Digi DC-788 Operation Manual

Operation Manual for DC-788
Prepared : 8 July 2003 1st Amendment : : 11 November 2004
1. General Layout..................................................................................................................4
2. Purpose..............................................................................................................................
3. Features..............................................................................................................................
4. Operating Conditions ........................................................................................................
5. Charging Conditions (for Rechargeable battery only)......................................................
7. Display and Indicators.......................................................................................................
7.1. Display Specifications..................................................................................................................... 6
7.2. Indicators......................................................................................................................................... 6
8. Dimensions........................................................................................................................ 6
9. External Connectors ..........................................................................................................
10. Main Components ...........................................................................................................
11. Existing parts to be used..................................................................................................
12. Keysheet Layout..............................................................................................................
13. Key Functions..................................................................................................................
14. Notable differences from current Teraoka scales: ..........................................................
15. Block Diagram of Electrical Connection........................................................................
16. Physical layout of Electrical Connection......................................................................
17. Hardware Description....................................................................................................
17.1. Microcomputer............................................................................................................................ 11
17.2. Pin Assignment......................................................................................................... 11
18. Maintenance Mode........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
18.1. SPAN Adjustment........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
18.2. Escape from Maintenance mode..................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
18.3. Specification Setting....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
18.3.1. Specification Enter (141).................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
18.3.2. Specification Enter (142).................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
18.4. Internal Count & A/D Count Display..........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
18.5. Operational Specification List .....................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
19. Operations In Weighing Mode......................................................................................13
19.1. ON/OFF ...................................................................................................................................... 13
19.2. Tare Subtraction.......................................................................................................................... 13
19.2.1. One Touch Tare Subtraction ...........................................................................................................13
19.2.2. Digital Tare Subtraction..................................................................................................................
19.3. Unit Weight Entry Operation...................................................................................................... 13
19.3.1. By Sampling....................................................................................................................................13
19.3.2. Digital Unit Weight Operation........................................................................................................
19.4. Insufficient Sampling Weight Operation.................................................................................... 14
19.4.1. Add Samples ...................................................................................................................................14
19.4.2. Adopt Suggestion............................................................................................................................
19.4.3. Ignore Suggestion............................................................................................................................
19.5. Parts Counting Operation............................................................................................................ 15
19.5.1. Single Counting Operation..............................................................................................................15
19.5.3. Negative Counting Function ...........................................................................................................
19.6. Net/Gross Operation ................................................................................................................... 16
19.7. Item Code Call Up......................................................................................................................
19.7.1. Recall Numeric Item Code..............................................................................................................17
19.7.2. Recall Alphanumeric Item Code.....................................................................................................
Memory Field of Item Code........................................................................................................................
20. Operations In Program Mode........................................................................................ 18
20.1. Program Item Code..................................................................................................................... 18
20.2. Delete Item Code in Memory...................................................................................................... 19
20.2.1. Delete a Certain Item Code.............................................................................................................19
20.2.2. Delete all Item Code........................................................................................................................
20.2.3. Delete all Inventory Value from Memory.......................................................................................
20.2.4. Delete all Unit Weight Value from Memory...................................................................................
20.2.5. Delete all Tare Weight Value from Memory ..................................................................................
20.2.6. Delete all Parts Numbers from Memory .........................................................................................
20.2.7. Delete all Setpoint Data from Memory...........................................................................................
20.2.8. Delete all Parts Name from Memory ..............................................................................................
20.2.9. Reset Sequence Number to 0...........................................................................................................
20.3. Review Item Code....................................................................................................................... 21
20.4. Program Setpoint to Operate all Items........................................................................................ 21
20.5. Date and Time............................................................................................................................. 21
1. General Layout
2. Purpose
To develop a low cost LCD display counting scale which caters to OIML, UL, EU Standard and meets requirement of major customers.
3. Features
* Low cost counting scale. * Quick response to weight changes. * Capacity : 500g; 1kg; 2.5kg; 5kg; 10kg; 25kg; 50kg * Resolution : Display Resolution 1/10,000. Internal Resolution 1/1000,000. * Rechargeable Battery backup for 24 hours of continuous usage (optional). * Intelligent power control
A. When AC power is available, scale will use AC power only whatever rechargeable battery is installed or not. When AC power is shut off, scale will use battery automatically.
B. When scale works on rechargeable battery, if the battery is weak, the battery indictor will light up. When the power from battery becomes low such that the scale can not compute accurately, all Displays will shut off except the Battery indicator. The power is then shut off completely after 1 minute.
C. Scale detects rechargeable battery voltage and control battery charge process automatically. The battery charge indicator lights up when rechargeable battery is being charged. * Calibration by software. * Water proof keyboard and splash proof housing. * 24 switch keys
- ON/OFF key.
- 10 Numeric keys.
