DeVillbiss Air Power Company AGXV-540, AGXV-541, AGXV-542, AGXV-543 User Manual

Replaces SB-2-628-J
Repair Kit KK-4992-1
AGXV-540, AGXV-541, AGXV-542 & AGXV-543
IMPORTANT: Before using this equip­ment, read SAFETY PRECAUTIONS starting on page 2.
The AGXV high volume, low pressure spray gun (spray pistol) is used on automatic and semi­automatic machines where mass production spraying is necessary, or hand spraying is not accurate enough. Models and application infor­mation follows. All models are designed to pro­vide maximum transfer efficiency by limiting air
cap pressure to 10 psi (0.7 bar) (in the U.S., this complies with rules issued by SCAQMD and other air quality authorities). Air cap pressure
can be measured with an optional air cap test kit. See "ACCESSORIES" on Page 8.
Model No. HVLP Fluid (Available Typical Air Cap Tip/Needle
Tip Sizes) Applications Used Construction
AGXV-540 Most common 28 or 33A 400 Gr. S/S (E, FF, FX) finishing materials
AGXV-541 High solids (low 46MP or 400 Gr. S/S (D, E, FF, VOC's) coatings 83MP FX) which are difficult
AGXV-542 Waterbornes and 28 or 33A 303 Gr. S/S, (FF, FX) other corrosive Poly.
AGXV-543 Same as AGXV- 46MP 303 Gr. S/S, (FF, FX) 541 except for Poly.
including some waterborne and chlorinated.
to atomize with HVLP, or high flow rates.
materials (below 7pH)
more corrosive ma­terials (below 7pH)
Air Complete *Typical Cap Air Cap Pattern Size Typical No. No. and Shape Application
28 JGHV-101-28 11" (280 mm)
33A JGHV-101-33A 9" (229 mm) (360 cc)
46MP JGHV-101-46MP 11" (280 mm) Low VOC
83MP JGHV-101-83MP 13" (330 mm) Low VOC
* Actual pattern length dependent upon fluid tip (nozzle) ID,
coating material flow rate, air pressure and fan pressure.
long, straight Most com­sided, similar to mon finishing 704 air cap. materials, up
to 12 oz./min.
long, tapered ends, similar to 30 air cap.
long, straight materials, 12 sided, similar to to 16 oz./min. 704 air cap. (360 to
480 cc)
long, straight materials, sided similar to 17 oz./min. 765 air cap. (510 cc) and
Most finishing materials can be atomized with either the 28 or 33A air caps. The 28 or 33A caps should be used where possible as they con­sume less air volume (CFM) and have slightly better transfer efficiency than the 46 MP or 83MP air caps. However, more difficult to atom­ize materials (i.e. low VOC's) or high flow appli­cations over 12 oz./min. (360 cc/min.), are ideal for the 46 MP maximum performer air cap, fluid tip and baffle combination. Also available is the 83MP (maximum performer) for even higher flows 17 oz./min. (510 cc/min.) and above and higher viscosities. Refer to the air cap chart for more information.
This gun may be used with chlorinated solvents. Aluminum is not used in fluid passages. If using chlorinated solvents, make sure all other fluid handling compo­nents are also compatible.
A list of materials used in the construction of this equipment is available upon request.
P1 – Maximum Inlet Pressure – 100 PSI (7 bar) P2 – Maximum Fluid Pressure – 100 psi (7 bar) P3 – Cylinder Air Pressure
– Min. **50 psi (3.5 bar) – Max. 100 psi (7 bar)
Weight without mounting stud – 26 oz. (738 g) Weight with mounting stud – 30.5 oz. (865 g) Mounting stud diameter – 3/4" (19 mm) Wetted Parts – 300 and 400 S/S, Teflon, Poly.
(See Chart 2 for tip/needle information)
Hose Connections –
Fluid Inlet – 3/8" NPS(M) Cylinder Air – 1/4" NPS(M) Atomization Air – 1/4" NPS(M)
For HVLP operation (max. 10 psi, - 0.7 bar cap pressure), do not exceed the air inlet pressure given below.
PSI (bar) Cap No.
57 (4) 83MP 50 (3.4) 46MP 45 (3.1) 33A 38 (2.6) 28
** For installations where 50 psi (3.4 bar) cylinder air is not
available, the inner (red) piston spring can be removed which lowers the minimum cylinder air to approxi­mately 37 psi (2.5 bar). Refer to "OPERATION", Pg. 4
Inch mm
D .086" 2.2 E .070" 1.8 FF .055" 1.4 FX .042" 1.1 G 0.028 .7
PAGE 2 SB-2-628-K
This manual contains important information that ALL users should know and understand BEFORE using the equipment. This information relates to USER SAFETY and PREVENTING EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS. To help you recognize this information, we use the following terms to draw your attention to certain equipment labels and portions of this manual. Pay special attention to any label or information that is highlighted by one of these terms:
Important information to alert you to a situation that might cause serious injury or loss of life if instructions are not followed.
