Digi TransPort WR11, TransPort WR21, TransPort WR44 R, TransPort WR44 RR, TransPort WR31 User Manual

Digi TransPort® Routers
Models WR11, WR21, WR31, WR41, WR44, WR44 R, WR44 RR
User Guide
Revision history—90001019
Revision Date Description
N January 2016
P June 2017
R May 2018
S July 2018
T September 2018
n Updated TransPort WR31 serial pinout diagram.
n Added TransPort WR44 R and WR44 RR models.
n Added RED (Radio Equipment Directive).
n Added configuration parameters for Wi-Fi roaming
in client mode.
Updated content for the Digi TransPort version 6.1.x.
n Added support for IPv6.
n Updated content for configuring supported cellular
n Added instructions for enabling health reporting via
Digi Remote Manager.
n Added descriptions for backup and restore settings.
n Miscellaneous editorial corrections.
Updated content for the Digi TransPort version 6.1.x.
n Added support for Cellular GPS to the WR31.
Updated content for the Digi TransPort version 6.1.x.
n Added support for automatic APN selection.
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Digi, Digi International, and the Digi logo are trademarks or registered trademarks in the United States and other countries worldwide. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners.
© 2018 Digi International Inc. All rights reserved.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Digi International. Digi provides this document “as is,” without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of fitness or merchantability for a particular purpose. Digi may make improvements and/or changes in this manual or in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this manual at any time.
To view product warranty information, go to the following website:
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Customer support
Gather support information: Before contacting Digi technical support for help, gather the following
Product name and model
Product serial number (s)
Firmware version
Operating system/browser (if applicable)
Logs (from time of reported issue)
Trace (if possible)
Description of issue
Steps to reproduce
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Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Digi TransPort® routers
TransPort WR11 15 TransPort WR21 17 TransPort WR31 18 TransPort WR41 20 TransPort WR44 / WR44 R 21 TransPort WR44 RR 22
Hardware features
TransPort WR11 hardware features 24
TransPort WR11 EVDO model 24 TransPort WR11 HSPA+ model 25 TransPort WR11 LTE-MIMO 26 TransPort WR11 XT 27 TransPort WR11 accessories 29 TransPort WR11 hardware specifications 30 Regulatory and safety statements 31
TransPort WR21 hardware features 35
TransPort WR21 front panel 35 TransPort WR21 rear panel features 36 Reset the TransPort WR21 37 TransPort WR21 serial pinout 38 TransPort WR21 accessories 40 TransPort WR21 hardware specifications 41 Regulatory and safety statements 41
TransPort WR31 hardware features 45
TransPort WR31 hardware specifications 48 TransPort WR31 accessories 49 TransPort WR31 mounting options 50 Hazardous Location installation 51 TransPort WR31 serial pinout 52 TransPort WR31 digital and analog inputs and outputs 54 I/O connector pin assignments 54 TransPort WR31 digital input/output: representative circuit 55 TransPort WR31 analog input: representative circuit 55 Example digital and analog I/O wiring 56 Digital output 56 Digital and analog I/O specifications 58 Regulatory and safety statements 60
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
TransPort WR41 hardware features 64
Front panel 64 Rear panel 65 Underside of unit features 66 Additional hardware features 67 TransPort WR41 hardware specifications 69 TransPort WR41 accessories 70 TransPort WR41 serial pinout 71 Regulatory and safety statements 72
TransPort WR44 / WR44 R hardware features 76
Front panel 76 TransPort WR44 models with cellular interface 76 TransPort WR44 models without SIM card slots 76 Rear panel 77 Underside of unit 78 Enclosure features 79 TransPort WR44 additional hardware features 80 TransPort WR44 hardware specifications 82 TransPort WR44 R hardware specifications 83 TransPort WR44 accessories 84 TransPort WR44 R accessories 85 TransPort WR44 / WR44 R RS232 serial pinout 86 Regulatory and safety statements 87
TransPort WR44 RR hardware features 91
Front panel 91 Rear panel 91 Enclosure features 92 TransPort WR44 RR hardware specifications 93 TransPort WR44 RR accessories 94 TransPort WR44 RR Ethernet cable connectors and pinouts 95 Regulatory and safety statements 97
Purchase additional serial cables 101 Signal strength indicators 102 Antenna specifications for Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz modules 103
Using the web interface
Log in to the device 105 Log out and return to the login page 107 Execute a command from the web interface 108 Signal strength indicators on the Mobile status page 109 Use the web interface wizards 110
Use the Quick Start wizard 111
Use the Serial Interface wizard 112
Use the Create an aggressive mode LAN to LAN IPsec tunnel wizard 113
Use the SureLink wizard 114
Use the GOBI Module Carrier wizard 116
Use the Dual SIM wizard 117
Using the command-line interface
About the Digi TransPort command line interface 119 Supported command types 120 Required software for using the command line 121
