Digi TS W User Manual

User Guide
Digi TS W Family
Digi International Inc. 2003. All Rights Reserved.
e Digi logo, PortServer, Connectware, Digi One, and RealPort are trademarks or registered trademarks of Digi International, Inc.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Step A: Plan........................................................................................................ 9
Step B: Set Up the Hardware ............................................................................. 9
Step C: Install and Setup Digi Port Authority-Remote........................................ 9
Step D: Configure an IP Address ....................................................................... 9
Step E: Configure Ports...................................................................................... 9
Step F: Configure Other Features as Required................................................ 10
About Entering Commands on the Command Line.............................10
Supported Devices..............................................................................10
About This Guide.................................................................................10
Purpose ............................................................................................................ 10
Audience........................................................................................................... 10
Scope ............................................................................................................... 10
Other Documents in the Library...........................................................10
Device Server Quick Start Guide...................................................................... 10
Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference................................................. 11
RealPort Setup Guides..................................................................................... 11
Online Help for the Web UI............................................................................... 11
About Configuration Methods..............................................................11
Configure the device server with the wizard..................................................... 11
Configuring the device server from an Attached Terminal ............................... 11
Configuring the device server from a Telnet Session....................................... 11
Configuring the device server from the Web Interface ..................................... 11
Downloading a Configuration File..................................................................... 11
Configuration Prerequisites.................................................................12
Accessing the Command Line from a Locally-Connected Terminal................. 12
Log On as Root from the Command Line......................................................... 12
Accessing the Command Line from a Telnet Session...................................... 12
Accessing the Configuration from the Web Interface ....................................... 12
Chapter 2 Configuring Wireless
Configuration Considerations..............................................................13
Install Radio........ ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ....................................... ... 13
Using Ethernet.................................................................................................. 13
Chapter 3 Configuring the IP Address
Options for Configuring the IP Address and Mask..............................19
Device Support: Digi Port Authority-Remote and ARP-Ping for IP Address
Configuration .................................................................................................... 19
Configuring the Ethernet Interface with Digi Port Authority-Remote ...19
Starting Point.................................................................................................... 19
Procedure......................................................................................................... 20
Configuring the IP Address Using ARP-Ping.......................................20
Starting Point.................................................................................................... 20
Procedure......................................................................................................... 20
Configuring the Ethernet Interface from the Command Line...............21
Contents 3
Manual Configuration Procedure...................................................................... 21
Example to Set IP Address............................................................................... 21
Example to Set Subnet Mask ........................................................................... 21
Example to Set Gateway Mask ........................................................................ 21
Manual Configuration Example ........................................................................ 21
Configuring an IP Address using DHCP and RARP............................22
About DHCP and RARP................................................................................... 22
Procedure......................................................................................................... 22
Chapter 4 Setting Up RealPort
About RealPort....................................................................................23
What is RealPort?............................................................................................. 23
RealPort Advantages........................................................................................ 23
Configuring the RealPort Software................................................................... 23
Chapter 5 Configuring the Serial Ports
Options for Configuring the Serial Ports..............................................25
Configuring the Serial Port Settings with the Web Interface................25
Configuring the Serial Port Settings from the Command Line.............26
Chapter 6 Configuring PPP
Configuring Inbound PPP Connections...............................................27
Procedure for Command Line .......................................................................... 27
Configuring Outbound PPP Connections: Command Line..................28
Filters for PPP Connections ............................................................................. 31
Chapter 7 Modem Emulation
Modem Emulatio n (Digi One TS and PortServer TS 2/4 MEI only).....33
Common User Scenarios....................................................................33
Modem Emulation Cable Signals........................................................34
Originating, Answering, and Disconnecting Calls................................35
Disconnecting Calls-Digi Device Server........................................................... 36
Modem Emulation AT Command Set..................................................37
Result Codes.......................................................................................47
Chapter 8 Configuring Autoconnection
About Autoconnection.........................................................................49
Configuring a Port for Autoconnection: Web Interface........................49
Commands for Configuring Autoconnection by Port or by User..........49
Configuring a User for Autoconnection: Web Interface.......................49
Configuring TCP Socket Communication............................................50
Procedure for Configuring Inbound and Outbound Socket Communication..... 50
Configuring UDP Multicast..................................................................50
Procedure for Configuring Inbound or Outbound Socket Communication ....... 51
4 Contents
Chapter 9 Configuring IP Routing
Configuring Static Routes....................................................................53
Related Information .......................................................................................... 53
Procedure......................................................................................................... 53
Example: Route Using the Ethernet Interface .................................................. 53
Example: Route Using a PPP Link................................................................... 53
Configuring Dynamic Routes Using RIP..............................................54
Related Information .......................................................................................... 54
Starting Point.................................................................................................... 54
Procedure......................................................................................................... 54
Example: Dynamic Routes ............................................................................... 54
Configuring Proxy ARP........................................................................55
Related Information .......................................................................................... 55
Starting Point.................................................................................................... 55
Procedure......................................................................................................... 55
Example............................................................................................................ 55
