Digi PortServer CM User Manual

PortServer CM
User Manual
The Digi logo is a trademark of Digi International Inc. All other brand and product names are the trademarks of their respective holders.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Digi International. Digi provides this document “as is,” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of fitness or merchantability for a particular purpose. Digi may make improvements and/or changes in this manual or in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this manual at any time.
This product could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes may be incorporated in new editions of the publication.
FCC Warning Statement:
The PortServer CM has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class A digital devices, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful inter­ference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the Installation Manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user is required to correct the problem at his or her own expense.
Canadian DOC Notice:
The PortServer CM does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Le PortServer CM n’émete pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la classe A prescrites dans le règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique edicté par le Min­istère des Communications du Canada.
Chapter 1 Introduction
How To Use This Manual................................................................................................ 1-2
Safety Instructions ........................................................................................................... 1-2
Working Inside the PortServer CM .................................................................................1-3
What Is In the Box........................................................................................................... 1-4
LED Information.............................................................................................................. 1-5
Summary of the Configuration Process........................................................................... 1-6
Chapter 2 Configuring the PortServer CM
Discover Utility................................................................................................................ 2-2
Disabling the Discover Utility......................................................................................... 2-3
Configuration Options ..................................................................................................... 2-4
Configuring Terminal Parameters.................................................................................... 2-4
Configuring System Files ................................................................................................ 2-5
Configuration File Parameters......................................................................................... 2-6
Modifying Pslave.conf Global Parameters...................................................................... 2-7
Modifying Port Parameter Files....................................................................................... 2-9
Testing the Configuration.............................................................................................. 2-16
Updating the System Files............................................................................................. 2-17
Clustering PortServer CM Devices................................................................................ 2-18
Modifying Master/Slave Configuration Files................................................................ 2-19
Setting Serial Port Buffer Size....................................................................................... 2-24
Chapter 3 Menus and Keyword Monitoring Filters
Using digi_menu to simplify port connections................................................................ 3-2
About Menus.................................................................................................................... 3-4
Constructing Menus.........................................................................................................3-7
Sample Menus................................................................................................................ 3-12
Keyword Monitoring and Notification System .............................................................3-16
XML Basics................................................................................................................... 3-24
Chapter 4 Linux Basics
Introduction...................................................................................................................... 4-2
Changing the root Password............................................................................................ 4-2
Users and Passwords........................................................................................................ 4-4
Linux File Structure......................................................................................................... 4-5
Basic File Manipulation Commands................................................................................ 4-5
The vi Editor.................................................................................................................... 4-7
The Routing Table........................................................................................................... 4-8
ssh - The Secure Shell Session ........................................................................................4-9
The Process Table..........................................................................................................4-11
NTP Client Functionality............................................................................................... 4-11
The Crond Utility........................................................................................................... 4-12
The DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Client..........................................4-13
Packet Filtering using ipchains...................................................................................... 4-14
Chapter 5 Hardware Specifications
Introduction...................................................................................................................... 5-2
The RS-232 Standard....................................................................................................... 5-2
Cable Length.................................................................................................................... 5-3
Connectors .......................................................................................................................5-3
Straight-Through vs. Crossover Cables........................................................................... 5-4
Which Cable Should be Used.......................................................................................... 5-5
Cable Diagrams................................................................................................................ 5-6
Chapter 6 Sample pslave.conf files
Sample pslave.conf File...................................................................................................6-2
Customization................................................................................................................ 6-20
Chapter 7 The Web Management Interface
Introduction...................................................................................................................... 7-2
Changing the Password.................................................................................................... 7-4
Web Configuration Menus............................................................................................... 7-6
Troubleshooting the Web Management Interface............................................................ 7-9
Chapter 8 Upgrading and Troubleshooting
Upgrading the Linux Kernel............................................................................................ 8-2
Troubleshooting the PortServer CM................................................................................ 8-3
Hardware Test.................................................................................................................. 8-5
Port Conversation ............................................................................................................8-6
Test Signals Manually ..................................................................................................... 8-7
Introduction 1-1
Chapter 1 Introduction
How To Use This Manual ............................................................................................... 1-2
Safety Instructions .......................................................................................................... 1-2
Working Inside the PortServer CM ................................................................................ 1-3
What Is In the Box .......................................................................................................... 1-4
LED Information ............................................................................................................. 1-5
Summary of the Configuration Process .......................................................................... 1-6
1-2 How To Use This Manual
How To Use This Manual
This manual assumes that the reader understands networking basics and is familiar with the terms and concepts used in Local and Wide Area Networking. The PortServer CM is a Linux-based secure console access server, which gives it great flexibility. It runs an embedded version of the Linux operating system and UNIX and Linux users will find the configuration process very familiar. On the other hand, users not familiar with UNIX will have a steeper learning curve, but it is not necessary to be a UNIX expert. Configuration of the equipment is done by editing a few plain-text files (commented sample files for the principal profiles are provided in appendix C), and then updating the versions of the files in the PortServer CM. The files can be edited in the PortServer CM using the vi editor provided, or in another computer with the environment and text editor of your choice. UNIX user or not, we strongly recommend that you follow the steps in this installation manual before jumping in. This manual should be read in the order written, with exceptions given in the text.