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Connect to the TransPort router from a PC 122 Log in to the command line interface 123 Exit the command line interface 124 Commands and the active port 125 When commands take effect 126 View current configuration changes 127 Save changes 128 Configure network settings 129 Establish a remote connection 131 Application commands 132
Application commands are case-insensitive 132
One command per line 132
Application command syntax 132
Use wildcards in commands 132
Use special usernames in commands 133
Using the command-line parameter tables in this guide 134
Activate and deactivate interfaces 136
ana command: Clear the Analyser Trace 137
config command: show/save configuration 138
config changes command: show number of changes counter 139
clear command: Clear the event log 140
gpio command: General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) 141
ping command: Troubleshoot connectivity problems 143
qdl command: Select cellular image to load 144
reboot command: reboot router 145
tcpperm command: establish a permanent serial to IP connection 146
tcpdial command: Establish a manually initiated serial to IP connection 148
tcpdab command: Cancel a tcpdial connection 149
templog command: monitor router temperature 150
traceroute command: Troubleshoot connectivity problems 151 AT commands 152
The AT command interface 152
Enter multiple commands 152
Use escape sequences 152
AT command result codes 153
S registers 154
atd: Dial a call 155
ath: Hang-up 156
atz: Reset 157
at&c: Control the DCD signal 158
at&f: Load factory settings 159
at&r: Control the CTS signal 160
at&v: View profiles 161
at&w: Write SREGS.DAT file 162
at&y: Select power-up profile 163
at&z: Store phone number 164
at\at: Ignore invalid AT commands 165
at\gps command:Send GPS data to ASY port 165
at\ls: Lock speed 166
at\port: Set the active port for text commands 167
at\smib commands 168
S register definitions 174
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Configuring network interfaces
Configure Ethernet interfaces 179
IPv6 addressing support on Ethernet interfaces 179
Configure basic Ethernet IP address parameters 180
Configure advanced Ethernet parameters 182
Configure Ethernet Quality of Service (QoS) parameters 192
Configure Ethernet Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) 195
Configure logical Ethernet interfaces 199
Configure which Ethernet devices can send packets to the router (MACfiltering) 200
Configure an Ethernet bridge between two networks (MAC bridging) 202
Configure Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) 204
Configure Virtual LAN (VLAN) support 206 Configure Wi-Fi interfaces 208
Configure global Wi-Fi settings 209
Configure advanced global Wi-Fi settings 213
Configure a Wi-Fi node as a hotspot 214
Configure Wi-Fi filtering 215
Configure a Wi-Fi node 216
Perform a rogue scan 222 Configure mobile (cellular) interfaces 223
Configuration parameters required from your mobile network 223
Supported cellular modules in Digi TransPort products 224
Configure SIMs 225
Configure mobile connection settings 226
Configure SIMfailover 231
Configure advanced mobile parameters 232
Configure sending and receiving SMS messages 242
Verify mobile connectivity and check mobile status 246
Automatic SIMdetection 248
Determine the cellular module type and carrier firmware version 249
Switch the cellular carrier firmware 250
Update carrier firmware 254 Configure DSL interfaces 257
Configure permanent virtual circuit (PVC) parameters 258
Configure DSL network settings 259
Configure PVC traffic shaping parameters 263
Configure advanced DSL parameters 265 ConfigureGeneric Routing Encapsulation (GRE)interfaces 267
Configure GRE tunnel parameters 268
Configure advanced GRE parameters 271 Configure ISDN interfaces 273
Configure the ISDN interface to receive incoming calls 274
Configure ISDN dialing parameters 279
Configure advanced ISDN parameters 284
Configure ISDNLink Access Protocol D (LAPD) parameters 288
Configure ISDNto answer V.120 calls 291 Configure PSTN interfaces 293
Configure advanced PSTN parameters 298 Configure DialServ interfaces 302
Configure DialServ network settings 303
Configure advanced DialServ parameters 307 Configure serial interfaces 311
Configure advanced serial port parameters 314
Configure synchronous communications 318
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Configure rate adaptation 320
Configure command alias mappings 322
Configure protocol bindings 324
Configure virtual serial ports 326
Configure port redirection using RealPort 328
Configure sending serial data to multiple serial ports 332 Configure IPv6 addressing support 335
IPv6 support is for Ethernet interfaces only 335
IPv6 modes 335
Typical IPv6 configuration 335
IPv6 support in the web interface 337
IPv6 support in the command-line interface 339
Configure a WAN for IPv6 343
Configure a LAN for IPv6 344
Show and update the IPv6 source IP address policy table 347
Show DHCPv6 server status 348
Show DHCPv6 client status 349
Use DHCPv6 to learn IPv6 addresses 350
Use the Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) cache 351
Delete a Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) cache 352
Show the IPv6 routing table 353
Show IPv6 routing and address information 354