Chapter 10 Configuring Security Features
Controlling Access to the Configuration ..............................................57
Controlling Access to Inbound Ports ...................................................57
Default Access Restrictions.............................................................................. 57
Options for Removing Access Restriction ........................................................ 57
Procedure for Changing a Port’s Access Requirements .................................. 57
Example:........................................................................................................... 58
Procedure for Changing a User’s Access Requirements ................................. 58
Example:........................................................................................................... 58
Controlling Access to Outbound Ports................................................. 58
Default Access.................................................................................................. 58
Restricting Access to Outbound Ports.............................................................. 58
CHAP Authentication for PPP Users................................................................ 58
Controlling Access to the Command Line...........................................58
Autoconnection................................................................................................. 58
Method 2: Menus.............................................................................................. 59
Issuing User Passwords......................................................................59
Related Information .......................................................................................... 59
Starting Point.................................................................................................... 59
Procedure......................................................................................................... 59
Configuring SSH Version 2 for Secure Communication......................59
Password Protection........................... ....... ...... ....... ....................................... ... 60
Using a Public Key ........................................................................................... 60
Making Reverse SSH Connections to Ports..................................................... 60
Controlling Access to Services............................................................60
Services that Can Be Turned Off...................................................................... 60
Service Levels .................................................................................................. 61
Procedure......................................................................................................... 61
Contents 5
Chapter 11 Configuring the Digi Device for IA(Industrial Automation)
Configuring Modbus............................................................................63
Modbus Configuration Procedure..................................................................... 63
Configuring the User-Defined Protocol................................................63
Modbus Configuration Procedure..................................................................... 64
Chapter 12 Configuring DNS
About the Domain Name System........................................................65
Purpose of DNS................................................................................................ 65
DNS Components............................................................................................. 65
Types of Name Servers.................................................................................... 65
Naming Conventions ........................................................................................ 65
DNS Name Example ........................................................................................ 65
Configuration Procedures....................................................................66
Procedure for Using a Name Server ................................................................ 66
Procedure for Using a Host File ....................................................................... 66
Example............................................................................................................ 66
Chapter 13 Configuring SNMP
About SNMP and the Device Server Agent.........................................67
Network Management Components................................................................. 67
SNMP Management Agent............................................................................... 67
SNMP Traps........................... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....................... 67
MIB Support...................................................................................................... 67
Message Support ............................................................................................. 68
Supported Traps............................................................................................... 68
Configuration Procedure: Web Interface.............................................68
Chapter 14 Configuring Users
About Configuring Users.....................................................................69
Configuration Methods ..................................................................................... 69
Common User Features......................................................................69
Configuring a User: Web Interface......................................................70
Commands for Configuring a User......................................................70
Chapter 15 Managing the OS and Configuration
Upgrading the Firmware......................................................................71
HTTP or TFTP Upgrade Procedure.................................................................. 71
Command Line ................................................................................................. 71
Copying the Configuration to and from a Remote Host.......................71
When To Use Remote Configuration................................................................ 71
Rules for Editing a Configuration file ................................................................ 71
HTTP Procedure............................................................................................... 72
TFTP Procedure............................................................................................... 72
Command Line ................................................................................................. 72
Resetting Device Server Configuration to Defaults.............................72
Procedure......................................................................................................... 72
Commands for Resetting the Configuration to Defaults......................73
6 Contents
Chapter 16 Configuring Power Over the Serial Ports
Serial Power Feature...........................................................................75
Configuring RI Power.......................................................................... 75
RI Power In....................................................................................................... 75
RI Power Out.................................................................................................... 76
Configuring DTR Power.......................................................................76
Power Out......................................................................................................... 76
Serial Power Table.............................................................................. 77
Chapter 17 Reference and Certifications
Interpreting the LEDs...........................................................................79
LEDs................................................................................................................. 79
LED Diagnostics............................................................................................... 79
Device Server EIA 232/422/485 Switch Settings.............................................. 80
RJ-45 Pinouts................................................................................................... 80
Standard Models Specifications ....................................................................... 81
FCC Part 15 Class A ........................................................................................81
Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) (FCC 15.105) ............. ...... ....... ................ 81
Labeling Requirements (FCC 15.19)................................................................ 82
Modifications (FCC 15.21)................................................................................ 82
Cables (FCC 15.27).......................................................................................... 82
ICES 003 Class B............................................................................................. 82
Digi Contact Information......................................................................82
Contents 7
8 Contents
Chapter 3
Setup Overview
This section provides an overview of the setup proce ss.
