Digi LTS 8 MEI, LTS 8 MEI W, LTS 16 MEI, LTS 8 W, LTS 16 W Command Reference Manual

ConnectPort® LTS
Command Reference
Revision history—90001099
Revision Date Description
B August
C June 2012 Added command descriptions.
E September
Minor updates.
Rebranding and fix to set time command parameters and example.
Updated the customflow option description and the Set custom flow control example in the Set serial Command.
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ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Products to which this book applies 5 Quick reference for configuring features 6 Access the command line 8 Configure an IP address 9
Basic command information
Navigation and editing keys 11 Displaying online help 11 Abbreviating commands 11 Syntax conventions 11 Entering special characters in string values 12 Verifying device support for commands 12
User permissions in ConnectPort LTS products
Multi-user model 14 Increasing security for device users 14
Command descriptions
backup 17 bash 18 boot 19 close 21 connect 23 display 24 display buffers 27 exit 29 help and ? 30 info 31 kill 37 newpass 38 ping 39 python 40 quit 41 reconnect 42 revert 44
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
rlogin 48 set alarm 49 set autoconnect 52 set buffer 56 set esc 59 set ethernet 60 set group 62 set host 64 set ippool 65 set lcd 66 set modem 68 set network 70 set nfs 75 set permissions 78 set pmodem 84 set portauth 86 set portgroup 90 set ppp 92 set profile 96 set python 99 set realport 100 set rtstoggle 102 set samba 104 set sdmemory 107 set serial 109 set service 112 set smtp 118 set snmp 120 set socket_tunnel 126 set switches 128 set sysauth 131 set syslog 135 set system 137 set tcpserial 138 set time 141 set trace 143 set udpserial 146 set usb 150 set user 153 set web 158 set xbee 159 show 162 status 166 telnet 167 wan 168 who 169
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference


This book describes the commands in the command-line interface for several Digi product families, listed below. This chapter provides the following:
n A quick reference showing the commands used to configure features or perform configuration
tasks from the command line.
n Basic information that applies to all commands, including navigation and editing keys,
displaying online help, abbreviating commands, syntax conventions, and entering special
characters in string values.
n How to access the command line.
n How to configure an IP address for a ConnectPort LTS product from the command line, if an
address has not already been assigned.
n Information about user models and user permissions in ConnectPort LTS products, and how
they affect the commands you can issue.
Products to which this book applies 5
Quick reference for configuring features 6
Access the command line 8
Configure an IP address 9

Products to which this book applies

This manual documents the command-line interface for the ConnectPort LTS Family, which includes these products:
n ConnectPort LTS 8
n ConnectPort LTS 8 MEI
n ConnectPort LTS 8 W
n ConnectPort LTS 8 MEI W
n ConnectPort LTS 16
n ConnectPort LTS 16 MEI
n ConnectPort LTS 16 W
n ConnectPort LTS 16 MEI W
n ConnectPort LTS 16 MEI 2AC
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Introduction Quick reference for configuring features
n ConnectPort LTS 32
n ConnectPort LTS 32 MEI
n ConnectPort LTS 32 W
n ConnectPort LTS 32 MEI W