- 13 Operational keys. * Large platter : 340 x 243 mm. * Plastic housing. * 25 digits with 19 segments Back-light LCD Operat o r di spl ay s . * RS-232C interface for data communication and printer connection.
- Gross Weight, Tare Weight, Net Weight, Unit Weight, Count, PLU code, Product Description, Product Lot No.,
Accumulated count. * Two scale channels, one for built-in platform, another for remote platform. * External printer connectible (RS-232C)
- Label printer : DIGI GP-460R
- Bar code printer : ZEBRA LP-2844
- Receipt printer :EPSON TM-U200 * 100 PLU, each PLU consists of Unit Weight, Tare Weight, Product Description(32 characters), Product Lot No. (32 characters), Set point(Hi/OK/Low).
4. Operating Conditions
* Power Source : AC 240/230/220V, 117/100V. : DC 6V 5Ah rechargeable battery (optional). * Operating Temperature : -10 ~ +40 (OIML). * Operating Humidity : 15 ~ 85% RH. * Power Consumption : 18W when using AC power. : 1W when using rechargeable battery.
5. Charging Conditions (for Rechargeable battery only)
* Power Source : AC 240/230/220V, 117/100V. * Charge Current : 800 mA. * Charge Time : 8 - 10 hours.
6. Analog Specification
* Input sensitivity : 1mV/V. * Zero adjust range : 0 ± 5mV. * Zero balance range : 0 ± 0.5mV. * L/C applied voltage : DC 5V. * Speed of A/D conversion : 30 times/sec. * Internal Resolution : 1000,000.
7. Display and Indicators
Type A(Standard type with NET/GROSS shift function)
Type B(Special type with kg/lb shift function)
Type B(Special type with WT/100 or APW function)
7.1. Display Specifications
* Tare Weight Display : 5 digits. * Weight Display : 5 digits . * Unit Weight Display : 5 digits. * Quantity Display : 7 digits.
7.2. Indicators
* ZERO : On when zero point is adjusted and weight is stable. * NET : On when tare subtraction is performed.
* kg : On when th e item is weigh ed in kg unit with [kg/lb] key pressed.(type B version only) * lb : On when the item is weighed in lb unit with [kg/lb] key pressed. (type B version only)
* INSUFF : On when the net weight is below a specific percentage of capacity weight. * GROSS : On when [Gross/Net] key is pressed. (type A version only) *SCALE1 : On when the scale 1 is in use. *SCALE2 : On when the scale 2 is in use. * RECOMP : On when unit weight recomputing is enable.
* PROG : On when in the programming mode. * WT/1000 : On when the display unit weight is 1000PCS base. (type B version only) * APW : On when the display unit weight is one PCS base. (type B versio n only )
* Σ : On when quantity is accumulating. *OUT : On when remove a quantity of parts to item inventory. *IN : On when add a quantity of parts to item inventory. * BATT : On when Battery is weak and needs to charge (only for rechargeable battery type). * CHARGE : On when Battery is charging (only for rechargeable battery type)..
8. Dimensions
* Platter size : 340 x 243 mm. * Overall size : 354 x 349 x 115 mm.
9. External Connectors
* AC receptacle. * RS-232C interface. * 14 pin femal amphenol for external loadcell
10. Main Components
* Microcomputer : Hitachi HD64F73687(56K Flash) / HD64F3684(32K Flash) / HD6433687(56K ROM) / HD6433686(48K ROM) ./ HD6433685(40K ROM) / HD6433684(32K ROM) / HD6433683(23K ROM) * Crystal Oscillator : 10 MHz. * Display device : Back-light LCD. * Loadcell :
Sensitivity 1~3mV/V
11. Existing parts to be used
* P type Loadcell (DS-788). * Back-ligntLCD(SM-100). * Housing and Mechanical Blocks (DS-788).
12. Capacity/Minimum Graduation/Tare range
Capacity Minimum Graduation Tare Rang
500g 0.1g (1e = 200IR) 0 - 249.9g 1kg 0.2g (1e = 200IR) 0 - 0.4998kg
2.5kg 0.5g (1e = 200IR) 0 - 0.9995kg 5kg 1g (1e = 200IR) 0 - 0.999kg
10kg 2g (1e = 200IR) 0 - 9.998kg 25kg 5g (1e = 200IR) 0 - 9.995kg
1lb 0.0001 lb (1e = 100IR) 0 - 0.4999 lb
2 lb 0.0002 lb (1e = 100IR) 0 - 0.9998 lb
5 lb 0.0005 lb (1e = 100IR) 0 - 0.9995 lb
10 lb 0.001 lb (1e = 100IR) 0 - 9.999 lb 20 lb 0.002 lb (1e = 100IR) 0 - 9.998 lb 50 lb 0.005 lb (1e = 100IR) 0 - 9.995 lb
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