and the Digi log o are trademarks of Digi Inter national Inc. All othe r registered and unregi s tered trademarks are the
property of their respective holders.
Informat ion in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a co mmitm ent on the part of
Digi International.
Digi Inter nati on al pro vi des thi s doc umen t “as is, ” wit hout warr an ty of any ki nd , either e xpress ed or impl ied, incl uding ,
but not limited to, the implied warranties of fitness or merchantability for a particular purpose. Digi International may
make improvements and/or changes in this manual or in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this manual
at any time.
Digi International assumes no responsibility for any errors, technical inaccuracies, or typographical errors. Changes
are periodically made to the infor mation herein; these changes may be incorpo ra ted in new editio ns of the pub lica tio n.
Federal Comm unications Commission (FCC) Statements
Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) (FCC 15.105)
The PortServer II has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class A digital devices pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interferen ce in a residential environment. This
equipment generate s, use s, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed
and used in accordance with the instruction manua l, may cause har mful interference to
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur
in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio
or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,
the user is e ncouraged to try and correct the interference by one or more of the following measures :
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is con nect ed .
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Labeling Requirements (FCC 15.19)
This device complies with part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions:
1. this device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
Modifications (FCC 15.21)
Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by Digi International may void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
Cables (FCC 15.27)
This equipment is certifie d for Class A operation when used with shielded cables.
90030500B Page xiii
Industry Canada Compliance Statements
This Class A digital apparatus meets the requirements of the Canadian Interference
Causing Equipment Regulations (ICES-003 of Industry Canada, Class A).
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur
le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
Certificatio n
The Digi International PortServer II Intelligent Network Communications and Terminal Server meets the following sta ndards:
• FCC Part 15 , Clas s A
• ICES-003, Class A
• EN 55022, Class A
• VCCI, Class I
• EN50082-2 Heavy Industry
• UL-1950
• CSA C22.2 No.950
• EN60950
Page xiv90030500B
About this User’s Guide
PortServer II User’s Guide
administrator who needs to install Por tSer ver II, configure it f or normal operation, and
connect it to a network. You should use it with the
, which contains informati on on the operational and configuration commands.
is designed to be read by an installer or network
PortServer II Command Reference
Where do I look for more information?
This User’s Guide is divided into eighteen chapters as follows:
Chapter 1 Introdu ction
can use it to connect serial devices to a network. Read this chapter for general background information or if you are designing a network that will include PortServer II.
Chapter 2 Oper a ti on
stand this chapter before you proceed with installation or configuration.
Chapter 3 Installation
dures you should follow for connec ting up PortServer II.
Chapter 4 Basic Operation
including its connection to the Ethernet. It also provides a general description of the
other param eters that you will need to configure for users, including a description of
how to use the configuration commands. It also describes how to provide a menu for
each user.
Chapter 5 Confi guring Term i nal s
minals to PortServer II.
contains a brief introduction to PortServer II and how you
explains the front panel an d connec tors. Make sure you under-
. Refer to this chapter for general site requir ements and proce-
describes how to set the basic functions of PortServer II,
describes how to add connect ions for “dumb” ter-
Chapter 6 Configuring Security
automatic logins to Port Server II for all types of users.
Chapter 7 C onfiguring M ultiple Sessio ns and Multi ple Screens
configure Portserver II for terminals that run multiple sessions and multiple screens.
Chapter 8 C onfigurin g WAN Co nnection s
to WANs (Wide Area Networks), including intra-company netw or ks and the Int ern et.
Chapter 9 Configu ring M odem Connec ti ons
ure or modify PortServer II to operate over modem links.
Chapter 10 Configuring TCP/IP Routing
different types of TCP/IP routing that PortServer II supports.
90030500B About this User’s GuidePage xv
includes information on configuring manual and
describes how to
describes how to configure connections
. This chapter describes how to config-
describes how to configure each of the
Chapter 11 Config uring RealPort Connections
ify connections to terminals, printers, and other devices if you have the RealPort protocol running on your host server.