Safety Instructions
Use the following safety guidelines to protect yourself and your PortServer CM. CAUTION: Do not operate your PortServer CM with the cover removed.
In order to avoid shorting out your PortServer CM when disconnecting the network cable, first unplug the cable from the equipment and then from the network jack. When reconnecting a network cable to the equipment, first plug the cable into the network jack, and then into the equipment.
To help prevent electric shock, plug the PortServer CM into properly grounded power source. The cable is equipped with 3-prong plug to help ensure proper grounding. Do not use adapter plugs or remove the grounding prong from the cable. If you have to use an extension cable, use a 3-wire cable with properly grounded plugs.
To help protect the PortServer CM from transients in electrical power, use a surge suppressor, line condi­tioner, or uninterruptible power supply.
Be sure that nothing rests on PortServer CM’ cables and that the cables are not located where they can be
Introduction 1-3
stepped on or tripped over.
Do not spill food or liquids on your PortServer CM. If it gets wet, contact Digi Technical Support.
Do not push any objects into the openings of your PortServer CM. Doing so can cause fire or electric shock by shorting out interior components.
Keep your PortServer CM away from heat sources. Also, do not block cooling vents.
Working Inside the PortServer CM
NOTICE: Do not attempt to service the PortServer CM yourself, except following the instructions from Digi Technical Support personnel. In such a case, first perform the following actions:
Turn off the PortServer CM.
Ground yourself by touching an unpainted metal surface at the back of the equipment before touching anything inside your equipment.
Replacing the Battery
A coin-cell battery maintains date and time information. If you have to repeatedly reset time and date information after turning on your PortServer CM, replace the battery.
CAUTION: A new battery can explode if it is incorrectly installed. Replace the 3 Volt CR2032 battery only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the battery manufacturer. Discard used batteries according to the battery manufacturer’s instructions.
1-4 What Is In the Box
What Is In the Box
The following figure shows the main unit, accessories included in the package and how cables should be connected. The loop-back connector is provided for convenience in case hardware tests are necessary. The RJ-45M - DB-9 F Crossover cable and the RJ-45M - RJ-45 Sun Netra Crossover cable (not shown in the figures) are also included.
Introduction 1-5
LED Information
The Digi PortServer CM has a frontal array of multiple LEDs. Below is a brief explanation of what each LED represents.
Note: All 32 serial port Ready LEDs will flash when the Discover utility Locate box is selected.
LED Title Definition
Collision Indicates a collision on the Ethernet bus. Infrequent flashing is normal, fre-
quent flashing indicates a saturated Ethernet bus.
Link This LED should be on continually indicating the unit is properly terminated
on the network. CPU This LED blinks at a rate of one second on/one second off. 100BT This light is on if the Ethernet link is connected to other 100Base-T equip-
ment and is working at 100 Mbps. If not, the LED will be off. RX Indicates the unit is receiving data. This light should be blinking continually. TX Indicates the unit is transmitting data.
Serial Port LEDs
Ready Indicates a connection to the port has been made. RX Indicates the unit is receiving data. TX Indicates the unit is transmitting data.
1-6 Summary of the Configuration Process
Summary of the Configuration Process
The PortServer CM operating system is embedded Linux. Even if you are a UNIX user and find the tools and files familiar, do not configure this product as you would configure a regular Linux server. You do not need to be a UNIX expert to configure the PortServer CM. Additional information about the files and tools needed for configuration is provided later in this manual.
