Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of Digi International.
Digi provides this document “as is”, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied,
including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of fitness or merchantability for a particular
purpose. Digi may make improvements and/or changes in this manual or in the product(s) and/or the
program(s) described in this manual at any time.
This product could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically
made to the information herein; these changes may be incorporated in new editions of the
This section provides an overview of the setup process.
Step A: Plan
Before beginning setup, consider the following:
•How to assign an IP address to the Digi device’s Ethernet interface, which can be accomplished
in a number of ways. See "Configuring the IP Address" on page 2-1.
•How to configure serial ports. A key consideration is whether to use RealPort. Other considerations include the type of peripheral that will connect to the port and the peripheral’s cabling
requirements. See "Configuring Ports for RealPort" on page 3-1 and the online RealPort driver
documentation and Cable Guide, both of which are on the Access Resource CD.
•The various ways that your Digi device can be configured. See "About Configuration Methods"
on page 1-5 and "Configuration Prerequisites" on page 1-6 for more information.
Step B: Set Up the Hardware
1. If the Digi device, supports multiple serial port interfaces (EIA-232, EIA-422/485), set the inter-
face with the dip switches on the device.
2. Connect the device to power and to the network.
3. Connect peripherals to serial ports. See the Cable Guide on the Access Resource CD.
Step C: Install and Setup DPA-Remote
DPA-Remote is a utility that provides one of the ways to configure an IP address and also provides
port monitoring. See the Digi Port Authority Remote Device Monitor Setup Guide, which is on the
Access Resource CD.
Step D: Configure an IP Address
There are a number of ways to configure an IP address. See "Configuring the IP Address" on page 21 for more information.
Step E: Configure Ports
See the following for more information:
•"Configuring Ports for RealPort" on page 3-1
•"Configuring Ports for Printers" on page 4-1
•"Configuring Ports for Terminals and Computers" on page 6-1
•"Configuring Ports for Modems" on page 5-1
Step F: Configure Other Features as Required
See the following for information on setting up other features:
•"Configuring PPP" on page 8-1
•"Configuring IP Routing" on page 9-1
•"Configuring Autoconnection" on page 7-1
•"Configuring Console Management" on page 10-1
•"Configuring Security Features" on page 12-1
•"Configuring DNS" on page 13-1
Step G: Troubleshoot Setup Problems
Troubleshoot problems as required. . See "Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 Troubleshooting" on page
1-2Setup Overview
About This Guide
This guide provides the following:
•Configuration and administration procedures
•Configuration examples
This manual is intended for the person responsible for configuring and administering Digi
One/PortServer TS 2/4. It assumes that this person has experience configuring network devices and
is familiar with networking concepts.
This manual provides step-by-step instructions for configuring and administering Digi
One/PortServer TS 2/4’s main features. It does not address how to configure every option, provide
complete information on commands, or discuss hardware installation. These topics are covered in
other documents in the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 library.
About Command Line Examples
In this manual, many command examples are broken up and placed on two lines of the manual. This
is done to control where the line breaks, making it as easy to read as possible. When this is done, the
second line of the command will be indented slightly, as shown below.
set menu range=6 t1="Console Management Menu" name="Console Management
Menu" m3="Connect to System 1" c3="connect 1" m4="Connect to System 2"
c4="connect 2"
About Entering Commands on the Command Line
On the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 command line, do not force a line break (by pressing Enter or
Return). This will commit the command before you finish adding all command fields. If your
terminal does not support wrapping to the next line and long commands scroll out of sight, the
easiest way to enter long commands is by breaking the command into multiple commands as shown
below. If you use this method, however, you must let the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 know that you
are configuring the same entity, such as the same port, menu, or line. This is done by repeating the
range or name field in each command.
set menu t1="Console Management Menu" range=6
set menu range=6 name="Console Management Menu" m3="Connect to System 1"
set menu range=6 c3="connect 1" m4="Connect to System 2"
set menu range=6 c4="connect 2"
Supported Devices
This manual provides information on the following Digi devices:
•Digi One RealPort
•Digi One IA RealPort
•PortServer TS 2
•PortServer TS 4
Other Documents in the Library
Here is a list of the other documents in the library:
Access Resource CD Card
This card provides information on the contents of the Access Resource CD. It includes the CD
mounting instructions required to access the CD on many Unix systems.
Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 Setup Card
This card, which comes in the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 package, provides a brief overview on
the setup process.
Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference
This online manual, available on the Access Resource CD, provides complete information on
RealPort Setup Guides
These online manuals provide information on setting up servers for RealPort software.