Chapter 12 Con fi guri ng SNMP
(Standard Netw ork Management Protocol) and you want PortServer II to respond to
SNMP requests.
Chapter 13 Configuring Printer Connections
PortServer II for connec tion to a printer.
Chapter 14 Configuring Frame Relay
Frame Relay service.
Chapter 15 Configuring RADIUS
RADIUS protocol for dial-up c onnections. You must have RADIUS available on your
Chapter 16 Rem ote Co nfig urat ion
remote host. You can update both the PortServer II software and your own configuration file in this way.
Chapter 17 Troubleshootin g
to connect to your network, or if it displays an error message.
Chapter 18 Digi Support Services
Digi Internation al if you have a problem with PortServer II.
describes what to do if your system supports SNMP
describes how to use PortServer II with a
describes to configure PortServer II to use the
describes how to configure PortServer II from a
. Refer to this chapter for help if PortServer II is unable
describes various ways that you can contacting
describes how to configure or mod-
describes how to configure or modify
contains a list of technical terms, and their explanations.
Which chapters should I read?
If you are not familiar with Po rt Se rv er II, you should begin by reading Chapters 1 and
2 which provide a general description of PortServer II and its operation.
If you want to install Portserver II, read Chapter 3.
To configure PortServer II for the first time, read Chapter 4, which provides a “quick
start” sequence for configuring the main functions.If you wish to change the initial
configuratio n, or add more devices or users, refer to the releva nt information in Chapters 5 through 15.
If you have several PortServer II units to install, or have many similar users, refer to
Chapter 17.
Page xviAbout this User’s Gui de90030500B
Document Conventions
Throughout this User ’s Guide, we use certain formats and presentations to indicate
information of specia l signif icance:
Italic text
chapter of this document or to anoth er docu ment.
Courie r t ex t
A Note gives background or supplementary information. It may also give a
hint or reminder that makes a task quicker or easier.
An Important statement contai ns a step or action that, if overlooked, may
cause a problem or incorrect operation.
A Caution gives information that is crucial to the correct operation of
the equipment. Failure to heed a caution may result in damage to
PortServer II and/or the network.
A Warning gives vital information. Failure to heed a warning
could result in injury to yourself or others, or serious legal liability.
is used to em phasize a statement , or t o give a cross-reference to anothe r
indicates a key or sequence of keys on the terminal that you should
Other PortServer II Documentation
For further informat ion on PortS erver II, refer to the following documents:
• PortServer II Intelligent Network Communications and Terminal Server Command Reference Guide 92000246
Read this chapter if you are unfamiliar with PortServer II, and want an overview of its
functions and possible applications.
In this Chapter
This chapter introduces you to the PortServer II and describes its features. It includes
the following topics:
Features and Functions 2
Basic Operation 5
Description of PortServe r II Hard ware 10
Typical Applications 11
Specifications 17
90030500B Chapter 1 Page 1
Features and Functions
Thank you for purchasing one of Digi International’s PortServer II family of communications and terminal servers. PortServer II allows you to connect up 16 serial
devices to a single TCP/IP Ethernet network port. Up to 48 additional devices (64
total) can be ad ded by the connection of external expansion m odules. Y ou can attach a
variety of serial devices, including PCs, Internet links, asynchronous terminals, printers, ISDN terminal adapters, and modems. You can also attach parallel devices such
as printers, if you use an expansion module with a parallel port. Because PortServer II
is independent of the hardware conne cted to it, users can access any type of networked
server running the TCP/IP protoc ol suite.