Initial configuration steps are:
1. Connect the PortServer CM to the network.
2. Configure the IP settings by using the Discover Utility or the netconfig utility.
3. Edit the pslave.conf file from the command line interface or the Web Management Interface. This is the
main configuration file that concentrates most product parameters and defines the functionality of the PortServer CM. The modifications made to this file will depend on the profile.
4. Activate the changes.
5. Test the configuration to make sure the ports have been set up properly.
6. Save the changes and restarting the server application.
Configuring the PortServer CM 2-1
Chapter 2 Configuring the PortServer CM
Discover Utility................................................................................................................ 2-2
Disabling the Discover Utility......................................................................................... 2-3
Configuration Options ..................................................................................................... 2-4
Configuring Terminal Parameters ...................................................................................2-4
Configuring System Files ................................................................................................ 2-5
Configuration File Parameters......................................................................................... 2-6
Modifying Pslave.conf Global Parameters...................................................................... 2-7
Modifying Port Parameter Files....................................................................................... 2-9
Testing the Configuration.............................................................................................. 2-16
Updating the System Files............................................................................................. 2-17
Clustering PortServer CM Devices................................................................................ 2-18
Modifying Master/Slave Configuration Files................................................................ 2-19
Setting Serial Port Buffer Size....................................................................................... 2-24
2-2 Discover Utility
Discover Utility
The Discover utility is a web-based Java applet that allows an administrator to quickly and easily assign IP addresses, the Netmask, and Gateway settings to the PortServer CM from any workstation on the same network as the PortServer CM. The Discover utility sends out a network broadcast and identifies responses from the PortServer CM terminal servers.
The utility is available from the Digi website at http://cm.digi.com. The utility runs locally on the system you are using, and no information about your system or network is sent over the Internet.
To use the Discover utility do the following:
1. Open a web browser and enter the following URL in the address bar:
2. A security warning will be displayed, indicating that the applet is signed and asking if you want to install
and run the Discover utility. Choose Yes.
3. Choose Discover to have the Discover utility detect the PortServer CM’s on your network.
After completing the search, a new window will open, showing a listing of the PortServer CM terminal servers found, the firmware versions, and the MAC addresses. If IP, netmask and gateway addresses have been previously defined, these addresses will also be displayed.
4. Locate the MAC address of the PortServer CM you want to configure. The MAC address is listed on a
white sticker on the underside of the PortServer CM.
5. Select the IP address cell and enter the IP address you wish to assign the PortServer CM. Enter the
Netmask and Gateway IP settings as needed.
6. Choose Submit to save the new IP settings.
Configuring the PortServer CM 2-3
Choose the Locate button for a visual verification of the device. The row of serial port LEDs will flash when the Locate button is selected. Press the Locate button again to stop the flashing LEDs.
Disabling the Discover Utility
The system administrator may desire to disable the Discover utility so users can not change network configuration parameters. To disable the Discover utility, the administrator needs to modify two files, submit the changes, and save the changes to the flash memory. To disable the Discover utility, use the Web Management Interface and do the following:
1. Login to the Web Management Interface with administrator rights (root).
2. From the navigation bar, choose Configuration > Edit Text File > and enter /etc/config_files in
the Filename cell and choose Submit.
3. Scroll to the end of the list and add the following line in the text box: /etc/inittab then choose
4. From the navigation bar, choose Configuration > Edit Text File > enter /etc/inittab in the File-
name cell and choose Submit.
5. Locate the following line ::once:/bin/xcelld and replace it with the following line
# ::once:/bin/xcelld and choose Submit. The # (number symbol) comments the line out.
6. From the navigation bar, choose Administration > Load/Save Configuration > Save to Flash.
7. Reboot the system and the Discover utility will no longer be available.
2-4 Configuration Options
Configuration Options
After assigning an IP address with the Discover utility, users can configure their PortServer CM in two ways. The simplest way to configure most of the PortServer CM settings is to use a browser based utility called the Web Management Interface. Chapter 7 contains information on how to access and use the Web Management Interface. The other way to configure the PortServer CM is by modifying the configuration files as explained below.
