first screen, select Cable Replacement.
Select COM Port
5. Specify the COM port to which the local Wavespeed/S
device is attached. The COM port can be selected in one
of two ways.
a. If you know which COM port the local device is
attached to, select the port from the combo box and
click Set COM Port Selection.
b. Or, if you are unsure which port the local device is
attached to, click Auto Detect.
6. After the Configuration Wizard has verified
communication with the local device, it displays the
current configuration and Bluetooth device address.
Click Next.
Discover Devices
Device Discovery and Bonding pairs two Wavespeed/S devices
by creating a unique bond. Bonding ensures that the two
Wavespeed/S devices will only connect to each other.
7. Click Search. The Configuration Wizard fills the list
box with names and addresses of other Wavespeed/S
devices that respond to the local device’s search. If you
do not see the desired device in the list box, continue
searching by clicking Search again.
8. If you do not know the address of the remote device that
you want to pair with, select a device address from the
list and click Ping. The green LED on the selected
device will light for 5 seconds. Continue selecting
addresses and clicking Ping until you find the correct
9. Select the address of the device you want to pair with
from the list and click Bond. The Configuration Wizard
will bond with the selected device and give you an
indication of the status of the procedure.
Wavespeed/S Configuration Guide (90000407 Rev. C) – Page 4