Digi M10 Technical overview and Reference

Digi m10
Technical Overview
Copyright Notice
Digi International has prepared this manual for the use of its employees, agents, and its customers. This manual c ontains proprietary information, which is prote ct ed by copyright. Preparing derivative works or providing inst ruction based on this manual without written permission from Digi International is prohibit ed.
All information in this manual is accurate and reliable to the best of Digi Internati onal's knowledge. Digi International may make improvement s and / or changes in this manual at any time without prior notice.
The Digi m10 is a registered trademark of Digi Internat ional Inc. All other company and / or product names mentioned in this manual are t he property of their respective owners.
Document Revision History
Version Description Date
1.00 Initial release of the user manual 23 Sep 2008
1.10 FAQ section added and minor changes made 30 Sep 2008
1.20 Technical review changes and minor additi ons 21 Oct 2008
1.30 Extract hardware information into sep arate manual 20 Aug 2009 Rev A Complete revision 12 Nov 2009 Rev B Table 3 in section 4.2 revised to display correct format 4 Nov 2010 Rev C Updated section 4.6 12 Jan 2012
Digi m10 Technical Overview
Digi International, Inc. © 2009
Table of Contents
About This Manual......................................................................................................................... 6
Target Audience .......................................................................................................................... 6
Symbols Used in This Manual ..................................................................................................... 6
Reference Documents ................................................................................................................. 7
Where to Get Help ....................................................................................................................... 7
1. General Description ............................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Background .................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Communication using a Digi m10 Satellite Modem ....................................................... 9
2. Types of Communication Methods .................................................................................... 11
2.1 Data Reports ................................................................................................................ 11
2.2 Messages ..................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Global Grams ............................................................................................................... 11
3. Terms and definitions: ........................................................................................................ 12
3.1 Gateway ....................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Gateway Earth Station (GES) ...................................................................................... 13
3.3 Subscriber Communicator (SC) ................................................................................... 13
3.4 SC Terminated ............................................................................................................. 13
3.5 SC Originated ............................................................................................................... 13
3.6 Global Gram ................................................................................................................. 13
3.7 Message Blocking ........................................................................................................ 14
3.8 Message Priority ........................................................................................................... 14
3.9 Speed Dial .................................................................................................................... 15
3.10 Message Acknowledgments ........................................................................................ 15
3.11 Alternate Terminating Address (ATA) / Message Forwarding ..................................... 16
3.12 Delivery Plan ................................................................................................................ 16
3.13 GES-to-Satellite Channels ........................................................................................... 17
3.14 GES-to-GCC Channels ................................................................................................ 17
4. Digi Extended Packets ........................................................................................................ 18
4.1 Temperature Out of Bounds Packet ............................................................................. 18
4.2 Temperature Query ...................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Temperature Query Response ..................................................................................... 20
4.4 NVM Data Corruption Alert Packet .............................................................................. 21
4.5 Code Upgrade Packet .................................................................................................. 21
4.6 RTS/CTS Control Packet ............................................................................................. 23
Appendix A: Upgrade Firmware ................................................................................................. 25
Digi m10 Technical Overview
Digi International, Inc. © 2009
List of Tables
Table 1: Message Acknowlegements ............................................................................................ 16
Table 2: Temperature Out of Bounds Packet ................................................................................ 18
Table 3: Temperature Query Packet ............................................................................................. 19
Table 4: Temperature Query Response Packet ............................................................................ 20
Table 5: NVM Data Corruption Alert Packet .................................................................................. 21
Table 6: Code Upgrade Packet ..................................................................................................... 21
Table 7: RTS/CTS Control Packet ................................................................................................. 23
List of Figures
Figure 2: SCO Report Transmission Cycle ..................................................................................... 9
Digi m10 Technical Overview
Digi International, Inc. © 2009
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About This Manual
This manual provides a detailed technical overvi ew on how the Orbcomm satellite network operates, available message types, specific Digi mess age extensions, and other related technical information.
Target Audience
The target audience for this document is co mprised engineers and other individuals with a technical background. A typical reader is an engineer who is familiar with the general concept of wireless data communications.
Symbols Used in This Manual
Symbol Description
Provides additional information corresponding to the current topic. Warning! If ignored, may cause permanent dam age to the JumpStart Kit or injury to
a person. Caution! Failure to comply with a caution may res ul t in failure or damage to the
device. Danger! Failure to comply with a danger symbol m ay result in serious injury.
Digi m10 Technical Overview
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Reference Documents
The following documents were used to create this user guide, and provide more information about the technologies and standards involved using the Digi m10 ORBCOMM Satellite Modem.
Department of Defense Test Method Standard for Environmental Engineering Considerations
and Laboratory Tests, MIL STD 810E
European Telecommunications Standards Institute, EN 300 832 (A1 version 1.1.1),
Electromagnetic Compatibility for Mobile E arth Stations.
International Electrotechnical Commissi on, IEC 1000-4-4, Testing and Measurement
Techniques -- Immunity to Fast Transient / Burst Immunity Test.
International Electrotechnical Commissi on, IEC 61000-4-6, Testing and Measurement
Techniques -- Immunity to Conducted Dist urbances, Induced by Radio-Frequency Fields.
ORBCOMM Serial Interface Specification, E80050015. ORBCOMM Subscriber Communicator (SC) Standards and Specifications, E25050102. ORBCOMM Subscriber Communicator Type A pproval Plan, A25TP0017. ORBCOMM System Overview, A80TD0008. RoHS FAQ -- http://www.rohs.gov.uk/FAQs.aspx#10 Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE J1455, Joint S AE / TMC Recommended
Environmental Practices for Electronic Equipment Design (Heavy-Duty Trucks).
Technical Requirements for Satellite Earth S tations and Systems (SES); Mobile Earth
Stations (MES) Providing Low Bit Rate Data Communications (LBRDC) using Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites operating below 1 G Hz, E N 3200 721.
Where to Get Help
For additional information or clarifications regarding this user manual, please get in touch with Digi International using the contact info rmation provided below.
11001 Bren Road East Minnetonka, MN 55343
Digi m10 Technical Overview
Digi International, Inc. © 2009
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1. General Description
This chapter provides an overview of the Digi m10 Satellite Modem and its features.
1.1 Background
The ORBCOMM system is a two-way system that supports communication to and from mobi le or fixed satellite modems, also called
message or other data is first generated by an S C. From that source, the message is transmitt ed
to the nearest ORBCOMM satellite. The satel li te downlinks the message to the
Station (GES), which then transmits the message to the desired Gateway Control Center (GCC).
Within the GCC, the message is processed and f orwarded to its ultimate destination by the
Gateway Message Switching System (GMSS). T he destination may be another satellite modem,
a pager, a corporate resource management sy st em or any personal or business e-mail or Internet address.
The ORBCOMM system is available to transfer information for an end user whenever a satellite is in view of the SC. If the satellite is connected to a GES, the satellite is considered in real-time messaging mode, and the message is passed immediately through to the GCC for routing to its final destination. If the satellite is not connected to a GES, the satellite switches to a store-and­forward mode to accept 200 bytes) stored on-board the satellite unt i l it connects to the SC’s host GCC through an affiliated GES.
Global Grams. Global Grams are short messag es (up to approximately
Subscriber Communicators (SCs). In most applications, a
Gateway Earth
For detailed information on the ORBCOMM sy st em , refer to the ORBCOMM System Overview document that was provided as part of your Digi JumpStart Kit..
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