Digi Economy MicroHub
Economical Ethernet MicroHubs
Digi MIL-510H
interconnects five
10BaseT segments
MIL-910H interconnects
one 10Base2 and eight
10BaseT segments
Sleek design with full
5 year warranty
The Digi economy MicroHubs are
designed to provide an easy, cost-effective
way to connect users to a network. These
hubs offer a number of features that make
them ideal for network configurations ranging
from workgroups to small offices.
The advantages begin with innovative
engineering that combines “full-size” performance and functionality with a space-saving
desktop or wall-mountable design.
For environments with small workgroups,
select the Digi MIL-510H. Its five ports make
it easy to interconnect up to five 10Base-T
(RJ-45) segments.
The Digi MIL-910H is ideal for use as a
w o r k g roup hub or as an integral part of an
enterprise network. It features eight 10Base-T
(RJ-45) ports and one 10Base2 (BNC) port that
p rovide greater flexibility for integrating UTP
and thin coax network environments.
On both models the first port is switch
selectable so it can function as a standard hub
port or as a cascade port to connect up to
four hubs. The 10Base2 connection on the
MIL-910H can be utilized to cascade up to
30 hubs.
They support auto-partitioning and re c o nnection which allow the hubs to isolate faulty
segments and disable/enable the appro p r i a t e
port. This ensures that additional collisions do
not occur. The hubs are also equipped with an
array of LEDs that provide simple network diagnosis coupled with “at-a-glance” convenience.
The MIL-510H and MIL-910H are also available in International versions, designated with
the suffix IN. Power supplies compatible with
the country’s power re q u i rements are pro v i d e d .
The Digi MIL-510H and MIL-910H are
backed by Digi’s legendary service and support package featuring a five-year warranty
and expert telephone technical support.

Fe a t ure s /Spe cifica t i o n s
F e a t u re s
510H provides five 10Base-T
910H provides one 10Base2
segment and 8 10Base-T
Support auto-partitioning
and reconnection capability
Support 10 Mbps
transmission rates
Use one RJ-45 port as cascading port; 910H can also
use the BNC port for
Two diagnostic LEDs per
port show Link/Receive and
Power and Collision LED
indicators; 910H also have
indicator for BNC port cascade status
IEEE 802.3 compliant
Wall mountable hardware
P roduct Package
Install Guide
110 to 220 VDC power
E l e c t r i c a l
Input: 110/220VA C
Output: 220VAC at 60hz (Int)
7.5VDC 1 amp 60hz (U.S.)
S t a n d a rds Compliance
UL 1950
CSA 22.2 No.950
EN 60950
- E N 5 5 0 2 2
- E N 5 0 0 8 2
Digi Serv i c e
And Support
You can purchase with
confidence knowing that Digi
is here to support you with
expert technical support, the
industry’s strongest warranty
(five full years) and a 30 day
money-back guarantee.
E n v i ronmental
Operating temperature:
50°F to 113°F
(10°C to 45°C)
Relative humidity:
10% to 90% non-condensing
Altitude: 0 to 12,000 ft
(0 to 3,660 m)
Physical LAN Interf a c e
5 RJ-45 connectors
8 RJ-45 connectors and one
BNC connector (10Base2)
D i m e n s i o n s
M I L - 5 1 0 H
H e i g h t Wi d t h D e p t h We i g h t
.98 in. (2.5cm) 4.92 (12.5 cm) 2.59 in.(6.6 cm) Unit 2 oz. (.056 Kg)
M I L - 9 1 0 H
H e i g h t Wi d t h D e p t h We i g h t
1.25 in. (3.2cm) 7.22 in. (18.5 cm) 3.93 in.(10 cm) Unit 4 oz. (.112 Kg)
Digi Inter n a t i o n a l
C o r p o r a t e :
11001 Bren Road East
Minnetonka, MN 55343
Te l : 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 4 4 - 4 2 7 3
FA X : (612) 912-4952
E - M a i l : i n f o @ d g i i . c o m
Web: w w w. d g i i . c o m
Regional Sales off i c e s
M i n n e s o t a : 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 4 4 - 4 2 7 3
C a l i f o rn i a : 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 6 6 - 4 5 2 6
O h i o : 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 8 2 - 7 4 2 8
Te n n e s s e e : 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 6 6 - 8 8 4 4
Vi rg i n i a : (703) 553-2560
I n t e rnational Sales off i c e s :
D e n m a r k : +45 49 17 70 90
F r a n c e : +33 1 46 40 39 20
G e rm a n y : +49 221 920 520
N e t h e r l a n d s : +31 20 5207 566
K i n g d o m : +44 1276 853 600
A u s t r a l i a : +61 2 96 80 8944
Hong Kong: +852 2833 1008
S i n g a p o re : +65 732 1318
E m a i l : e u ro p e i n f o @ d g i i . c o m
l a t i n a m e r i c a n i n f o @ d g i i . c o m
p a c i f i c r i m i n f o @ d g i i . c o m
Models and Pa rt Numbers
MIL-510H MicroHub (110V power supply) . . . . . . . . . .M I L - 5 1 0 H
MIL-510H MicroHub (220V power supply) . . . . . . . .M I L - 5 1 0 H I N
MIL-910H MicroHub (110V power supply) . . . . . . . . . .M I L - 9 1 0 H
MIL-910H MicroHub (220V power supply) . . . . . . . .M I L - 9 1 0 H I N
9 1 0 0 0 3 95
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