Digi 1002, 1008, 1400, 1800, 1616 Hardware Installation Manual

• FCC Class A
•CE mark
• DOC Class A
•CE mark
Power Requirements
Two external power supplies are available:
• 120 VAC, 60 Hz (U.S., Canada)
• 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz (Universal)
• The SCSI 1032 comes with an internal power supply, 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 25 VA
Power Cord The recommended power cord for North American units is:
UL Listed, CN, detachable type SJT or SVT, 3 conductor, 18 AWG, rated 125 V, 10 A.
CAUTION: To prevent electric shock, do not remove the cover of a SCSI Terminal Server module. There are no user-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified personnel.
Environmental Specifications
Operating Temperature
The units ambient temperature should not exceed 95°F (35°C).
Model and Part Numbers
SCSI Terminal Server
Hardware Installation
The SCSI Terminal Servers provide from two to 32 local serial ports that require no complex network overhead. The ports, which are simple to install and configure, attach externally to the SCSI bus of a UNIX or Windows NT system. The EIA 232 ports can be used for connecting devices such as terminals, modems, and printers.
Installing the SCSI Terminal Server Software
Note: It is best to install the software driver before installing the hard­ware because a SCSI ID number must be determined before installation of the SCSI Terminal Server.
To install the software, follow the installation directions found with the Access Resource CD-ROM.
Installing the SCSI Terminal Server
Caution: The host machine, all of its SCSI peripherals, and any other devices that are be connected to the Digi SCSI Terminal Server must be turned off before installation. Failure to do so may result in damage to the system and its peripherals.
Use the following procedure to install the Digi SCSI Terminal Server on your network.
1. Attach the SCSI Terminal Server to the SCSI bus using the cables included in the package.
2. Push the active termination switch (#1) up if the SCSI Terminal Server is the last device on the SCSI bus. The switch must be down if it is not the end device on the SCSI bus. Note: The associated LED will be on if the switch is up and termina­tion power is available on the SCSI bus.
3. Set the appropriate device ID as determined during the software installation process by properly setting SCSI ID switches 2 to 4. Note: You must use a unique number for each SCSI device on the SCSI bus. Changes made to the SCSI ID switches will only be rec­ognized when the unit is powered up.
Model Height Width Depth
1002/1008 1.2” (3.1 cm) 8.1” (20.6 cm) 5.9” (14.8 cm) 1616 1.2” (3.1 cm) 8.1” (20.6 cm) 11.05” (28.5 cm) 1400/1800 1.1” (2.8 cm) 8.1” (20.6 cm) 5.5” (14.1 cm) 1610 1.2” (3.1 cm) 11.5” (29.3 cm) 5.4” (13.8 cm) 1032 1.8” (4.5 cm) 15.1” (38.4 cm) 7.6” (19.2 cm)
Model Unit Weight Shipping Weight
STS 1002/1008 1.2 lbs (0.6 kg) 4.2 lbs (1.8 kg) STS 1400/1800 1.0 lbs (0.5 kg) 4.0 lbs (1.8 kg) STS 1616 2.1 lbs (1.0 kg) 5.1 lbs (2.3 kg) STS 1032 3.3 lbs (1.5 kg) 6.3 lbs (2.9 kg)
Model Number Part Number
SCSI Terminal Server 1002 70001448 SCSI Terminal Server 1008 70001450 SCSI Terminal Server 1032 70001435 SCSI Terminal Server 1400 70001436 SCSI Terminal Server 1610 70001437 SCSI Terminal Server 1616 70001438 SCSI Terminal Server 1800 70001440
4. Attach the cables from the peripheral devices to the SCSI Terminal Server.
5. Connect the power supply and/or power cord to an AC outlet.
6. Power up the network server and its peripherals.
7. Check to see that the SCSI Terminal Server is operating correctly. Note: See the Troubleshooting section below for common installa­tion problems.
Rack Mount Installation
For the SCSI Terminal Server 1032, a rack mount kit is included. The rack mount brackets may be installed at either the front or rear of the unit.
To install each bracket, do the following:
1. Remove the two screws on the side of the cabinet. CAUTION: To prevent electric shock, do not remove the module
cover. There are no user-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.
2. Align the holes of the bracket with the vacated holes in the cabinet. Use the screws to fasten the bracket to the cabinet.
Rack Mount Considerations
When doing a rack mount installation consider the following:
Cumulative power requirements of the unit and other equipment installed in the rack. Do not overload rack supply circuits.
Safety and stability. Always stack the rack from bottom up to ensure a stable and safe rack.
Air flow in the rack. Make sure the units ambient temperature does not exceed 95°F (35°C).
Grounding. Earth ground the unit reliably to the rack system. The earth ground connection must be maintained when the supply con­nection is other than a direct connection to the branch circuit.
EIA - 232 Connectors
Many EIA-232 serial devices implement their serial ports with DB-25 connectors. The SCSI Terminal Server units have serial ports imple­mented with 8-pin RJ-45 modular jacks, with each signal using EIA-232 voltage levels. The figures below shows the pinouts of all these connector types Note: The SCSI Terminal Server RJ-45 pin configuration is different from the configuration of the RJ-45 connectors used on other Digi prod­ucts. RJ-45 cables designed for other Digi products must not be used
with Digi SCSI Terminal Server.
EIA-232 DTE and DCE Pinouts
If the SCSI Terminal Server does not operate properly, check the list below for some common installation problems
The most frequent problem is duplicate SCSI ID numbers. The SCSI adapter card is usually set to #7. Make sure the SCSI Terminal Server module ID number is not conflicting with that number.