Important information that tells how to prevent damage to equipment.
The following hazards may occur during the normal use of this equipment. Please read the following chart.
Information that you should pay special attention to.
Inhaling Toxic Substances 1. Follow the requirements of the Material Safety Data
Explosion Hazard – Incompatible Materials
Solvents and coatings can be highly flammable or combus­tible, especially when sprayed.
Certain materials may be harm­ful if inhaled, or if there is contact with the skin.
Halogenated hydocarbon sol­vents- for example: methylene chloride and 1,1,1,- Trichloroet­hane are not chemically compat­ible with the aluminum that might be used in many system compo­nents. The chemical reaction caused by these solvents react­ing with aluminum can become violent and lead to an equipment explosion.
1. Adequate exhaust must be provided to keep the air free of accumulations of flammable vapors.
2. Smoking must never be allowed in spray area.
3. Fire extinguishing equipment must be present in the spray area.
4. Static discharges must be prevented. Ground (earth) all conductive objects in the spray area, such as a cleaning solvent bucket, fire extinguisher, etc.
5. When using solvents for cleaning:
•Those used for equipment flushing must have a flash point equal to or greater than that of the coating.
•Those used for general cleaning must have flash points above 100°F (37.8°C).
Sheet supplied by coating material manufacturer.
2. Adequate exhaust must be provided to keep the air free of accumulations of toxic materials.
3. Use a mask or respirator whenever there is a chance of inhaling sprayed materials. The mask must be compat­ible with the material being sprayed and its concentra­tion. Equipment must be as prescribed by an industrial hygienist or safety expert, and be NIOSH approved.
The AGXV spray gun (spray pistol) can be used with these solvents. However, aluminum is widely used in other spray application equipment – such as material pumps, cups, regu­lators, valves, etc. Check all other equipment items before use and make sure they can also be used safely with these solvents. Read the label or data sheet for the material you intend to spray. If in doubt as to whether or not a coating or cleaning material is compatible contact your material sup­plier.
General Safety Improper operation or mainte-
nance may create a hazard.
Operators should be given adequate training in the safe use and maintenance of the equipment (in accordance with the requirements of NFPA-33, Chapter 15 in U.S.). Users must comply with all local and national codes of practice and insurance company requirements governing ventilation, fire precautions, operation, maintenance and housekeeping (in the U.S., these are OSHA Sections 1910.94 and 1910.107 and NFPA-33).
SB-2-628-K PAGE 3
Noise Levels – Ear Injury
Solvent Spray
• All spray guns (spray pistols) project particles at high velocity and must never be aimed at any part of the body.
• Never exceed the recommended safe working pressures for any of the equipment used.
• The fitting of non-recommended or non-original accessories or spare parts may create hazardous conditions.
• Before dismantling the equipment for cleaning or maintenance all pressure, air and materials, must be isolated and released.
The disposal of waste materials must be carried out in an approved manner. Burning may generate toxic fumes. The removal or waste solvents and coating materials should be carried out by an authorized local waste disposal service.
A continuous A-weighted sound pressure level of this spray gun (spray pistol) may exceed 85 dB(A) depending on the air cap/ fluid head setup being used. Sound levels are measured us­ing an impulse sound level meter and analyzer, when the gun is being used in a normal spraying application.
solvents can be forcefully ex­pelled from fluid and air pas­sages. Some solvents can cause eye injury.
Always wear ear protection when using the gun.
Details of actual noise levels produced by the various air cap/ fluid head setups are available upon request.
Wear eye protection.During cleaning and flushing,
Mount the gun with the stud (13) or on a 5/16" dia. rod tightening adequately with the 1/4-28 X 1/4" set screws (Ref. 24). See "ACCES­SORIES" for mounting clamps.
If replacing the atomization air connection (15) with an elbow type connection, be aware of a possible air flow (CFM) limitation. A 1/4" (6.4 mm) I.D. 90° elbow will only pass 20 CFM @ 40 psi (566 l/min. 2.7 bar). Some air caps require more than 20 CFM (566 l/min.). Spray performance could be affected.
Attach the trigger/cylinder air hose and the atomization air hose to the connections as indicated by the markings on the gun body. The air supply should be filtered and regulated. Attach the material hose to the fluid inlet on the gun body. Fluid can be recirculated by installing a fluid fitting (AGX-415) (order separately) at the recircu­lating port. See Caution below.
The fluid inlet and recirculating ports have a tapered seating surface intended for use with the AGX-415 fit­ting. Do not substitute other fittings as fluid leakage will occur.
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