Configuring Terminal Parameters
Connect a personal computer or terminal to the PortServer CM using the console cable. If you are using a personal computer, HyperTerminal can be used in the Windows operating system or Kermit in the UNIX operating system. The terminal parameters should be set as follows:
Serial Speed: 9600 bps
Data Length: 8 bits
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1 stop bit
Flow Control: Hardware flow control or none
Ansi emulation
(Note: If your terminal does not have ansi emulation, select vt100; then, on the CM, log in as root and switch to vt100 by typing “TERM=vt100;export TERM”)
When the PortServer CM boots properly, you will see a series of messages displayed as the unit loads each operating system component followed by a login banner. Log in as root and dbps as the password. The PortServer CM runs Linux. A description of the Linux file system and basic commands is given in the chapter on Linus Basics.
Configuring the PortServer CM 2-5
Configuring System Files
Modifying Linux Files
In this step, four Linux files must be modified to identify the PortServer CM and its neighbors. An alternative to editing each file is to use the netconfig command. Then, the boot parameters are configured. The operating system provides a scaled-down version of the vi editor. A description of its features is available in the chapter on Linux.
The first file is: /etc/hostname. The only entry should be the hostname of the PortServer CM. An example is:
The second file is: /etc/hosts. It should contain the IP address for the Ethernet interface and the same hostname entered in the /etc/hostname file. It may also contain IP addresses and host names for other hosts
in the network.
The third file that must be modified is /etc/resolv.conf. It must contain the domain name and nameserver information for the network. DigiPSCM RADIUSServer localhost
domain mycompany.com nameserver
2-6 Configuration File Parameters
The fourth file defines static routes and is called /etc/network/st_routes. The IP address of your network gateway router should be configured in this file. Other static routes are also configured in this file.
Configuration File Parameters
The file /etc/portslave/pslave.conf is specific to the PortServer CM and a sample file with comments is supplied in the Linux file system. It is called /etc/portslave/pslave.conf. A listing of the pslave.conf file with all possible parameters is provided in the chapter titled Sample Pslave.conf files.There are three basic types of parameters:
conf.* parameters are global or apply to the Ethernet interface
all.* parameters are used to set default parameters for all ports
s#.* parameters change the default port parameters for individual ports. Note: An all.* parameter can be overridden by a s#.* parameter appearing later in the pslave.conf file (or
route add default gw
Configuring the PortServer CM 2-7
Modifying Pslave.conf Global Parameters
Parameter Value for this Example
conf.eth_ip The IP address of the Ethernet interface. This parameter, along with the next
two, is used by the digi_ras program to OVERWRITE the file /etc/network/
ifcfg_eth0 as soon as the command “signal_ras hup” is executed. The file /etc/ network/ifcfg_eth0 should not be edited by the user unless the digi_ras
application is not going to be used. You may use an alternative command, netconfig, to configure network parameters.
An example for this value is:
conf.eth_mask The mask for the Ethernet network. You may use an alternative command,
netconfig, to configure network parameters. An example for this value is:
conf.eth_mtu The Maximum Transmission Unit size, which determines whether or not
packets should be broken up. An example for this value is: 1500
conf.DB_facility This value (0-7) is sent to the syslog server (the CM is a syslog client) to
indicate in which file the syslog messages sent by the data buffering feature should be stored. See description for conf.facility.
An example for this value is: 0
2-8 Modifying Pslave.conf Global Parameters
conf.nfs_data_ buffering
Remote Network File System where data buffering will be written instead of the default directory ‘/var/run’. The directory tree to which the file will be written must be NFS-mounted. If data buffering is turned on for port 1, for example, the data will be stored in the file ttyS1.data in the directory and server indicated by this variable. The remote host must have NFS installed and the administrator must create, export and allow reading/writing to this directory. The size of this file is not limited by the value of the parameter s1.data_buffering, though the value cannot be zero since a zero value turns off data buffering. commented conf.lockdir The lock directory , which is /var/lock for the PortServer CM. It should not be changed unless the user decides to customize the operating system.
conf.lockdir The lock directory, which is /var/lock for the PortServer CM. This file should
not be changed unless the user decides to customize the operating system.
conf.syslog The IP address of a remote syslog daemon can be provided here, if desired.
An example for this value is:
conf.facility This value (0-7) is sent to the syslog server (the CM is a syslog client) to
indicate in which file the syslog messages sent by portslave should be stored. The file /etc/syslog.conf on the syslog server contains a mapping between facility numbers and server log files.
