91000611D SYNC/570i (PCI) Installation Card SYNC/570i
• Line speeds: to 5Mbps—EIA-530/X.21
to 2.5 Mbps—V.35
to 90 Kbps—Synch. EIA-232
to 144 Kbps—Async. EIA-232
• Full modem control
• DMA channels for full duplex operat ion
• 16KB or Full 256KB shared memory window
• Software configurable
• SurgeBlock surge protection
• 1.5 A @ +5 VDC
• 50 mA @ +/- 12 VDC
• Temperature: 10°
C to 55° C
• Relative Humidity:5% to 90%, non-condensing
• SurgeBlock: Standard
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Two-port Universal
Interface Card for
SYNC/570i (PCI)
Synchronous Communications
Installation Instructions
Digi's two port Universal Interfa ce Card can automaticall y d et er mine, from th e cable, the int er f ace
bus type to use with the peripheral device. That is,
you can select an interface type for the adapter
(V.35, X.21, EIA-530, or EIA-232) just by connecting the appropriate cable between the adapter and
the peripheral device. Each of the ports on the
daughter card can use the same or a differe nt type of
interface cable, giving you the flexibility to use one
adapter to connect to peripherals with two dif f erent
interface types.
Figure 1: SYNC/570i and Universal Interface Card
Installing the Adapter
Before you begin
Before installi ng the SYNC/570i adapter and daughter card, you should do the following:
• Be sure that you have the correct cables for the
interface type(s) you will use with the SYNC/
570i. Depending on the package you ordered,
you will have one or two cables.
• Record the ada p ter’s serial number (located
under the part number label as shown in
Figure 1), which will enable Digi to provide you
with better service, should the need arise.
• Unplug power from the PC.
• Discharge static electricity from your body by
touching a grounded surface (prior to handling
the adapter) .
• Put a ground strap on to ground yourself. (If one
is not available, ground yourself by touching an
unpainted metal surface, such as the computer’s
Installation Procedure
Install the adapter.
Remove the computer’s cover.
Locate an available PCI slot in your computer
and remove the slot plate.
Insert the adapter into the slot and screw th e
endplate to the computer c hassis . The endplat e
must be screwed into the computer chassis to
remain in compliance with Part 15 of FCC
Replace the computer’s cover.
Connect cab l es. One end of each cab l e is
labelled with the interface type. Attac h that end
to the peripheral. Attach the other end to an
adapter port. (Additional cabling information is
provided on this card.)
Boot the computer.
Run Digi’s diagnostics program.
The SYNC/570i PCI diagnostics are suppli ed on a
diskette that is shipped wit h the ad apter. You
should run the diagnostics to verify that you can
communicate with the peri pheral devic es. Refer t o
the text file on the diskette for information on
using the diagnostics.
The LEDs showing through the faceplat e
on the adapter will not light until a driver
is loaded an d th e adapter in itialized . W it h
the Digi driv er loa de d, th e g ree n LE D will
light to indicate that the adapter is in a
“ready” state. The amber LED will light
when data is passed to the periphera l
What next?
Install and configure the software for the Digi
SYNC/570i PCI adapter.
Usage Note
• If you change the interface of a port (by changing the interface cable) while your s ys tem is up,
the new interface may not be recognized until
the driver is restarted.
If you have a problem
• If you have difficulty communicating with a
peripheral connected to your SYNC/570i
adapter, call Digi Support Services to obtain a
diagnostic to use, and assis tance in using it.
• If you have a problem booting your system after
installation of your SYNC/570i adapter, you
should call Digi Support Services for assistance.