Digi Port Authority - Remote Device Monitor Setup Guide
This online manual provides information on installing and using Digi Port Authority - Remote
1-4Other Documents in the Library
About Configuration Methods
Use this section to learn about configuration methods.
Configuring the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 from an Attached Terminal
With this method, you cable a terminal or PC running terminal emulation software to a Digi
One/PortServer TS 2/4 port and then use the command line to enter commands. This method allows
you to configure all features. It requires, however, that you and the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 be in
the same location. Some users find it advantageous to configure the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 IP
address this way and then use one of the other methods for the rest of the configuration.
Configuring the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 from a Telnet Session
With this method, you Telnet to the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 and use the command line to complete configuration tasks. The only disadvantage to this method is that you have to configure the
Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 with an IP address before you can Telnet to it.
Configuring the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 from the Web Interface
The great advantage to this method is ease of use. This method does, however, require that you
configure the IP address before you can access the configuration from the web interface, and some
features cannot be configured this way.
Downloading a Configuration File
With this method, you configure a Digi device and then do the following:
1. Download an existing configuration file to a host system.
2. Edit the file with specific configuration using a text editor.
3. Upload the file to the the Digi Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4.
This an excellent method for maintaining highly similar configuration files for multiple Digi
devices. The disadvantage is that the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 requires some configuration steps,
such as the IP address, to be completed before it can be used.
Configuration Prerequisites
Accessing the Command Line from a Locally-Connected Terminal
Use this procedure to access the command line and the configuration from a terminal connected to
one of the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4’s serial ports.
1. Connect a terminal or PC to a serial port on the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4.
•For a terminal, use the cable that came with your package.
•For a Windows Hyperterminal connection, use the cable that came in the package, a straightthrough DB25-to-DB9 modem cable, and gender changers as required.
2. Configure the parameters of the terminal or terminal emulation software to work with the Digi
serial port. The default port settings are:
•VT 100 emulation
•9600 baud
•8-bit character
•1 stop bit
•No parity
3. Log in as the root user. The default password is dbps.
Logging On As Root from the Command Line
1. At the login prompt, enter the following: root
2. At the password prompt, supply the root password. The default is dbps.
Accessing the Command Line from a Telnet Session
Use this procedure to access the command line and the configuration from a Telnet session. This
procedure assumes that you have configure the Digi device with an IP address already. See
"Configuring the IP Address" on page 2-1.
1. To Telnet to the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4, enter the following command from a command
prompt on another networked device, such as a server:
telnet ip-address
where ip-address is the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4’s IP address
Example: telnet
2. Log in as the root user. The default password is dbps.
Accessing the Configuration from the Web Interface
Use this procedure to access the configuration from the web interface. This procedure assumes that
you have configured the Digi device with an IP address already. See "Configuring the IP Address"
on page 2-1.
1. Access the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 from a web browser by specifying the Digi One/PortS-
erver TS 2/4’s IP address in the URL window.
2. Log on as root. The default password is dbps.
1-6Configuration Prerequisites
Chapter 2
Configuring the IP Address
In This Chapter
This chapter discusses how to configure Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4’s IP address and other features
associated with its Ethernet interface. It discusses the following topics:
• Options for Configuring the IP Address and Mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
• Configuring the Ethernet Interface from the Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
• Configuring an IP Address using DHCP and RARP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Configuring the IP Address
Options for Configuring the IP Address and Mask
The Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 IP address can be configured using the following methods:
•With Digi Port Authority-Remote, a Digi utility
•By updating the ARP table on a server and then pinging the Digi device (called Ping-ARP)
•From the command line using the set config command
•Using a RARP server
•Using a DHCP server
The IP address and mask can also be changed using the web interface. This method, however, does
not work for the initial IP address configuration.
Devices That Support DPA-Remote and Ping-ARP for IP Address Configuration
Not all Digi devices can use DPA-Remote and Ping-ARP for IP address configuration. To determine
if you can use these features, find the hardware label on your Digi device and then use the table
below to determine whether this feature is available:
DevicePart NumberRevision Required
Digi One IA RealPort50000764-01 F or higher
Digi One RealPort50000723-01J or higher
PortServer TS 250000723-02J or higher
PortServer TS 450000723-03G or higher
2-2Options for Configuring the IP Address and Mask
Configuring the Ethernet Interface with DPA-Remote
Use this section to configure an initial IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway using DPARemote. This procedure cannot be used to change the IP address, but only to assign the initial IP
address. It also cannot be used if a DHCP server is active.