Show the IPv6 addresses assigned to an interface 355
Support for IPv6 packets in firewall rules 356 Configure PPP and external modems 357
Configure external modem support 358
Configure PPP mappings 360
Configure PPP parameters 364
Configure mobile PPP parameters 373
Configure advanced PPP parameters 374
Configure PPP negotiation 386
Configure PPP sub-configurations 393
Configure PPP over Ethernet 395
Configuring DHCP servers
About DHCP servers 397 Configure DHCP server for Ethernet interfaces 398 Configure advanced DHCP parameters 401 Configure advanced DHCP options 402 Configure DHCP options 404 Configure static lease reservations 406
Configuring network services
Configure network services 409
Configuring DNS
Configure DNS servers 415
DNS Server n parameters 415 DNS Server Update parameters 416 Configure Dynamic DNS (DynDNS) 420
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Dynamic DNS parameters 420
Advanced Dynamic DNS parameters 423
Configuring IP routing and forwarding
Supported routes 426
Dynamic routes 426
Static routes 426
Default routes 426
Routing modes 426 View the TransPort routing table 428 Configure route metrics 429 Configure IP routing parameters 430 Configure static routes 433
Advanced Static Route parameters 434
Related CLI commands 437 Configure default IP routes 441
Advanced Default route parameters 442 Configure Routing Information Protocol (RIP) settings 447
Configure global RIP Settings 447
Configure access lists 448
Configure authentication keys 449
Configure RIP advertisements 450 Configure Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) parameters 453 Configure Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) settings 456 Configure IP port forwarding and static NAT mappings 458 Configure multicast routes 460 Configure Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) 462
VRF-Lite (Multi-VRF) 462
Information model objects (IMOs) 462
Virtual Routing Forwarding (VRF) entity 462
Equivalent routing entry 463
Virtual routing entry 463
Multi protocol BGP entity 464
Equivalent Cross Virtual Routing Entry 464
Cross virtual routing entry 465
Process for configuring VRFs 465
Support for Virtual Routing and Forwarding in the web and command-line interfaces 466
Configure VRF for Ethernet interfaces 467
Configure VRF for GRE tunnel interfaces 467
Configuring Virtual Private Networking (VPN)
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 469 Configure Internet Protocol security (IPsec) 470
About Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) 471
Configure IPsec tunnels 473
Configure IPsec tunnel default action 487
Configure IPsec groups 489
Configure Dead Peer Detection (DPD) 498
Configure Internet Key Exchange (IKE) 500
Configure IKEv2 511
Configure Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) 517
Use X.509 certificates with IPsec tunnels 522
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Configure Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) 525 Configure OpenVPN 527
Additional information on OpenVPNconfiguration 527
Supported Cipher and Digest values for OpenVPN 534
Configuring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
About the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 536 Configure the SSL server 537 Configure SSL clients 539
Configuring Secure Shell (SSH) server and client
About the Secure Shell (SSH) server 542 Configure SSH servers 543 Configure the SSH client 548 Generate SSH private keys 553 Perform SSH authentication with a public/private key pair 555
Configuring FTP Relay
Configure FTP Relay 557
Configure FTP Relay agents 557
Configure Advanced FTP Relay parameters 560
Configure an SMTP client, as needed 561
Configuring IP passthrough
Configure IP passthrough 563
Configuring UDP echo
Configure a UDP echo client 567
Configuring Quality of Service (QoS)
Configure Quality of Service (QoS) 570
Configuring time bands
Configure a time band 578 Enable and disable time bands for a PPP or Wi-Fi interface 580
Configuring advanced network settings
Configure advanced network settings 583
Configure first settings group 583
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Configuring legacy protocols
About legacy protocols 590 Configure Systems Network Architecture over IP (SNAIP) 591
Forcing SNAIP to use a specific instance 598 Configure TPAD parameters 599
Set TPAD parameters: 604 Configure X.25 parameters 613
Configure general X.25 parameters 614
Configure X.25 LAPB parameters 616
Configure NUI mappings 621
Configure NUA / NUI interface mappings 622
Configure X.25 call macros 625
Configure IP to X.25 call strings 627
Configure Packet Assembler Dissassembler (PADS) 630
Configure an X.25 Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) 645
X.25 packet switching 648 Configure a MODBUS gateway 657
Requirements for MODBUS support in TransPort devices 657
Configure the MODBUS gateway 657
Configure MODBUS slaves 659 Configure Protocol Switch software 661
Protocol Switch software logic 663
Configure the Protocol Switch 665
Configure CUD mappings parameters 673
Configure IP sockets to protocol switch 674
Configure NUA to interface mappings 677
Configure NUA mappings 679
Configuring alarms
Configure events to trigger alarms 681
Configure sending email alert messages when events occur 683
Configure SNMP traps 688
