DeVilbiss® iGo™ Transportable
Oxygen Concentrator.
Equipment Guide.
BOC: Living Healthcare

03Transportable Oxygen Concentrator. Equipment Guide.
4 Important Parts
6 Control Panel
7 How to use the iGo™
9 Do’s and Don’ts
10 Power failure/Concentrator breakdown
Electricity refunds
12 Troubleshooting

Transportable Oxygen Concentrator. Equipment Guide.04
The iGo™ concentrator works by drawing in air and separating the oxygen
from the other gases using a filter system. Oxygen is then delivered to you
by tubing which connects to the cannula or facemask for you to breathe.
The iGo™ transportable concentrator is small and lightweight, yet capable
of delivering up to 3 LPM of constant flow oxygen.
An ideal choice for travelling, the iGo™ can be operated from a standard
12 V car charger socket or from its lithium ion battery which will give the
user up to 5.4 hours of usage.
Important Parts.

05Transportable Oxygen Concentrator. Equipment Guide.
Power Input – Connect either AC or DC power
Exhaust Vents (on each side)
Control Panel – Refer to iGo™ Control Panel below
Power Button – Press and hold the Power
On/Off Button to turn your unit on or off
Oxygen Outlet – oxygen is dispersed
through this port
Battery Bay
Communication Port – This port allows
service personnel to diagnose and monitor
iGo™ performance. It is not for patient use.
Battery Contacts
Slot in Battery Bay
Cart Connection
Air Filter
Battery Latch
Rechargeable Battery
Battery Tabs
Rating Label (on bottom)