Step A: Plan
Before beginning setup, consider the following:
How to assign an IP address to the Digi devices Ethernet interface,
which can be accomplished in a number of ways. See "Configuring the IP Address" on page 19.
How to configure serial ports. A key consideration is whether to use RealPort. Other considerations include the type of peripheral th at will connect to the port and the peripherals cabling requirements. See "Setting Up RealPo r t" on p a ge 23 and the online RealPort driver documentation and Cable Guide, both of which are on the Software and Documentation CD.
The various ways that your Digi device can be configured. See "About Configuration Methods" on page 11 and "Configuration Prerequisites" on page 12 for more information.
Step B: Set Up the Hardware
1. If the Digi device supports multiple serial port interfaces (EIA-232, EIA-422/485), set the interface with the dip switches on the device.
2. Connect the device to power and to the network.
3. Connect peripherals to serial ports. See the Cable Guide on the Software and Documentation CD.
Step C: Install and Setup Digi Port Authority-Remote
Digi Port Authority-Remote is a utility that provides one of the ways to configure an IP address and also provides port monitoring. See the Digi Port Authority-Remote Device Monitor Setup Guide, which is on the Software and Documentation CD.
Step D: Configure an IP Address
There are a number of ways to configure an IP address. See "Configuring the IP Address" on page 19 for more information.
Step E: Configure Ports
See the following for mo re information:
"Setting Up RealPort" on page 23
"Configuring the Serial Port Settings with the Web Interface" on
page 25
"Configuring the Serial Port Settings from the Command Line" on
page 26
Chapter 3 Introduction 9
Step F: Configure Other Features as Required
See the following for information on setting up other features:
"Configuring PPP" on page 31
"Configuring Autoconnection" on page 49
"Configuring IP Routing" on page 53
"Configuring Security Features" on page 5 7
"Configuring DN S" on page 65
About Entering Commands on the Command Line
If you use the command line, you will find the commands needed within each chapter. For detail such as syntax, parameters, range, variables, or applications see the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 Command Reference found on the Software and Documentation CD.
Supported Devices
This manual prov ides information on the following Digi devices:
Digi One RealPort Wireless
Digi One TS Wireless
PortServer TS 2 MEI Wireless
PortServer TS 4 MEI Wireless
About This Guide
This guide provides the following:
Configuration and administratio n procedures
Configuration e xamples
This manual is intended for the person responsible for configuring and administering device server. It assumes that this person has experience configuring network devices and is familiar with networking concepts.
This manual provides step -b y- step instru cti ons for confi g ur ing and administering device servers main features. It does not address how to configure ever y option, provide complete information on commands, or discuss hardware installation. These topics are covered in other documents in the device server library.
Other Documents in the Library
Here is a list of the other documents in the library:
Device Server Quick Start Guide
The guide that comes in the package with the device server covering the first steps necessary to get your device server up and running.
10 Chapter 3 Introduction
Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference
This online manual, available on the Software and Documentation CD, provides complete information on commands.
RealPort Setup Guides
These online manuals provide information on setting up servers for RealPort software.
Online Help for the Web UI
This context-sensitive online help provides information on configuration fields used wi th web browser configuration interface.
About Configuration Methods
Use this section to learn about configuration methods.