A system configuration diagram with many of PortServer II features in use is shown
on the next page:
Page 2Introduction90030500B
SCO UNIX ServerSolaris ServerSVR4 ServerNovell Server
PortServer II
Remote PC
Async Modem
Sync Modem
Remote PC
Local PC
Figure 1 PortServer II Features and Functions
The following peripher als are shown connected to the PortServe r II:
. Any terminal that includes a standard RS-232 serial interface can be
connected to a serial port. PortServer II communicates with the host computer
through the Ethernet port using TCP/IP. Where multi-user systems are already
installed, multiple host sessions are available, up to a limit of nine sessions per
90030500B Introduction Pa ge 3
PortServer II al lows terminals to connect to a server using Telnet, Rlogin, or TTY.
Local PCs
Depending on the terminal type(s), the server may need to be loaded with
Digi International’s RealPort
cations to make full use of PortServer II’s capabilities. See
Configuring RealPort Connections
software to allow the server and its appli-
Chapter 11,
for more information.
. Any PC can be connected to a PortServer II serial port. The user has
full access to all applic ations on the server. Typically, you run a terminal emulator
or SLIP/PPP software package on the PC.
. Any serial printer that supports the RS-232 interface can be c onnect ed
to a PortServer II serial port. Parallel printers may be connected via the
POR TS/8emp expansion module.
Asynchronous Modem.
PortServer II can provide connections to remote terminals (including terminal emulations), remote PCs, or Internet service providers.
PortServer II supports PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), SLIP (Serial Line Interface
Protocol), and CSLIP (Compressed Serial Line Interface Protocol) connections up
to 115.2 Kbps.
More detailed descriptions of the features supported for each of t hese differe nt types
of connection are given later in this chapter.
At the LAN interface, you only require a single Ethernet connection, regardless of
how many serial devices are connected to the PortServer II. Ethernet 10BaseT
(Twisted Pair) and 10Base2 (BNC coaxial Thinnet) connectors are provided.
Page 4Introduction90030500B
Basic Operation
Configurati o n of serial po r ts
Each PortServer II serial port can be configured for a specific type of device and/or
service, for example, an asynchronous modem with PPP service. Once a por t has been
configured, it cannot be used with another type of device or service unless you reconfigure it. To maintain system security, configuration can only be carried out at the
login level, and other users can only temporarily change the configuration of
the serial port to which they are attached.
Configuration information is held in Tables within the PortServer II memory. For
example, there is a table of all configur ed users, a table of connections, and so on.
Terminals and users
Each serial port that has a terminal connected to it must first be configured with the
emulation used by the terminal (for example, VT100), and the baud rate and control
parameter s.
Once the serial port has been configured, you can set up one or more users for the terminal. For each user, you should enter a login name and password. It is also possible
to customize the login information. For example, you might give each user a different
selection menu on successful login, or they may automatically connect to a particular
service or application.
PortServer II allows up to nine separate sessions on each of its serial ports. Short-cut
keys are provided to allow a user to temporarily escape from a session to access the
PortServer commands.
Each serial port that has a printer connected to it must be configured with data and
control information appropriate for the printer type. PortServer II is compatible with
most protocols that can be used to access printers.
90030500B Introduction Pa ge 5
Modems and dial-up links
A single modem connection can support any or all of the following:
• Outgoing calls for hosts on the network .
• Outgoing WAN connections initiated by PortServer II.
• Incoming WAN connections.
• Incoming terminal-style connections.
For each modem or other dial-up device that you connect to PortServer II, you must
configure its baud rat e an d co ntro l pa ram et ers .
Communication protocols supported by PortServer II include PPP, SLIP, and CSLIP.
Each of these protocols allows PortServer II to establish a link over standard telephone lines when traf fic warrants a call or if a trigge r event occur s (for example, a particular time or day).
A remote user or system may dial into PortServer II using a terminal emulator such as
ProComm Plus. When traffic has finished, the connection may be hung up to reduce
telephone costs. Alternatively, the connection may remain continuously established.