Send SMS alert messages when events occur 691
Log events to a secondary log file on an external flash drive 693
Log events to a Syslog server 694 Edit event descriptions 697
Configure event logcodes 699
Configure handling of the reasons for an event 702 Configure an SMTP email account to send alarms 704
Configuring system settings
Set device identity parameters 708 Set system date and time 710
Using NTP is recommended for greater accuracy 710
Set system date and time manually 710
Set system date and time automatically using an SNTPserver 712
Set system date and time automatically using an NTPserver 714
ntpstat command: Check NTP client status 720 Set commands to run automatically at bootup 721 Set web and command line interface options 722 Set miscellaneous system options 725
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Set power control options 727
Functional areas for saving power 727
Power control profiles 727
Additional information on power control 728 Set temperature monitoring 731
Configuring remote management
Use Digi Remote Manager to manage devices 733
Configure Digi Remote Manager 734
Configure using SMS messages for remote management 736
Enable device health reporting 738
Configure advanced remote management settings 740 Use SNMP for remote management 743
Supported SNMP versions 743
Supported Management Information Bases (MIBs) 743
at\smib commands 743
Configure SNMP settings 744
Configure SNMP users 745
Configure SNMP filters 747
Configure SNMP traps 748
Configuring security
Configure system security settings 752 Configure user security settings 754
Configure advanced user settings 756
Change the default username and password for a user 758 Firewall 759
Configure firewall rules 760
Configure stateful inspection settings 762
Use firewall scripts 764 Use a RADIUS client for authentication 801
Configure advanced RADIUS client parameters 804 Use TACACS+ to control access to the router 805
Functions of the AAA services 805
TACACS+ to local privilege level mappings 806
Configure advanced TACACS+ security settings 809 Use command filtering 810
Enable command filtering 811
Set calling numbers to answer or reject 812
Configuring telemetry (GPS)
Configure GPS parameters 815 Configure WR31 Cellular GPS 820 Configure GPS support for the GOBI3000 module 822
Managing applications and programs
Manage ScriptBasic applications 823 Manage Python applications 825
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Managing networks and connections
Show network interface status 827
Show Ethernet status and statistics 828
Show Wi-Fi status and statistics 831
Show mobile status and statistics 834
Show DSL status and statistics 840
Show GRE interface status 843
Show ISDN status and statistics 845
Show PSTN interface status and statistics 846
Show serial status and statistics 848
Show PPP status and statistics 850
Show IP statistics 854
Show the IP routing table 856
Show the IP hash table 858
Show the port forwarding table 860
Show firewall statistics 861
Show firewall trace output 864
Show DHCP status 865
Show DNS status 866
Show IGMP status 867
Show Quality of Service (QoS) status 868
Show NTP status 869 Manage connections 871
Show IP connections 872
Manage PPP connections 875
Show VPN connections 876 Show GPS data 881 View and manage the event log 883 Analyze data traffic 885
Capture data traffic 886
Show captured data traffic 892
Set PCAP (such as Wireshark) traces 893 Use the Top Talkers monitor 894
Configure Top Talkers monitor 895
Show the Top Talkers trace 896
Performing device administration tasks
View system information 897 Manage files 900
FLASH directory 900
WEB Directory 901
File Editor 902
copy command: Copy a file 903
del command: Delete a file 904
dir command: List the file directory 904
fattr command: Set or remove read only flag for a file 905
flock command: Lock files 905
funlock command: Unlock files 905
move command: Move a file 905
ren command: Rename a file 906
scan/scanr command: Scan the file system 906
type command: Display a text file 906
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
xmodem command: Initiate an XMODEM file upload 906
TransPort file system 908
Manage files using USB storage devices 910
Create a universal config.da0 file using tags 918
Use comments in configuration files 919 Manage X.509 certificates and host key pairs 920
Manage Certificate Authorities (CAs) 921
Manage IPsec/SSH/HTTPS certificates 923
Manage RSA key files 928
Generate private keys 929
Split a private key 931 Back up and restore configuration settings 932
Configuration files associated with your TransPort router 932
Methods for saving configuration files 932
Back up the configuration to a file on your PCor a server 933
Restore the configuration to a file on your PCor a server 933 Update firmware 934 Reset the router to factory defaults 936
Using the web interface 936
Using the reset button on the router 937 Save configuration settings to a file 938
Save the current configuration 938
Save All: Save the entire configuration 938 Execute a command from the web interface 940 Reboot the router 941
Troubleshooting resources 943 Download the debug.txt file 944 Cannot open the web interface 946 Cannot log into the web interface 947 Troubleshoot the LTE-MIMO antenna orientation 948
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide

Digi TransPort® routers

The Digi TransPort WR family of 3G/4G cellular routers offers an all-in-one mobile communications solution with true enterprise class routing, security and firewall. These multifunction cellular routers feature a flexible design with optional integrated Wi-Fi access point (with multi SSID) / client, USB, serial, VDSL, 1-, 2- or 4-port Ethernet switch with VLAN. Additional configuration options include multiple serial ports (async or sync), GPS or telemetry I/O.
The Digi TransPort family offers an advanced routing, security and firewall feature set including stateful inspection firewall and integrated VPN. Enterprise class protocols incorporate BGP, OSPF and VRRP+, a patented technology built upon the popular VRRP failover standard providing true auto­sensing, auto-failure and auto-recovery of any line drop.
Digi TransPort WR routers are ideal for transportation, POS, energy, medical, financial and digital signage as well as cellular backup and remote device connectivity applications.
Digi management solutions provide easy setup, configuration and maintenance of large installations of remote Digi TransPort devices. Digi Remote Manager offers web-based device management for remote Digi cellular routers and gateways. Digi TransPort routers have the following features:
n Enterprise class cellular routers with advanced dynamic routing, security and firewall features.
n High speed LTE/4G router with fall back to both GSM and CDMA 3G/2G technologies.
n Optional integrated Wi-Fi access point and multiport Ethernet switch.
n Flexible interfaces including serial (async/sync), GPS, VDSL, USB, CAN Bus and telemetry I/O,
with flexible DC power options.
n Powerful integrated end user programming.
n Remote Management via windows remote management software or cloud hosted Remote