Configure the device server with the wizard
Simply follow the prompts and choose your configuration with the wizard. Choose either a Microsoft Windows or Unix platform.
Configuring the device server from an Attached Terminal
With this method, you cable a terminal or PC running terminal emulation software to a device server port and then use the command line to enter commands. This method allows you to configure all f eatures. It requ ires, however, that you and the device server be in the same location. Some users find it advantageous to configure the device server IP address this way and then u se one of the othe r met hods for t he rest of the configu ration .
Configuring the device server from a Telnet Session
With this method, you Telnet to the device server and use the command line to complete configuration tasks. The only disadvantage to this method is that you have to configure the device server with an IP address before you can Telnet to it.
Configuring the device server from the Web Interface
The great advantage to this method is ease of use. This method requires that you configure the IP address before you can access the configuration from the web interface, however, some features cannot be configured this way.
Downloading a Configuration File
With this method, you configure a Digi device and then do the following:
1. Download an existing configuration file to a host system.
2. Edit the file with specific configuration using a text editor.
3. Upload the file to the device server.
This an excellent method for maintaining highly similar configuration files for multiple Digi devices. The disadvantage is that the device server requires some configuration steps, such as the IP address, to be completed before it can be used.
Chapter 3 Introduction 11
Configuration Prerequisites
Accessing the Command Line from a Locally-Connected Terminal
Use this procedure to access the comman d line and th e configu ration from a terminal connected to one of the device servers serial ports.
1. Connect a terminal or PC to a serial port on the device server. For a Windows HyperTerminal connection, use the cable that came in the package.
2. Configure the parameters of the terminal or terminal emulation software to work with the Digi serial port. The default port settings are:
VT 100 emulation
9600 baud
8-bit character
1 stop bit
No parity
3. Log on as the root us er. The default password is dbps.
Log On as Root from the Command Line
1. At the log on prompt, enter root.
2. Enter the default password dbps.
Accessing the Command Line from a Telnet Session
Use this procedure to access the comman d line and th e configu ration from a Telnet session. This procedure assum es that you have con figure the Dig i device with an IP address already. See "Configuring the IP Address" on page 19.
1. To Telnet to the device server, enter the following command from a command prompt on another networked device, such as a server:
telnet ip-address
where ip-address is the device server’s IP address Example: telnet
2. Log on as the root us er. The default password is dbps.
Accessing the Configuration from the Web Interface
Use this procedure to access the configuration from the web interface. This procedure assumes that you have configured the Digi device with an IP address already. See "Configuring the IP Address" on page 19.
1. Access the device server from a web browser by specifying the device servers IP address in the URL window.
2. Log on as root. The default passwor d is dbps.
12 Chapter 3 Introduction
Chapter 4
Configuration Considerations
The PortServer TS 4 W works ONLY with the radio pr ovided. You can use the wizard to configure your wir eless de vi ce avail a bl e on the Software and Documentation CD. You will need an Ethernet cable and a network PC to configure the wireless device server. After assigning the IP address, access the device from your br owser by enter ing the IP address in the URL address bar.
Install Radio
Place your country sticker on the back of the radio. Slide radio into slot on top of Wireless device server BEFORE connecting
any cables or power supply. Only the radio shipped in the box will function with the unit.
Note: Be sure that the grooves on the side of the radio are fit into the notched edges
WARNING - If the power is connected when you plug the radio
Configuring Wireless
of the Wireless device server. Gently push radio into slot; fit should be snug.
into the device server, you will be required to reboot. It is not recommended that the radio be removed while the power is connected!
Using Ethernet
1. Connect serial cable, Ethernet cable, and power supply.
Chapter 4 Configuring Wireless 13
2. Insert CD, the wizard will automatically pop up. Follow wizard either for Microsoft Windows or Unix to configure the device. If you do not want to use the wizard click Cancel and follow the remaining procedure to set up the IP address and configure the device through the web interface.
3. Select Discover Digi Device (from the CD).
4. Select the wireless device and assign the IP address.
5. Click Set IP.
6. Enter the IP address, Subnet, and Gateway mask and click OK.
7. Select the device and click Configure to launch your browser.
8. Enter the username root and password dbps and click OK.
14 Chapter 4 Configuring Wireless
9. Click Network from the left navigation bar.
10.Enter parameters, click Apply to save then click Wireless LAN Settings.
