We congratulate you on the acquisition of your new DIAMOND STAR.
Skillful operation of an airplane increases both safety and the enjoyment of flying. Please
take the time therefore, to familiarize yourself with your new DIAMOND STAR.
This airplane may only be operated in accordance with the procedures and operating
limitations of this Airplane Flight Manual.
Before this airplane is operated for the first time, the pilot must familiarize himself with
the complete contents of this Airplane Flight Manual.
In the event that you have obtained your DIAMOND STAR second-hand, please let us
know your address, so that we can supply you with the publications necessary for the
safe operation of your airplane.
This document is protected by copyright. All associated rights, in particular those of
translation, reprinting, radio transmission, reproduction by photo-mechanical or similar
means and storing in data processing facilities, in whole or part, are reserved.
N.A. Otto-Strasse 5
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Phone. : +43-2622-26700
Fax: +43-2622-26780
E-Mail: office@diamond-air.at
Page 0 - 0Revision 615-Sep-2004Doc. # 6.01.01-E
DA 40 AFMIntroduction
The content of approved chapters is approved by EASA. All other content is approved%
by DAI under the authority of EASA DOA No. EASA.21J.052 in accordance with Part 21.%
All revisions of this manual, with the exception of -
C Temporary Revisions,
C updates of the modification level (Section 1.1),
C updated mass and balance information (Section 6.3),
C updates of the Equipment Inventory (Section 6.5), and
C updates of the List of Supplements (Section 9.2)
must be recorded in the following table. %
The new or amended text is indicated by a vertical black line at the left hand side of the
revised page, with the revision number and date appearing at the bottom of the page.
If pages are revised which contain information valid for your
particular serial number (modification level of the airplane,
weighing data, Equipment Inventory, List of Supplements),
then this information must be transferred to the new pages
in hand-writing.
Temporary Revisions, if applicable, are inserted into this manual. Temporary Revisions
are used to provide information on systems or equipment until the next 'permanent'
Revision of the Airplane Flight Manual. When a 'permanent' Revision covers a Mandatory
or Optional Design Change Advisory (MÄM or OÄM), then the corresponding Temporary
Revision is superseded. For example: Revision 5 covers OÄM-40-061, therefore the
Temporary Revision TR-OÄM-40-061 is superseded by the 'permanent' Revision 5.
1.8.4 IGNITION CONTROL UNIT .........................1-24
Doc. # 6.01.01-ERev. 801-Dec-2010Page 1 - 1
GeneralDA 40 AFM
This Airplane Flight Manual has been prepared in order to provide pilots and instructors
with all the information required for the safe and efficient operation of the airplane.
The Airplane Flight Manual includes all the data which must be made available to the pilot
according to the JAR-23 requirement. Beyond this, it contains further data and operating
instructions which, in the manufacturer’s opinion, could be of value to the pilot.
This Airplane Flight Manual is valid for all serial numbers. Equipment and modification
level (design details) of the airplane may vary from serial number to serial number.
Therefore, some of the information contained in this manual is applicable depending on
the respective equipment and modification level. The exact equipment of your serial
number is recorded in the Equipment Inventory in Section 6.5. The modification level is
recorded in the following table (as far as necessary for this manual).
RH Emergency WindowMÄM 40-0489 yes9 no
Modified MLG StrutMÄM 40-123/e9 yes9 no
1200 kg Maximum Take-Off Mass%MÄM 40-227%9 yes%9 no%
AutopilotOÄM 40-0619 yes9 no
Tow-Plane OperationOÄM 40-063/b9 yes9 no
Emergency SwitchOÄM 40-0679 yes9 no
Essential BusOÄM 40-0689 yes9 no
Long Range TankOÄM 40-071/b9 yes9 no
Alternate Static ValveOÄM 40-0729 yes9 no
SlickSTART Ignition SystemOÄM 40-0739 yes9 no
MT P-420-10 Governor
%OÄM 40-077%9 yes%9 no%
Operation with Winter KitOÄM 40-0789 yes9 no
Page 1 - 2Rev. 801-Dec-2010Doc. # 6.01.01-E
DA 40 AFMGeneral
Door Locking SystemOÄM 40-0819 yes9 no
NLG SpeedkitOÄM 40-1059 yes9 no
MLG SpeedkitOÄM 40-1069 yes9 no
Essential Tie Relay BypassOÄM 40-1269 yes9 no
Baggage Extension
Baggage Tray*
Winter Baffle Fresh Air InletOÄM 40-1839 yes9 no
Nose Landing Gear Tie-DownOÄM 40-2009 yes9 no
Electrical Rudder Pedal Adjustment%OÄM 40-251%9 yes%9 no%
CO Monitor%OÄM 40-253%9 yes%9 no%
Autopilot Static Source%OÄM 40-267%9 yes%9 no%
Tall Main Landing Gear%OÄM 40-283%9 yes%9 no%
ELT Artex ME 406 ‘ACE’%OÄM 40-284%9 yes%9 no%
MT P-860-23 Governor%OÄM 40-289%9 yes%9 no%
Emergency Axe%OÄM 40-326%9 yes%9 no%
*For installation of the Baggage Tray the Baggage Extension must be installed.