Be aware that additional connect time costs could be incurred if the latter
method is used
PPP (Point to P oint Protocol) encapsulates network level IP protocol da ta on transmissions between point-to-point links. PortServer II supports auto-detection of CHAP
(Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) and PAP (Password Authentication
Protocol) on serial ports that are configured for PPP. CHAP authentication is
attempted first, then PAP authentication, if CHAP fails.
If the user’s software accepts the PAP authentication request, PortServer II requires a
PAP ID and password to establish the connection.
If the user’s software accepts CHAP authentication, PortServer II sends a CHAP
packet that includes an ID and a random number. The user ’s software must respond
with the same ID and the user name in encrypted form. When PortServer II receives
the response, it verifies the encrypted data. The connection is only established when
both have verified the encrypted data. This method of authentication ensures that a
transmitted passwor d cannot be stolen by another user to gain unauthorized access. To
ensure security is maintained, CHAP challenges the connection at random intervals.
Page 6Introduction90030500B
SLIP (Serial Line Interface Protocol) or CSLIP (Compressed Serial Line Interface
Protocol) can be used with older systems that do not support PPP.
Filters and scripts
can be used with PPP, SLIP, and CSLIP connections to bring up or maintain a
connection, to pass or block packets, or to log packets. For example, you can write a
filter that will block all incoming packets, except those to a certain IP address, and so
build a “firewall”. Other filters block selected packets, for example, to block out
broadcast messages. Filters are typically used to control access to specific hosts, networks or services, and thus increase security on your system. If PortServer II detects
packets that are blocked by a filter, it drops the packets.
to remote systems. They can also be used to initialize and test modems. A typical
script initializes the local modem, then a second script sends a text string to log in to
the remote location. It then waits for a predefined reply string to be received from the
remote site before it est abl ishes the connection.
are used to establish outgoing connections by dialing modems and logging in
PortServer II suppor ts the RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In Service) standard
for authentication of dial-up users. A RADIUS server receives user connection
requests, authenticates the user against a password file or database, and returns
sufficient configuration information to allow the service to be initiated. If RADIUS is
used on a connection, the RADIUS server is responsible for all authentication, and
PortServer II only rout es message s and responses.
Frame Relay
Frame Relay is a switched digital service available from many providers that permits
connection is referred to as a PVC (Permanent Virtual Connection) and corresponds to
a link between two points on the network; part of that link (the physical connection)
may be shared by other users. The maximum speed of the link is determined by the
bandwidth of the physical conn ection.
virtual connections
Frame Relay also allows the use of SVCs (Switched Virtual Circuits). SVCs
are not supported by PortServ er II.
to share a single
physical connection
. Each virtual
90030500B Introduction Pa ge 7
Each PVC is identified by a unique number called a DLCI (Data Link Channel Identifier), which is used in Frame Relay “cloud” packets for routing.
Frame Relay allows network devices to exchange status information using the LMI
(Local Management Interface). DLCI lists may also be “learned” from the LMI.
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) allows a server or PC (the SNMP
Manager) to gather data and eve nt records from devices connecte d to the network. The
SNMP Manager may also set thresholds and alarms on network devices. PortServer II
includes an S NMP agent that allows it to interact with the SNMP Manager. PortServer
II maintains several MI Bs (Managemen t Information Bas es) which are databas es of
the functions and events that it tracks for the SNMP Manager.
RealPort protocol
RealPort™ is a protocol developed by Digi International that permits the ports on the
PortServer II to be controlled by a host server. RealPort provides “real” TTY access,
and allows the terminal use rs seamless access to server-resident applications and data.
The server can change port parameters such as baud rate and flow control. It is also
possible for more than one server to control ports on the PortServer II; for example,
one server may use the odd numbered ports, while another server may use the even
numbered ports. RealPort can also provide access for printers and modems. It is also
possible to share the same ports with different servers running RealPort drivers.
The appropriate Digi device driver software must be installed on each server
to implement RealPort.