Quick reference for configuring features

The following table shows common features that can be configured from the command line, and the commands used to configure each feature. If you are viewing the PDF file of this document, click the commands in the “Commands” column to go to the command descriptions.
Feature/Task Commands
Alarms set alarm
Autoconnection (automatically connect a user to a server or network
set autoconnect set serial set tcpserial
Configuration management/administration
Backup/restore a configuration from a TFTP server on the network:
Update firmware: boot Reset configuration to factory defaults: revert or boot action=factory” (see boot) Reboot the device: boot
Display current configuration
settings in a device
Ethernet settings set ethernet
Help on device commands help and ?
Host name for a device
set host
(Specify a name for the device)
IP address settings set network
Multiple Electrical Interface
set switches
Point to Point Protocol (PPP) set ppp
Port buffering display buffers
Port profiles: sets of preconfigured serial-port settings for a particular use
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
set buffer
set profile
Introduction Quick reference for configuring features
Feature/Task Commands
Python program storage and execution on ConnectPort LTS products
RealPort (COM port redirection) configuration
Remote login (rlogin) rlogin
Reverting configuration settings
RTS Toggle set rtstoggle
Serial port configuration Serial port communication options: set serial
Security, users, user access permissions, and user groups
To learn about the Python programming language and
writing programs: see the Digi Python Programming
To configure Python programs to execute when the Digi
device boots: set python
To manually execute a Python program from the command
line: python
set realport
See also the RealPort Installation Guide.
Port profiles: set profile
RTS Toggle: set rtstoggle
TCP serial connections: set tcpserial
UDP serial characteristics: set udpserial
See User permissions in ConnectPort LTS products for a discussion
of how users and access permissions are implemented in Digi
Connect products. To create users and change user names: set user
To control access to inbound ports:set service
To issue new password to user: newpass
To set permissions associated with various services and
commands: set permissions
To add or remove user groups, change group configuration
attributes, or display group configuration attributes: set group
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) settings
Set system information: assign system­identifying information to a device
Socket tunnel setting set socket_tunnel
Statistics for your ConnectPort LTS product
To configure SNMP: set snmp
To enable/disable SNMP service: set service
To configure SMTP settings: set smtp
set system
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Introduction Access the command line
Feature/Task Commands
Status of your ConnectPort LTS product
Telnet to network devices telnet
LCD set lcd
NFS set nfs
Samba set samba
SD memory set sdmemory
Syslog set syslog
Trace set trace
USB set usb
Web set web
XBee set xbee

Access the command line

To configure devices using commands, you must first access the command line, and then log on as needed.
This procedure assumes that you have already configured the ConnectPort LTS product with an IP address.
1. To access the command-line interface for the ConnectPort LTS product, enter the following
command from a command prompt on another networked device, such as a server:
ip address is the ConnectPort LTS product’s IP address.
user is the username on ConnectPort LTS product.
For example:
ssh root@
Or connect to the serial console port with a terminal emulator.
ip address
user@ ip address
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Introduction Configure an IP address
2. A login prompt is displayed. If you do not know the user name and password for the device,
contact the system administrator who configured the device. The default username is “root”
and the default password is “dbps.”
3. If the system interface access option of the user is set as “Shell”, the bash-shell can be
accessed after authentication is passed. To access configuration-shell from the bash-shell,
enter following command on the bash-shell.
If the system interface access option of the user is set as “CLI menu”, the configuration-shell
can be accessed directly after authentication is passed. For details on configuring the system
interface access option, see the Digi product’s User’s Guide or the “set user” command.

Configure an IP address

If the device to which you will be issuing commands has not already been assigned an IP address, or if the IP address needs to be modified from its initial configuration, see the Digi product’s User’s Guide for details on configuring an IP address.
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference

Basic command information

Navigation and editing keys 11 Displaying online help 11 Abbreviating commands 11 Syntax conventions 11 Entering special characters in string values 12 Verifying device support for commands 12
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Basic command information Navigation and editing keys

Navigation and editing keys

Use the keys listed in the table to navigate the command line and edit commands:
Action Keys
Move the cursor back one space. Ctrl+b or Left arrow
Move the cursor forward one space. Ctrl+f or Right arrow
Delete the character to the left of the cursor. Ctrl+h or Backspace
Scroll back through commands. Ctrl+p or Upper arrow
Scroll forward through commands. Ctrl+n or Lower arrow
Execute the command. Enter

Displaying online help

Help is available for all commands. The table describes how to access it.
For information on... Type
All commands ? (with no additional options)
A specific command
help [ ?
Example: help info Example: info ? Example: set alarm ?

Abbreviating commands

All commands can be abbreviated. Simply supply enough letters to uniquely identify the command.

