Digi Quick Note 054 User Manual

Quick Note 054
Digi TransPort to Cisco VPN Tunnel using
February 2021
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Outline ............................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Assumptions ...................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Corrections ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2 Version ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
3 certificates creation ................................................................................................................................... 4
If you already have certificates available, you can skip to section 3.2 .......................................................... 4
3.1 Generate Test certificates using OpenSSL and XCA .......................................................................... 4
3.1.1 Create a Root CA Certificate ...................................................................................................... 4
3.1.2 Create a CA-Signed Host Certificate (Cisco Router, Responder) ............................................... 7
3.1.3 Create a CA-Signed Client Certificate (Digi TransPort WR, initiator) ......................................... 9
3.1.4 Export the certificates and keys in .PEM format ..................................................................... 11
4 Digi transport configuration .................................................................................................................... 14
4.1 Upload SSL certificates to the Digi TransPort WR (initiator) ........................................................... 14
4.1.1 Upload the certificates via FTP ................................................................................................ 14
4.1.2 Upload the certificates via the Web GUI ................................................................................. 15
4.2 Configure the VPN Tunnel settings on the Digi TransPort WR (Initiator). ...................................... 16
5 Cisco configuration .................................................................................................................................. 19
5.1 Import the certificates and private key ........................................................................................... 19
5.1.1 Create a trustpoint for the CA root certificate ........................................................................ 19
5.1.2 Import the CA root certificate in the previously created trustpoint with copy and paste ...... 19
5.1.3 Create a trustpoint for the public certificate and the private key .......................................... 20
5.1.4 Import the public certificate in the previously created trustpoint with copy and paste ........ 20
5.2 Configure the tunnel........................................................................................................................ 21
6 Testing ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
6.1 Confirm Traffic Traverses the IPSec Tunnels ................................................................................... 23
7 Configuration files ................................................................................................................................... 24
1.1 Outline
Cisco router
This document describes how to create, upload SSL certificates and configure Digi TransPort WR and Cisco routers to build an IPsec VPN tunnel.
1.2 Assumptions
This guide has been written for use by technically competent personnel with a good understanding of the communications technologies used in the product and of the requirements for their specific application. It also assumes a basic ability to access and navigate a Digi TransPort router.
This application note applies only to:
Model: DIGI TransPort WR41/44/21
Digi TransPort WR41 routers must have the “Encryption” option Digi TransPort WR21 routers must run Enterprise firmware
Firmware versions: 5169 and later
Model: Cisco router running Advanced Enterprise Image.
Firmware versions: 15.9
Please note: This application note has been specifically rewritten for firmware release 5169 and later and will not
work on earlier versions of firmware. Please contact tech.support@digi.com if your require assistance in upgrading the firmware of the TransPort router.
1.3 Corrections
Requests for corrections or amendments to this application note are welcome and should be addressed to: tech.support@digi.com Requests for new application notes can be sent to the same address.
Version Number
Updated for new SarOS and Cisco firmware
If you already have certificates available, you can skip to section 3.2
3.1 Generate Test certificates using OpenSSL and XCA
Download and install the latest release of XCA which can be found at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xca/
3.1.1 Create a Root CA Certificate
Open the XCA application
1. Click the File menu and select New Database, chose a name and click Save.
2. Chose a password and click OK
3. Click the Certificates tab
4. Click the New Certificate button
5. Under “Template for the new certificate”, select default CA and click Apply all
6. Go to the Subject tab, fill in all the information then click the Generate a new key button and
click OK
Internal name
This is for display purposes in the tool, only
Country Name
The two-letter ISO 3166 abbreviation for your country.
State or Province Name
The state or province where your organization is legally located. Do not abbreviate.
In this example: Some-State
Locality Name
The city where your organization is legally located. Do not abbreviate.
In this example: Paris
Organization Name
The exact legal name of your organization. Do not abbreviate your organization name.
In this example: Digi
Organizational Unit Name
Section of the organization.
Examples of sections are Marketing, Research and Development, Human Resources or Sales.
Common Name
In this example DigiCA will be used.
Email Address
Enter your organization general email address.
In this example
7. The certificate should now appear in the window with the CA : YES confirmation. If it does not
say CA: YES, verify that you selected CA in the template and clicked Apply All.
3.1.2 Create a CA-Signed Host Certificate (Cisco Router, Responder)
1. Click the Certificates tab
2. Click the New Certificate button
3. Under Signing, make sure to select “Use this Certificate for signing” and chose the previously
created CA.
4. Under “Template for the new certificate”, select default HTTPS_server and click Apply all
5. Go to the Subject tab, fill in all the information then click the Generate a new key button and
click OK
Internal name
This is for display purposes in the tool, only
Country Name
The two-letter ISO 3166 abbreviation for your country.
State or Province Name
The state or province where your organization is legally located. Do not abbreviate.
In this example: Some-State
Locality Name
The city where your organization is legally located. Do not abbreviate.
In this example: Munich
Organization Name
The exact legal name of your organization. Do not abbreviate your organization name.
In this example: DigiDE
Organizational Unit Name
Section of the organization.
Examples of sections are Marketing, Research and Development, Human Resources or Sales.
Common Name
In this example wrdigide will be used. This will be used as the router Identity for the IPSec tunnel settings
Email Address
Enter your organization general email address.
In this example digide@digi.com
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