TransPort WR11

Digi TransPort WR11 is a full-featured, cellular router offering the flexibility to scale from basic connectivity applications to enterprise class routing and security solutions. With its high performance architecture, Digi TransPort WR11 is designed for Wide Area Network connectivity including 2.5G, 3G, and 4G networks. The TransPort WR11 XT model has a metal enclosure and allows an extended operating temperature range.
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Digi TransPort® routers TransPort WR11
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Digi TransPort® routers TransPort WR21

TransPort WR21

Digi TransPort WR21 is a full-featured, cellular router offering the flexibility to scale from basic connectivity applications to enterprise class routing and security solutions. With its high performance architecture, Digi TransPort WR21 is designed for Wide Area Network connectivity including
2.5G/3G/4G networks.
Digi TransPort WR21 is available with a range of Ethernet, Serial (RS232, RS422/485), and Power connector options.
Digi TransPort WR21 also offers an optional advanced routing, security. and firewall feature set including stateful inspection firewall and integrated VPN. Enterprise class protocols incorporate BGP, OSPF, and VRRP+, a patented technology built upon the popular VRRP failover standard providing true auto sensing, auto failure, and auto recovery of any line drop.
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Digi TransPort® routers TransPort WR31

TransPort WR31

Digi’s TransPort WR31 is an intelligent 4G LTE router designed for critical infrastructure and industrial applications.
Key features of the TransPort WR31 include:
n Global HSPA+ and 4G LTE support and certification on major carrier networks around the
n Software defined multi-carrier networking with Gobi 4G LTE, meaning one device that operates
in 2G, 3G, or 4G across all major North American carriers.
n Ethernet, serial, and I/O for connecting diverse field assets.
n Extremely resilient cellular connection through Digi’s patented SureLink™, VRRP+ protocol, and
dual SIM slots.
n Enterprise Routing features for security, logging, and redundancy (e.g. stateful firewall, VPN,
SNMP); no annual enterprise software license required.
n GPS capabilities are available for GPS-enabled models.
n Digi Remote Manager provides mass configuration, device management, and troubleshooting
n Rugged aluminum enclosure, optimized for Din rail or shelf mounting.
n Optional weatherproof enclosure.
n 5 year warranty standard—no additional cost.
The TransPort WR31 provides a secure, reliable connection to industrial controllers, process automation equipment, and smart grid assets on third party sites or remote locations. This drop-in connectivity gives operators a way to reduce the cost of downtime and service calls and also increase revenue by bringing distributed sites online faster.
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Digi TransPort® routers TransPort WR31
The TransPort WR31 is ideal for connecting the following:
n Building and process automation controllers
n Smart grid assets (meters, switches, controllers)
n IP Cameras and access controllers
n Remote data loggers, flow meters, and sensing equipment
n Telco infrastructure
n Traffic and obstruction lighting
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Digi TransPort® routers TransPort WR41

TransPort WR41

The Digi TransPort WR family of cellular routers offers an all-in-one mobile communications solution with true enterprise class routing, security, and firewall. These multifunction cellular routers feature a flexible design with an optional integrated Wi-Fi access point (with multi SSID) / Client, USB, serial, and Ethernet, as well as a variety of configuration options including multiple serial ports (async or sync), GPS or I/O telemetry modules.
The Digi TransPort family also offers an advanced routing, security, and firewall feature set including stateful inspection firewall and integrated VPN. Enterprise class protocols incorporate BGP, OSPF, and VRRP+, a patented technology built upon the popular VRRP failover standard providing true auto sensing, auto failure and auto recovery of any line drop.
Digi TransPort WR routers are ideal for transportation and mobile applications. Flexible power options include AC, DC and 4-pin Molex connectors for direct integration into vehicle applications.
Also available is the Digi Remote Manager™, which provides easy setup, configuration, and maintenance of large installations of Digi TransPort devices.
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Digi TransPort® routers TransPort WR44 / WR44 R