Syntax conventions

Presentation of command syntax in this manual follows these conventions:
n Brackets [ ] surround optional material.
n Braces { } surround entries that require you to chose one of several options, which are
separated by the vertical bar, |.
n Non-italicized text indicates literal values, that is, options or values that must be typed exactly
as they appear. Yes and no options are examples of literals.
n Italicized text indicates that a type of information is required in that option. For example,
filename means that the name of a file is required in the option.
] OR
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Basic command information Entering special characters in string values

Entering special characters in string values

Several commands have options that are string values, for example the “set alarm” command’s “match” option and the “set autoconnect” command’s “connect_on_string” option.
Escape sequences for special characters
Special characters can be entered in strings using the following escape sequences:
Escape Sequence Processed as:
\* Match any character. This escape sequence is only available on the
“set alarm match=string” option.
\a Alert character.
\b Backspace character.
\f Form-feed character.
\n New-line character.
\r Carriage-return character.
\s Acts as a separator between characters. This sequence allows you
to enter a string such as “\xB8\s4” where you want the B8 translated as a hexadecimal character separate from the numeric character 4
\t Horizontal tab character.
\v Vertical tab character.
\\ Backslash character ( \ ).
\xN A hexadecimal number, where N is up to 20 hexadecimal digits. For
example: \x10\x2
\N An octal byte, where N is up to 3 octal digits. For example: \2 or
Length limitations for string values
String values for certain command options have specific limitations on the maximum total string value including special characters, and the maximum parsed value (that is, the character-string length when any escape sequences in the string are processed). The option descriptions note these maximum lengths.

Verifying device support for commands

To verify whether a ConnectPort LTS device supports a particular command or command options, and to get the allowed ranges and limits for command options, you can enter several commands. For example:
n “help” displays all supported commands for a device.
n “?” displays all supported commands for a device.
n “set ?” displays the syntax and options for the “set” command. You can use this to determine
whether the device includes a particular “set” command variant.
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Basic command information Verifying device support for commands
n “help set” displays syntax and options for the “set” command.
n “set serial ?” displays the syntax and options for the set serial command.
n “help set serial” displays the syntax and options for the set serial command.
Some options may become available in new firmware revisions or before new documentation is released.
Some commands relate only to particular features unique to specific Digi products. For example, the
“set wlan” command applies only to wireless products. Other commands may have options that are specific to features that are not available on all devices.
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference

User permissions in ConnectPort LTS products

The user model in a ConnectPort LTS product influences the commands that users can issue. ConnectPort LTS supports multiple users.

Multi-user model

n User 1 has a default name of “root.” This user is also known as the administrative user.
n User 1 has default permissions that enables the user to issue all commands.
n Permissions for User 1 can be changed to be less than the default root permissions.
n Additional users may be defined as needed. The “set group” command defines user groups (see
"set group").

Increasing security for device users

As needed, you can enforce additional security for device users. For example, you can use the autoconnect feature, where a user is automatically connected to another system without accessing the ConnectPort LTS product’s command line. See the "set autoconnect" command on page 57.
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference

Command descriptions

backup 17 bash 18 boot 19 close 21 connect 23 display 24 display buffers 27 exit 29 help and ? 30 info 31 kill 37 newpass 38 ping 39 python 40 quit 41 reconnect 42 revert 44 rlogin 48 set alarm 49 set autoconnect 52 set buffer 56 set esc 59 set ethernet 60 set group 62 set host 64 set ippool 65 set lcd 66 set modem 68 set network 70 set nfs 75 set permissions 78 set pmodem 84 set portauth 86 set portgroup 90 set ppp 92 set profile 96 set python 99 set realport 100 set rtstoggle 102 set samba 104 set sdmemory 107 set serial 109 set service 112
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Command descriptions
set smtp 118 set snmp 120 set socket_tunnel 126 set switches 128 set sysauth 131 set syslog 135 set system 137 set tcpserial 138 set time 141 set trace 143 set udpserial 146 set usb 150 set user 153 set web 158 set xbee 159 show 162 status 166 telnet 167 wan 168 who 169
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Command descriptions backup


Saves the device configuration to a TFTP server located on the network or a storage device in the ConnectPort LTS device, or restores the configuration.
Required permissions
For products with two or more users, permissions must be set to “set permissions backup=execute” to use this command. See "set permissions" for details on setting user permissions for commands.
backup [to= [to={sd|usb|nfs|samba|userspace}[: [from= [from={sd|usb|nfs|samba|userspace}[:
The IP address of the TFTP server to which the configuration will be saved, and the filename that the configuration will be saved as. If a filename is not specified, the default filename of config.rci is used.
The location of the storage device to which the configuration will be saved, and the filename to which hat the configuration will be saved. If a filename is not specified, the default filename of config.rci is used.
The IP address of the TFTP server and the filename from which the configuration will be restored. If a filename is not specified, the default filename of config.rci is assumed. In ConnectPort LTS, the system will be rebooted after restoring configuration.
The location of the storage device and the filename from which the configuration will be restored. If a filename is not specified, the default filename of config.rci is used.
Prints out the current device configuration.
] print]|
backup from=
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Command descriptions bash