Authentication and security
In addition to the authentication features provided for dial-up connections by
PAP/CHAP and RADIUS described previously, PortServer II provides two levels of
access security, based on passwords. Supervisory access is available using the root
login and permits the configurations and functions of the PortServer II to be changed.
Normal user logins provide transparent acce ss to applications, and do not allow access
to PortServer II configuration data. If maintaining security is not critical, users may
be configured to permit loggi ng in without a password or for automatic login.
Page 8Introduction90030500B
Ethernet connection and dynamic IP addressing
PortServer II requires an IP address to allow it to communicate on the Ethernet. This
can be assigned manua lly or, if a RARP (Rever se Address Resolution Protocol) ser ver
is connected to the network, PortServer II attempts to acquire its IP address automatically.
Each device that connects to a PortServer II can have its own IP address and, if it does,
PortServer II will route TCP/IP packets to and from the device transparently. This feature permits PortServer II to operate as a router between all IP addressable hosts that
are connected to its serial ports or to the Ethernet. PortServer II supports RIP (Routing
Information Protocol), allowing it to inform other routers of routes, and to learn new
routes from other router s.
You can configure PortServer II to use a pool of IP addresses for the devices that connects to it. This approach avoids the need to configure an address for each individual
device or user. When a device or user requests a connection, PortServer II assigns the
next available IP address from the pool. Consequently, a device may have a different
IP address for each session.
Statistics and loggin g
PortServer II mainta ins a log of user activities, including login requests, time of login,
and services used. The content of the log is definable by the system administrator.
This log may be viewed by anyone who accesses PortServer II as
Statistics relating to PortServer II operation are also available from an SNMP
Remote configuration
To allow PortServer II to be easily updated with new features, you can download new
software from a server using TFTP or Bootp commands.
You can also configure PortServer II’s system-specific parameters from a remote terminal or host. PortServer II’s internal configuration can be retrieved by TFTP commands, updated with a text editor, then reloaded into PortServer II.
90030500B Introduction Pa ge 9
Expanding PortServer II with additional ports
The standard PortServer II provides 16 serial ports. If you require additional ports at
any time, you can connect external modules from the Digi International PORTS range
to PortServer II’s EBI (External Bus Interface) connector, as described below.
Data speed through the serial ports under sustained load may be less than that
specified if you connect external modules.
Description of PortServer II Hardware
The Digi PortServer II intelligent terminal server allows you to connect up to 64 RS232 asynchronous serial devices (such as terminals and printers) to an Ethernet
network. Both Twisted Pair (10BaseT) and Thinnet (10Base2) cabling connectors are
provided on the side of the PortServer II box. If your network uses Thicknet cabling,
use a transceiver from Digi International.
The PortServer II hardware features a 20 MHz 32-bit IDT 3051 RISC microprocessor
and a 82596 32-bit network interface controller. It includes 2 Mbytes of flash
memory, 2 Mbytes of RAM, and four Cirrus quad UARTs with Direct Memory
Access (DMA). Self-tests on power-up help ensure reliability. Front-panel LEDs and
controls can be used for diagnostic testing and performance che cks , m onitoring either
RS-232 or Ethernet activity.
PortServer II features Digi International’s External Bus Interface (EBI) connector,
which can be used to “daisy-chain” up to three external Digi PORTS modules
(PORTS/16em, PORTS/8em and PORTS/8emp) to add extra ports.
After the power-up self-tests and loading of the operating software (either from
firmware or downloaded from the network), PortServer II sends login messages to all
terminals connected to it. (Ports set up as printers or modems do not receive login
messages; the factory default sets all ports as terminals.)
When they receive the login prompt, users can log into the PortServer II. Depending
upon their privilege level (as defined by the system administrator), they can issue
commands to the PortServer II to change parameters or connect to one of the network
systems. The PortServer II software allows the system administrator to set up
password-protected accounts with various privilege levels to restrict users’ access to
systems on the network.
Page 10Introduction90030500B
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