An example for this value is: 7
Parameter Value for this Example
Configuring the PortServer CM 2-9
Modifying Port Parameter Files
Parameter Value for this Example
all.syslog_level This variable determines which syslog messages will be sent to the syslog
server configured in the conf.syslog parameter. A value of 0 suppresses all but emergency messages while values between 1 and 7 send progressively more types of messages for each increment.
This value (as for all “all.” parameters) can later be overridden for individual ports using the s<port number>.syslog_level parameter. An example for this value is: 4
all.console_level This variable determines which syslog messages will be sent to the PortServer
CM console connected through the console interface. See the previous parameter for a description of possible values.
An example for this value is: 4
all.speed The speed for all ports.
An example for this value is: 9600
all.datasize The data size for all ports.
An example for this value is: 8 all.stopbits The number of stop bits for all ports is 1. all.parity The parity for all ports is none.
2-10 Modifying Port Parameter Files
all.authtype There are several authentication options:
local (authentication is performed using the /etc/passwd file)
radius (authentication is performed using a RADIUS authentication server)
local/radius (authentication is performed locally first, switching to RADIUS if unsuccessful)
radius/local (the opposite of the previous option)
RADIUSDownLocal (local authentication is tried only when the RADIUS server is down).
Note: This parameter controls the authentication required by the PortServer CM. The authentication required by the device to which the user is connecting is controlled separately.
An example for this value is: radius
radius all.authhost1 This address indicates the location of the RADIUS authentication server and is
only necessary if this option is chosen in the previous parameter. A second RADIUS authentication server can be configured with the parameter all.authhost2.
An example for this value is:
Parameter Value for this Example
Configuring the PortServer CM 2-11
all.accthost1 This address indicates the location of the RADIUS accounting server, which
can be used to track how long users are connected after being authorized by the authentication server. Its use is optional.
An example for this value is:
all.radtimeout This is the timeout (in seconds) for a radius authentication query. The first
server authhost1) is tried “radretries” times, and then the second (if configured) is contacted “radretries” times. If the second also fails to respond, RADIUS authentication fails.
An example for this value is: 3
all.radretries Defines the number of times each RADIUS server is tried before another is
contacted. The default, if not configured, is 5. An example for this value is: 5
all.secret This is the shared secret necessary for communication between thePortServer
CM and the RADIUS servers. An example for this value is: digi
Parameter Value for this Example
2-12 Modifying Port Parameter Files
Parameter Value for this Example
all.ipno This is the default IP address of the PortServer CM's serial ports. The "+"
indicates that the first port should be addressed as and the following ports should have consecutive values. Any host can access a port using its IP address as long as a path to thte address exists in the host's routing table. An example for this value is:
all.issue This text determines the format of the login banner that is issued when a
connection is made to the PortServer CM. \n represents a new line and \r represents a carriage return.
An example of this value is: \r\n\ PortServer CM 32\n\ \r\nWelcome to%h port%p n\ \r\n
all.prompt This text defines the format of the login prompt. Expansion characters, listed in
Appendix C, can be used here. An example for this value is: %h login:
all.flow This sets the flow control to hardware, software, or none. hard all.poll_interval
When not set to zero, this parameter sets the wait for a TCP connection keep­alive timer. If no traffic passes through the PortServer CM for this period of time, the PortServer CM will send a modem status message to the remote device to see if the connection is still up.
An example for this value is: hard
Configuring the PortServer CM 2-13
all.socket_port This defines an alternative labeling system for the PortServer CM ports. The
‘+’ after the numerical value causes the interfaces to be numbered consecutively. In this example, interface 1 is assigned the port value 7001, interface 2 is assigned the port value 7002, etc.
An example for this value is: 7001+
all.protocol For the CM profile, the possible protocols are socket_server (when telnet is
used) and socket_ssh (when ssh version one or two is used). An example for this value is: socket_server
all.data_buffering A non-zero value activates data buffering. A file (/var/run/ttyS#.data) is created
on the PortServer CM and all data received from the port is captured. The file contains a maximum size equal to this parameter, which is overwritten each time the maximum is reached. This file can be viewed using the normal UNIX tools (cat, vi, more, etc.).