Chapter 4 Configuring Wireless 15
11.Enter the parameters and click Apply to save and Advanc ed N e twork Settings for more settings.
16 Chapter 4 Configuring Wireless
12.Enter parameters, click Apply to save.
13.Unplug the Ethernet cable from the device server, disconnect the power, and power the unit up (reb oot).
Configuration is complete.
Chapter 4 Configuring Wireless 17
18 Chapter 4 Configuring Wireless
Chapter 5
Configuring the IP Address
Options for Configuring the IP Address and Mask
The device server IP address can be configured using the following methods:
With Digi Port Authority-Remote, a Digi utility on the Software and
Documentation CD.
By updating the ARP table on a server and then pinging the Digi
device (called ARP-Ping, see "Configuring the IP Address Using ARP-Ping" on page 20).
From the command l ine using th e set config command ("Configur ing
the Ethernet Interface from the Command Line" on page 21
Using a RARP server ("Configuring an IP Address using DHCP and
RARP" on page 22.)
Using a DHCP server ("Configuring an IP Address using DHCP and
RARP" on page 22.)
The IP address and mask can also be changed using the web interface. This method, however, does not work for the initial IP address configuration.
Device Support: Digi Port Authority-Remote and ARP-Ping for IP Address Configuration
Not all Digi devices can use Digi Port Authority-Remote and ARP-Ping for IP address configuration. To determine if you can use these features, find the hardware label on your Digi device an d then use the table below t o determine whether this feature is available:
Device Part Number Revision Required
Digi One IA RealPort 50000764-01 F or higher Digi One RealPort 50000723-01 J or higher PortServer TS 2 50000723-02 J or higher PortServer TS 4 50000723-03 G or higher
Configuring the Ethernet Interface with Digi Port Authority-Remote
Use this section to configu re an initial IP add ress, subnet mask, and defau lt gateway using Digi Por t Autho rit y-Re mote. Thi s proce dure cannot b e used to change the IP address, but only to assign the initial IP address. It also cannot be used if a DHCP server is active.
Starting Point
This procedure assumes the following:
That your Digi device supports this feature. See "Device Support:
Digi Port Authori ty- Rem ote an d AR P- Pi n g for IP Address Configur a­tion" on page 19.
That your Digi dev i ce is connected to the Ethernet network.
Chapter 5 Configuring the IP Address 19
That the Digi device has DHCP client turned on. This is the default
setting and it will be on unless it was turned off.
That you do not have a DHCP server to serve IP ad dress. If you d o,
use the DHCP procedure. See "Configuring an IP Address using DHCP and RARP" on page 22.
That you have installed Digi Port Authority-Remote version 2.01.11
or later. For information on installing Digi Port Authority-Remote, see the Digi Port Authority Remote Device Monitor Setup Guide, which is on the Software and Documentation CD.
1. Run Digi Port Authority-Remote.
2. If Digi Port Authority-Remote is not set for ADDP, choose ADDP as the Discovery Protocol.
3. Click Discover.
A list of Digi devices appears. Systems with IP addresses of need IP addresses.
4. Select a device from the list and then click Configure.
5. Supply an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway and then choose OK.
Digi Port Authority-Remote configures the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.
Configuring the IP Address Using ARP-Ping
Use this section to c onfigure an IP add ress by manually updating a servers ARP table and t hen pinging the Digi device.
Note: The ARP-Ping command assigns the IP address you designate but also
Starting Point
assigns default subnet mask and gateway addresses. It is necessary to change the subnet mask and gateway addresses.
This procedure assumes the following:
That your Digi device supports this feature. See "Device Support:
Digi Port Authori ty- Rem ote an d AR P- Pi n g for IP Address Configur a­tion" on page 19.
That your Digi dev i ce is connected to the Ethernet network
1. Record the MAC address of the Digi d evice. It ’s on the back of the unit.
2. Access a server on the same subnet as the Digi device.
3. Manually update the servers ARP table using the Digi devices MAC address and the IP address you want assigned to the Digi device. The following is an example of how this is done on a Windows NT 4.0 system:
arp -s 00-00-9d-22-23-60
20 Chapter 5 Configuring the IP Address
4. Ping the Digi device using the IP address just assigned. The following is an example:
The ping will probably time out before there is a response from the Digi device.