Initiates the BASH Linux shell.
Required permissions
Root privileges are required to initiate the BASH shell.
Initiate BASH shell
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Command descriptions boot


Reboots the ConnectPort LTS product, restores the device configuration to factory default settings, or loads new firmware files from a TFTP server.
Required permissions
For products with two or more users, permissions must be set to “set permissions boot=execute” to use this command. See "set permissions" for details on setting user permissions for commands.
Reboot the ConnectPort LTS product
boot action=reset
Restore configuration defaults
boot action=factory
Load new firmware into flash ROM from a TFTP host
boot load=
The action to be performed.
The firmware to be loaded.
host ip address:loadfile
Resets the entire configuration to factory defaults, and then reboots the device.
Reboots the device.
host ip address
The IP address of a host with new firmware, which is then burned into flash ROM. The host must be running a TFTP server.
The name of a firmware file. The software automatically detects the type of file and performs the appropriate load operation.
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Command descriptions boot
Restore configuration defaults
This example reloads the firmware stored in flash ROM and resets the configuration to factory defaults then reboots the device.
#> boot action=factory
Reboot using the current firmware and configuration
This example reboots the device and uses the current firmware and configuration stored in flash ROM.
#> boot action=reset
Reboot using firmware from a boot host
This example loads the firmware stored on the TFTP host into flash ROM. A reboot is required to use the new firmware.
#> boot load=
See also
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Command descriptions close


Closes active connect, Rlogin, and Telnet sessions; that is, sessions opened by “connect,” “rlogin,” or “telnet” commands.
The “close” command is associated with the sessions displayed by the“status” command.
A “close” command issued without any options closes the current connection.
To issue the “close” command, you must first escape the active session. Do this by pressing the escape key defined for your session type. The following table lists default escape keys.
Session Type Default Escape Keys
Connect Ctrl+[+Enter
Rlogin ~+Enter
Telnet Ctrl+]+Enter
For ConnectPort LTS, use the command “z suspend telnet” to escape the active Telnet session instead of “e exit telnet”. Using the latter command to exit the Telnet session causes the session to be closed automatically and there will be no session to close using “close” command. See the "telnet” command description for details on connecting and closing Telnet connections.
close [{*|
Options *
Closes all active sessions.
connection number
Identifies the session to close by its session number.
Close a session identified by number
#> close 1
Close the current session
#> close
Close all active sessions
#> close *
connection number
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Command descriptions close
See also
n kill: The kill command has a broader effect than close, and lets you kill connections from the
global list. That is, it is not limited to sessions associated with the current connection.
n status for information on displaying status information on active sessions.
n connect
n rlogin
n telnet
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Command descriptions connect


Used to make a connection, or establish a session, with a serial port.
Required permissions
For products with two or more users, permissions must be set to “set permissions connect=execute” to use this command. See "set permissions" for details on setting user permissions for commands.
There are several ways to create and manage connections:
Create a single connection
connect serial port
Create multiple connections
Issue multiple “connect” commands.
Temporarily suspend a connection
Escape the active session by pressing Ctrl [.
Temporarily suspend a connection and return to the command line
serial port
The number of the port on which to establish a connection.
Create a connection to port 1
#> connect 1
See also
n close for information on ending a session.
n reconnect for information on reestablishing a port connection.
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Command descriptions display


