Digi E230 User Manual

Lot 10, Jalan Delima 1/1, Subang Hi-Tech Industrial Park 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Enquiries: 016 299 3333 / 1 800 68 3333 or digi.com.my
DiGi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd201283-M
Hardware Manual
Broadband E230 HSPA USB Modem
Q : When I click on the ‘Connect’ button in the Connection Manager, the message ‘Modem not found’ appears. What should I do?
A : Your PC could not detect your modem or could not recognise the modem’s driver. Please remove and re-plug the modem into the USB port.
Q : I have set the modem tools to WCDMA only signal, but why am I getting only EDGE /GPRS coverage/speed?
A : Do take note that your area may not be covered by our 3G network at the moment. Please check the coverage map @
Q : After I plug in the modem, it fails to prompt me to perform the Connection Manager installation. What should I do?
A : Go to My Computer > DiGi Internet drive and locate the ‘Setup.exe’ file. Double-click it and it should launch the installation process.
Q : The modem’s Connection Manager has been installed, but not the drivers. What should I do?
A : Remove the modem from the USB slot and re-plug it in the same slot, or another USB slot.
Q : I am unable to find any new devices in the device manager after the Connection Manager has been installed. What should I do?
A : Please perform the following:
1. Uninstall the ‘Mass Storage device’ from ‘Device Manager’.
2. Reinstall the modem’s software.
Q : Even after successful installation, the Connection Manager does not auto-run. What should I do?
A : This occurs with the Windows 2000 operating system which does not support ‘hot plug-in’. You can double-click the DiGi Internet icon on the desktop to launch the Connection Manager.
Copyright © 2009 DiGi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd
All Rights Reserved
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of DiGi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd and Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute the warranty of any kind, expressed or implied.
Table of Contents
Getting to Know the E230............................................................................. 1
Requirements for the PC...............................................................................
Preparing the E230........................................................................................ 3
Installation Guide.......................................................................................... 5
Safety Information......................................................................................... 8
Q : I can’t get connected. What should I do?
A : Please check the following:
1. Please make sure the modem is connected properly (Signal bars appear on the signal strength icon).
2. Access Point Name (APN) is set to
[Tools > Options > Profile
3. Dial-up number should be
[Tools > Options > Profile Management]
Broadband Customer Service at 016 299 3333 or 1 800 68 3333 check if your subscription is active.
Q : I am experiencing slow Internet browsing speed. It takes ages for each page to load.
A : Slow connection speed can be attributed to a few factors:
1. Check the network signal strength. If the connection is poor (2 bars or less), you may be in a low coverage location. Try moving around to see if you are able to receive better coverage.
2. Check the network type (GPRS/EDGE / UMTS/ HSDPA /HSPA/WCDMA)? Please check the network status at the bottom of the Connection Manager.
3. Set the network settings in the modem tools to WCDMA only signal.
[Tools > Options > Network]
4. Are you using any P2P application? If yes, do turn it off as the P2P application may consume all the available bandwidth.
Q : I am connected, but I can’t browse or connect to my Messenger.
A : 1. Go to your Internet Explorer > Tools > Internet Options > Connection > LAN Settings and uncheck the Proxy Server settings.
2. If it is already unchecked, disconnect and reconnect the Internet connection again.
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Thank you for purchasing the Broadband E230 HSPA USB Modem.
This manual briefly outlines the preparation, process for installing/uninstalling,
and safety precautions for using the Broadband E230 HSPA USB Modem (hereinafter referred to as the E230).
• You are recommended to read the manual before using the E230.
• The signal strength and the transmission rate are affected by the actual environment. The electromagnetic waves emitted from the PC may interfere with wireless signals. When the signal is weak or the transmission rate is low, you are recommended to use the long USB cable provided with the E230 and change the position of the E230 to receive stronger signals.
Getting to Know the E230
The following figures show the appearance of the E230. The actual product may differ.
DiGi Internet Troubleshooting Guide
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Q : How do I know that I am connected via the DiGi 3G connection?
A : Please refer to the signal bar icon at the bottom left of the Connection Manager window. It indicates whether it is connected to a GPRS, EDGE or UMTS/WCDMA/HSDPA network.
Q : Can I unplug the modem without first removing it from the operating system menu?
A : The modem supports hot plug-in/unplug, however we would recommend that you remove the device via the operating system first.
1. Indicator
Indicates the status of the E230
2. Micro SD card slot
Holds the Micro SD card.
3. Mini-USB interface
You can connect the mini-USB connector of the data cable to the mini-USB interface.
4. USIM/SIM card slot
Holds the USIM/SIM card
Colour Status Definition
Green Blinking (twice every 3s) The E230 is powered on
Green Blinking (once every 3s) The E230 is registered to a GPRS
Blue Blinking (once every 3s) The E230 is registered to the
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