TransPort WR44 / WR44 R

The Digi TransPort WR44 cellular router is an all-in-one mobile communications solution with true enterprise-class routing, security, and firewall. This multifunction cellular router features a flexible design with integrated Wi-Fi access point, USB, serial, and 4-port Ethernet switch, as well as a variety of configuration options including multiple serial ports (async or sync) and GPS or I/O telemetry modules.
The Digi TransPort family offers an advanced routing, securityb and firewall feature set including stateful inspection firewall and integrated VPN. Enterprise-class protocols incorporate BGP, OSPF, and VRRP+, a patented technology built upon the popular VRRP failover standard providing true auto sensing, auto failure and auto recovery of any line drop.
Digi TransPort WR44 is ideal for transportation and mobile applications. Flexible power options include 11-58 VDC barrel or molex connectors for direct integration into vehicle applications. Digi Remote Manager™ provides easy setup, configuration, and maintenance of large installations of Digi TransPort devices.
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Digi TransPort® routers TransPort WR44 RR

TransPort WR44 RR

Digi TransPort WR44 RR is a rugged enterprise-class cellular router designed for rail environments. Its rail industry ratings, versatility, security features, and performance make it ideal for applications such as Positive Train Control (PTC), wayside device communications, and on-board passenger Internet access.
Digi TransPort WR44 RR provides a reliable primary high speed cellular network connection or can act as a secure backup connection to the existing railroad network. It features a flexible communications design with 3G/4G multicarrier GSM/CDMA cellular, plus integrated Wi-Fi a/ac/b/g/n access point, serial, and 4-port Ethernet switch. It also features full on-board train certifications, including AREMA C/H and EN50155. Communications interfaces include hardened connectors, including M12 for Ethernet and serial, as well as TNC connectors for antenna connections.
Digi management solutions provide easy setup, configuration, and maintenance of large installations of remote Digi TransPort devices. Digi Remote Manager offers web-based device management for remote Digi cellular routers and gateways.
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide

Hardware features

TransPort WR11 hardware features 24 TransPort WR21 hardware features 35 TransPort WR31 hardware features 45 TransPort WR41 hardware features 64 TransPort WR44 / WR44 R hardware features 76 TransPort WR44 RR hardware features 91 Signal strength indicators 102 Antenna specifications for Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz modules 103
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Hardware features TransPort WR11 hardware features

TransPort WR11 hardware features

TransPort WR11 EVDO model

1. LAN port: Connects the device to a 10/100 base-T Local Area Network (LAN). The port can
perform auto-sensing for speed and wiring, so it can accept straight-through or cross-over cable connections.
2. Power connector: This locking power connector connects the device to a power source. The
connector should be inserted and rotated to lock in place. Center pin is positive.
3. LEDs:
n Service LED: Indicates the presence and level of cellular service running on the device.
Off: No cellular service
1 Blink: Device is running 1xRTT service
2 Blinks: Device is running EDVO Rev 0 service
3 Blinks: Device is running EDVO Rev A service
n Signal LED: Indicates strength of cellular signal.
Off: Poor or No signal. Place the device in a location where it gets a better signal.
Amber: Fair
Green: Good
n Power LED
Off: No power
Green: TransPort device is powered
4. Cellular antenna connector: This SMA female connector connects the device’s primary
cellular antenna.
5. Reset button: Resets the router to factory defaults. See Reset the router to factory defaults.
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Hardware features TransPort WR11 hardware features

TransPort WR11 HSPA+ model

1. LAN port: Connects the device to a 10/100 base-T Local Area Network (LAN). The port can
perform auto-sensing for speed and wiring, so it can accept straight-through or cross-over cable connections.
2. Power connector: This locking power connector connects the device to a power source. The
connector should be inserted and rotated to lock in place. Center pin is positive.
3. LEDs:
n SERVICE LED: Indicates the presence and level of cellular service running on the device.
Off: No cellular service
1 Blink: GPRS mode
2 Blinks: EDGE mode
3 Blinks: UMTS mode
4 Blinks: HSDPA mode
5 Blinks: HSUPA mode
n SIGNAL LED: Indicates strength of cellular signal.
Off: Poor or No signal. Place the device in a location where it gets a better signal.
Amber: Fair
Green: Good
Off: No power
Green: TransPort device is powered
4. SIM door: Encloses the SIM sockets. The SIM door must be removed to install the SIM cards For
installation details, refer to the Quick Start Guide that came with your device.
Note To remove the SIM door, hold the device on a flat surface and using a screwdriver, firmly
pull the cover straight up.
5. Cellular antenna connector: This SMA female connector connects the device’s primary
cellular antenna.
6. Reset button:Resets the router to factory defaults. See Reset the router to factory defaults.
7. SIM Sockets: SIM 1 and SIM 2 are for use with the SIMs.
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Hardware features TransPort WR11 hardware features

