About This Manual ................................................................................................................................... 1
This manual contains operating procedures for the DC-782 counting scale and provides the user with all the
information necessary for setup and operation. It is organized based on the procedures you will likely follow
when setting up and using your counting scale. This manual applies to Version 1.006 of the DC-782 counting
scale series.
Some procedures described in this manual require work inside the scale base. These procedures are to
be performed by qualified ser
Authorized distributors and their employees can view or download this manual from the
DIGI distributor site at www.ricelake.com.
vice personnel only.
The DC-782 is a low cost counting scale that offers practical solutions for a full range of counting applications.
Its counting resolution of 1/500,000 gives you maximum counting precision and accuracy. Its backlit LCD
display enables operators to easily see weights and quantities. The DC-782 can also store an item code, tare
weight, unit weight, and setpoint value for 25 of your pieces, parts, or items and recall 10 of them with the
pressing of a single preprogrammed key. The RS-232 output allows you to transmit data from the scale to a PC.
When portability is required, choose the battery operation opt ion of the DC-782 for over 300 ho urs of continuo us
use in mobile workstations, outdoor applications, and rental fleets. The DC-782 is rugged enough to operate
reliably in many environments and withstand transport from one area of the plant to another or from one business
to the next.
1.1Capacities and Resolutions
Table 1-1 lists the scale capacities, minimum graduations, and tare ranges for all models of the DC-782 counting
scales. The display resolution is 1/6,000 with an internal or
Part No.Capacity
1082486 lb x 0.001 lb
10824915 lb x 0.002 lb
10825030 lb x 0.005 lb
10825160 lb x 0.01 lb
Table 1-1. DC-782 Capacities and Resolutions
counting resolution of 1/500,000.
1.2Modes of Operation
The DC-782 has three modes of operation:
•Weighing Mode – where all weighing, counting and outputting of data operations take
•Programming Mode –where item data can be programmed into the
will show ProG to indicate that you are the Programming Mode.
•Maintenance Mode -where your DIGI dealer can set specific
other maintenance functions.
memory of the scale. The display
ations, perform scale calibration and
1.3Keyboard and Display
Figure 1-1 shows the DC-782 console with its indicator lamps, the function keyboard and the numeric keypad.
Annunciators are described in Section 1.3.2. Section 1.3.3 describes the DC-782 keyboard and keypad.
Figure 1-1. DC-782 Display
1.3.1Display Specifications
Weight display5 digits
Unit weight display5 digits
Quantity display6 digits
Table 1-2. DC-782 Display Specifications
1.3.2Indicator Lamps
Table 1-3 shows a list of the indicator lamps that the DC-782 uses to provide additional information about the
value being displayed. The indicator lamps are illuminated when t
he specific function is being performed.
Indicator LampFunction or Meaning
On when the gross weight is zero and is stable
On when the display shows net weight (when a tare weight is entered or recalled and subtracted)
On when the GROSS/NET key has been pressed and gross weight is being shown
On when unit weight recomputing is enabled
On when the net weight is below the specified percentage of scale capacity
On when carrying out accumulation and subtraction
Battery warning when weak and needs charging (blinks while charging)
Table 1-3. DC-782 Indicator Lamps and Function
2DC-782 Operation Manual
1.3.3Key Functions
The DC-782 features many functions for managing inventory information and scale operation. Figure 1-2 shows
the key-sheet and Table 1-4 lists the keys and key functions of the DC-782 keyboard.
Figure 1-2. Key Sheet Layout
Some keys have different functions depending on what mode or function you are in.
ON/OFF -Turns the scale display on or off
Numeric keys -Used to enter numeric values. When using the scale, first enter a numeric
value, then press the appropriate function key.
DECIMAL key - Used to set the decimal point.
CLEAR key.
Weighing Mode - Used to clear the Unit Weight. Used to return to the weighing display when
doing accumulation.
Programming Mode - Used to delete an Item Code or assoc
codes. Used to Cancel input in programming SPEC codes.
iated value when programming item
Pieces key - Used for computing unit weight by sampling.
TARE key.
Weighing Mode - Used to set or clear the tare value.
Programming Mode - Used to store SPEC changes and escape to the Weighing Mode when
programming specifications.
Maintenance Mode - Used to escape to the W
eighing Mode from the Maintenance Mode.
Weighing Mode -Used to reset the weight display to zero.