Starting Point
This procedure assumes the following:
•That your Digi device supports this feature. See "Devices That Support DPA-Remote and PingARP for IP Address Configuration" on page 2-2.
•That your Digi device is connected to the Ethernet network
•That the Digi device has DHCP client turned on. This is the default setting, so it will be on
unless it was turned off.
•That you do not have a DHCP server to serve IP address. If you do, use the DHCP procedure.
See "Configuring an IP Address using DHCP and RARP" on page 2-5.
•That you have installed DPA-Remote version 2.01.11or later. For information on installing DPARemote, see the Digi Port Authority Remote Device Monitor Setup Guide, which is on the
Access Resource CD.
1. Run DPA-Remote.
2. If DPA-Remote is not set for ADDP, choose ADDP as the Discovery Protocol.
3. Choose Discover.
A list of Digi devices appears. Systems with IP addresses of need IP addresses.
4. Select a device from the list and then choose Configure.
5. Supply an IP address, subnet mask and default gateway and then choose OK.
DPA-Remote configures the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway.
Configuring the IP Address
Configuring the IP Address Using Ping-ARP
Use this section to configure an IP address by manually updating a server’s ARP table and then
pinging the Digi device.
Starting Point
This procedure assumes the following:
•That your Digi device supports this feature. See "Devices That Support DPA-Remote and PingARP for IP Address Configuration" on page 2-2.
•That your Digi device is connected to the Ethernet network
1. Record the MAC address of the Digi device. It’s on the back of the unit.
2. Access a server on the same subnet as the Digi device.
3. Manually update the server’s ARP table using the Digi device’s MAC address and the IP address
you want assigned to the Digi device. The following is an example of how this is done on a Windows NT 4.0 system:
arp -s 00-40-9d-22-23-60
4. Ping the Digi device using the IP address just assigned. The following is an example:
The ping will probably time out before there is a response from the Digi device.
5. Wait a few seconds and then ping the Digi device again.
The Digi device replies to the ping, indicating that the IP address has been configured.
2-4Configuring the IP Address Using Ping-ARP
Configuring the Ethernet Interface from the Command Line
This section discusses how use the command line to configure an IP address, mask, and default
gateway for Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4’s Ethernet interface.
Manual Configuration Procedure
1. To configure an IP address for the Ethernet interface, enter the following command:
set config ip=ip-address
where ip-address is the IP address for the Ethernet interface
2. To configure a subnetmask, enter the following command:
set config submask=mask
where mask is the subnet mask for this subnetwork
3. To ensure that this address is permanent, turn DHCP off by entering the following command:
set config dhcp=off
4. To configure a default gateway, enter the following command:
set config gateway=ip-address
where ip-address is the IP address of the default gateway
Example set config gateway=
5. Reboot the Digi device at the prompt using the following command:
boot action=reset
set config ip=
set config submask=
Manual Configuration Example
In this example set config commands configure the Ethernet interface and the boot command reboot
the Digi device, which is required for the address change to take affect.
set config ip= submask= dhcp=off
set config gateway=
boot action=reset
Configuring an IP Address using DHCP and RARP
About DHCP and RARP
When the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 boots, it transmits a DHCP request and a RARP request. This
continues until an address is assigned.
To use RARP or DHCP follow these steps:
1. Set up an entry for an address on a DHCP or RARP server. If you intend to use RealPort, do the
•Reserve a permanent IP address.
•Record the IP address. You will need it when you configure the RealPort driver.
2. Power on the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4.
The DHCP or RARP server assigns the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 an IP address.
Configuring the IP Address
2-6Configuring an IP Address using DHCP and RARP
Chapter 3Configuring Ports for RealPort
In This Chapter
This chapter describes how to configure Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 for RealPort connections. It
discusses the following topics:
This section provides a brief introduction to RealPort.
What is RealPort?
RealPort is a feature that allows network-based host systems to use the ports of the Dig
One/PortServer TS 2/4 as though they were the host system’s own ports, appearing and behaving as
local ports to the network-based host.
RealPort Advantages
RealPort provides the following advantages:
•It expands the number of ports available to the host system.
•It enables Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 ports to be treated as if they were directly connected to the
host, which means they use all standard operating system interfaces that control baud rate, parity,
stop bits, and flow control.
•It enables host administrators to do most of the required configuration on the host, the system
with which the administrator is most familiar.
•It dramatically reduces host CPU overhead because multiple terminal or printer sessions are
multiplexed over the same TCP/IP connection.
Configuring the RealPort Software
You must install and configure RealPort software on each host that will use RealPort ports. See the
RealPort documentation for more information.