5. Wait a few seconds and then ping the Digi device again.
The Digi device r ep lie s to the ping, indicat ing that the IP addr ess ha s be en configured.
Configuring the Ethernet Interface from the Command Line
This section discusses how to use the command line to configure an IP address, mask, and default gateway for the device servers Ethernet interface.
Manual Configuration Procedure
1. To ensu re that the IP add r ess you configure is permanent, turn DHCP off by entering the following command:
set config dhcp=off
2. To configure an IP address for the Ethernet interface, enter the following command:
set config ip=ip-address
where ip-address is the IP address for the Ethernet interface
Example to Set IP Address
set config ip=
3. To configure a subnet mask , enter the following command:
set config submask=mask
where mask is the subnet mask for this subnetwork
Example to Set Subnet Mask
set config submask=
4. To configure a default gat eway, enter the following command:
set config gateway=ip-address
where ip-address is the IP address of the default gateway
Example to Set Gateway Mask
set config gateway=
5. Reboot the Digi device at the pr ompt using the following command:
boot action=reset
Manual Configuration Example
In this example set config commands configure the Ethernet interface and the boot command reboot the Digi device, which is required for the address change to take affect.
set config ip= submask= dhcp=off set config gateway=
Chapter 5 Configuring the IP Address 21
boot action=reset
Configuring an IP Address using DHCP and RARP
About DHCP and RARP
When the device server boots, it transmits a DHCP request and a RARP request. This continues until an address is assigned.
To use RARP or DHCP follow these steps:
1. Set up an entry for an address on a DHCP or RARP server. If you intend to use RealPort, do the following:
Reserve a perman ent IP address.
Record the IP addr ess. You will need it when you configure the
RealPort driver.
2. Power on the device server.
The DHCP or RARP server assigns the device server an IP address.
22 Chapter 5 Configuring the IP Address
Chapter 6
About RealPort
Setting Up RealPort
This section provides a brief introduction to RealPort.
What is RealPort?
RealPort is a feature that allows network-based host systems to use the ports of the device server as though they were the host systems own port s, appearing and behaving as local ports to the network-based host.
RealPort Advantages
RealPort provides the following advantages:
It expands the number of ports available to the host system.
It enables device server ports to be treated as if they were directly
connected to the host, whi ch mean s they use al l st andar d opera ting system interfaces that control baud rate, parity, stop bits, and flow control.
It enables host administrators to do most of the required
configuration on the host, the syst em with which th e administrator is most familiar.
It dramatically reduces host CPU overhead because multiple
terminal or printer sessions are multiplexed over the same TCP/IP connection.
Configuring the RealPort Software
You must install and configure RealPort software on each host that will use RealPort ports. See the RealPort documentation for more information.
1. From the CD, click Software. (If the wizard pops up, click cancel.)
The files are located in the drivers\windows\win2k\realport folder. If you use the wizard, follow the steps in the pop-up after selecting the
Incoming scenario.
Chapter 6 Setting Up RealPort 23
24 Chapter 6 Setting Up RealPort
Chapter 7
Configuring the Serial Ports
Options for Configuring the Serial Ports
The device server serial ports can be configured using the following methods:
Through the web interface
From the command l ine using th e set config command ("Configur ing
the Serial Port Settings from the Command Line" on page 26 serial ports can also be changed using the web interface or command line.
Configuring the Serial Port Settings with the Web Interface
1. Log on to the device by ente ring the IP addr ess in the URL ad dress b ar of your browser.
Note: This procedure can only be used if an IP address has been set.
2. Enter the username root and password dbps.
3. Click Serial Ports under Configuration.
.) The
4. Click the port number that you want to configure.
Chapter 7 Configuring the Serial Ports 25
5. Click Change Profile and select a profile based on the device you have connected to your port. Custom will expose all settings.
6. Click Apply to save the p r ofile. The interfa ce will determine any additional settings and advise you what tab to click next.
7. A port profile or port options page will come up and ask for additional parameters if needed. Enter the appropriate parameters and click
Configuring the Serial Port Settings from the Command Line
Use the set ports, set line, and set flow commands from the Digi One/ PortServer TS 2/4 Command Reference to set the serial port settings.
26 Chapter 7 Configuring the Serial Ports
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