TransPort WR11 LTE-MIMO

1. LAN port: Connects the device to a 10/100 base-T Local Area Network (LAN). The port can
perform auto-sensing for speed and wiring, so it can accept straight-through or cross-over cable connections.
2. Power connector: This locking power connector connects the device to a power source. The
connector should be inserted and rotated to lock in place. Center pin is positive.
3. LEDs:
n SERVICE LED: Indicates the presence and level of cellular service running on the device.
Off: No cellular service
1 Blink: GPRS mode
2 Blinks: EDGE mode
3 Blinks: UMTS mode
4 Blinks: HSDPA mode
5 Blinks: HSUPA mode
6 Blinks: LTE mode
n SIGNAL LED: Indicates strength of cellular signal.
Off: Poor or No signal. Place the device in a location where it gets a better signal.
Amber: Fair
Green: Good
Off: No power
Green: TransPort device is powered
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Hardware features TransPort WR11 hardware features
4. SIM door: Encloses the SIM sockets. The SIM door must be opened to install the SIM cards. For
installation details, refer to the Quick Start Guide that came with your device.
Note To open the SIM door, slide the SIM door out using your finger.
5. Reset button:Resets the router to factory defaults. See Reset the router to factory defaults.
6. SIM sockets: SIM 1 and SIM 2 are for use with the SIMs.
7. Primary LTE antenna connector: This SMA female connector connects the device’s primary
cellular antenna.
8. Secondary LTE antenna connector: This SMA female connector connects the device’s
secondary cellular antenna.

TransPort WR11 XT

1. LAN port: Connects the device to a 10/100 base-T Local Area Network (LAN). The port can
perform auto-sensing for speed and wiring, so it can accept straight-through or cross-over cable connections.
2. Power connector: This locking power connector connects the device to a power source. The
connector should be inserted and rotated to lock in place. Center pin is positive.
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Hardware features TransPort WR11 hardware features
3. LEDs:
n SERVICE LED: Indicates the presence and level of cellular service running on the device.
Off: No cellular service
1 Blink: GPRS mode
2 Blinks: EDGE mode
3 Blinks: UMTS mode
4 Blinks: HSDPA mode
5 Blinks: HSUPA mode
6 Blinks: LTE mode
n SIGNAL LED: Indicates strength of cellular signal.
Off: Poor or No signal. Place the device in a location where it gets a better signal.
Amber: Fair
Green: Good
Off: No power
Green: TransPort device is powered
4. SIM door: Encloses the SIM sockets. The SIM door must be opened to install the SIM cards. For
installation details, refer to the Quick Start Guide that came with your device.
5. Reset button: Resets the router to factory defaults. See Reset the router to factory defaults.
6. SIM sockets: SIM 1 and SIM 2 are for use with the SIMs. Insert SIM cards with the notch facing
the bottom-right corner of the device. If you are using one SIM card only, insert it in the SIM 1 slot.
7. Primary cellular antenna connector: This SMA female connector connects the device’s
primary cellular antenna.
8. Secondary cellular antenna connector: This SMA female connector connects the device’s
secondary cellular antenna.
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Hardware features TransPort WR11 hardware features

TransPort WR11 accessories

A variety of accessories are available for TransPort products. For the current list of accessories and their Digi part numbers, go to the TransPort WR11 Part Numbers and Accessories page.
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
Hardware features TransPort WR11 hardware features

TransPort WR11 hardware specifications

TransPort WR11 specifications
TransPort WR11 XT specifications
Digi TransPort® Routers User Guide
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