An example for this value is: 0
all.syslog_buffering When non-zero, the contents of the data buffer are sent to the syslog server
every time a quantity of data equal to this parameter is collected. The syslog level for data buffering is hard coded to level 5, so the parameter syslog_level should be greater than or equal to 5, and data_buffering non-zero for syslog generation.
An example for this value is: 0
Parameter Value for this Example
2-14 Modifying Port Parameter Files
all.dont_show_DB menu
When zero, shows a menu with data buffering options when a non-empty data buffering file is found.
An example for this value is: 1
all.users Restricts access to ports by user name (only the users listed can access the port
or all but the users listed can access the port (with !).) A single comma and spaces/tabs may be used between names. A comma may not appear between the ! and the first user name. The users may be local or RADIUS.
An example for this value is: !joe, mark
all.admin_users This parameter determines which users can open a sniff session, which is where
a second connected user can see everything that a first connected user is doing on a given port. The second user can also cancel the first user’s session (and take over). Only two users can connect to the same port simultaneously. This parameter is obligatory when authtype is not none, to determine who can open a sniff session or cancel a previous session. peter, john s1.tty The device name for the port is set to the value given in this parameter. If a device name is not provided for a port, it will not function. ttyS1 s1.authtype Authtype must not be none for the sniff session feature to function with authentication. If none is chosen, any user can open a sniff session and/or cancel sessions of other users.
An example for this value is: peter, john
Parameter Value for this Example
Configuring the PortServer CM 2-15
Execute the command signal_ras hup to activate the changes. Now the configuration should be tested.
Parameter Value for this Example
all.sniff_mode This parameter determines what the second connected user (see parameter
admin_users below) can see of the session of the first connected user: in shows data written to the port, out shows data received from the port, and i/o shows both streams. The second session is called a sniff session and this feature is activated whenever the protocol parameter is set to socket_ssh or socket_server.
An example for this value is: out
s1.tty The device name for the port is set to the value given in this parameter. If a
device name is not provided for a port, it will not function. An example for this value is: ttyS1
s1.authtype Authtype must not be none for the sniff session feature to function with
authentication. If none is chosen, any user can open a sniff session and/or cancel sessions of other users.
An example for this value is: local
s2.tty See the s1.tty entry in this table.
An example for this value is: ttyS2
s8.tty See the s1.tty entry in this table.
An example for this value is: ttyS8
2-16 Execute the command signal_ras hup to activate the changes.
Testing the Configuration
After having executed the command signal_ras hup to activate the changes you have made to the configuration files, test the configuration by performing the following test:
1. Since RADIUS authentication was chosen, create a new user on the RADIUS authentication server
called test and provide him with the password test.
2. From the console, enter the command:
to make sure the RADIUS authentication server is reachable.
3. Verify that the physical connection between the PortServer CM and the servers is correct. A cross cable
(not the modem cable provided with the product) should be used. Refer to the hardware specifications for pin-out diagrams.
4. Verify that the PortServer CM has been set for communication at 9600 bps, 8N1. The device must also
be configured to communicate on the serial console port with the same parameters.
5. Verify that the computer is configured to route console data to the serial console port.
6. From a server on the LAN (not from the console), telnet to the device connected to the first port of the
PortServer CM using the following command:
telnet 7001
For both telnet and ssh sessions, the devices can be reached by either:
Ethernet IP of the PortServer CM and assigned socket port or
Individual IP assigned to each port.
If everything is configured correctly, a telnet session should open on the device connected to port 1. If not,
Configuring the PortServer CM 2-17
check the configuration, follow the steps above again, and check the chapter on troubleshooting. Continue with Updating the System Files if the configuration is successful.
Updating the System Files
To update the system with the modifications made to the files, do the following:
1. Confirm that all files that should be saved to the flash memory are contained in the /etc/config_files
folder. See the chapter Upgrading and Troubleshooting PortServer CM for a complete list of these files and
what programs use which files.
2. Enter the command:
this command reads the /etc/config_files file and copies all the files listed in the file /etc/config_files from the ramdisk to /proc/flash/script. The previous contents of the file /proc/flash/script will be lost.
3. Restart the digi_ras process by entering the command:
signal_ras hup
The configuration is complete.
Clustering PortServer CM Devices
restoreconf does the opposite of saveconf, copying the contents of the /proc/flash/script file to the corresponding files in the ramdisk. The files on the ramdisk are overwritten. restoreconf is run
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