Configuration Options
You can configure Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 for RealPort from the command line or using the web
interface. For information on using the web interface, see "Configuring Ports: Web Interface" on
page 3-3.
3-2About RealPort
Configuring Ports: Web Interface
Use this procedure to configure a port from the web interface.
1. Access the web interface by entering the Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 IP address in a browser’s
URL window.
2. Log in to the Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 as root.
The default password is dbps.
3. From the main menu, select Configure > RealPort.
A screen similar to the following appears.
4. To complete configuration, choose Next and then follow the prompts.
5. To return to the main Ports menu, choose Ports from the Menu again.
6. To complete RealPort setup, install and configure the RealPort driver. See the appropriate
RealPort setup guide on the Access Resource CD.
Configuring Ports for RealPort
Configuring Ports for RealPort: Command Line
This section describes how to configure RealPort ports from the command line.
Use this procedure to use the command line to configure Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 for RealPort.
This procedure assumes that you have signed on as root and have or will
•Install RealPort software on each RealPort host. See the appropriate RealPort documentation for
more information.
•Properly cabled Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 ports and devices.
•Set up the devices connected to Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 ports
1. Configure the RealPort TCP port by entering the following command:
set tcp realport=771
2. Configure Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 ports by entering the following command:
set ports range=range dev=rp
where range is the range of ports to which this command applies
In this example, all ports are configured for RealPort.
set tcp realport=771
set ports range=* dev=rp
set ports range=2 dev=rp
3-4Configuring Ports for RealPort: Command Line
Chapter 4Configuring Ports for Printers
In This Chapter
This chapter describes how to configure Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 ports for printer connections. It
discusses the following topics:
You should be aware of the following considerations if you intend to configure Dig One/PortServer
TS 2/4 to handle printers.
Using RealPort
RealPort, a feature that allows network-based host systems to use the ports of the Dig
One/PortServer TS 2/4 as though they were the host system’s own ports, is an easy and efficient way
for printers to use Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 ports. For information on this option, see
"Configuring Ports for RealPort" on page 3-1.
Determining Your Printer’s Flow Control Requirements
If you set the Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 flow control parameters incorrectly, the printer may not
print all data sent to it. Consequently, before you configure a Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 port for a
printer, check the printer’s documentation to determine if it uses hardware flow control, software
flow control, or no flow control at all.
Flow Control Tips
Here are some tips to ensure that your printer performs as expected:
•If flow control is necessary, ensure that the printer and Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 use the same
flow control scheme.
•Most printers that use hardware flow control issue the DTR (data terminal ready) signal when
they are ready for data. If so, the DTR pin on the cable from the printer must be wired to an input
on the Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 port (usually CTS or DCD) that can be used for flow control.
Printing with AIX Systems
Digi does not recommend using lpd to print multiple jobs to a Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4-attached
printer from an AIX print spooler because this may cause the print job to time out.
Using the lpd Protocol
Here are some tips for configuring the print spooler on your UNIX system when you intend to print
using the lpd protocol to a printer attached to Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4:
1. The number of copies option with lpr is not supported.
2. Banner pages are not supported.
3. Give the Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4’s DNS name or IP address as the remote system’s name.
4. Specify a queue name that conforms to the following conventions:
•Begin the queue name with one of the following character strings: (a) Use ascii if you want
Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 to substitute carriage return and
feed the system sends. (b) Use raw if no substitution should be performed.
•After the queue name, insert an underscore character and the number of the Dig One/PortS-
erver TS 2/4 port to which the printer is attached.
•If you want to use either of the following options, specify an additional underscore and then
the letter that identifies the option: (a) Use f to append a form feed character to the end of
each file in a print job (b) Use d to add a Ctrl-d to the end of each file in a print job. (This is
often required by PostScript printers.)
ascii_1Prints to port 1 and translates CR to CR/LF.
ascii_8_fPrints to port 8, translates CR to CR/LF and prints a form feed at the end
raw_1_dPrints to port 1 with no translation and appends a Ctrl-d to the end of the
line feed characters for each line
of the job.
print job.
4-2Configuration Considerations
Tips for telnet and rsh Printing
Here are some tips for handling telnet and rsh printing:
•If line feed and carriage return problems occur, try supplying a set line command that specifies
onlcr=on. This converts carriage returns to carriage return/line feeds.
•If you want tab characters (ASCII character 9) converted to 8 spaces, use a set line command
that specifies otab=on.
Configuring Ports for Printers: Web Interface
Use this procedure to configure a port from the web interface.
1. Access the web interface by entering the Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 IP address in a browser’s
URL window.
2. Log in to the Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 as root.
The default password is dbps.