- (Minus) key.
Weighing Mode - Used to delete a character entered during operations. Used to subtract a
ity during accumulation. Also prompts outputting data to a PC if one
is connected.
Programming Mode -Used to navigate to the pr
evious specification when programming SPEC
Table 1-4. DC-782 Key Functions
+ (Plus) key.
Weighing Mode -Used to accumulate data. Also prompts outputting of data to a PC if one is
Programming Mode -Used to navigate to the next specification when programming SPEC codes.
MODE key - Used to enter the programming mode from the weighing mode.
UNIT WEIGHT key - Used to set the unit weight from the numeric keypad and display all digits of
the unit weight.
CONFIRM key - Used to confirm the data to be saved or deleted. Also sends the data to the
RS-232C port if the specifications are set to send data.
NET/GROSS key - Used to change the display between net and gross weights.
PRESET keys - Used to set up and recall specific item codes and their associated data
from memory.
Number Key - Used to call up item codes
Table 1-4. DC-782 Key Functions
4DC-782 Operation Manual
This section describes the procedure for the installation and setup of the DC-782 counting scale.
Do not turn scale upside down. Always work with scale on its side! Damage to the load cell can occur if
the scale is turned upside down.
1. Immediately after unpacking, visually inspect the DC-782 counting scale to ensure all components are
included and undamaged. If any were damaged in shipment, notify Rice Lake Weighing Systems and the
shipper immediately.
2. The DC-782 counting scale is carefully packed for protection during shipping. After ope ning the box,
remove all
pieces. The package should include the following:
•DC-782 counting scale
•Stainless steel platter
•AC power cord
•Operation manual
the components. Check the insides of the box carefully to make sure you have all of the
3. Remove the bag protecting the scale and the protecti
4. Seat the stainless steel platter on the platter supports, with the
rubber stops.
5. After ensuring that all parts are present, store the
ve film covering the front panel and platter.
four corner pins inserted into the corner
DC-782 scale box for possible future use.
If the DC-782 counting scale must be returned for modification, calibration or repair, it must be properly packed
with sufficient cushioning materials. Whenever possible, use the original carton when shipping the DC-782.
Damage caused by improper packaging is not covered by the warranty.
2.3Setting Up
Place the scale on a solid, level surface away from fans, breezes, and sources of electrical interference.
Level the scale by turning the four adjustabl
level located on the front of the scale (see Figure 2-1).
NOTE: To ensure a higher degree of scale stability, turn in all four adjustable legs before leveling. Turn out adjustable legs to
level as needed.
e legs located on the bottom of the scale while referencing the bubble
Figure 2-1. Leveling Bubble
2.4Powering Up the DC-782
The DC-782 can be operated either from an AC power source or with a rechargeable battery pack (DC power).
The DC power allows the unit to be completely portable. Instructions for DC operation are contained in
Section 2.4.2.
2.4.1AC Power Source
NOTE: Production units manufactured after February 2011 have a standard power cord.
To power up the DC-782 using the AC power cord:
1. Connect the AC power cord under the scale base as shown in Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2. AC Plug-in Location on Underside of DC-782
2. Plug the AC power cord into a grounded 115 VAC receptacle.
3. Press the ON
display’s segments. How thorough the segment check is depends on the setting of SPEC 20, Bit 2. The
default is 0: Fast (For further instructions on how to set the scale’s specifications, see Section 3.2.1):
•If SPEC 20, Bit 2 is set to 0: Fast, the scale display
seconds. It then displays 888’s again followed by a blank display for another 1.5 seconds before
going into the normal weighing mode.
6DC-782 Operation Manual
•If SPEC 20, Bit 2 is set to 1: Standard, the scale’
numeral from 0 to 9, asterisks, decimal points and annunciators before going into the normal
weighing mode.
/OFF key located on the front of the scale. The scale will run through a check of the LCD
’s 888’s for 1.5 seconds, then blanks for 1.5
s display will test the LCD segments for each
4. Once the scale is on, the time interval before the scale will automatically power itself off, if there no key
is pressed and no weight is placed on the platter, is determined by SPEC 00- Auto Power-Off Function.