This Airplane Flight Manual must be kept on board the airplane at all times. Its designated
OÄM 40-163
OÄM 40-164
9 yes
9 yes
9 no
9 no
place is the side bag of the forward left seat.
This Airplane Flight Manual constitutes an FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual for
US registered airplanes in accordance with FAA regulation 14 CFR, Part 21.29.
Doc. # 6.01.01-ERev. 801-Dec-2010Page 1 - 3
GeneralDA 40 AFM
The DA 40 is a single engine airplane. When the operating
limitations and maintenance requirements are complied with,
it has the high degree of reliability which is required by the
certification basis. Nevertheless, an engine failure is not
completely impossible. For this reason, flights during the
night, on top, under instrument meteorological conditions
(IMC), or above terrain which is unsuitable for a landing,
constitute a risk. It is therefore highly recommended to select
flight times and flight routes such that this risk is minimized.
Page 1 - 4Rev. 801-Dec-2010Doc. # 6.01.01-E
DA 40 AFMGeneral
This airplane has been type certified in accordance with the JAA JC/VP procedure. The
certification basis is JAR-23, published on 11-Mar-1994.
Special statements in the Airplane Flight Manual concerning the safety or operation of
the airplane are highlighted by being prefixed by one of the following terms:
means that the non-observation of the corresponding
procedure leads to an immediate or important degradation
in flight safety.
means that the non-observation of the corresponding
procedure leads to a minor or to a more or less long term
degradation in flight safety.
draws the attention to any special item not directly related to
safety but which is important or unusual.
Doc. # 6.01.01-ERev. 801-Dec-2010Page 1 - 5
GeneralDA 40 AFM
Overall Dimensions
Span:appr. 11.94 mappr. 39 ft 2 in
Length:appr. 8.01 mappr. 26 ft 3 in
Height:appr. 1.97 mappr. 6 ft 6 in
Airfoil:Wortmann FX 63-137/20 - W4
Wing Area:appr. 13.54 m²appr. 145.7 sq.ft.
Mean aerodynamic
chord (MAC):appr. 1.121 mappr. 3 ft 8.1 in
Aspect ratio:appr. 10.53
Dihedral:appr. 5°
Leading edge sweep:appr. 1°
Area (total, left + right):appr. 0.654 m²appr. 7.0 sq.ft.
Wing Flaps
Area (total, left + right):appr. 1.56 m²appr. 16.8 sq.ft.
Horizontal Tail
Area:appr. 2.34 m
appr. 25.2 sq.ft.
Elevator area:appr. 0.665 m²appr. 7.2 sq.ft.
Angle of incidence :appr. -3.0° relative to longitudinal axis of airplane
Track:appr. 2.97 mappr. 9 ft 9 in
Wheelbase:appr. 1.68 mappr. 5 ft 6 in
Nose wheel:5.00-5; 6 PR, 120 mph
Main wheel:(a) 6.00-6; 6 PR, 120 mph%
in combination with any MLG strut%
(b) 15 x 6.0-6; 6 PR, 160 mph%
only in combination with the "thin"%
(MÄM 40-123/e) or the "tall" (OÄM 40-283)%
MLG strut%
Doc. # 6.01.01-ERev. 801-Dec-2010Page 1 - 7
GeneralDA 40 AFM
(a) Airspeeds
CAS:Calibrated Airspeed. Indicated airspeed, corrected for installation and
instrument errors. CAS equals TAS at standard atmospheric conditions at MSL.
IAS:Indicated Airspeed as shown on an airspeed indicator.
KCAS:CAS in knots.
KIAS:IAS in knots.
TAS:True Airspeed. The speed of the airpl ane relative to the air. TAS is CAS
corrected for errors due to altitude and temperature.
vA:Maneuvering Speed. Full or abrupt control surface movement is not permissible
above this speed.
vFE:Max. Flaps Extended Speed. This speed must not be exceeded with the given
flap setting.
vNE:Never Exceed Speed in smooth air. This speed must not be exceeded in any
Maximum Structural Cruising Speed. This speed may be exceeded only in
smooth air, and then only with caution.
vS:Stalling Speed, or the minimum continuous speed at which the airplane is still
controllable in the given configuration.