Displays status information for the device. The “display” command’s focus is on real-time information. In contrast, the “info” command displays statistical information about a device over time, while the “status” command displays the status of outgoing connections (connections made by “connect,” “rlogin,” or “telnet” commands). Status information that can be displayed includes:
n General product information, including the product name, MAC address, boot, post, and
firmware versions, memory usage, CPU utilization, and uptime, or the amount of time since the
device was last booted.
n Access control status information.
n ARP table information.
n Contents of a port buffer (see also "display buffers").
n Serial modem signals (DTR, RTS, CTS, DSR, DCD).
n Socket status information.
n Current TCP and UDP session and listener information.
n Uptime information only.
n Version information for Boot, firmware, and Digi part numbers for those items.
Required permissions
For products with two or more users, permissions must be set to “set permissions display=execute” to use this command. See "set permissions" for details on setting user permissions for commands.
display {arp|buffers|device|dnsserver|memory|
netdevice|proxyarp|serial|sockets|tcp|udp| uptime|versions|xbee {refresh|clear}}
Displays ARP table entries.
Displays the contents of a port buffer. This option is covered in more detail in "display buffers".
Displays general product information including product name, MAC address, boot, and firmware versions, memory usage, CPU utilization, and uptime. The information displayed by this option is the same as that displayed by the “info device” command (see "info")
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Command descriptions display
Displays DNS server information.
Displays memory usage.
Displays the active interfaces on the system, for example, PPP and Ethernet interfaces, and their status, such as “Closed” or “Connected.”
Displays Proxy ARP table entries.
Displays serial modem signals (DTR, RTS, CTS, DSR, DCD).
Displays information about how socket resources are being used by the system.
Displays active TCP sessions and active TCP listeners. To display more TCP-related statistics, such as number of input and output bytes transmitted, issue an “info tcp” command (see "info").
Displays current UDP listeners. To display more UDP-related statistics, such as number of input and output bytes transmitted, issue an “info udp” command (see "info").
Displays amount of time since the device was booted.
Displays boot firmware version information.
xbee {refresh|clear}
Displays or refreshes device information of XBee module on the network. For products with two or more users, permissions must be set to “set permissions s-xbee = read” to user this command. See "set permissions" for details on setting user permissions for commands.
Display device information
Refresh the information of XBee devices on the network
Remove current network information of XBee devices and refresh the information of XBee devices on the network again.
#> display device device information:
product : ConnectPort LTS 32 MEI W mac address #1 : 00:40:9D:CC:CC:C6 mac address #2 : 00:40:9D:56:47:39 firmware version : N/A bios version : N/Acpu utilization : 1 % uptime : 2 hours 51 seconds
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Command descriptions display
total memory : 255944 used memory : 40760 free memory : 215184
See also
n info
n show
n status
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Command descriptions display buffers

display buffers

Displays the contents of a port buffer, or transfers the contents of a port buffer to a server running Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). Port buffering is enabled by the “set buffer” command (see "set buffer"). Contents are displayed in log form.
Required permissions
For products with two or more users, permissions must be set to one of the following:
n For a user to display the contents of a port buffer for the line on which they are logged in: “set
permissions buffers=r-self” or higher.
n For a user to display the contents of a port buffer for any line: “set permissions buffers=read”
or higher.
See "set permissions" for details on setting user permissions for commands.
display buffers [port=
The port or ports to which the command applies. Optional on a single-port device.
The number of lines of data to display at a time when the “screen” option is specified. Use 0 to indicate continuous flow.
The total number of lines in the buffer to be displayed. The number is calculated from the end of the buffer counting back.
] [lines= [tftp=
The IP address or DNS name of a server running TFTP to which buffer information should be transferred.
The name to use for the file that will be transferred to the TFTP server. If the “port” option specifies more than one port, one file will be transferred for each port. The filename for each port will be “filename_n,” where n is the port number.
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Command descriptions display buffers
Display port buffering information on the screen
#> display buffers port=2 screen lines=32 tail=30
Output buffering information to a TFTP server
#> display buffers port=2 tftp=
Output multi-port buffering information to a TFTP server
#> display buffers port=2-3 tftp=
Note Port 2 buffering information goes to file port_output_2 and port 3 buffering
information goes to file port_output_3.
See also
set buffer
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Command descriptions exit


Terminates the current session.
#> exit
See also
quit: The “quit” and “exit” commands perform the same operation.
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
Command descriptions help and ?

help and ?

Displays help about a specific command.
help [command]
#> help boot
#> boot?
#> help set serial
#> set serial?
See also
Displaying online help
ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference
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