The default is 0000: Disabled. (For further instructions on how to set the scale’s specifications, see
Section 3.2.1)
2.4.2DC Battery Pack Replacement/Installation
An optional DC battery pack (PN 108516) for the DC-782 is available and can be purchased from RLWS to ship
with the scale or retrofit in the field. The rechargeable 6V 5.0 AH battery pack allows for up to 300 hours of
scale use without an AC power supply (with the backlight off). It is located in the bottom of the scale base. Use
the following procedure to install or replace the battery pack.
1. Unplug the scale from power source.
2. Place scale its left side.
Do not turn the scale upside down. Always work with the scale on its side. Damage to the load cell can
occur if the scale is turned upside down.
3. Unscrew the thumb screw (4 below) holding the battery compartment door (5 below) closed.
4. Unscrew the two screws (3 below) holding on the batte
ry holding bracket (2 below) and remove the
5. If you are removing a battery previously installed, remove the battery from its compartment, then
disconnect the black (-) and red (+) electrical leads from the battery (6 above). If you are installing a new
battery, go to step 6.
6. Attach the red lead to the
negative (-) terminal. Place new DC battery pack in battery compartment.
7. Replace the battery holding bracket (2 above) and fasten it
8. Replace the battery compartment door (5 above) and fa
9. Put the scale back upright on its feet.
10. Press the ON/OFF key located
display’s segments. How thorough the segment check is depends on the setting of SPEC 20, Bit 2. The
default is 0: Fast (For further instructions on how to set the scale’s specifications, see Section 3.2.1):
•If SPEC 20, Bit 2 is set to 0: Fast, the scale display
seconds. It then displays 888’s again followed by a blank display for another 1.5 seconds before
Figure 2-3. Installing the Battery
positive (+) terminal of the new DC battery pack, and the black lead to the
with its two screws (3 above).
sten it with its thumb screw (4 above).
on the front of the scale. The scale will run through a check of the LCD
’s 888’s for 1.5 seconds, then blanks for 1.5
going into the normal weighing mode.
•If SPEC 20, Bit 2 is set to 1: Standard, the scale’
s display will test the LCD segments for each
numeral from 0 to 9, asterisks, decimal points and annunciators before going into the normal
weighing mode.
2.4.3Battery Charging
A fully charged battery allows for approximately 300 hours of continuous use (with the backlight off). When the
battery is low the battery indicator light will light up. It will take approximately 12-14 hours to fully recharge a
battery that has been completely dissipated. To charge the battery, plug in the AC power cord.
2.4.4Start-Up Screens
1. If SPEC 20, Bit 3 - Version Display When Power On is set to 0: Allow, the scale will display the current
version of the firmware it is using as it powers up (For further instructions on how to set the
specifications, see Section 3.2.1).
2. After a test of the different elements of the display
, the scale takes you to the stand-by screen in the
Weighing Mode. SPEC 20, Bit 2 - Selection of Segment-Check Style controls whether the startup test of
the segments is Fast or Standard. At the stand-by screen the
displays show zeroes.
From this stand-by screen all of the basic weighing, c
3. If there is anything on the platform(s)
and it exceeds the scale start range, the display will show the error
ounting and inventory operations can be performed
message OF indicating “weight overflow”.
Note: The Initial Start Range settings are controlled by SPEC 20, Bit 1. The default setting is 0: ± 10% OF FULL SCALE.
If this error appears, remove the weight from the platform and the scale will continue its startup
8DC-782 Operation Manual
2.5Replacement Parts
The following list contains the part numbers and descriptions of replacement parts available for the DC-782
counting scale.
RLWS Part NumberDescription
108516Rechargeable Battery Pack, 6 V, 5.0AH
108517AC Adapter 110VAC
108518AC Adapter 230VAC
109429Operating Manual
109241Display Overlay
109242Keyboard Underlay
73524Weighing Platter
109243Display Window Overlay 6 lb Capacity
109244Display Window Overlay 15 lb Capacity
109245Display Window Overlay 30 lb Capacity
109246Display Window Overlay 60 lb Capacity
109247Keyboard Overlay
109248Platter Support Bracket
73438Platter Support (Black)
109249Center Support (Black)
109251Hexagonal Nut T3 M6 for Foot
109252Loadcell, 6 lb (3 kg)
109253Loadcell, 15 lb (6 kg)
109254Loadcell, 30 lb (12 kg)
109255Loadcell, 60 lb (30 kg)
109256Main Board
109257A/D Board
109258DC Power Board
Table 2-1. DC-782 Replacement Parts
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