:Stalling Speed, or the minimum continuous speed at which the airplane is still
controllable in the landing configuration.
vx:Best Angle-of-Climb Speed.
vy:Best Rate-of-Climb Speed.
Page 1 - 8Rev. 801-Dec-2010Doc. # 6.01.01-E
DA 40 AFMGeneral
(b) Meteorological Terms
ISA:International Standard Atmosphere. Conditions at which air is
identified as an ideal dry gas. The temperature at mean sea level is
15 EC (59 °F), air pressure at MSL is 1013.25 hPa (29.92 inHg); the
temperature gradient up to the altitude at which the temperature
reaches -56.5 EC (-69.7 °F) is -0.0065 EC/m (-0.00357 °F/ft), and
above this 0 EC/m (0 °F/ft).
MSL:Mean Sea Level.
OAT:Outside Air Temperature.
QNH:Theoretical atmospheric pressure at MSL, calculated from the
elevation of the measuring point above MSL and the actual
atmospheric pressure at the measuring point.
Indicated Pressure Altitude:
Altitude reading with altimeter set to 1013.25 hPa (29.92 inHg).
Pressure Altitude:Altitude above MSL, indicated by a barometric altimeter which is set
to 1013.25 hPa (29.92 inHg). The Pressure Altitude is the Indicated
Pressure Altitude corrected for installation and instrument errors.
In this Airplane Flight Manual altimeter instrument errors are regarded
as zero.
Density Altitude:Altitude in ISA conditions at which the air density is equal to the
current air density.
Wind:The wind speeds which are shown as variables in the diagrams in
this manual should be regarded as headwind or downwind
components of the measured wind.
Doc. # 6.01.01-ERev. 801-Dec-2010Page 1 - 9
GeneralDA 40 AFM
(c) Flight Performance and Flight Planning
Demonstrated Crosswind Component:
The speed of the crosswind component at which adequate
maneuverability for take-off and landing has been demonstrated during
type certification.
MET:Weather, weather advice.
NAV:Navigation, route planning.
(d) Mass and Balance (M&B, W&B)
DP:Datum Plane; an imaginary vertical plane from which all horizontal
distances for center of gravity calculations are measured.
Moment Arm:The horizontal distance from the Datum Plane to the Center of Gravity
of a component.
Moment:The mass of a component multiplied by its moment arm.
CG:Center of Gravity, also called 'center of mass'. Imaginary point in which
the airplane mass is assumed to be concentrated for mass and balance
calculations. Its distance from the Datum Plane is equal to the Center
of Gravity Moment Arm.
Center of Gravity Moment Arm:
The Moment Arm which is obtained if one divides the sum of the individual
moments of the airplane by its total mass.
Center of Gravity Limits:
The Center of Gravity range within which the airplane, at a given mass,
must be operated.
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DA 40 AFMGeneral
Usable Fuel:The quantity of fuel available for flight planning.
Unusable Fuel: The quantity of fuel remaining in the tank which cannot be used for flight.
Empty Mass:The mass of the airplane including unusable fuel, all operating
consumables and the maximum quantity of oil.
Useful Load:The difference between take-off mass and empty mass.
Maximum Take-off Mass:
The maximum permissible mass for take-off.
Maximum Landing Mass:
The highest mass for landing conditions at the maximum descent velocity.
This velocity was used in the strength calculations to determine the
landing gear loads during a particularly hard landing.
(e) Engine
Take-off Power:
Maximum permissible engine output power for take-off.
Maximum Continuous Power:
Maximum permissible engine output power used continuously during
CHT:Cylinder Head Temperature.
EGT:Exhaust Gas Temperature.
Doc. # 6.01.01-ERev. 801-Dec-2010Page 1 - 11
GeneralDA 40 AFM
(f) Designation of the Circuit Breakers on the Instrument Panel
Asymmetric Instrument Panel (Circuit Breakers Right Hand)
ADFAutomatic Direction Finder
AUDIOAudio Panel / Intercom
DMEDistance Measuring Equipment
ESSENTIAL AVIONIC Essential Avionic Bus
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GPS2Global Positioning System #2
NAV/COM1Navigation/Communication #1
NAV/COM2Navigation/Communication #2
STRIKEStrike Finder
INST. 1Engine Instrument VM 1000