Check the cable to see that it is properly inserted and is completely seated. The pins in the SCSI cable are delicate and can be easily bent if not inserted carefully. It might be necessary to disconnect the cable to inspect for bent pins.
Inspect the power cord to verify it is inserted completely and the power is turned on.
Software License Agreement
LICENSE. Digi grants to you only a non-assignable, nonexclusive and non-transferable license to use the software contained on this media (her ei n after Digi Software) subject to the terms and conditions of this Software License Agreement. Your use will be limited to an object code version of the Digi Software. Your use of the Digi Software will be limited to one computer. The license will commence on the day you receive the Digi Software and will continue until this license is terminated by its own terms and condi­tions. You may make one copy of the Digi Software, but only for archival or backup purposes, and if you do make that additional copy, you agree to reproduce all copyright and other proprietary rights notices that appear on the Digi Software. You are granted only a limited license to use the Digi Software, and Digi retains all right, title, interest and ownership in and to the Digi Software, which includes all rights arising under the patent, copyright, trade secret or trademark laws of the United St ates or any foreign jurisdiction. CONFIDENTIALITY
. You unders t and and agree that the Digi Software contains valuable confidential and trade secret information which is the extremely valuable property of Digi. You agree to expend all necessary efforts to ensure that the Digi Software is not disclosed or made av ailable to any third party or any employee or contractor that doesnt have a need to know. REVERSE ENGINEERING
. Digi warrants only that: (a) the media upon which you receive DIGI Software will be free of defects in material and workmans hip for a period of ninety (90) days from your receipt of the DIGI Software; and (b) that if the DIGI Software is supplied to you electronically, and there is an error in trans­mission, and you inform us of that error within ninety days of your receipt of the DIGI Software, Digi will re-transmit the Software to you. You understand and agree that except as stated above, the DIGI Software is supplied as is, and Digi expressly disclaims all other warranties, guarantees, or remedies whether express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fit­ness for a particular purpose. LIABILITY LIMITATIONS
. Under no circumstances will Digi or any of its distributors or suppliers be liable for loss of data, re procu reme nt co sts, lost re ven ue o r pro fi ts or a ny oth er sp eci al, inci den tal or co ns e­quential damages, even if those damages were foreseeable or you have informed Digi of a potential liabil­ity. Digis total liability to you for damages for any reason shall not exceed the price actually paid to Digi by you for the product associated wit h th e Software. TITLE AND OWNERSHIP
. You acknowledge and agree that Digi retains all right, title and interest in and to the Software. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Digi against any loss suffered or expenditure made by Digi arising from an assertion of an interest in or title to the Digi Software by you and against any breach by you of any copyright , patent rights, or any other rights in the Digi Software. TERMINATION
. You acknowle dge and agree that Digi may terminate your license and use of the Digi Software without notice if, at any time, you fail to comply with a material term or condition of this Soft­ware License Agreement. Immediately upon termination of this license, you will return all copies of the Digi Software to Digi, together with all documentation, modifications and enhancements thereto, or at Digis request, destroy all copies of the Digi Software documenta t ion, modifications and enhancements in your possession. You understand and agree that in the event of termination, Digi may use computer hard­ware, software or other methods to render the Digi Software inoperable. ASSIGNMENT
. You may not assign this license without the prior written consent of Digi. Digi may assign the Digi Software to any third party at its discretion, but will provide you with written notice in the event of such assignment. CHOICE OF LAW AND VENUE
. This Software License Agreement shal l be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. Any controversy or claim arising out of or related to this license and/or your us e of th e Dig i So ftware s hal l b e ve nue d in Min nesot a St at e D istr ic t Cour t, Cou nty of Hennepin or the United States Distri ct Court for the District of Minnesota. MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT
. Any software maintenance or support services provided to you by Digi, are provided at Digi’s discretion, and Digi reserves the right to di scontinue and/or commence charg- ing fees for maintenance or support services at any time. YOU ALSO UNDERSTAND AGREE THAT ANY MAINTENANCE OR SUPPORT SERVICES PROVIDED TO YOU BY DIGI ARE PROVIDED AS IS, AND DIGI MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THOSE SERVICES.
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Digi, Digi Internation al , t he Di gi log o, Re alPo r t an d Por tS er ver ar e trade ma rk s or reg ist e red tr ade mark s of Digi International Inc. in the Unite d States and other countries. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered t rademarks of their respective holders. This manual is copyrighted material proprietary to Digi International Inc. Copying of this manual without the express written consent of Digi International Inc. is prohibited and will be treated as copyright infringement.
© 2000 Digi International Inc. All Rights Reserved. http://www.digi.com
This manual may contain inaccurate or erroneous information. This manual is subject to change at any time. This manual, including all information contained herein, is provided as is without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warrantees of merchant­ability or fitness for particular purpose. Digi International Inc. makes no representations, warranties, or commitments with regard to any data or information contained in this manual. If you rely on data or information contained in this manual, such reliance is at your own risk.
RJ-45 Pin Signal DB-25 Pin DTE Use DCE Use
1 RTS (out) 4 output input 2 DSR (in) 6 input output 3 DCD (in) 8 input output 4 RxD (in) 3 input output 5 TxD (out) 2 output input 6 SG 7 ground ground 7 DTR (out) 20 output input 8 CTS (in) 5 input output
Ma le D B-25
Female DB-2 5
Pin 1
Pin x
RJ-45 Plug