3. From the main menu, choose Configure > Ports.
4. To configure a port, do the following:
a. Choose the port from the port column.
b. Ensure that the Device Type is Printer.
c. Make other changes to the configuration as required. Use the online help for information.
d. If you want to apply this configuration to multiple ports, choose Clone, select the ports for
this configuration, and then choose Continue.
e. Choose Submit.
5. To return to the main Ports menu, choose Ports from the menu again.
Configuring Printer Connections: Command Line
This section describes how to configure Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 for printer connections.
Related Information
See the set ports, set line, and set flow commands in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command
This procedure assumes the following:
•That you are logged in as root
•That you know printer attributes, such as baud rate and parity
1. Configure the port for a printer by supplying the following command:
set ports dev=prn range=range
where range is a range of ports
Example: set ports dev=prn range=1-2
2. Configure line attributes with a set line command. The attributes you configure depend on
printer requirements. See the set line command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command Refer-ence to determine which set line command fields you require.
3. Configure flow control attributes with the set flow command. The attributes you configure
depend on printer requirements. See the set flow command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Com-mand Reference for more information.
In this example, port 2 is configured for a printer that uses hardware flow control.
set ports range=2 dev=prn
Configuring Ports for Printers
set line range=2 baud=9600 csize=8 stopb=1 parity=n
set flow range=2 cts=on ixon=off ixoff=off
4-4Configuring Printer Connections: Command Line
Configuring a Port for Direct-Access Printing
Direct access printing allows Telnet users on the LAN to access a port and to issue print commands
directly to the printer. This section describes the two ways users can access a printer directly and
explains how to configure the port to support each method.
Method 1: Specifying Port Numbers in the Telnet Command
This method allows users to issue telnet commands that identify the correct port by using TCP port
numbers. Users identify the type of connection and port number by specifying one of the following:
For this connection type...Identify the port by specifying...
Te ln et
Raw2100 plus the number of the port.
User Command Example 1
In this example, a user specifies a standard telnet connection on port 2 of a Dig One/PortServer TS
2/4 using IP address
cat myfile | telnet 2002
User Command Example 2
In this example, a user specifies a raw telnet connection on port 2 of a Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4
using IP address
cat myfile | telnet 2102
2000 plus the number of the port.
Example: 2002 for port 2.
Example: 2102 for port 2.
Method 1 Configuration
There is no special configuration required to set up a port for this type of direct access. Simply
configure the port for a printer. See "Configuring Printer Connections: Command Line" on page 4-3
for more information.
Method 2: Using Alternate IP Addresses
This method provides similar functions to method 1, except alternate IP addresses allow users to
identify a specific port by simply specifying an IP address.
Method 2 Configuration
To configure an alternate IP address, do the following:
•Configure the port for a printer. See Configuring Printer Connections: Command Line on page
4-3 for more information.
•Supply a set altip command that specifies the following:
set altip group=port-number ip=ip-address
— port-number is the number of a Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4 port
— ip-address is the IP address of the Dig One/PortServer TS 2/4
Command Line Example
set ports range=2 dev=prn
set line range=2 baud=9600 csize=8 stopb=1 parity=n
set flow range=2 cts=on rts=on ixon=off ixoff=off
set altip group=2 ip=
Configuring Ports for Printers
4-6Configuring a Port for Direct-Access Printing
Chapter 5Configuring Ports for Modems
In This Chapter
This chapter describes how to configure Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 ports for modem connections.
It discusses the following topics:
• Configuring Ports for Incoming Modem Connections: Command Line . . . . . . 5-3
• Configuring Ports for Outgoing/Bi-Directional Connections: Command Line 5-4
Configuring Ports for Modems
Tips on Configuring A Modem
Here are some tips on configuring modems to work with Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4:
•Configure the modem so that DCD goes high when it receives an incoming connection request.
•Configure the modem to answer an incoming call only when DTR is high, and to drop the line
when DTR goes low.
•For bidirectional connections, it is advisable to configure the non-volatile parameters in the
modem for incoming calls. Also configure the modem to reset to these parameters when DTR is
•Configure the modem to lock the serial line speed at the highest baud rate the modem will accept
for reliable data transfer because Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 cannot switch the baud rate of the
serial line on a per call basis without reconfiguration.
Note:You may want to consider connecting modems using RealPort, a feature that allows
network-based host systems to use the ports of the Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 as
though they were the host system’s own ports. It is an easy and efficient way for
modems to use Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 ports. For information on this option, see
"Configuring Ports for RealPort" on page 3-1.
5-2Tips on Configuring A Modem
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